#whump inspiration
mintflavouredwhump · 2 days
The whumpee suffers from extremely vivid nightmares and on occasion, night terrors. One such unfortunate night, they awaken in a state of confusion and panic and assume that they're still stuck with the whumper and begin to thrash around.
This startles the caretaker and they attempt to calm Whumpee down by wrapping their arms around them. This is a mistake and it results in Whumpee struggling even more, clawing at Caretaker in a bid to escape, even as they try to whisper words of comfort in the former's ear. Finally exhausted, Whumpee's head falls onto Caretaker's chest and they let out a small sob.
"Do whatever you want to me, I can't take it anymore."
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screams-n-shackles · 8 days
Attending Wounds
"I know that you're in pain but please keep still."
"This might burn a little."
"I will be quick."
"Can you handle it?"
"Stay calm. I will take a quick look."
"It looks worse than it is."
"How does this even happen?"
"Hold still or I will mess up."
"Only a few more."
"This has to do for now."
"Look at me."
"You will be okay."
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whumptea · 4 months
so sick and tired of people hating on lady whump. give me your lady whumpees slouching against a brick wall, drugged and dazed as they try to make their way home. give me girls covered in blood — whether it be their own or someone else’s. give me lady whumpees who thrash and scream and fight against their restraints. who spit poison at their captors. who cry and beg and plead and kick. i’m so goddamn tired of women in whump either always 1. being the whumper, or 2. being forced into these soft, docile stereotypes that prevent them from expressing anything but. give me more lady whumpees or give me death.
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elisabethrosewrites · 2 months
"How much do you care for your Whumpee?" Whumper asked Caretaker in a nonchalant tone.
Caretaker glares viciously at him. "They don't mean anything to me." They tell the boldfaced lie with as much confidence as they can muster.
"Is that so?" Whumper asks, amused this time. "So if for example, I had Whumpee bound and gagged in the back of my car, that would mean nothing to you?"
"Nothing at all," Caretaker replies, the lie hurt but they had to protect Whumpee.
Whumper fixed Caretaker with a calculating stare. "Well then, I suppose I won't be needing them anymore." He lifted his phone to his ear. "Hear that Henchman? You can dispose of the brat now."
Ice rushed into Caretaker's lungs. All their bravado slipping away. "No!" They shouted.
"I thought they meant nothing to you?"
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whumpbump · 2 months
Me constantly: “how can I turn this into a Whump scenario?”
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blackrosesandwhump · 2 months
Whump Prompts 130: Lab Whump Aesthetic
CW: lab whump (obviously), blood, self-harm, psychological/emotional whump, magic whump
The lab rat uniform: loose, drab, hanging on whumpee's frame like it doesn't feel comfortable there
Bloodstained, soiled clothing, the result of experimentation
Whumpee left naked in their cell as their uniform is washed
Whumpee arriving at the lab facility as a new subject and realizing that whumper will be experimenting on them, not with tools and drugs, but with dark magic
Inhuman whumpees losing whatever shreds of humanity they might have had as time and experiments continue and they're treated more and more like animals
Or, conversely, inhuman whumpees that become more human and exhibit more human emotions as they're mistreated
Whumpee forgetting their own name because they're only referred to by a subject number
Disorientation from drugs/experiment aftermath
Whumpee's sleep, the only time they're alone, being disrupted by nightmares about what's been done to them
Or, a whumpee who's never left alone, always watched, always under observation of some kind
Whumpee's skin slowly turning into a scarred, chaotic mess from cuts/syringes/injections, etc.
Whumpee seeing their own distress and pain mirrored in the glimpsed faces of other lab rats in the facility
Whumpee learning to see themself as nothing but a test subject
Bandages, sterile gauze, sterile lights, sterile everything
Whumpee being overwhelmed when they catch a glimpse of life outside the lab when visitors arrive
Waking up after an experiment, seeing bloodied instruments and wondering groggily what terrible thing whumper could have done to them now
Learning to damage their own body to foil whumper's plans
Whumpee becoming desensitized to whumper's drugs and needing higher and higher doses for them to work
No longer recognizing their own body after recovering from whumper's last experiment
Whumper leading lab rat whumpee to a mirror, after intentionally keeping them away, and letting them see how pathetic they've become
Or, whumpee looking in a mirror and realizing that whumper has turned them into a monster
Whumpee deciding that it's too late for them and they might as well embrace what they've become
Feel free to reblog and add on!
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blood-and-reblogs · 7 months
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nat-1-whump · 7 months
So, with NaNoWriMo in full swing, and unfortunately having already seen some examples of this, I just want to say:
If you see a Tumblr post by a disabled person talking about their disability, and they aren't specifically posting it as a prompt or writing resource, do not reblog it with tags like #whump inspo or start talking about your OCs. That is so, so fucking inappropriate and weird.
It's one thing to write about disabled characters, but it's not okay to take a post by a real person about their own experiences and make it about your OCs. Just don't.
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inky-here · 2 years
i am ALL DOWN for caretakers who are soft and gentle towards the whumpee, with all the hair brushing, back rubbing, the "you're okay"s and the "sweetheart"s, but then they go and beat the ever living shit out of a whumper
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
A Whumper who, in the eyes of a traumatized Whumpee, is a Caretaker compared to the absolutely horrendous treatment they had been subjected to prior to being kidnapped by them
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mintflavouredwhump · 16 days
I love whumpees who can't ever seem to catch a break. Bad things are always happening to them and they have no idea why. In many cases, they don't even deserve the misfortune that's so commonplace for them
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the-baby-storyteller · 10 months
Chin lifts.
