#support indie animation
art-appreciation-dog · 2 months
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RAMSHACKLE: The Animated Pilot
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latgbg · 3 months
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It's time to launch... our BackerKit's landing page, that is!
We're hoping that with this crowdfund, we will be able to raise enough funds to jump into finishing the pilot and continue where we left off!
Sign up now to join the waiting list in the link below! ✨
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drawermary · 13 days
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Tyneen wants you to to watch Monkey Wrench! I hope you all enjoy my fan poster design feel to share around!
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neatotito · 6 months
Can we get to 50k subscribers by chrimbo???
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cozylittleartblog · 22 days
On that note I am sharing my indie animation playlist, if you want to watch more indie animation on YouTube I'm compiling a list here.
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lune-dreams · 3 months
Can we stop harassing Glitch over them advertising TADC more than MD? Can we stop saying that one is better than the other?
Glitch is currently putting their focus into releasing more episodes for TADC, but that doesn’t mean they forgot about MD!!
They’re not running out of resources for us to make MD, the writers are separately so the content is still being created, Glitch is just doing ANIMATION!!!
Can we also stop arguing about which is better?
They’re both wonderfully written shows with an amazing cast of characters!!
Instead of arguing which is better, we should come together as communities to support Glitch and their wonderful works which aren’t just limited to one show!
Remember that Glitch is an indie animation studio so they can’t release content as fast as we’d all wish even though their shows garner a lot of views, they’re not running out of resources!!
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discord12395 · 9 months
I'd like to bring attention to an indie animation project by @jenn0wow and @the-sunflower-club, "LITTLE WOLF". Inspired by the works of Cartoon Saloon (The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, Wolfwalkers), it tells the tale of a little warrior who ventures through treacherous obstacles to slay the infamous Lady of the Forest. But is he strong enough to defeat her?
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While the main goal is $25,000, they need at least $6,000 to keep their CSP EX Licenses so their animators can continue their beautiful work. Support and share this project, because this looks amazing!
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strymes49 · 6 months
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Finally managed to finish this! Here's a buncha indie animation characters because indie animation is just that awesome!
N from Murder Drones
Rocky from Lackadaisy
Jax from TADC
Satina & Dave
Allister & Melody
A Lythop from Monkey Wrench
Skid and Pump from Spooky Month
Siona from Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy
Mitzi from Murphy and Mitzi
Ollie and Scoops
Seth and Morgana from Tomb Cats
And Rue and Kira from Far-Fetched!
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spaceshiftteam · 4 months
Four store clerks manage a general store IN SPACE! (Funded by your local governments in association with Ma and Pa.)
Join them as they juggle intergalactic relations, themselves, and who ever is trying to run their store into the ground... Welcome to..
The Space Shift!
Stay tuned for more later in 2024!
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art-appreciation-dog · 4 months
Happy Indie Animation Day everyone!!
Celebrate today by checking out a random ongoing Indie Animation project... by chance
Take your pick:
🚀🔧🔫 😾🍾🚗 🤡🍔🧟‍♂️ 👹🩸🛝
. 🎪🎩🔪 🤖🍞👦 🥁👻👩‍🎤 .
🧠😵‍💫😈 🧛🏻‍♀️🎶🧛🏻‍♂️ 🔥💀💜 🏰⚔️🐈‍⬛️
. 🎃🍬🔪 🟡⚔️🟣 👻🔪🧑🏻‍🦰 .
🤖🔫🤖 🤠🐲🕸 🐺🌑🕯 🔫🐐🤠
. 👩🏻‍🦰🧡😺 🏫🏺🏛 🚀⭐️🌌 .
🏃‍♀️🚬🤠 🟨🟦💾 👻🏫🔦 🩸😿🐙
Bonus points: Which projects can you recognize just from emojis alone?
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latgbg · 5 months
What’s a good way to start off the new year? With an animatic for our end credits theme, of course! 🌌🌟
Boards by @blackzork!
Want more Lumi? Consider supporting our pilot’s production using the links below!
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prettyinpwn-blog · 3 months
Show Recommendation for Gravity Falls Fans: Monkey Wrench
I know I rarely post anymore, but for those of you who still follow me from the old days when this blog was one of the biggest Gravity Falls blogs, I remain a massive animation fan as an adult and try to watch as much as I can.
Recently, there's been a notable indie animation boom and so many great shows have popped up, and the people who work on them pour blood, sweat, and tears into them on shoestring budgets, which is why it's important in my opinion - if you're a fan of animation - to promote and support them as much as you can so more animated shows get to see the light of day and get as much love as Gravity Falls did, if possible. And this show is one I 110% believe deserves as much love and attention as Gravity Falls received.
