#tumblr writing society
no question just wanna see one of ur lovely sketches reply to me.... preferably a children of the moor one hehe but I'd love anything 🥺
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No joke when i first saw this ask i felt happier than I've been all week! :)
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patanahikyun · 1 month
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x3nshit · 11 months
how to make friends on tumblr 101
idk either pls help :,)
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ivaspinoza · 6 days
Quick tip from the art/lit world
Drop the need to impress and shock people with themes or bad words and porn. Not only because of how deeply desensitized our society is: drama, horror, gore, sex, drugs & rock'n'roll and similar genres or other tragic, violent themes do not hold any inherent value, not on their own.
The reason a director from Czechoslovakia will talk about the horror of war using pigeons on a mushroom trip and it's going to be exceptional is because it makes sense to him first. I can use all the same elements he did and my work will be shit. There is always reason and context for creation. Reason and context. Why and how you make what you make.
The worst thing you can do as an artist or writer is try to impress others. It will show. Mature people can spot that miles away. Drop the hard themes you know nothing about. Stop listening to the internet 13-year-old kids who never leave their rooms trying to help you (or charge you to help) you write about such a complex and stigmatized theme as drug abuse, for example.
Go inwards for wisdom. Go to your own heart chambers, be quiet and listen. It will tell you what you need to write about. Be honest, raw and wild. But first, try to understand what those words really mean in the current context.
With all my love, Iva.
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theoutcastsays · 25 days
Feed off of it, quench your thirst. Take all those raw words of affirmation and love and imagine they are designed for you. Make a world in make belief. Build a castle with all the affection thrown at you, conditional or real. You wanted that. You dreamt of this. Why are you so irritated? Why are you looking down on raw expression of feelings? Baby girl, if someone is going to be obsessed with you this is how it's going to look. They are gonna come off as “too much”. That is literally another word for “obsession”. They can't be all yours if you are not going to let them in. You can't run away at the slightest sign of love yet crave affection. You can't hide from them all day and crave attention simultaneously. How can anyone be close to you without being close to you? The perfection you desire is non-existent. I am not even sure if it is possible either. Baby girl, you need to accept this and stop this loop of self-destruction. Feels like a huge step? Let's start with letting them in slowly, without disrupting our whole world. Let yourself enjoy them slowly from where you feel your feet firmly on the ground. Let's not fall this time. How about that? Things don't always have to have deep meaning. Sometimes they need to be enjoyed on the surface.   ~excerpts from my journal of self destruction
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chaosmindthoughts · 2 months
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her-penetrating-soul · 10 months
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🤍 ‿Subdued deeply within my oceanic soul. Theor in the profoundness of my crevices. I lock myself away when the storm clouds gather. Deep into my thoughts as I lay here wondering at times why are people the way they are. Do they fear being accepted for the "Color Shade" of their skintone. Our skin tones don't make us who we are. It's our souls that make us beautiful. It is the way we treat one another. It's the way we love another. It's how we help one another. We all should be proud of our heritage & our skintone. It shouldn't matter where we reside from or where we come from. Be proud of your skintone & your heritage. We're all created beautiful in our own way. Always remember their will be someone waiting to love all of you regardless of your skin tone. And be proud to have you. And love all of you. Love your color. Be proud of your color. Be comfortable in your own skin. Love yourself and remember you are BEAUTIFUL!!⁀🤍
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romantic-serendipity · 6 months
pomegranates are a sapphic fruit.
today i wandered upon a single fruit, a garnet in the sunset reflected across the snow. i broke the fruit open and gently pulled each seed from the flesh of the fruit.
but most lovely of all, the juice stained my fingertips, my wrists, my nose. i painted a flower garden from the juices flowing across the countertop - violet roses blooming and glowing beneath POMME; 2023.
and in the same way, sapphic love is a wandering, a glowing, breaking boundaries, and gentleness. it's an inspiration in the wind, a romanticized wisp of creation on the drift of a breeze.
it's a flower garden to which lovers tend and lovers bloom.
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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So, I've got this e-book I'm writing (If you know me from over on Ao3 then you've probably heard me blabbing about it before). Self-publishing romance novels is a long-time ambition of mine, and this will be my first one!
