#not art
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no Edwin no Charles just amazing side characters
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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doctorsiren · 20 hours
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happy pride month!
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colorful-horses · 3 days
Covering all 9 seasons of MLP means this pony review video is already gonna be like an hour and a half long. May as well throw in Equestria Girls + the specials too
But the real question is ....... should I include pony life and G5 ..............
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reachartwork · 2 days
crossposting from twitter;
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are you guys really telling me in the entire two years that this has been a Federal Fucking Issue for a certain type of extremely online artist you still have refused to learn even for a second how it actually works?
the information has been widely available for you to consume and teach yourself for the past two years (even longer if you've been paying attention). at this point if you say and believe shit like this you are deliberately keeping yourself stupid uninformed, i'll be diplomatic. and it's sad to me because if you knew how it worked you would be substantially less afraid of it!
it genuinely makes me upset that instead of just accepting a new medium into the artistic world these people are just doubling down and will continue doubling down on MAKING THEMSELVES UPSET FOR NO REASON via anti-intellectualism.
if you're going to reject out of hand an entire art movement and its purveyors, you can at the very least teach yourself how it works to have a more informed criticism. this person even SAYS that they like it!
it's like... i don't know, if i went to critique a bunch of brutalist sculptures and expressed my displeasure at not knowing where the rocks they quarried and carved into these statues came from. like does that make sense? there's a total mismatch here of what they know vs what the actual problem is here (in this case, this person does NFTs, which is what you should've started the fucking thread with!)
i don't know. i know it's a fools game to worry about this but it makes me really upset that there are people in this world who are just... incurious. like to me that feels like humans trying to understand cthulhu. what do you mean you don't research the things that make you afraid so that you can understand them and be less afraid?
i don't really have a point here i'm just sad and annoyed. anyway.
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lazer-t · 2 days
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My 3D Commission slot request form is now open!
Form link
These are not first come first served, submitting a form does not guarantee a slot. I will be leaving the form open until I have enough requests. If you receive a slot, you will receive an email from me within the next few days telling you your estimated position in the queue and when you can expect me to be available to start working on your commission.
For more info please read my info page or the form!
More examples of my 3D work on my portfolio or my 3D tag
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tulipsie-art · 1 day
it's my first pride month as an openly trans and very very gay woman, how exciting :)
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fivetrench · 16 hours
Got my first ever real Adult Money (paycheck) so I bought a Falin figure waaaaah
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Here (link) is the page where you can find her :3
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canonkiller · 1 day
idk if I'll do any pride-specific art this year but regardless of that. my work and the spaces I curate are made from love and community. im not interested in arguing over identity labels and I abhor the hate and discrimination that is treated as justifiable because of disagreements over those labels, or the simple act of identifying with them.
I want a world that is safe for trans women. I want a society that upholds the rights and dignity of LGBT people. I want people to have the freedom to love who they love and choose the bodies they want to have. I want a community that is mindful of how poverty, race, trauma, disability and psychological conditions intersect with identity and presentation. I want the younger generations to have the knowledge of the struggle it took to reach this point, and I want the older generations to have comfort and connection, and I want all of us to know the respite of a future we've fought for.
so, y'know, don't be a cunt
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venacoeurva · 2 days
New mp3 players are FINE ig, good storage size, bluetooth support, and all that are nice but they all look like mini smartphones or ipods and that’s boring, where is the y2k PIZAZZ why cant we have funky designs this anymore
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clangenrising · 3 days
If you don’t mind constructive criticism, I just wanna say, outright using the word “sex” is a bit inappropriate. Like, you mentioned this blog will never depict sexual content on screen, but stating that word onscreen seems a bit…much. I know the header states that there might be some content of that sort but I still think it would be better if you refrain from directly stating that word, since a notable number of your fans are minors.
I disagree. Strongly.
First of all, having frank discussions about sex is not inappropriate. Sex is a normal part of human life and the more taboo we make it the less prepared people are for actually interacting with it. Saying I shouldn't mention sex outright because some of my audience are minors is like saying there shouldn't be sex ed in schools because it would be inappropriate and that's just not true. It's been proven over and over that sex ed and discussing sex with minors in a responsible way leads to them having safer sex when they do decide to become sexually active. So no, it's not inappropriate for me to mention sex.
Secondly, how is saying the word sex any worse than strongly alluding to the fact that Razor has sexually assaulted Scorchplume? Is the latter fine just because I never say "sex" outright? Because I would argue that THAT is probably the thing that edges closest into being NSFW and it's still not inappropriate and I'm not going to stop doing either of those things because this is a story about human connections (told through cats) and that includes how they engage with sex. That's the story I want to tell and it's resonated with a lot of people and I'm not going to censor myself.
