entrapped · 1 month
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robobarbie · 4 months
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at your service !
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picknmixsims · 5 months
Better Major Auto-Selection
Better Major Auto-Selection
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Changes which major is automatically declared when a Sim enters their junior year to one based on their One True Hobby, interests and skills.
If the Sim knows their One True Hobby (OTH) and it has an associated major, they will enroll on that course.
Otherwise, if the Sim has a preferred interest and it has an associated major, they will enroll on that course.
Otherwise, the Sim's best three skills (biased by any skills associated with their OTH and interests) will be used to pick a major.
Only if no other major has be chosen, will they be enrolled on the Philosophy course.
Fully configurable via BCONs; supports adding custom majors.
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lorenzonuti · 2 months
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"Let's move"
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vantaesfairie · 4 months
𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉 : 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
this is a gender neutral pac. late happy valentine's day 2024 and happy chinese new year!
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pile 1, white comb:
when you leave your victim mentality behind, and stop saying things that limit your own potential growth. when you step out of this insecure energy and blossom. when you start to trust your inner voice, your gut, and learn from it. when you become a calm and aware person. when you learn to trust your intuition. when you reach an intellectual spike. when you learn to communicate well and say things without beating around the bush. when you have the mental strength to love and stand firm in your beliefs. when you break free of cycles that do not serve you.
signs: fencing, rock pools, castle, church, a woman in blue, an expansive mountain view, splitting fog, chess, a sunny day
pile 2, pink comb:
when you learn to seek joy by yourself and within yourself. when you are self sufficient and independent. when you start living a life of personal comfort and leisure. when things start getting easier for you. when you are intuitively aware of yourself. when you have grown to be mature on the inside. when you start trusting your gut (similar to pile 1). when you contemplate and learn from things that have hurt or benefitted you. when you have healed and cleared your head from pain. when you are mentally prepared to love. when you have patched yourself up on the inside.
signs: journalling, grapes, winery, robin bird, sunflowers, a crescent moon, stained glass, yoga, pilates, a tomb that stands out to you
pile 3, blue comb:
when you are making progress to where you want to be in life. when you travel. when you are committed to what you want to achieve. when you are looking forward to the future and what it can bring. when you start appreciating what or who is there for you instead of crying over spilt milk. when you step out of self pity. when you start leaving the past and regrets behind. when you start to be gentle in strength. when you master patience and compassion. when you have inner strength to be in love. when you see the positive side of things and learn to be kind to yourself.
signs: big dog, lion, garland of flowers, desert, fast flowing river / stream, chalice, a beautiful sunset, new sprouts on branch
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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friendlylocalwhumper · 2 months
"Yes." | “Kneel.” | Best of Three | Correspondence | Appraisal | Collapse | Cupcake
Six guys in a row, on their knees, blindfolded and gagged. Major seethes, shifting his weight on throbbing knees. How much goddamn longer does he have to wait for something to happen? He caught a glimpse of the other sorry fucks kneeling beside him, as he was forced down to sit on his heels. He tried to buck up, and only got pistol whipped for it, so. He’ll just fucking wait.
“Are you going to behave?” Says someone vaguely in front of him, off to the left. Talking down at one of the kneeling guys. Major cocks his head to listen as a gag is pulled out of someone’s mouth.
“Fuck you.”
A small, mechanical click. Then something like thunder cracks. Major jerks, trying to throw himself to the floor, heart lodged in his throat. There was a flash of light, he thinks, as a fist cinches in his hair and forces him back upright. A gunshot. It was a gunshot. He doesn’t hear any groaning or screaming, just… that’s a body slumping to the ground. Heavy, dull, lifeless.
A shoe scuffing on the floor, and that voice again. “Are you going to behave?”
A gag is pulled free, and a breathless, nervous voice answers. “Uh - yeah. Yeah, sure.” It’s right beside Major, this voice. He can all but feel the guy shivering beside him, inches away. He smells like sweat and stale clothes. Major chews on the cloth in his mouth, listening hard. A click, metal on metal.
Another deafening crack, and the flash of light is brighter this time. Major’s whole body tries to flee from the noise against his will. It’s only when he’s yanked back again, his scalp burning, that he registers the hot, sticky spray that hit his face a second ago. He doesn’t have to hear the body falling to know that there is now a dead body crumpled beside him.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Someone is pulling the gag out of his mouth. Normally he would be cursing up a storm, demanding answers, calling these creeps every twisted insult he could string together. But for once, Major holds still, and holds his tongue. Hot metal presses to his forehead, the point of pressure small and haunting.
“Are you going to behave?”
All thoughts leave his head. There is no decision to submit. He cannot see, isn’t allowed to move, and the gun to his head makes his response come out as instinctively as a breath. “Yes,” He answers, firm in the knowledge that it is the right answer, and hushed in mortal terror. He’ll behave, whatever that means. There’s no other choice.
