#whump reveal
whumpdoyoumean · 6 months
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From Rahul Kohli's Instagram story
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
Ways To Reveal a Character’s Traumatic Past
Dream sequence/nightmare
Flashback/resurfaced memories
Revealed by psychic reading Whumpee’s mind
Found footage/pictures
Someone finally asks and they explain
As the reason behind a thought process/assumption/belief
Whumper shows up and taunts them
Through conditioned behaviour
Finding an old journal
Hints dropped in conversation
Have someone who knows tell someone who doesn’t
• • •
Feel free to add others!
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foundfamilywhump · 2 months
a character who has bottled up something terrible that happened to them. maybe it's something they saw, maybe something done to them, whatever it is it's profoundly traumatized them. they keep going, pushing it down, dismissing concerns, or even having suppressed it long enough nobody even knows to be concerned at all. and then one day they talk. one day, because they finally can't take it anymore, or they were so triggered they can't keep it in, or something messed with their control (fever, drug, etc) that they just spilled it out.
and the entire time they're talking, they're shaking so hard it makes it difficult to speak. their friends/teammates/whoever try to listen and try to help, extremely alarmed with how seriously they're affected, but the shaking just keeps getting harder. they're not crying, they're just. shaking.
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wisteria-whump · 3 months
i love when a rescued whumpee slowly drops details about their life to their new friends and the friends try to mentally catalog everything because they know so little about whumpee and they share so infrequently
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whumpdaydreamerx · 4 months
After Whumpee goes unconscious from initially getting injured. When they come to, with a grimace they try to writhe or get away in response to the immediate pain.
Caretaker having to put a hand on Whumpee’s shoulder or leg, quieting them. Making sure they stay still and remain calm so they don’t make it worse for themselves.
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letitbehurt · 5 months
Intimate Whumpers who discover Whumpee’s deepest fear and dig their fingers into the wound.
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Whump Prompt #1327
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
I’ve been thinking about a whumpee who in the eyes of everyone around them (or even society) is the bad guy. Like, their whumper paints them to be this villian in order to isolate them from society and keep them under their grasp. To add insult to injury, at the beginning the potential caretaker believes all the rumors and whumper’s narrative to the point that they contribute to whumpee’s isolation. They’re just so against whumpee, they’ll disagree with them, overthink whumpee’s intentions, etc. But they’re not that harsh with Whumpee compared to others so in whumpee’s eyes they’re the kindest person to ever exits, that maybe they’re worthy of an ounce of kindness.
And when Caretaker finally finds out the truth (either through them just slowly realizing the true relationship of whumpee and whumper or like an event that triggers whumpee) they have no idea how to care for whumpee knowing that they contributed to whumpee’s suffering and that they barely scratched the surface. So they just try their best instead of resulting to inaction.
But like here’s the catch, so far in whumpee’s eyes caretaker has been the kindest to them, so now whumpee worries about caretaker’s sudden change in actions. (Because they’re not use to comfort)
(Bonus points if their whumper was possesive and often result to physical action and soft words laced with malice. And that’s how caretaker normally comforts people, so they try the same with whumpee only for whumpee to slip into the thinking that they were wrong about caretaker and that they don’t deserve such decency.)
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batmobilestires · 4 months
underrated trope: Nightwing is taken hostage and Red Hood saves him, but it’s before Jason’s identity reveal - so Dick is confused and scared
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whump-card · 5 months
for the prompts request: tiny whump?
You caught something!
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Thank you for the prompt!
Art taglist: @angst-after-dark, @whumpsday, @flowersarefreetherapy, @rainydaywhump
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no setting the scene this time, just some refs for the next time you wanna dangle a whumpee (feat. me being a drama queen at the crossfit gym)
more under the cut!
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more whump art refs:
pet crate | basement | white shirt | gut spill
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I'm a sucker for injury reveals prompted because a character can't reach the wound site to redress or treat it. Something about another character walking in on their desperate contortions in a mirror. Maybe gently stopping them from struggling with it because it's no wonder it's getting worse with all this movement just let them help!
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whumpdoyoumean · 10 months
Obsessed with the idea of a character taking first watch, keeping an eye on their sleeping partner (or lover/sibling/friend, whatever) after the two of them narrowly escape a conflict with their lives. Only to discover a few hours later that said partner can't be roused (the sick feeling as realization hits, when whumpee doesn't even stir at something that should have woken them up). It turns out they were injured in the skirmish and decided to keep it hidden. Now the uninjured person has to try and stabilize whumpee and get them to safety, with no idea of the extent of the injuries.
