#stress position
cassieloveswhump · 3 months
Blindfold your whumpees.
Tie their hands together over their head, and put those bindings onto a hook dangling from the roof so that their hands are secured above their head and they can't move away, then blindfold them. Leave them there until they're so tired they'd fall asleep if they could, then beat them up. Punch them in the stomach, and watch them be unable to curl up to protect themself, or use a crowbar if you want more force. Watch them work themself into a panic trying to anticipate and brace for the next blow, then strike at where they're most vulnerable. Rinse and repeat until satisfied.
Bonus marks if whumpee's arms are secured in a way that forces them to stand on their tiptoes in order to relieve the weight pulling on their shoulders, and with every blow they take they lose their balance and have to frantically resume their tiptoe position before their shoulder gets dislocated.
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whumpster-dumpster · 8 days
So funny story, I had to hold my arms super tense for basically a whole day and let me tell you, the uncontrollable shakes I had when I finally loosened up. Like I could barely grip anything because everything was so spazzy. TLDR do that to your whumpees, have them hold a stress position that basically sets them on vibrate mode until the terrible soreness kicks in
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coldresolve · 8 months
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cookies-and-coffee · 6 months
whump thought:
Being chained upside down! Suspended from the ceiling!
— a stress position (obviously)
— the flow of blood straight down to the head? Whumpee going in and out of consciousness because their body just shuts down due to the lack of circulation?
— Whumpee getting punished every time they pass out, and they have to stay conscious for a certain amount of time before they are allowed to be let down
— this position would make the Whumpee so fucking vulnerable, spread out and open to any wandering hands
— currently imagining that the chains around the ankles are too tight… long streaks of blood dripping down the calves, thighs, torso, chest, maybe even into the eyes?
— crimson staining the floor, and the black spots in Whumpee’s eyes prevent them from even seeing it
— the suspension could be for a multitude of reasons: Torture and/or interrogation??? Auctioning to be sold?? A sick form of art display? Punishment for disobedience? Simple entertainment??
— just imagine Whumpee swinging around, crying out for help to the people pushing and shoving their body like a funny chandelier that bleeds and begs
— a literal human punching bag
— also, if a person hangs too long upside down, they could literally die??
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abhainnwhump · 6 months
Whumper traps Whumpee in a mechanism made up of wires, pulleys, and gears. They're forced into pretty poses where their arms are killing them and their legs feel like they will rip off any moment. Then Whumper will suddenly yank on one of the levers and Whumpee is forced into a new painful position that they're stuck in for even longer. They need physical therapy afterward since their body is so torn they can barely move.
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painsandconfusion · 3 months
I'm such a fan of the stress position that's just a rope around whumpee's neck.
They can stand, they're not choking or anything. IT's not even that tight. But the longer they stand the more exhausted they get. But they just...can't sit down. Pass out form exhaustion and you start choking.
It's so simple but so elegant and effective to completely exhaust and frighten someone. Especially when you account for whumpee's irrational fear of tripping over nothing while holding completely still kicks in. Is whumper watching them? Will they help whumpee stand again if they fall? How long will they be stuck like this???
It just grates on their mind and I love it.
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linecrosser · 7 months
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Whumptober 2023 - Day 22 - Stress Position
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onlythegoodpretzels · 4 months
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This is how my Shiro got his scar. Head collar!
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cassieloveswhump · 10 months
Whump Prompt
Whumper tying Whumpee's legs together and their arms to their body behind their back, then looping a noose around their neck and tying it to their legs so they can't curl up/bend over without choking themselves. They can only stand straight/lie down while keeping their spine straight.
Now repeatedly push Whumpee to the floor and watch them hit the ground hard unable to break their fall with their hands, or kick them in torso area and watch them choke trying to curl up and protect their stomach.
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chainandfeather · 2 months
You know those music boxes with the ballerina figures?
That but with a tiny whumpee having to hold a ballet pose as long as the music plays
Especially if they have to stand fully en pointe :) I know from experience that even holding demi pointe for a long time is torture
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kabie-whump · 3 months
How about another request, if you're up for it? 👀
Whumpee being kidnapped and used as bait for Caretaker. The kicker? Whumpee thinks it's not gonna work, since they and Caretaker got into a big argument before Whumpee was taken, to which Whumper reassures/taunts that Caretaker will come for Whumpee no matter what.
