#the rebellion
ziggyyyystardust · 4 months
The Star Wars fandom is like a case study of what happens when you overthink media intended for children to the point that you’ve completely altered the message and plot that the creator intended. The whole “the Jedi order is evil and Anakin/Vader is the good guy!” Idea fails to take into account the fact that like.. these movies are meant for kids, they’re meant to be easy to follow and easy to understand with obvious good guys and obvious bad guys. Yknow how we know the Jedi are the good guys? - they’re the main characters, they have funny one liners, they kill the evil bad guys who have red laser swords with their blue and green laser swords, they’re relatable, they’re nice, they’re paternal, so on so forth.
I love critical analysis and I’d never speak a word against it, when we consume media we should always take a step back to consider what ideas they’re selling us, what undertones are portrayed, is this supposed to represent a real life problem? But it’s also equally as important to consider who the audience is and how that might impact the story. And ultimately the audience is children, Star Wars is not meant to be a mystery thriller where the good guys are secretly the bad guys which you can only tell when you pick the story apart 20 which ways. The movies could not more clearly tell us who were meant to support. - is it the angry guys with red swords, ugly old guy who shoot’s lighting out of his fingers and takes over the universe, people who blow up planets, chop off their kids hands and blow up planet’s? Or is it the people who wear warm coloured clothing, talk about wanting peace, who tell funny jokes, have heartfelt moments, with blue and green lightsabers, fight against the space fascists and love each other.
Ultimately, Star Wars isn’t that deep, enjoy it for what it is and I promise you’ll enjoy it 100 times more
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movietimegirl · 1 month
The reunion we all are waiting for!
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I find it so funny to think about how in-universe people expected Obi-Wan to be the hero of A New Hope. He's this great General from the Clone Wars, a brilliant warrior and tactician - seeking him out is this very significant hail mary. And instead of swooping in and saving the day like he used to, he makes this totally unknown kid Official Protagonist in his stead and swaps the expected Deus Ex Machina for a Hero's Journey. It's so bonkers. People thought Obi-Wan was their (only) hope and bam, he hits them with the new one and peaces out. The opposite of main character syndrome.
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itsjml · 1 month
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And that’s a wrap!
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avisisisis · 2 months
luke and ezra are so important to each other because if it weren't for ezra then luke wouldn't have won and if it weren't for luke then ezra's sacrifice would've been for nothing,
luke has definitely heard of ezra and what he did when he joined the rebellion and he admires the little boy who was a jedi and still saved his friends even when all seemed lost, ezra searches for the key to defeat the sith and is driven to tatooine in an attempt to find it but in the end he understands that it won't be him who will do it and he instead leaves the door open for another to walk through it
the twin suns of tatooine and the twin moons of lothal — the wind and the sea, the sky and the earth. a sky walk can be considered a bridge, from a certain point of view. ezra was in the same planet as luke, in the same planet, and when each of them get their own kyber crystals you can see a shooting star in the sky
luke and ezra, sun and moon, sky and bridge. ezra built the path for luke to walk on. luke takes care of it and ensures that it will never be destroyed
two boys with blue eyes and a soul full of hope, who one day decided to help people and instead saved the entire galaxy
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mearchy · 2 years
Is anyone else just in complete bafflement and wonder at Andor being actually greenlit by Disney those assholes in the corporate office? CANON lesbian representation, overt allusions to in-universe racialization of characters (Diego Luna is described as a man with dark features in the police APB and it actively contributes to his experience in the universe!!), police brutality and criticism of the police state spelled out in the most painstaking terms possible, and the Empire!!! People have already talked about how scary the TIE fighters are allowed to be. The Empire isn’t cute. It’s terrifying and it’s run by real humans committing atrocities, not just monsters and faceless soldiers and comic relief incompetents. Again and again I feel like I’m seeing things that have never been allowed to feel so raw and real in mainline SW, if they were present at all. And the fact that every other aspect of the show is on point, that no sacrifices in story or characterization or worldbuilding or cinematography or production value were made in the process — I don’t even have words. Idk what the general sentiment of the Star Wars fandom is, I haven’t been paying attention. But if Andor has only ten fans I am one of them. If Andor has only one fan it is me. If the entire world is against Andor I am against the world.