Thirdly, even if there are minors in my audience, it's not my job to control the content they engage with. Like I've said, I'm never going to depict sexual content on screen so I don't think I have to cordon my work off just because some of the characters have sex lives and talk about them sometimes. My stuff is no worse than most teen dramas anyway. If my work makes a minor uncomfortable then thats on them to stop engaging with my work. I'm not going to stop making what I want to make bevause some minors found it. Its not like i cultivated a young audience on purpose so I could show them something inappropriate. I don't think my work is inappropriate in the first place and just because it's mature doesn't mean I should change its content so its more "kid friendly" or that I need to police who is reading it.
So I won't be taking that piece of criticism. If you take constructive criticism, I would urge you to re-examine why you think saying the word sex is inappropriate and then educate yourself on why sex ed and frank discussions of these kinds of topics is important.
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tcustodisart · 22 hours
I got teary eyed a bit today by seeing how much love Faust receives not only during pride but in general. It's a dumb thing to say about your own creation, but she came into my life when I needed her the most and became such a huge part of who I am today. She is truly the best thing I've ever created and I'm happy she brings joy to others.
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0046incognito · 2 days
sorry a lotsa people been asking around recently byt i finished memory leak (somehow took me 3 days to watch a 7 minute thing? im a big procrastinator) and i reaaaally liked the sound design and wanted to know if there was any specific inspo for that, or if it was generally drawn from the same media that influenced other aspects. not to compare baselessly but it reminds me a little of yume nikki, but that may just be because of both having a sort of dreamy quality to them. who knows. good film!!
(this kinda includes music, but mainly im refering to sfx)
sound design is my BIGGEST passion besides outright animation, if i were to get an industry job and for whatever reason couldn't get hired to be a storyboard artist i would drive a honda through a walmart to be an audio engineer
i'm INSANE about sound design so i always tend to notice things others maybe wouldn't about it, But that includes being Extremely Nitpicky And Thorough about era-authenticity. it's mostly inspired by older anime! i've always loved how 80s-90s anime uses clearly-synthesized SFX with a really dry mix, i would've loved to have made original SFX with my microkorg if i had the time, but i was on a REALLY tight crunch so i spent like. three full days just Looking for a royalty free SFX pack that at least was Trying to sound authentic if not "literally was produced in that era". and i wound up finding two!!!! the vast majority of the SFX in memory leak are from these two packs:
they were EXTREEEEEEEEMELY HELPFUL and i would not have enjoyed doing the sound NEARLY as much if it weren't for these. everything else is from freesound.org! most notably, this is what i used for hibiki's footsteps:
i think more animated projects should use this style of sound design just because it's Leagues more charming than excessively-realistic footsteps and hit-sounds all the time. go forth with your whimsy
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doctorsiren · 15 hours
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My sillies…
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funyiipp · 3 days
Thinking about those bootleg Julie Joyful slippers...
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reachartwork · 2 days
(again crossposting from twitter)
at this point i consider the genie so thoroughly uncorked that anyone wanting ai art to go away is just fucked. there are totally open source models that can be stored and run on consumer hardware that make capital G Good quality output.
sorry if this isnt what you want to hear. apologies for being the bearer of bad news.
it's not going away. i'm not going to hold it over your head and go neener neener neener because i'm not a child or a cryptobro or a silicon valley fash loser but the sooner we can come to terms with the fact that generative art ai is here to say the sooner you can begin planning productively for the actual future that will exist for real.
like i've said to other smarter people, the best point to strangle this baby in the crib was before it even started, and the second best point was probably around a year ago, but now it's proliferated and there's just no way it's going away no matter what copyright courts say.
sure, theoretically if everything goes the way various pro-copyright people wanted it to (big ask! not likely to happen!) you could make having and running a model *illegal* but look at how far making digital stuff illegal got every other industry in terms of piracy (not very). a *lot* and i do mean a *lot* of things would need to go "right" and the stars and the moon would need to align to get it made "illegal" and that wouldn't actually stop anything at all. and that's if we're accepting the framework of the anti-ai people's argument to begin with!
fundamentally this is an issue of art piracy. when you strip away all the word games and playing w/ language what you get is people arguing about art piracy and IP rights. and you tell me how well the International Struggle Against IP Piracy fight has been going for the past 20 years.
there's no legal OR technological solution that will get local copies of stable diffusion off people's hard drives. sorry! if you were hoping for one, well, better start thinking up a new plan.
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angiemaniac · 1 day
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