Then, to Whumpee's surprise and horror, Caretaker did come... and fell right into Whumper's trap trying to free Whumpee. 😈
-- @whumperofworlds
Of course pookie! :3 I'm just gonna continue what I wrote for u last time if u don't mind <3 (Just ignore the part where I said Ventis shows up on his own after a week lol)
Definitely ended up way longer than I intended teehee
Content: kidnapping, stress position + bondage, used as bait, child neglect mention, drug addiction + forced relapse, choking, blood, force feeding (not w food though cause ew)
Ventis takes stock of his condition. A cloth blindfold stretches across his eyes. His shoulders ache; unsurprising considering his hands are tied with a chain that stretches above him, forcing him to stand on his tip-toes to avoid putting too much pressure on his joints. Being unconscious in this position has probably fucked them up already. He much prefers when kidnappers tie him to chairs or leave him lying on the floor.
The next thing Ventis checks for is his magic. Sometimes he gets lucky and his kidnappers will forget to do anything to suppress it. Others will rely on the old-fashioned gag + blindfold + thoroughly bound hands method. And then there was his least favorite: anti-magic enchantments.
He's blindfolded but not gagged. That leaves two options. There's only one way to find out which situation he has found himself in.
Ventis steels himself, then tries to summon a simple lightning spell. As soon as the first draconic word leaves his mouth, pain shoots from the cuffs through his whole body. He cries out and his knees buckle, putting agonizing pressure on his shoulders until he recovers and goes back to balancing on his toes.
Definitely enchanted. Shit.
"Oh, you're awake." It's a woman's voice, coming from somewhere off to his left.
Ventis gasps for air as he takes note of the way her voice echoes. It sounds like they're inside, and it's far cooler than any building should be in the heat wave the city's been experiencing. He's either been taken somewhere very far away, or he's in a basement. Hopefully the latter.
"If it is ransom you seek, you took the wrong Riinturuth. Father will not pay for me."
Ventis has said those words so many times now that he wonders if there's some list of kidnappable nobles somewhere that he needs to get his name removed from. Just because he's the first son does not mean he's the favorite.
"Oh, I know. Don't worry. That's not what this is about."
That's... odd. "What do you mean?"
"Simple. You're going to help me capture the Ventura boy."
Onthyes. Fuck.
That's the thing about having an important father and being close with someone who also has an important father. Double the kidnapping risk. This scenario has only happened once before, and Onthyes appeared in no time and easily overpowered Ventis's captors.
It was kind of hot, if Ventis is being honest.
But that's not going to happen this time. Not after the argument they'd just had. Especially since Ventis had stated very clearly that he didn't want Onthyes protecting him from everything all the time. Oops.
"I will do no such thing."
"But you're already doing it." The woman's voice is just in front of him now. Ventis flinches away from her. "He knows where you are, and when he comes for you he'll be all mine."
"He will not come for me," Ventis assures her. "This is a waste of your time and mine."
Ventis yelps as an open hand strikes his cheek.
"Don't lie," the woman hisses. "I've been watching him. He's protective of you to a fault. He'll come."
"I did not- '' Ventis's words are cut off by a strong hand gripping his throat, making him squeak and choke, barely able to keep his weight on his toes. Claws prick at the delicate skin.
"He'll come," she says again. "And when he does I'm going to make you watch as I tear open his throat."
"No," Ventis chokes out. "Please. Don't hurt him."
The clawed hand releases its hold and Ventis gasps and coughs. His legs shake from the effort to stay up on his toes.
"Here, open your mouth. This'll make you shut up."
Something is pressed to Ventis's lips and he recognizes it immediately by the smooth texture and faintly sweet smell alone. Nightspill. The very same drug he had just fought to free himself from.
He seals his lips tightly, trying to turn his head away despite the urge to open up and accept his return to the blissful numbness the pill offered. He had worked so hard to get sober. Onthyes and Shayah had worked so hard to help him. He can't go back now.
The woman growls, "Stop being difficult," and digs her claws into Ventis's side. He can't help but scream, and she pushes the pill into his mouth and then covers it with her other hand so he can't spit it out. "Swallow," she demands.
Ventis sobs and shakes his head, trying to twist away from her but only succeeding at making his shoulders burn unbearably from the pull of the chains. She digs her claws deeper and pulls, slicing slowly through his skin.
The blindfold soaks up Ventis's tears as he continues to scream and sob and struggle while still doing everything in his power to resist the urge to swallow. The taste is familiar on his tongue. It's so tempting - it would definitely help to dull the pain he's in.