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bilbobignaturals · 1 month
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"You're our kid, Omega. You always will be"
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aestariiwilderness · 1 month
Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 15 Spoilers
Finale-Inspired Scenario
I know it was very touching and all with Hunter's "if you need us [Omega], we'll be there". I was Touched™. But all I could think of then was this scenario: Omega: mysterious badass pilot in the Rebellion from any outsider POV. Strange mildly Force-sensitive, very young woman with very extensive, if unorthodox military experience. Animals follow her around. May or may not be a pirate. Has devoted mildly Force-sensitive friends who appear to consider her their leader. Has very odd contacts in very odd places. Weirdly naive about a lot of things (dirt continues to fascinate her) but terrifyingly experienced with others (cloning, mind-wiping, sentient experimentation, etc.). Can fix anything. Has a weird grudge against Saw Gerrera (but who doesn't?). Escape artist who overflows with compassion at the MOST INCONVENIENT times but will also absolutely stab a bitch with no compunction and watch him fall to his death riddled with blaster holes. Never speaks of her origins, history, or family. The famous Captain Rex knows her personally. Senator Chuchi hugs her. Captain Hera Syndulla has apparently known her since childhood. Other pilots and members of the Rebellion are fascinated by this mystery. They place bets on her past -- former Jedi Padawan is currently leading the pool, with "amnesiac formerly brainwashed Imperial child soldier or Emperor's Hand" trailing not far behind. And then. Oh no! Mysterious badass pilot Omega is in a bind. Trapped somewhere behind enemy lines. The Rebellion is collectively in despair, dithering about whether they can spare a "suicide mission" to get her. And then. Multiple (three or four, depending on whether Echo retired to Pabu :D) oddly similar geriatric hippies with scars, facial tattoos, and a tamed lurca hound apparate into their council room. One of them has a toothpick. He has no teeth left, but he is somehow still chewing it disdainfully. Another has one eye and appears to be 1. made of durasteel and 2. has a hard time fitting in the council room. The shortest one has a Ponytail with a capital P, seems to be cosplaying as Moses, and refuses to listen to anyone. They have an incomprehensible system of numbered plans that correspond to no military system anyone has ever seen. They spend 70 percent of the twenty minutes they are on base arguing with each other and ignoring absolutely everyone else. Rex gets a pat on the shoulder. A middle-aged pirate is their getaway driver. The hound will not stop chewing Important Wires. No one has any idea what they want. People only start to get a clue when they yeet themselves at the planet Omega is trapped on and disappear as quickly as they came. There are multiple explosions, screaming, and what sounds suspiciously like a fusion generator overloading catastrophically over an open comm before it is abruptly cut off. The Rebellion gives them up for dead even though Rex, Syndulla, and Chuchi seem oddly unconcerned. Cut to three weeks of radio silence later. There is an unauthorized landing. The code is very old, the signature masked, and it blasts through their security measures like it doesn't exist. A very beat-up ship trailing smoke and parts coasts in to the hangar bay over the protests of the landing crews. Geriatric Hippies Numbers 2 and 3 spill out in a flood of more smoke, completely untouched and looking mildly irritated instead of suffocated. 3 has two stumps and no hands now. He does not appear concerned about this. Somehow, he is still gumming the toothpick. The getaway pilot/pirate is yammering on about where she can (steal?? borrow? liberate?? what?) some upper class robotic hands for him. Geriatric Hippie Moses emerges next. The lurca hound beside him is trailing what looks suspiciously like stormtrooper armor from the corner of her jaws. Badass Pilot Omega, none the worse for wear, is thrown over Hippie Moses' shoulders fireman-carry style, complaining loudly and vociferously that she is NOT A KID and does NOT NEED TO BE CARRIED and YOU KNOW HOW YOUR BACK GETS, HUNTER, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW --
Omega is summarily deposited in front of Rex with several squinty, semi-threatening looks that he cheerfully ignores. They leave -- without bothering to repair their ship, it is absolutely still on fire -- with a lot of meaningful silences, back-slapping, hair fussing, armor-tightening, you-forgot-this and did-you-take-your-kit and do-you-have-the-grenades-I-made-you and are-you-drinking-enough and don't-forget-to-comm-home.
A brave technician who had nothing to do with any of this dares to inquire about the injuries, the second missing hand, and the, uh, wreck they're driving. They are summarily sneered at, called a "reg" in the most scathing tones possible, threatened with dire death should Omega come to any harm, and left standing on the landing pad.
Rex is pinching the bridge of his nose and doing Lamaze breathing. Syndulla is trying not to laugh. Chuchi just looks fond; Omega just looks sheepish.
