#whumpee x whumper
valcaira · 8 months
Attention Whump Community!
Clogging disability tags is a massive problem that we need to address. Many tags, especially those surrounding permanent injuries, paralysis, vision loss and certain illnesses have become unusable due to being flooded with unrelated things. Yes, that includes your writing. Those tags are not for you. It's isolating, frustrating and depressing to try finding a community and other people who share your issues but all that comes up is whump, fandom shit, gifs, headcanons, etc.
I'm newly paralyzed. I have looked at many tags surrounding paralysis, trying to find support, a community, anything of people struggling with the same thing. Nothing. There's barely anything for us in the general disabilty tags. I am BEGGING you to understand and recognize how AWFUL it is.
So, I have a proposition. A tag you can and should use exclusively for disability content in whump writing. Not any other tag surrounding disability, lest you'll clog it up.
#disabled whumpee
It's tempting to use more specific tags, I get it. Due to being in the whump community myself I know #medical whump is already a tag. You have those tags. Use them. Don't use the disability tags. Don't clog up the few spaces us disabled people have.
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pendarling · 1 year
Stockholm Syndrome + Whump
Becoming quiet when asked, sitting still, eating and speaking as told to
When Whumpee convinces themselves that they love Whumper and it's for the best
Whumpers who let their Whumpee do anything after begging
“Escape? From what? Everything I need is right here.”
Cooking, cleaning or fulfilling other tasks without being asked
When Whumper feeds into Whumpee’s delusion that they are fine
“You’re safe with me, right? Because you trust me.” “Of course I do.”
Caretaker who tries to explain to Whumpee that they aren’t safe but Whumper acts so innocent and gentle that it makes Caretaker look bad
Whumpees who deny they were kidnapped or forget that part completely
Not being able to remember how life was like without Whumper
“Please, I need you.” “Oh, goodness. I know you do, I know…”
Whumper telling Whumpee false stories and using those times as a reason to ask for favours
Purposely making Whumpee fall sick constantly just to revive them again and overtime Whumpee becomes reliant on them
“Sorry… for always… being a burden…” “You know only I care about you, Whumpee.”
Whumpee feeling more sympathetic for Whumper when they share their (probably fake) backstory with them to get an emotional reaction
Not being able to sleep without Whumper near them
“You’re acting unusual. Less… fighting, more submitting”
Holding, gripping or touching Whumper so they know they aren’t alone
When Whumpee’s Stockholm Syndrome is so bad it gives Whumper Lima Syndrome
Neither Whumpee or Whumper lookout for reports on the news anymore
“You don’t believe a word they say?” “Not even for a minute.” “You must really like my company then, huh?”
Waking up with nightmares of what happened in the past and then being unable to recall what it was about
Forcing Whumpee to become compliant on the notion that somebody else’s life is at risk
Whumpee faking Stockholm syndrome and feeling disgusted at everything they say or do
^^^ Whumper catching them faking it!
^^^ Instead of confronting them they just make Whumpee do a lot of things to humiliate them until they really do give in
Part 2
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
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a-crumb-of-whump · 9 months
Content: Defiant whumpee, threats of torture, manhandling, choking, fear of death.
"Lose the attitude, Whumpee."
"What're you gonna do? Torture me? Make my life a living hell? As far as I'm concerned, you already do both. Not like things can get any worse."
Whumper was fuming. One shaking hand slammed Whumpee's head back into the brick wall behind them while the other pinned their arms above their head, preventing them from moving or trying to shove them away.
"Oh, your living circumstances right now will seem like heaven if you push me far enough," they spat, mere inches from Whumpee's now-frightened face. "Do you want to see how bad things can get? Is that why you're behaving like a spoilt brat?"
"N-no, sir." The name was clearly forced. Whumpee never called them 'sir' unless they were scared for their life. "I'm sorry."
Feeling accomplished, Whumper finally let them go. "Glad we cleared that up."
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jump-in-the-whump · 6 months
Their breathing came in shallow wheezes, while the relentless fever consumed their body, as the chills, alternating with hot flashes, coursed through him. 
With their eyes closed, they could feel even more the sheets uncomfortably clinging to their sweat-soaked body, but they didn’t dare to make a move as every muscle in their body ached.
Their consciousness ebbed and flowed like the tide, but they tried to concentrate on the surrounding sounds: the soft rustling of fabrics, the occasional clink of medical instruments, and the soft hum of a whispered voice. 