That one stray thought is all it takes. Ventis swallows before he even realizes what he's doing.
The claws retreat from is side and he can feel hot blood streaming down from the wound. The woman pries his teeth apart, searching his mouth with metallic tasting fingers to make sure the pill is really gone. Ventis tries to bite, but he's too slow and winds up snapping his jaw on nothing.
"There." Ventis's captor sounds entirely unbothered as she steps away. "Maybe that will help you calm down."
Ventis feels panic waking up somewhere deep in his stomach and struggling to fight its way to the surface, but it dies out before his heart rate can even begin to pick up. He's left feeling fuzzy and peaceful and devastated all at the same time.
"Now all we have to do is wait."
They wait for a long time. Ventis's legs shake uncontrollably. His hands go cold and tingly and then numb. The nightspill wants nothing more than to lull him to sleep but every time he starts to doze off he loses concentration on standing on his toes and a blinding pain in his shoulders rips him back to consciousness.
Onthyes isn't coming. Ventis wonders how long it'll take for his captor to realize that and just kill him.
Then- "Let him go!"
Ventis jolts. "Onthyes?" He croaks. That absolute idiot. Does he not know a setup when he sees one? "What are you doing? Get out of here!"
Armor clunks loudly as Onthyes runs up to him. A gloved hand touches his cheek, then pulls off the blindfold.
Ventis blinks spots out of his vision, everything slowly coming into focus as Onthyes fusses over him. "Run," he insists weakly. "Please."
Onthyes ignores him, his brow furrowed as he examines the chains. "I need to find the key. Hang in there."
An involuntary laugh bubbles out of Ventis. "Hah, hang? That is all I can do, my friend."
Onthyes just sighs and shakes his head as he turns away.
That's when Ventis's captor strikes. She emerges from a shadowy corner and pounces on Onthyes, all sharp claws and jagged teeth that barely fit behind her red lips.
Onthyes yelps and staggers backwards as she clings to his back, her claws searching for any holes in his armor. After finding nothing she turns her attention to pulling his hair so hard his head hits a nearby stone wall and he falls to one knee.
Pounding footfalls, followed by a battlecry and the appearance of a hulking half-orc woman - Shayah. "I told you to fucking wait for me," she yells as she rips Onthyes's attacker from his back and throws her across the room. She hits the opposite wall hard and goes still.
Onthyes rushes over to Ventis as Shayah retrieves the key to the cuffs. She barely has to reach to unlock them.
Even nightspill can't dull the pain that follows as Ventis finally lowers his arms and lands on flat feet for the first time in hours.
Sensation rushes back into his limbs and he screams. Onthyes is there to catch him when his knees buckle, holding him and whispering something along the lines of, "It's okay. You're okay. I've got you. I'm so sorry. Just breathe. You're okay."
When the pain finally recedes some Ventis is left gasping and trembling. He lets Onthyes lower him to the floor, too exhausted to support his own weight anymore. Shayah begins to check him over, using some scraps of fabric to stem the bleeding from the claw marks in his side.
She makes eye contact with Ventis, then pauses, a look of concern crossing her face. "Are you on something?" she asks softly, cupping his cheek.
Ventis gives a tired nod. "Nightspill. I'm sorry," he sobs. "I-I didn't want to. She made me."
"Shit," Shayah and Onthyes mutter at the same time.
"I'm sorry," Ventis repeats. "I tried. I really tried."
Onthyes brushes Ventis's hair from his sweaty forehead. "It's alright. We're not upset with you. We'll take care of you."
Onthyes's kind words don't help, not when the echoes of their argument from last night still haunt Ventis. "I-I thought you wouldn't come. After last night-"
"Last night's not important. I'll always come for you. Always. I..." Onthyes looks away, shaking his head. "I should've walked with you. I'm so sorry."
"Alright, boys." Shayah claps her hands, getting both of their attention. "You can wallow in guilt and pretend not to be in love with each other later. Let's get out of here."
"Right." Onthyes takes Ventis into his arms carefully and lifts him up, and Ventis finally nods off with his head lolling against Onthyes's shoulder.
Next Part
Ventisposting taglist: @scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-gaysimpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet @rainydaywhump
@unicornbeck @whumperofworlds
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secretwhumplair · 3 months
Whump prompt XXIV
Whumpee as part of the table decor at wumper's dinner party. Hungry, and surrounded if not covered in food.