The entire Rebellion: ....what was that
Omega, sighing deeply: ...my younger brothers
The ghost of Rampart in the background: I HATE CLONES Bonus points if Jedi Knight "Kanan Jarrus" aka Caleb Dume happens to be strolling past the hangar bay just in time to see Geriatric Hippie #3 ("Toothpicked, Toothless, and Handless") and Geriatric Hippie #1 ("Skullface Moses"), screams piercingly, and Force-levitates himself to the base roof. It takes both Hera and Ahsoka to get him down three hours later
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untowardgloom · 6 months
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The Rebellion crew x One of my favorite movies :].
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trapezequeen · 15 days
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Hunter Being Omega’s Dad -> The Cavalry Has Arrived (4/4)
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badbatchenthusiast · 1 month
i really need omega as a pilot for the rebellion now. the ending of the last episode has opened up so many possibilities for characters to just… canonically know each other? and i love that. can you imagine her interacting with the full ghost crew? hera would definitely remember, they’d be strong friends. kanan might have some reservations but he’d appreciate her strong will and courage. she’d be like an auntie to sabine and ezra. in another universe they might’ve all spent some time on pabu hiding out and recovering from a bad run and hunter could finally be a grandfather for a while. because let’s not lie that’s exactly how he’d act towards ezra, probably sabine too. omega would follow orders with a military professionalism generally lacking in a rebellion full of people with mismatched skills and she’d be really well respected, maybe a relatively high ranking squad commander, who would be an excellent trainer to newer pilots. and idk i really want her interacting with cassian andor?? just a quick meeting and a drink shared because i find it hard to imagine them being friends beyond a deep respect for one another, but. they’d be a relatively similar age i think. which is wild.
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ziggyyyystardust · 6 months
I’m sorry but I hate the way people completely disregard the fact that Luke is a Jedi, like he’s literally the og Jedi?? I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how much “better” his new Jedi order would’ve been because he would’ve removed the attachment rules or whatever, and I think that that type of characterisation really disregards the essence of Luke’s character and what he stood for. People seem to cite him bringing his father back from the dark and being close with Leia but that doesn’t mean he’s attached to them in the way Jedi view attachment, he cared about his father because Luke is a caring person and wanted to help him, acting as if it’s only because Vaders his dad really disregards a lot of the character development Luke went through from a new hope till return of the Jedi.
Also it seems really odd to ignore it as he 1: shows a genuine want to become a Jedi and all that being a Jedi involves 2: (mainly rotj) cares what Yoda and Obi-Wan have to say and the advice they give him 3: says word for word “I am a Jedi” sure he may not have the training of a Jedi but it’s pretty clear that he really does care.
On a similar note - I’ve seen people talk about it but people also tend to disregard the fact that Luke was part of the rebellion?? It’s treated like “oh silly sunshine boy just wants to fly ships he doesn’t know what politics are🥰🥰” it completely infantilises his entire character, his beliefs and what he cares about. We see in ANH that he has interest in the rebellion, knows of the clone wars and vaguely of the Jedi, and in the deleted scene with Biggs they both talk about defecting to the rebellion and fighting against the empire. These scenes clearly show his political beliefs and how he was against the empire even before they killed his Aunt and Uncle. It does him a disservice to ignore who he is as a person and to treat him as if he’s just a child who likes ships, it removes any sense of agency or conviction when he’s treated that way
Point is I wish more people would treat him like a mature adult who is capable of making his own choices and is an actual Jedi who follows the code.
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skywalkerrtno · 1 month
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Immediately thought about this
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Thursday, Round 2, Poll 6
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spicedwatermel0n · 2 months
Slight spoilers for the Rebellion in the designs
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Without all that junk rendering bc it's literally just a colored sketch I went ham on:
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The Rebellion was fucking INSANE
Seriously, they were, Everybody in the Rebel Alliance had to be fucking bonkers. Here’s the evidence - 
Kanan: Taunted a GOD into smiting Thrawn’s fleet. Said god tried to smite him too but didn’t blow up the Ghost.
Ezra: Decided that way to get the rest of the fleet and Thrawn himself out of the Rebellion’s way was to call space whales and launch the ships (with Ezra onboard too!) into who-fucking-knows, or, as the officials call it, the Unknown Regions. 
Luke: The first time he flew in space was to destroy the Death Star. He did it WITHOUT his targeting computer. Then he decided that his genocidal father could be a good guy and help him--and was right!
Han: Accidentally ruined the life, reputation, and career of the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, aka Boba Fett, while half-blind and disoriented after 2-3 years in carbonite.
Leia: what didn’t she do that wasn’t fucking INSANE? Visibly left Scarif, got tracked down, told Darth Vader himself that she had no idea what he was talking about. Got captured, complained about the rescue. Strangled Jabba with her own chains. 
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