What I want to promote today with the many followers I still have from the Gravity Falls days is one called Monkey Wrench:
To summarize in a nutshell: two mercenaries take odd jobs across the galaxy where Ratchet and Clank's setting had a baby with humor as great as Gravity Falls' albeit more adult, with a sprinkling of some lore and overarching storyline and character development that's already peeking out in the first three episodes that have been released. Plus, just damn gorgeous animation in general, of course.
If my spidey senses are right, I think many Gravity Falls fans would love Monkey Wrench because of all of the above.
Unfortunately, I've learned as I've quietly followed along with this show that A. YouTube's ad revenue pays the Monkey Wrench crew crap, to be honest, and in animation funding is king, and B. this show deserves WAY more attention than it's getting.
Not to knock the other indie animations out there, but I literally have no idea why this show is not getting as much love as some of the more massive indie shows out there. It defies logic. It's better written or just as well-written as most of the big ones, the animation is just as gorgeous or even moreso, and plus... overarching story and lore.
So if you trust me as fellow GF fans and miss GF and want something that scratches a similar itch, please please please at least watch the first three episodes that are available of Monkey Wrench and give it some love and support like you did/do for Gravity Falls. I swear the creators didn't pay me for this, I just genuinely think it deserves it and it shocks me that it's not getting way more attention.
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neatotito · 5 months
Monkey Wrench Merch!
Get yourself some cuddly cat boy plushies! They're only up for a limited time so order yours while they last!
Plush not your style? We have shirts, hats, pins, and sticker sheets at our FourthWall store!
All proceeds go right into future eps! 🐵🔧
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tuney-dreemur · 2 months
Underappreciated Indie Animations pt. 1
Ongoing / Pilots
Ghost Friends - Studio Outlet
No Evil - Betsy Lee
Swift Spark and the Defense Five - Pan_tastique
Critora: Abnormal - Daydreaming Birdie
Mugshout & Pollen: Living Elsewhere - Soleididdle
Snickerdoodle - Maze animations
Quarts Quest - Al Pal Art
Atlas and the Stars - Mirandamations
Port by the Sea - Georden Whitman
In Production
Mothtopia - Karma Animated
Hearts of Titan - Kappapon Studios
Elementus - Michael H 
My Friend Fabien! - Lonely Bros Animation
Dungeon Flippers - Travis Fowler
Sunnyside: Royals of Cora - Sunnyside: Royals of Cora
Heathens - Studio Psycho
Mandelbrot Hall - Studio Flimpo
Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy - Starteas
Camp Cryptid - Celeste McGee
Fighting All Odds - Robert Preston
Sinking Road - Pound Tound Hound 
The Evil Little Thing - Pink Boa Productions
Polliwog - Chimera Bunny
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readypanda · 1 month
since I've been posting about other indie animation I gotta shout out to the OG
All 7 episodes are free on youtube right now so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH EPITHET ERASED!!!
The animation is limited, but the voice acting is immaculate. good stuff
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edgyedgelord · 5 months
I'm supposed to be writing right now but I want to say something that I tell myself. I hope it helps you too.
Art isn't just a hobby. It can be a job. It's not a perfect job, but it's still a job that makes you happy. Not many other career paths can say that. Warning: This is a tangent post made by an anarchist. If you don't want to read a long novel length ramble about why money is a corrupting construct and capitalism is made to break poor people move along.
I've noticed in my 21 years on this planet, nearing the 22 mark as spring approaches, that jobs are often given a value. If you're a doctor you've got a high quality job because you went to school, got a degree, and get paid a lot. But what about nurses? They work in the same place and went to school for a certification, some a degree as well, but they aren't paid as much and are treated poorly. Why? Well because they're not doctors. They can have the same amount of knowledge, sometimes more depending on who the doctor is, but their job is seen as lower just because of the pay and general view of it in the eyes of society.
Most of the people who will tell you all this and which job is the most valuable and what to go for actually don't know much about the inner workings. Go ahead, ask someone who's told you something like this if they've done much research outside of watching a video on social media and reading random posts without checking the validity behind them.
Another things with doctors, nurses, construction workers, all these jobs everyone tells you to get instead of something you'd actually enjoy is they don't face the fact, or rather they choose to just accept the fact and do nothing about it, that those in charge are gonna kick. you. around. until you give up or give in. Those who give up usually didn't even want the job in the first place. Those who give in always dreamed of this job but once they're in it that blind optimistic veil is torn away.