You'll see me posting under the L.T. Swann penname, and I hope you'll all reblog, chat, and just generally get nerdy with me about the characters and the world I've built.
"Until the Snow Melts" is a m/f/m erotic romance, featuring werewolves, wilderness, and found family. It will be available for purchase in e-book format this December, 2024, on Amazon.
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I can't wait to geek out with you guys over this.
Follow my author page on Amazon to get notifications about this book and future projects.
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liianliann · 2 months
Relationship status:
( ) single
( ) dating
( ) married
(x) still waiting/hoping/wishing for AO3 comments
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Me when I hit that Creative high at 1.00 am in the morning and come up with the greatest story ever conceived...
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And then... by the time I wake up... I've FORGOTTEN ALL OF IT.
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constantcrisis19 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers (& Artists)
AN: I wasn't tagged, but I saw this and just had to do it!
1. How many works do you have on ao3(Tumblr)?
44 works on ao3
51 works on Tumblr
2. What's your total ao3 (Tumblr) word count?
570,835 words on ao3
84,623 words on Tumblr
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Honestly, whatever I'm into at the time (but I have a tendency to bounce around a lot) so I'll just list off a few of my favs to write for:
Call of Duty: MW2
Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse
Teen Wolf
Stranger Things
The Walking Dead
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What Is Meant To Be (Always Finds A Way) | Geraskier | 2,687 kudos
Tell Me Every Terrible Thing You've Done (And Let Me Love You Anyways) | Montgomery Gator & Gregory [Gen] | 2,359 kudos
The Goal Isn't To Live Forever (It's To Create Something That Will) | Winterberg | 1,897 kudos
Sometimes Peace Come From Painful Things | Winterberg | 1,143 kudos
I Just Wanna Hunt You, Hunter | KiriBaku | 1,025 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I don't always respond to comments and I usually leave that to my co-writer (and partner in crime) Tibby since we both collaborate on most of the fics I post and they're more comfortable with responding to comments. But if it's a solo fic, then I work through my anxiety and respond to anyone who's kind enough to leave a comment because I genuinely love getting feedback and seeing people enjoy my work really inspires me to keep writing!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh... That's gotta be my newer oneshot, Free Fall. It's a SoapGhost fic and a rewrite of the ending of MW3 (Yeah, you know the scene).
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've got a few (cause I'm a sucker for a happy ending) but the one I'm gonna go with has to be The Goal Isn't To Live Forever (It's To Create Something That Will). It's a part of the list above and it's currently one of my only completed, multi-chaptered fics.
8. Do you get hate on any fics (Art)?
Unfortunately, yeah. But mostly on my smut pieces (especially the ones that include a trans character).
Though I also remember recently getting a particularly rude comment accusing me of using chat ai to write my Geraskier fic, even though it was first published it way back in 2020, before chat ai was even a thing that people used.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup. I usually stick to my comfort zone and write M/M stuff.
Though, in my longer fics, the smut isn't really the main focal point so I keep it pretty tame.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh boy. My co-author has actually got me hooked on a crazy rare pair to the point where we wrote a whole fic for it (and are working on the second in the series). It's a Daryl Dixon/Dean Winchester pairing set in the TWD universe.
A close second would be my Among Us x KiriBaku AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, thank god.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! Someone reached out to me and asked to translate my FNaF: SB fic into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sure have, but only with one other person.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Omg, no! I have to pick!?
Well, if forced with a gun to my head, I supposed I'd have to say Rinch (John Reese x Harold Finch from the TV series Person of Interest). I love the show and the characters and the story and the world building. It's just a pairing that I will always keep coming back to no matter how many other ships/fandoms I fall into.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My KiriBaku x Among Us crossover fic. The main page, where I had planned out the entire fic, was accidentally deleted and I don't know if I'll ever recover from that since I'd have to rehash the entire rest of the story from scratch if I decided to one day come back to it.
