luxris · 3 days
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"you're our kid, omega. you always will be." ✨
initially drew this for the series finale but it was a little rough around the edges since i rushed to get it finished at the time, so i finally cleaned it up and added a background!! i miss them ☹️🤍
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cowbellghuleh · 2 days
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Speed-paint. Terzo and Omega.
Why is Papa 3 /Terzo so damn hard to draw!? Took me a half dozen attempts to get his face even slightly right and I'm still not entirely happy with it!
I know Terzo isn't in his robes that often, kinda the point of his character, but for whatever reason I just like drawing Papa's in their full costumes. XD The amateur comic artist in me just likes using fabric to convey motion I guess!
Might have over exaggerated how much taller Omega is XD
I know this is a popular ship in fandom but this isn't meant as shipping art, so I've not tagged it that way! If people wanna interpret it that way that's fine, just personally I've never really engaged with shipping in any fandom. Romance stories just aren't my thing!
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lifblogs · 3 days
The fact that Tech immediately jumped after Omega when she fell in “The Crossing” shows he’s already willing to sacrifice himself for his family.
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ourladyofomega · 2 days
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Front 242 logo seen at Mexico City's Pabellon Oeste Del Palacio De Los Deportes; May 3, 2024.
📸 source: Industrial, EBM & Noise (FB)
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fandom-friday · 2 days
Hi Hi! I am so sorry if I'm too late for 5/24. I keep silencing the dang reminder on my phone each week but then I don't remember to submit T_T
If I'm too late for 5/24, please let me know and I'll resubmit for the next one :)
Long story short, people put me in a Wrecker mood this week, so here are the Wrecker fics that are feeding my need for a fix :)
As always, @wings-and-beskar's A Gentle Touch series remains stunning and delightful with a deliciously spicy Epilogue. (Wrecker x f!reader, Parts 1-3, SFW, Epilogue, NSFW).
@dystopicjumpsuit graced us with a lovely new Wrecker hc (SFW)
@tinywitchgoblin also graced us with a very sweet Wrecker asking for cuddles scenario (Wrecker x gn! reader, SFW)
This STUNNING artwork of a shirtless Wrecker (technically SFW but I go rabid over Wrecker so your milage may vary) by @zaana
And my own recent contribution to the Wrecker love, The Slow Stretch (Wrecker x f!Reader, very NSFW).
Thank you once again (and always) for taking on the task of creating this space for us to celebrate our favorite bits of fan creations :)
NO WORRIES AT ALL, FRIENDO! I just roll late submissions into the following week, and boy howdy am I glad you sent this one in! You are SO RIGHT that Wrecker deserves ALL THE LOVE, and this list is just PERFECTION, from the fluff to the SPICE, I adore all of it. Thank YOU for taking the time to put it together and send it in!
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Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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leadergold · 2 days
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I Love The Bad Batch and though it’s about Clone Force 99, the real star is Omega. The final episode was terrific and the epilogue was great. Omega joining the Rebel Alliance as a pilot.
Artist IG: @_samsketches
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aphmcu-mha · 2 days
Clone headcanons-favorite animal(s)
Cody loves snakes and reptiles in general. Anything snake and reptile does not go unknown by him. And also German shepherds
Rex is most likely a cat person. I can just imagine him with like 6 cats in Rebels
Wolffe is 100% a dog person. I know that sounds kinda cheesy but I think he would absolutely love dogs🤷🏻‍♀️
Hunter would probably also like dogs, specifically
Wrecker would like cats as well.(Off topic, kinda, but I really like the idea of a big muscular man with a cat sitting on his chest😂)
I don’t think Tech would be much of an animal person but if I had to choose I’d say maybe hawks, parrots, or even crows. I think he’d like hawks, parrots, and crows because of their intelligence
Crosshair(kinda) gives off cheetah and leopard vibes so I’d say those but I don’t really know🤷🏻‍♀️😂
Echo definitely likes snakes and reptiles as well. He would get a pet snake after retiring(when he finally had time to take care off one)
Omega likes all animals and I do mean all😂. She’s a big animal person and would pretty much ok with any pet and would love it dearly
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azertyrobaz · 1 month
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For Tech
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tis-the-marmot · 26 days
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I like to believe Tech's always watching over Omega as she flies among the stars ❤️‍🩹
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storminormins · 1 month
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Happy final Bad Batch Eve, it's been an honor boyos
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shyranno · 1 month
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And that's a wrap! What a great finale! BAD BATCH FOREVER!!!
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lifblogs · 19 hours
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Week 1: Water Gun Fights and Dad Voices
Prompt: Water Gun Fight
Alt. Prompt: “It’s not what you think.”
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Minor TechPhee (just one mention)
Word Count: 1153
Summary: On a hot afternoon on Pabu Omega and Hunter decide to have a water gun fight, though their method of doing so is a bit alarming.
A/N: I wanted to wait till my cast/splint-thing was off, but this gave me instant inspiration, so I managed with using just my phone.
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Omega shrieked with laughter, hiding behind a chair as Hunter fired at her. Water sprayed past her position. She supposed she was lucky Crosshair wasn’t playing or else she’d be soaked by now (which, she almost was anyway).
She could see and hear Hunter rushing for her, and she ran, firing behind her without aiming.
She took the fight outside, to their patio they had in their new home on Pabu. It might be better this way. She could already imagine Wrecker asking why their kitchen floor was soaked.
Hunter fired near Omega’s feet, which he clearly didn’t think through because she slipped against the wet stone, falling backwards. Her body gave her a shock of adrenaline, but before she could crack her head on the stone Hunter grabbed her.