The cooling metal disappears. Another footstep, off to his right now. The kneeling guy on that side is barely breathing, taking in tiny gasps that probably starve him of oxygen.
Major feels dizzy himself. He wasn’t planning on caving this fucking early. Planned to be a stubborn asshole, maybe get tortured for a few weeks, or make some daring escape and kill a few fuckers on his way out. But he can tell already, from the tension in the air. From how fast those guys’ mistakes got them wiped out. He’s gotta learn fast, here, or his last thought will be that he should’ve behaved better.
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The flower that follows the sun does so even in cloudy days.
-Robert Leighton
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All for the game au where everything is exactly the same but instead of playing exy it's some kind of academic decathlon and they go just as hard. Neil absolutely bodies every math question and Kevin's undefeated in history. Aaron obviously handles everything bio. Andrew is an absolute academic weapon because of his eidetic memory but he doesn't give a single fuck about any of it so he only ever answers questions when no one else knows the answer.
Renee's incredible with religious studies and Allison WRECKS the other teams with anything art/music related. Dan is a chemistry and physics wizard and could probably be building bombs or going to space but instead she's essentially playing team jeopardy. Matt's reign is English because I ran out of subjects and I can imagine him dramatically reading Shakespeare monologues out loud in his free time.
The mafia still exists and so do the Ravens and riko was still trying to build a "perfect court" which I think makes the face tattoo thing funnier because it's just as intense but they're all nerds.
Instead of Neil fangirling over exy racquets he's really impressed by the little buzzer things you push during competitions and the elaborate, color coded flashcard system the Foxes come up with.
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toxictoxicities · 3 months
2. lol. and 10
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No.10 is a hard one because picking one is just impossible - so I picked 3! I really like iterators that are unique in a way but also not far from the whole original concept either- there's a bunch of others I love but I reckon these are my top 3 personally <3
habitually stargazing @kociamieta Dune beloved @druidshollow Candy Cane Major @yellowldraws
For no.2 - well, my blog speaks for itself doesn't it? HAH
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I can't be for sure though, it might be slivermoon
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dragonfelling · 1 year
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Common art style found in Anemoi. Beasts like this are often painted like wards for bad luck
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rabid-mercenary16 · 4 months
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Major bigger form
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morganhopesmith1996 · 5 months
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Major Motoko Kusanagi by Shirow Masamune
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robobarbie · 6 months
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love backgrounds
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i forgot to enable the shelf layer. boo boo the fool lost in major's eyes
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cavillomania · 29 days
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picknmixsims · 4 months
Better Major Auto-Selection - Updated
Better Major Auto-Selection
Actually added the compatibility with TwoJeffs' "No Finals At Night" this time - ooops!
Thanks to Bratty for bringing this to my attention.
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vantaesfairie · 9 months
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔱
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
your personal 매력 point :)) my pacs are all gender neutral. i just like fancy dresses.
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pile 1, red dress:
your attractive point is the way you radiate love. be it self love, romantic love, family love, platonic love, it is there. your aura shows off rainbows of love. people can sense it radiating off you, as well as the way you prefer harmony and goodness. people may think of you as the colour pink. also you may think a lot before you do things, which is attractive in the sense that you know how to manage and take care of yourself and your future, a grounded person. finally, your generosity and love towards those who you aren't even close with is adored. you wish for nothing but the best. it's like spring and love and rainbows and petals and clouds are shooting out of your ass. a bit of a people pleaser energy, but also a very bubble bath royalty feeling as well.
people you remind me of: fluttershy and rarity of my little pony
pile 2, green dress:
your attractive point is the way you always stand up for yourself and fight for those you love. you may attract rumours or bad people who talk badly about you, and you fight them off. you always emerge better and taller. similarly to pile 1, you are also radiating a lot of love, but this time it feels more sexy and self-loving. protective too, like a hawk protecting new chicks. you know your worth is what i am feeling. you are also a determined person to move you and your life forwards, and that intimidates people but makes you attractive. there is a lot of confidence that you show off even if you don't feel it yourself. i think that you may be very insecure or have some personal issues within you that is difficult for others to know when they get to see you at first sight.
people you remind me of: not people but like a very elegant long emerald green snake with a teensy gold crown on its head
pile 3, blue dress:
your attractive point is the way you always stand up again after a fall. no matter what type of attack you were bestowed upon, you rise up taller and it's like you rebuild yourself brick by brick and solidify your reputation as someone who never backs down. phoenix rising from the ashes. like pile 2, your energy is also much heavier than that of pile 1, but in a good way. you are also attractive in the way that you are able to balance everything. emotion vs head, work vs play. everything is always in order and will be sorted out nicely. very rational but still be able to party type of feeling.
people you remind me of: vidia and silvermist from tinkerbell
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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