“Hey… It’s me, Caretaker… You’re in a bad state, hm? Don’t worry, it’s gonna be alright now.”
It was Caretaker, thank god. They felt a subtle reassurance, a calmness spreading through them as unseen hands moved with practiced care, placing a cool cloth on their fevered brow offering brief relief from the oppressive warmth. 
But there was one thing that didn’t sit right with them. As the Caretaker kept on talking, they resonated through the fog of their fevered mind. And then it clicked. 
That wasn’t Caretaker’s voice.
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montammil · 8 months
Whumper who wouldn't dare hurt a hair on Whumpee's head. No, they love them so much, they'd kill for them without an ounce of hesitation--and they have.
When Whumper accidentally roughs Whumpee up, they're apologizing frantically and cradling them, almost in tears. Even when it's not their fault, they're panicking over their beloved Whumpee.
But just because they wouldn't physically hurt them doesn't mean they won't kidnap them, threaten their loved ones, and keep them locked in the basement.
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whumperofworlds · 28 days
A Whumper who was hurt so much that they don't know what kindness is like.
Then one day, Whumpee shows them that kindness, even for a few seconds.
Whumper fell in love then, wanting to know who Whumpee is and get close to them, even to the point of stalking Whumpee. They learned so much about Whumpee, someone who showed them kindness for the first time.
This culminated with Whumper eventually kidnapping Whumpee, to keep them all to themself.
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unhonest-iago · 3 months
Whumpee who hasn't seen whumper in eons yet can't stand the sound of whistling. The hair on their arms and neck standing up on edge. Feeling the need to run away whenever they hear that awful sound. Always high pitched and taunting. A sarcastic modality. Sent back to a time where it meant the onslaught of pain. Caretaker picks up on it when they feel whumpee's breath hitch in the middle of grocery shopping. Immediately taking their hand...a tether they can hold onto. Whumpee grabs on, wrapping like a boa constrictor around their arm. Caretaker attempts to hurry their way through.
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The shift from fighting a villain to fearing them is so good.
Where once, they looked at him with a distrustful glare, fists raised up, and fire stirring in their chest- now?
They fear him.
He places his hand on their face, strokes the side of it, and they tremble.
He pulls them close, presses them flush against him, and they shake.
He places a hand on their thigh. He rubs the skin there, slowly sliding his hand up higher and higher, and they whimper.
Sometimes he thinks about taking a photo of them, like this. The pathetic, fearful, mewling pet. He has pictures of them from before.
They will never go back to what they were.
And it's glorious.
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jordanstrophe · 1 year
Good day; please leave your whumpees unattended, unsupervised, and in an open place where they're very grabbable. 
Thank you.
-Sincerely, totally not the whumpers.
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whumpasaurus101 · 9 months
“Say that again”
“I….I already s-said it…”
“Oh I know darling, i just want to hear it from that pretty little mouth of yours again.”
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ami-in-whumperland · 27 days
Bad caretakers.
Except, they're not a caretaker at all, they're just the temporary ‘good cop’ whumper who prefers psychological suffering over physical, and so they will gain whumpee's trust and then brutually break them when they become whumpee's comfort person ;)
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generic-whumperz · 4 months
CW: starvation & withholding food, restraints, gag, creepy Whumper
Whumper sits at the kitchen table, feasting on Whumpee’s favorite meal in front of them. Whumpee is bound and gagged on the floor several feet away, glaring at Whumper who’s happily shoveling bite after delicious bite of food in their mouth.
Whumpee is starving.
Whumper crudely moans in ostentatious delight from each mouthful—an obvious effort to provoke their prisoner and further needle their way under their skin like an annoying splinter that only digs itself deeper and deeper with every effort to remove it.
Whumpee can see the swirling heat wafting from Whumper’s take-out container as the mouthwatering aroma causes them to salivate profusely; drool pools around their gag and drips down in long, stringy globs down their shirt.
Their stomach aches from hunger pains, grumbling loudly in drawn-out, obnoxious warbling gurgles. Their primal need for substance is the only thing curbing the embarrassment of their body’s noisy biological functions.
Whumper takes heed of Whumpee’s groaning body, stopping mid-bite to shoot them a playful smirk.
“Want a bite, Whumpee?” Whumper taunts in a harmonic tone before indulging in another mouthful.
They hum in delight, talking as they chew, “Hm, god, this is sooo good. I can see why this is your favorite. Definitely makes my top five. Real hole-in-the-wall place, but goddamn, is this some ta-sty grub. One-way ticket to flavor town, amirite?”