Bonus points:
Stress position, of course
Whumpee's not even tied up. They're just expected to stay in position for hours.
Hot serving plates placed on whumpee's body
"Accidentally" getting stabbed with serving forks
The guests making jokes and giving compliments to whumper over the decor, never acknowledging whumpee as a living person
Whumpee, of course, cannot leave without whumper's permission - too bad whumper is too busy long after the dinner itself is done with entertaining their guests; they might forget about whumpee by the end of it, and go to bed without letting them go, sleeping in nice and long the morning after the party
Whumpee in a dark dining room holding their position for the benefit of absolutely no one, still knowing they would be punished if they were caught moving
Still tormented by the scent of leftovers that no one would miss, yet knowing they'd be punished if they took any
Being punished the next day for not having cleared the table and done the dishes sooner
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whumpbees · 10 months
Whumpees being kept in small cages are lovely. Watch them try to excape, pull the cage apart, Anything to get Out- Than their limbs start cramping, pins and needles setting in, and their forced to just try and find a comfortable position to be in.
Than the pain when Whumper pulls them back out.
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friendlylocalwhumper · 2 months
“Yes.” | “Kneel.” | Best of Three | Correspondence | Appraisal | Collapse | Cupcake
“This one… was difficult. Quick to obey, if you make the consequences for failure clear. But not eager. For example…”
A single fingertip starts at the nape of his neck, trailing down his spine. Muscles twitch under the thick scarring across Major’s back as he instinctively flinches down and only manages to wrench his arms farther up. Kept on his knees, thighs pressed tightly to his ribcage, head hanging and arms forced high behind his back to keep him locked in this position that makes his body feel like it’s on fire… the once-proud healer whines breathlessly. Defeated, he allows the touch to slide back up toward his shoulders and push down until he wheezes faintly. Chains clink somewhere overhead with his tremors.
“Ah, I see,” Says the new person. A buyer? Some freak who wants a pet? Major has no idea. No one tells him anything here. He doesn’t get to know anything here. Barely gets to earn one more day of being alive, with every act of obedience. “He’s not leaning into it, is he? Could you get him there?”
Tears well up in Major’s eyes and threaten to drip to the floor. He’s not fucking crying, he just… doesn’t want to fucking imagine how he could end up. What he could be trained to act like.
The trailing fingers are replaced by a wide, warm hand across the back of his neck. Despite how it makes his arms creak and twitch, Major cowers down to press his knees harder into his ribs, breaths coming shallower with every futile attempt to escape the crushing warmth. As fingers slide up into his hair, burrowing under bleached straw to find the softer, grown out brown waves against his scalp, Major tries to rise before he can be yanked upward. The chain linked to his iron collar clinks in protest, but relief washes over him anyway as the owner of the hand hums in approval.
“We could get him there.”
taglist: @morning-star-whump, @lthrboy, @apokolyps, @paperprinxe
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Stress positions, that don't look like stress positions (at first glance)
laying on your back, having to tilt either your torso or your hip to one side, or really any twisty position lying down, ones you might see on renaissance paintings, which look nice and sometimes comfy but are not, when you're forced to keep them up for a while
Brought to you by: me getting a new tattoo on my ribs and lying in a really uncomfortable position for 4 hours, it was the least painful tattoo I got so far when it comes to tattoo pain, but damn having to lie there for 4 hours was excruciating
when your hip is tilted, and your legs are on top of each other with no support inbetween, the upper leg is strained by gravity, and it absolutely destroys your hip, the lower legs blood supply will be insufficient after a long time of resting your other leg on top of it, so good luck getting up afterwards
when your torso is tilted to the side, and preferebly in the other direction than your legs, you'll notice your back popping comfortably when you get into position, it's a relief
you keep up that position with your spine twisted, straining the muscles around it to keep the vertebrae intact and close to each other, you're unable to relax or get any sense of relief until you get up
one might lose feeling in one or both arms, depending on how they were placed, so when you're offered sweets your hand works like a faulty clawmachine and you might have to be fed, completely relying on the people around you
when you finally get up, you might black out for a second from the sudden rush of blood getting back to your brain
all sorts of tingly/outright painful sensations as you start moving your limbs again
having a limp with no physical signs of trauma for a day
upper back and neck pain lasting for days afterwards
migraines and headaches hitting randomly
sore muscles from head to toe for days afterwards
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