“Got you.”
And then he sprayed his repurposed water gun right in Omega’s face.
She spluttered and then started laughing. Hunter was laughing too, a sound Omega cherished more than seeing the sun rise and knowing it was there to provide them with life. His laughter did that all on its own.
“Let me go,” she complained, trying to wriggle out of his grip.
He placed a kiss on the top of her head that she pretended to be annoyed about, and then he righted her, releasing her.
Omega squirted water right into his face.
As she rushed away from him this turned into a little dance across the patio, around their table.
Omega didn’t know who was winning this fight anymore. They were both dripping with water, and the table was soaked, more water dripping off the edges and onto the stone.
This was certainly one way to cool off from the hot afternoon sun, despite the way Omega’s breaths were coming hard and fast from dodging around the table and firing at Hunter.
Batcher, who had probably come to see what this was all about, started wagging her tiny, adorable tail. She jumped up, eyes going big as she recognized this as some form of play.
She splashed over to Omega and headbutted her arm, throwing off her aim so that one of their pots of flowers ended up getting watered early.
Hunter sprayed her again.
She giggled.
“No fair. Batcher’s distracting me.”
At first Hunter looked like he was about to reply with some quip about soldiers having to be ready for anything, his mouth open and face hard, and then realized they weren’t soldiers anymore. He still had his moments. They all did.
Batcher was curious about the old, repurposed blaster Omega was holding, so she let her sniff it. To give her more information, Omega gently squeezed the trigger, eliciting a gentle stream of water. Batcher jumped away, startled, and Omega tried to hold in her laughter. Hunter didn’t.
He went over to pet Batcher, both of them explaining this to her. Batcher came closer, sniffing Hunter’s repurposed blaster.
And then she promptly snatched it and ran off.
Omega saw her chance and took it, firing right at the back of Hunter’s head as he went after Batcher.
She laughed, following.
Batcher circled around, nudging Omega. As Omega pet her under her chin, blaster still focused on Hunter and spraying mercilessly, Batcher deposited Hunter’s blaster into her hand.
“Good girl.”
“Now wait a minute!”
Omega used his blaster to fire right at his mouth.
A gurgling sound came from him for a second before he swallowed, which set Omega off laughing again.
“We don’t know how dirty these are,” Omega exclaimed.
Hunter shrugged. “Water is water.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Maybe give me my blaster back and we can argue about this like civilized people.”
Omega snorted.
Hunter lunged for her, and she shrieked. She jumped back and fired at him till he was even more wet than before. Batcher jumped around, barking.
Omega slipped again, and Batcher held her up.
She looked back.
“Thanks, girl.”
Hunter took that opportunity to try and snatch both blasters from her.
She relinquished his so she could shove him back and fire again.
“Omega, I think that’s enough.”
“You’ve slipped twice.”
“Well then come and get my blaster,” she teased, rushing to the far side of the table, Batcher at her heels.
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Tech was on his way back from his market trip with Phee. He’d said bye to her already with a quick kiss and a promise that she was invited for dinner. When he stepped onto his patio, he almost dropped his basket.
Hunter and Omega were soaking wet for some unknown reason, hair dripping water into their faces. Batcher was under the table, lapping up water from a large puddle. The strangest thing, and the most alarming, was that Hunter and Omega were pointing blasters at each other!
Hunter lowered his, a hand out. “It’s not what you think.”
“Oh? Because it looks like—”
Tech was promptly interrupted by Omega pointing her blaster at him and firing. He couldn’t help the startled yelp he let out, adrenaline flooding his system.
He dropped his basket (which also had his datapad in it), fruit rolling out onto the stone. And he crouched down, making himself a smaller target.
Where am I injured?
He felt along his torso for any injury, thinking the pain hadn’t hit yet, and he found only… water.
Omega was laughing.
Tech stood up, an eyebrow raised.
Omega answered his question before firing at herself, laughing as more water dripped off of her.
“Water,” Tech stated again.
“Yep! Hunter and I found some old blasters, and it was so hot, so we thought we’d repurpose them.”
“You need a talking to, young lady,” Tech said, not exactly pleased that she’d fired at him, making him believe he would be hurt.
She groaned. “But that was the funniest scream I’ve ever heard.”
“Well, excuse me for thinking my life was in danger.”
“And now you’re using your dad voice,” she said as she handed her blaster over and went to pick up Tech’s basket.
He snatched it out of her hands, not wanting her to get his datapad wet.
“I don’t have a dad voice,” he argued.
“You do,” Hunter said.
Omega went and pressed a finger into Hunter’s chest. “You do too.”
“But Crosshair is the worst with it.”
“Speaking of,” Hunter started, “we should clean up before—”
A surprised shout reached them through the open door and windows. “Why is the kitchen floor soaking wet?!”
“—that,” Hunter finished.
Omega laughed and went inside, probably to start cleaning up, and to deal with Crosshair and his “dad voice.”
“Sorry, Tech,” Hunter said, taking his basket from him. “I’d better get in there, explain this was my idea.”
“Was it?” Tech asked, following after his brother, being mindful of the wet stone.
Hunter smirked. “As if I’d tell you.”
Tech and Hunter laughed as from inside the house came the cry of, “Young lady!”
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clonesuperiority · 2 months
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I'm not sure if it's canon that hunters face tattoo continues further down, but I came across @lornaka s take on hunters tattoos and really wanted to give it a try myself :3
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mroddmod · 2 months
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selfishly, i am letting them bask in the sun, worry-free and safe, one last time.
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general-ida-raven · 2 months
Does it ever drive you crazy
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Just how fast the night changes?
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