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Whumpuary 2024 Day 1
1. (Jan 01-02) Captivity / Snow / Secret Revealed
cw physical whump/injury, whumper turned caretaker, captive whumpee 
Villain glowered at the struggling captive at their feet. “Well, isn’t this something. When Supervillain said they had a present for me, I was shocked enough as it was. Imagine my surprise when I found out they had managed to capture the pesky little snitch who’s been mucking up all my plans. Selling my information to Superhero and almost getting me caught at that jewel heist last week.” 
A weak noise of protest came from their enemy, likely muffled behind a gag. There was a cloth bag over their head, concealing their identity, and their hands were bound behind their back. It was an exhilarating sight to finally have them kneeling at Villain’s feet, completely at their mercy. 
“What was that?” Villain taunted when they attempted to talk around the gag. “You’ll have to speak up, sweetheart. I’m busy thinking of all the fun I'm going to have with you.” 
They kicked the hero sharply in the side, knocking them onto the ground. With their hands tied behind their back, they had no way of catching themself and their head smacked into the concrete, followed by a choked noise of pain. The hero curled in on themself when Villain’s foot connected with their stomach. It felt so unbelievably good to finally let out their anger on this nuisance who had been giving them so much trouble. 
Villain knelt beside them, grabbing onto the hood that concealed their enemy’s identity. “Now,” they drawled, “let’s see who’s under here. I want to see the fear in your eyes and watch you cry while I teach you a lesson.” 
They pulled the hood off and felt their blood run cold. A familiar pair of eyes blinked up at them, teary and full of betrayal. “Hero?” they asked in disbelief. 
Hero whined, flinching away when Villain hurried to remove the gag. There was a nasty bruise forming on one cheekbone and dried blood under their nose—clearly Supervillain had already had a turn with them before dropping them off at Villain’s lair. 
“Oh my god, Hero, I’m so sorry,” they apologized, hands shaking as they helped the other sit up. Thank God Villain hadn’t gotten any farther. “What’s going on?” 
Hero sniffed, looking up at Villain with a mix of hurt and anger. “You were about to beat the fuck out of me, that’s what’s going on.” 
“No—no, I…” Villain focused on untying Hero’s hands—if they ended up punching Villain once they were free, well, Villain knew they deserved it. “Supervillain told me they had caught the person who’d been selling me out to Superhero. I—I had no idea who they were bringing me.” 
“Supervillain is a filthy liar and an opportunist, don’t you know that by now?” Hero said, rubbing their wrists once Villain finally undid the rope. They hissed in pain, glaring at the angry red marks on their skin. 
Villain pushed their hair back gently, inspecting for damage where Hero’s head had hit the ground. Luckily, it didn’t look too bad—they'd probably just be sore for a bit. “So you’re not the one who’s been selling my info?” 
“You think I would?” Hero asked earnestly, meeting the other’s gaze. “Of course it wasn’t me. It was Supervillain, you idiot.” 
Suddenly, the pieces all fell into place. Fuck, it was all so obvious—Villain really was an idiot, weren’t they? “They were trying to frame you—shift the blame off themself and get me to take you out at the same time.” 
“Two birds,” Hero agreed. 
“I’m going to kill them,” Villain growled, eyes darkening with rage. “I’m going to torture them slowly until they’re begging for my forgiveness and then I'm going to kill them.” 
Hero smirked and punched their arm halfheartedly. “I told you no killing, remember?” 
“Ugh, you’re no fun.” Villain sighed melodramatically. “…Is a little torture okay, though?” 
Hero rolled their eyes. “A tiny bit, I suppose. But can you take me home first? I’m so tired.” 
Villain frowned, cradling Hero’s face in their hands. “Yeah, of course,” they said, more quietly. “I'll take you home, and get you cleaned up and tucked into bed. I’m sorry about all this.” 
“Thank you.” They let Villain pull them into an embrace without protest. “Just make sure to give Supervillain my regards.” 
“Anything for you, Hero.” 
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 11 months
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Just a panel of injury/scars reveals I enjoy, from The Count of Monte Cristo, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, and Ladyhawke.
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whumpacabra · 7 months
I love all of these but alas, only one can reign supreme. Propagandize your vote in your reblog!
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whumpdaydreamerx · 9 months
That moment when a Whumpee who’s usually a skilled fighter gets distracted in combat with an enemy. Whether it’s by another Whumpee or Caretaker, team.
The instant they go to throw a punch or attempt to stab a Whumper, and the Whumper side steps. Swiftly pulling out a blade and stabbing Whumpee under their outstretched arm. Or better yet, they grab Whumpee’s arm and twist it inward to stab them with their own weapon.
The gasp or hitched breath Whumpee lets out as they realize what happened. Their friends or teammates horror when they realize what happened.
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