mymidwestheart · 3 days
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can't stay away from you you taste like cigarettes and blue missed the taste of liquor and your lips the way your hands feel on my hips it's like a drug and when we hug i feel the rush and crave your touch it's way too much addicted to the thrill of giving you the power to kill my haunting thoughts or me yet there's no place i'd rather be
-multasuntcausaebibendi (poem: "you are my drug")
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soupandcats · 5 months
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Sharing all your secrets with the giant bird that comes to visit 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛A little sketch I did that I don’t think I’ll ever finish😭
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belzebubsofficial · 12 days
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Hey, belzebuddies! This is just a kind reminder that the second Belzebubs book is coming out in a matter of weeks, and the pre-orders are currently up! If you wish to grab a signed copy of the book with a little drawing by your’s truly, please check out our official store at Backstage Rock Shop.
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The book is also available through other comic shops and book stores, so please check out HERE for some other links! The 144 page book continues documenting the daily lives of the 'bubs with infernal warmth, and features a foreword by Eisner-winning cartoonist Max Sarin and an afterword by Opeth frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt.
Thanks so much for all the pre-orders so far, you guys rule!
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meemoop · 3 months
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Secrets pt. 3 Finale
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yesterdaysprint · 21 days
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The Coffeyville Weekly Journal, Kansas, May 18, 1894
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youabandonedthem · 5 months
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thatsbelievable · 11 days
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rjmac211 · 2 months
Maggie and Kara in the bathroom with Lena and Alex outside
Maggie: I know your secret
Kara: What?!
Maggie: it’s kind of obvious
Kara: You can’t tell Alex
Maggie: How can see not know?
Kara: Because she doesn’t like Lena and I don’t want her to give her any more reasons to not like my girlfriend
Maggie: You’re Gay?!
Kara: Ahhh what secret are you talking about?
Maggie: That you are Supergirl but this is so much better
Kara: Shit Lena is going to kill me please don’t tell Alex
Maggie: A Super and A Luthor
Kara: please Maggie don’t tell Alex
Maggie: does she at least know you like women?
Kara: not exactly
Maggie: You Danvers don’t take the easy route with coming out do you
Kara: Nope
Maggie: come on before your girlfriend thinks I’m kissing you in here
Kara: So you won’t say anything
Maggie: Oh I will but when you have left the country I’ll drop the bomb for you
Kara: Thank you Maggie
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osvald-linds · 8 months
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Sharing secrets between two bites
They saw you looking, be more discret guys
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mournfulroses · 7 months
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Gian Pietro Lucini, from a poem titled "The Song of the Young Hero,"
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reality-detective · 2 months
Which ET technology do governments on Earth possess? Former CIA agent, John Ramirez gives intel on what he has seen. ⁠🤔
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3dmonstermaze · 9 months
All animals upon the planet can be classified as such:
Critters, the least animals, of small stature and tiny mind
Creatures, those of cunning and wit, capable of extraordinary feats
Beasts, the largest of the animals, of violent temperament and wicked nature
There are no animals outside of these three.
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nightylantern · 2 months
Gallagher x Reader; The Devil in Disguise
Pairings; Reader x Gallagher
Warnings; HUGE SPOILERS FOR THE 2.1 QUEST, also this isn’t canon, in other words the way they implied stuff at the end may be there to throw us off, this is a “what if”, if what was implied is true. Death mention, secrets, suspicions, already established relationship between the two
You glanced up to see a slightly tired Gallagher enter the room, noticing he looked slightly disheveled, on top of that he was a bit late.
“Gallagher? Are you okay, why are you so messy, didn’t you say you were having a meeting in regards to your job?” You headed over to him to help remove his vest and accessories, suddenly he grabbed your hand a bit frantically but nonetheless gave you a smile,
“I’m fine hon, just a bit of trouble on the way here, some hooligans on the streets were a bit to drunk,” he chuckled, and once again smiled, except it didn’t reach his eyes.