Zom100 is an anime that opens with a guy going into an office job where he works for a company that produces commercials. He's a writer for the scripts and helps with casting and went in expecting to make tons of friends, meet stars, and even falls for the secretary and wishes to confess to her one day. It starts off all bright and colorful since that's how he views the world in his eyes. After going out drinking with his coworkers after their first day of work is done, everything stops. The happy smiles and attitudes of his employees vanish as they return to work and our protagonist is met with the horrible work grind culture he's walked into. Yet, he stays optimistic in the hopes he can stay strong only to finally break after a year of working at the business. He stumbles home from exhaustion to his now trashed apartment full of garbage bags, trash covering the floors, just looking like a dump because he's to exhausted from working and staying at the office days at a time to be able to clean up.
I love the first episode of Zom100, although only the first episode, because it does a FANTASTIC job at giving a message I live by. "Do not settle for treatment that is less than what you deserve." It shows what happens when you go for the give in option of what I mentioned earlier. If your boss is dumping work on you but not anyone else, call them out. If you're being harassed in the workplace and there is a clear bias because of your gender, race, or anything else, call them out. If your pay is far less than the amount you work, call them out. If they refuse to make any changes despite you having concrete evidence because they will lose the money they have to spare, quit and call them out.
The older folk in my life have told me time and time again that "You work for bad people to pay worse people and then die." (Not a direct quote but it summarizes what they say.) These people come from a time where there was an even worse imbalance in power and they had to give in to live due to the many things going on in the world at that time that made living conditions horrible if you weren't already super rich. It isn't like that anymore though.
The economy and people in power is still messed up yes we need to work on that but that isn't what this post is about.
Glitch Studios is an animation studio aiming to give independent animation a place to shine and has been doing so with MASSIVE success. It's thanks to them that indie work is finally getting looked at by bigger studios. Personally, I see this as a sign that art is finally getting a more proper place in the general view of society as a proper career path. Only issue is it's focused on animation.
I'm not an animator, I'm a writer and lover of comics. Would I want some of my stuff adapted into animation? By fans out of love for the works, yes, as an official adaptation for profit? No.
It's not a smart move marketing wise or profit wise but that's the thing. I'm not some old white guy sitting on a throne of gold bars in a big evil company business building, I'm a 20 something at a desk in a dusty apartment room surrounded by goofy posters and plushies. I don't care about money, I care about making things I and others love. I think that's what people have forgotten recently when it comes to working in this world. You can work and work and work and pay rent and be able to buy that new outfit to wear at your family gathering to show off but how long will you be happy from that? Small moments of joy is fine and treating yourself is fine too, but what do you do to make yourself happy while still fulfilling a purpose? Do you feel like you fulfill a purpose? What did you want to do, not need to do.
Working retail is seen as your go to starter job or just what you go to when you need to pay the bills. It's not a shameful thing to do, nor is any job when you just need an income for necessities. But, what if that's what you want to do? You don't want a giant house, you don't want a fancy car, you don't want Gucci clothes, you enjoy the simple job and lifestyle. That's fine. No matter if your parents say you're throwing away your potential, no matter if the world says you need to run a company, no matter what people say it is okay to have simple goals and a simple life.
Minimalism is the practice of only having what you need for what you want to do. This is the video that first got me thinking about it.
It's something I think people need to be taught about more. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't go and sell off everything you own, but maybe at least think "Do I really need a $200 phone from a popular brand that doesn't even come with a charger? Do I need it? What parts of it validate the cost?"
Now here is how this all ties back to my overall message with this tangent.
I want to make indie comics because it makes me happy. It makes my friends who have helped me shaped the stories, characters, and everything else happy. And, overall, I hope it makes others happy too. Not to mention, I can't exactly think about signing up with some popular publishing company because of how loudly of an anarchist I am and how diverse I make my work.
Why I'm making this post is because I want to get you thinking about this too. Are you happy with whatever job you have right now? Are you fairly treated? Is this what you want? Are you brainwashed by societal norms made by the big companies that you need whatever big and fancy phone or computer set up you're reading this on? If you said no to any of this I suggest looking into your own personal rights as a human being and standing up for yourself, think about forming a union if need be. If your issue is with buying expensive things you don't even need feel free to trade them in or sell them and get what you need and can be happy with while having extra money left over.
Remember, you don't need to be make a billion dollars each week to be successful. Happiness is from what you do and what makes you happy, not your bank account amount or how many bedrooms you have in a mansion. Most of all, happiness is what you choose to make it not what some old jerks who think Trump is a sane man say it is.
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