Whumper swallows and then glances down at Whumpee.
“How’s this—I undo that gag, and you get to eat, but only under one condition…”
Whumpee listens eagerly, lightly pulling on their restraints, shifting as much as the rope would allow; the scratchy fibers chafe their irritated, raw skin from days spent tied up.
A wicked smile tugs up the corners of Whumper’s mouth.
“I feed you,” they purr.
Whumpee’s cheeks bloom hot from shame as a knot in their stomach tightens.
They are so hungry.
They need food—however they can get it, the details don't matter.
Whumpee shallowly nods once, their reply an inglorious and dubious ‘yes.’
Whumper lights up in delight from finally coaxing Whumpee to comply with their wishes and eagerly wipes their mouth with a napkin.
“Excellent! I knew it was only a matter of time before you’d give in to me, Whumpee,” Whumper winks.
Whumpee already regrets their forced decision.
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pendarling · 1 year
Can you do some more Stockholm syndrome whump prompts please :)
Thanks! Here's a buncha more!~
More Stockholm Syndrome + Whump
Whumpee is unable to recognise their own face in older photographs or Caretaker
Using names/catch phrases/ actions that only Whumper uses
Whumper asking other Whumpers how to enforce Stockholm syndrome onto their Whumpee
Correcting other people about their situation when they figure out Whumpee was actually captured
Comforting Whumper every time someone accuses them for being evil
"I think you've become crazier than me, Whumpee." "What makes you say that?"
Whumper becoming angry at Whumpee; assuming they're mocking them by acting differently
Forgetting all the old scars and marks came from Whumper
Mistaking Whumper for a Caretaker
Whumpee's body still reacts fearfully (shaking, sweating, rapid pulse etc...) but Whumpee mistakes this for love or strong admiration
Whumper asking Whumpee to escape and Whumpee collapsing, crying, asking what they did wrong to deserve such a punishment
"Don't do this to me, please!--" "Why're you so attached???"
Requesting for a punishment for minor mistakes or when they've gone long periods of time without one
Doing something at the expense of Whumpee's happiness to please Whumper
Whumpee contantly thinking about Whumper until they fall in love with this fake image they've created in their head
Automatically coming up with excuses why Whumper hurts them
"It's okay... I know you didn't mean any of it. You're just sick... that's right... they don't understand like I do."
When Whumper believes they hit Whumpee so hard on the head that they've forgotten who they were
Becoming angry or upset when people call out Whumper for their treatment of Whumpee
"Shut up! What do you know?! Huh??"
Defiant Whumpees who one day became obediant almost overnight
Whumper reiterating their thankfulness to Whumpee for understanding why they hurt them the way they do
Whumper tries to reverse or cure Whumpee of Stockholm syndrome
^^^ Whumper becoming Caretaker
Using Whumpee's Stockholm syndrome to make them convince other whumpees also held captive that Whumper is good
Part 1
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
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a-crumb-of-whump · 28 days
Content: Manipulation, impossible choice, begging.
"Don't make me do this," Whumpee sobbed. "Please. Please, don't make me."
Whumper merely smiled, head tilted slightly as they examined the pitiful creature on their knees. "I'm not making you do anything, my dear. All you have to do is tell me what I need to know and I'll gladly let you go. Simple, isn't it? If you choose to do otherwise, that's your decision."
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jump-in-the-whump · 7 months
They shake their head, coughing. They have trouble even breathing, their fever raging.
"i can't...." They say, their voice strained, their face streaked with tears. "i can't take it anymore...."
A hand softly caresses their head and a voice gently speaks. "Of course you can, it's just a fever... it's gonna go away soon."
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montammil · 6 months
TW: Stalking, yandere whumper, kinda nsfw? really just suggestive, whumpee is just as batshit insane as whumper
Imagine an obsessed Whumper who stalks Whumpee all day.
NOW imagine a Whumpee that enjoys the attention. They tease Whumper while keeping their innocent and unknowing facade, all while Whumper becomes more and more obsessed, their patience and limits being pushed.
It's very amusing to just imagine Whumpee purposefully dressing up in revealing clothing because they know it'll send Whumper wild (and hurt/kill anyone who flirts with them).
Whumpee knowing Whumper breaks into their house at night and going to sleep naked/wearing lingerie on purpose, sometimes making movements that they know Whumper loves.
Whumpee crying when someone (especially their coworker) says something mean to them because they know that person will never be seen again.
They're just happily waiting until Whumper can't take it anymore.
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