You knew something was up for a few days now, despite the fact that he kept his calm demeanour and relaxed behaviour, you knew something was up, and well it made sense. He explained to you that “Death” was among the dreamers and that a stowaway and the famous singer Robin, had been killed, thus he asked if you could simply stay inside. You knew he was working off the clock to figure out who could be behind it, but even so there was something…off…
You have known him for years now. How he approached you on the streets complementing you and serving you a drink, he wasn’t a bartender then, but he was exceptionally good. You eventually figured out his ties to the bloodhound family, which you didn’t mind but you found it odd how many of his coworkers never recognised him, to which he told you he simply did most of the work in the shadows.
Even with your suspicions you chalked it up to him being exhausted and him trying to prevent “Death” from taking any more people, so you simply kissed his cheek and told him you would prepare dinner, as well as the fact that he should go shower, to which he said he would as he headed for the bathroom.
Once he was in he closed the door and sighed. “Almost got caught,” he thought as he looked down at the inside of his vest and gloves, covered in the goo. He used them to cover up the remains of Sunday but he was also careful you wouldn’t find any of it on him and question him. He sighed again upon thinking of the events that had occurred before.
So what if he killed two prominent members of the family? The family, the supposed family that was open to peace and harmony, the family that had took away so much from many, the family that outed Mikhail as a traitor…Mikhail.
He would be lying to say he was doing all of this solely for Mikhail, but that didn’t mean that wasn’t one of his motives. Guilt eventually came at him for betraying his old companion, and then anger seeped in when figuring out that the family wasn’t all so innocent either. Naturally before he could strike he needed a good alias, and that’s where you came in.
He knew once a killer was a front, people would be less likely to suspect someone who not only was high in terms of security but also someone who had a lover, after all why risk their lover’s security when he planned to kill right? He knew you were the right one when meeting you, he complimented your looks to start small talk, not that he didn’t think you weren’t pretty, you were gorgeous. Then he kept meeting up with you and eventually you agreed to be his lover. At first everything was going according to plan, at least that’s what he thought.
He was using you from the beginning and yet, he grew fond of you, he truly cared about you and knew what he was doing could put you at risk, yet he was to far in deep to turn around and prioritised his plan above all. He wanted to break things off to protect you but at the same time, he couldn’t do it, and he didn’t know why.
He knew he wasn’t a good person, and knew you would be better off if you both were not together, but still. He didn’t know if it was love or simply respect, or anything in between but he truly did want to stay with you.
But it’s fine, all he has to do is to carry out the remaining tasks and finish his plan while also protecting you, and continue being a “minion”, of the enigmata without you knowing. All he has to do was continue to keep up his facade without any suspicion, all he ha-
“Gallagher, honey?” Your voice interrupted his inner monologue, wow he was actually getting into this anti hero role wasn’t he? “Are you okay? Do you need me to come in? You’ve been in there for a while and I didn’t hear any shower, just some mumbling…”
“Don’t worry! I was just zoning out, I’ll be out in a moment love, just give me some time,” he replied almost immediately. After hearing your footsteps leave he cleaned what he could of his clothing and took a nice shower before changing and coming outside to you setting the food on the table. “It’s fine, it will be over soon,” he thought as he headed to the table. Even if it ends with deception, he just needs to be secretive just a tad bit longer and everything will be okay…
“A complete Gallagher,” he recalled Sundays words, yes, he would just have to continue on and be nothing but a Gallagher to his “beloved,” if not for your sake, then for his own.
Once again nothing is canon, just my personal interpretation of him and his lover at the end of the quests, I hope you enjoyed this fic!
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titanicfreija · 4 months
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This starcat likes to watch from a place of power
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This starcat likes to wait by the door
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This starcat likes to hide in nooks
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This starcat likes to calculate gravity
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This starcat likes pondering orbs
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This starcat likes to sit in a bowl
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This starcat appreciates fine art
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This starcat likes to root around
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This starcat likes to hide in shrubbery
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This starcat keeps Techeuns company
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this starcat likes to spend time with friends
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This starcat likes to hide near the water's edge
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This starcat likes to stare into the void
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This starcat likes to enjoy its solitude
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... How did this starcat get here?
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meemoop · 3 months
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Secrets pt. 1
(I just watched some reality TV, and wanted to drop a drama bomb just to leave it on a cliffhanger. Love you all ☺️💕)
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