From Whumper to make Whumpee feel vulnerable. Weak. Like property. To remind them of their place and just how servile and pliant they are under Whumper’s control. Forcing them to lift their head, stretching their neck to the point of pain, in a show of cruel sadism as a wicked smile spreads across their lips.
From Caretaker to soothe Whumpee. To make them meet their eyes when they refuse. To check for illness or harm. Or tears. Maybe they smile when Whumpee’s gaze reaches their own. Perhaps they frown at what they see. Regardless, an intimate moment is created as Whumpee stares up at them, seeing the intemt strong within their eyes and feeling the firm unyielding grip of their hand, both whispering: “I’ve got you.”
Whumpee, the one having their chin lifted, feeling all too exposed with the near manhandling. For a Whumpee who’s main defense mechanism is hiding, not being able to cover their highly expressive face is a terror. A Whumpee who refuses to meet Whumper’s gaze out of spite. A Whumpee who buries their head in Caretakers chest when ill to hide the flush of their face or seek comfort.
Lift their chin.
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whumperwithwings · 19 days
Make your twinks suffer!!!!!! Make them curl up in Caretakers arms crying in pain!!!!! Make it so that they whimper and beg!!!!!
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elisabethrosewrites · 3 months
Gotta love it when Caretaker has gotten out of an abusive relationship, is settling in, meets their friend/lover and life seems good. Whumpee becomes their new everything, they can't imagine a life without them. It's all working so well. But Whumper can't let that happen. He's been watching Caretaker, his Caretaker, fall in love (romantic or platonic) with Whumpee, now that just won't do. Not one bit.
Caretaker comes home one day and the apartment is just a little too quiet. They call out for Whumpee and hear a small thud. They round the corner into the living room. There's Whumpee... On their knees. And Whumper standing over them with a gun to their head.
"Welcome home sweetheart," Whumper says, a curl to his lips.
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whumpbump · 6 months
Immersion Therapy
Cw: noncon (nonsexual) touching, noncon drugging, mentions of PTSD, control by a big organization, forced immersion therapy, forced ABA, forced conversion therapy
Whumpee was diagnosed with PTSD and under the Caretaking Organization’s decision, Whumpee was to go through immersion therapy with their assigned Caretaker.
Whumpee’s immersion therapy was to sit on Caretaker’s lap for an hour, three times a week while being hugged to overcome their aversion to being touched and held.
Caretaker was given their orders and uncomfortable with the decision made, tried to gently explain to Whumpee what would be happening from the doorway of Whumpee’s room. Caretaker received an “Absolutely NOT” from the lump of blankets on the bed and with that, closed the door and reported back.
An injectable sedative was delivered to Caretaker’s doorstep within three hours.
Caretaker took a deep breath and called to Whumpee from the doorway.
“Whumpee? It’s time for immersion therapy. The sooner we do it, the sooner it’s over.”
The lump of blankets was silent. This was generally Whumpee’s way of saying no without having to verbalize. Typical avoidance behaviors like pretending they can’t hear or looking away so they can’t acknowledge by looking in Caretaker’s eyes that they’ve been told something.
Caretaker swallowed uncomfortably, knowing what was likely coming next.
“Whumpee, I’m giving you the chance to try it out before we move on to next steps.”
The lump was silent and seemed to become quieter if that was even possible.
Caretaker walked over to the blankets, pulled them back and quickly sunk the needle into exposed flesh. Whumpee looked up in surprise and horror as Caretaker pulled the needle away and clicked the safety cap on.
In an instant, Whumpee bolted for the door. Caretaker followed, concerned they would fall down the steps. Fortunately Caretaker was able to pass Whumpee on the stairs as they slowed significantly, cursing up a storm in slurred speech. When they did end up sliding towards the floor, Caretaker was there to catch them and scoop them up. Like a small child restrained by a parent during a tantrum, Whumpee huffed and cried as they tried to wiggle away from the offending arms.
Caretaker calmly sat them both on the couch and curled Whumpee into their body as their hour together started. Whumpee cried and cried. Caretaker cried too, knowing this was not therapeutic in any sense of the word and would only cause Whumpee to lose trust in them but they had their orders and would lose their job if they refused.
As they sat, Caretaker apologized profusely through their tears and explained they had to do this lest they lose their job and Whumpee end up with someone not as caring, only in it for the money. Whumpee understood this but was so overwhelmed by the touch and shock of being drugged that all they could do was make big ugly sobs into Caretaker’s shirt.
Caretaker wiped Whumpee’s tears and nose with a tissue and shushed them while rubbing small circles on their back, patting them, and rocking them intermittently. They felt Whumpee’s heart rate slow and Whumpee allowed the drugs to lull them to sleep. As they slept, Caretaker thought deeply about the events that had unfolded, leading them to this moment. Was it worth it to stay in the Organization if this was how they treated their patients?
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blackrosesandwhump · 4 months
Totally random idea that just popped into my head:
A human who sets up a contractual business with vampires as their bloodbag on call, able and willing (even eager) to feed them as the need arises.
Imagine a dim, fancy shop, all the windows curtained over or blacked out, and a smiling human who walks out of the shadows to greet the vampire that just showed up, starving, at their door.
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