However, that being said, I'm still holding out hope that I'll randomly get a burst of motivation for the story. Who knows.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say my strengths are writing angst, witty banter, and transition paragraphs (since my co-author often gets stuck going on tangents and writing really detailed scenes so they often ask for me to make a segue in order to get us to the next plot point, which works out for everyone).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My weakness is definitely in-depth, detailed scenes, hands down. It's kinda embarrassing, but my writing can sometimes lack the descriptive, engaging language necessary to make the story/situation/characters interesting (especially when it's decidedly not a writing day) and it often reads like boring exposition.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am not fluent in anything other than English, but that doesn't exactly stop me from (relying heavily on google) and using other languages in my fics, especially if the character that I'm writing for prefers another language. Take Miguel O'Hara for example, who is canonically bilingual.
The same kind of goes for accents too. I try my best to emulate how it the words would sound while speaking it while writing dialogue. Take for example my SoapGhost fics, where both characters have a thick, distinct accent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Unofficially (as in never posted): Vampire Diaries.
First fandom I posted to Wattpad (yikes) when I was like twelve: BBC Sherlock
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Jeez, another difficult question. Um... I'm gonna go with What Is Meant To Be (Always Finds A Way), for several reasons.
It was the very first fic that I posted to my ao3 account.
It was the first multi-chaptered fic that I'd ever completed.
I managed to finish and post the final chapter on the day of my birthday (which was a pleasant surprise).
I love it so much that my co-writer and I are actually currently in the midst of lovingly revisiting/revising the entire fic to make it even better!
That was fun! Now for the tagging!
@mistertiberius, @ghostao3, @captain-mj, @fogsrollingin
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x3nshit · 1 year
it’s weird to think about how a lot of parents don’t really like their children.
now don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying they don’t care for their kids, or don’t love them (although some parents don’t do this either) what i mean is many people became parents, not because they genuinely wanted to, but because of unreasonable societal expectations.
many people don’t have the mental capacity to have kids, many function better alone, many just don’t like little kids in general. and all of that is completely okay. but because our societies put so much importance on getting married and having kids, most people just assume that having children is inevitable, like death or something. but that’s definitely not the case. and since so many people were directly or indirectly pressured to have children, they end up subconsciously resenting them. because let’s be honest, children put a complete stop to your life. there are so many things you just can’t do because you have children
and this is coming from the eldest daughter of a household where my mom is a very ambitious woman. it’s very clear to me that if she could go back in time, she would rather pursue her career and live alone, rather than raising 3 children
so moral of the story is: children are a HUGE investment, do a lot of research, and take all the time you need before making such a huge decision (like you would before a tattoo)
also, get some therapy
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He was as magical as he was sad, that boy. I saw him, clinging to that bottle for dear life, and drinking from it, as if he could drown every burden and all his pain in the burning sensation of the liquid going down his throat and into his stomach, sending him into a blissful state of forgetfulness and numbness.
But I saw it. I saw it, deep into his eyes as he held my wrists and locked his eyes with mine. I saw the sadness and the loneliness he tried so hard to hide. And it was so heartbreaking. He was so young. No one that age should be allowed to feel such sorrow.
However, in that moment, in which he looked at me and time stopped, I realized that he was the spitting image of me when I was his age. Drunk, confused, lonely, and so, so lost. I felt such a strong urge to hold him in my arms and let him cry his pain away until he felt whole again.
He had to leave, though. And, although he left the house that day, he hasn't left my mind since. Something in those big, melancholic eyes told me that I've got to offer him what nobody offered me: a hand to reach out to and a shoulder to cry on. I've got to offer him company, even at the bottom of the pit. Keep him company, be it in heaven, be it in hell.
I have got to help him heal his wounds until they become scars, and then I've got to teach him to love them.
I've got to be, to that boy, what I wish I'd had the most. I've got to be the someone who he knows will always be there for him, no matter who he is or how broken he is.
The drunken boy, gripping that goddamn bottle, his knuckles white, told me all of that, just staring into my eyes. It was just for a moment, but it was enough for me to see. Enough for me to recognize him as someone who once had been me.
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HEY, YOU! Yeah, you. You like fantasy? You like fantasy with guns and fancy suits? Do you like free original stories? Well, if so why not try this one riiiight here! You won't regret it!
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chaosmindthoughts · 2 months
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