#human whumpee
Whumper drugging Whumpee up so they're super docile and out of it for when the other whumpers come over for a whumper party. Whumper's guests take turns cooing over Whumpee, petting them, holding them in their laps and feeding them little treats like pieces of fruit or chocolate. The whumpers fighting for the adorable Whumpee's attention, however limited it may be. Now imagine Whumpee is a human and the whumpers are all fae.
...should I write this?
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whumpsoda · 7 months
i raise you, a vampire that always keeps their thrall in a sleepy/blissful state cause they think it’s endearing. especially since the thrall was previously a ball of anxiety that couldn’t relax whatsoever before the vampire intervened
WOHEO Masterlist
God, yes!! This is so good, thank you!!
cw: vampire whumper, human whumpee, hypnosis
“How did you…?” the vampire watched as Malak clung to the couch, desperate to keep himself from toppling over. 
“I- please- I don’t-” the human’s eyes widened, his breath becoming frantic and short as he attempted to speak. His lip quivered, matching the tremble of his pale hands. 
Malak’s head throbbed, discombobulated and out of order from the whirlwind consuming him. It was as if he’d been pulled from a trance of heavenly paradise, suddenly unraveling the strings of his brain. Somehow, someway he couldn’t seem to grasp, he’d escaped the clutches of a mind-bending monster, one out to steal his autonomy to the highest degree.
Overwhelmed with the only urge to escape, one that had been weakened by the vampire’s strength, he had done his very best to obey. Fighting against his strangely heavy and uncoordinated body, he had tried so hard. A voice pounded in his head, screaming at him to liberate himself. 
Adrastus took a step forward, their hands held out to the other man in a comforting manner. “Darling, what happened?” Immediately, Malak attempted to run, instead slipping on his own feet, his legs far cumbersome to operate successfully.
Hitting the chill, wood flooring, an unfamiliar strike of pain cut through him. A whimper escaped his salty lips, wet from tears previously cascading down his red cheeks. In the blink of an eye, a pair of perfectly polished boots appeared level with his gaze.
He squealed, attempting to escape again, unsuccessfully. The sleepy weight of his body allowed for little movement, and thus he was easily captured by the monster. Inhumanly strong arms wrapped around his abdomen, lifting Malak into the arms of the vampire with a huff.
He desperately attempted to thrash in their hold, to no avail. While much too disoriented to resist successfully, Adrastus giggled at their discomfort. “It’s alright darling, I’m here now.” They soothed, inciting only more wiggling. They casually made their way around the couch, unbothered by the struggling man in their arms. 
Malak’s head spun, the concoction of anxiousness and panic twisting in his stomach. A jumble of thoughts overwhelmed him, incomprehensibly spiraling in his brain. He sputtered unintelligibly, coherent words melting on his tongue.
Adrastus plopped onto one cushion, gently sitting Malak on their lap. Before allowing the human a chance to make any move, no matter how feeble, they softly trailed a calming hand from Malak’s forehead, down to his chin, silencing their human immediately. “Hush, sweetie. No need to worry, I’ll fix you up, easy peasy.” They flashed the human a fang-filled smile.
Instantly, Malak’s brain liquified into a pile of goop. The whirlwind of awareness ceased, leaving only the commanding touch of the vampire. 
Adrastus slipped their hand from Malak’s back, gingerly draping him across their own lap. A wave of pleasure washed over him, settling and returning with each motion of Adrastus’ nimble fingers combing through his hair, lightly scratching at the surface of his scalp. With each repeat, the cloud in his mind only grew foggier, hazed with overwhelming bliss.
Drowsily, Malak adjusted his position, shifting his head to lay on Adrastus’ slender legs. “All better now, right?” In return, they merely received the slightest of a nod. 
“I’m so glad. I mean, I’m shocked as well!” Adrastus pinched at their human’s cheek sweetly. “How could such a feeble little mind like yours escape my power? I haven’t seen you remotely lucid in months!” they exclaimed.
The words simply flew right over Malak’s head, too enraptured in the urge to sleep to pay much attention. Absentmindedly, he grunted, and nuzzled closer into the lush fabric of the vampire’s sweater, basking in the warmth. “So sluggish, aren’t you? Just a sleepy little boy. A good little thrall.” They let out a light chuckle, continuing to pet their thrall to unconsciousness.
“My sleepy little boy, my good little thrall.” Malak’s heart practically soared at the praise. To his delight, Adrastus pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “You’re just adorable, all dazed and disoriented. I wouldn’t prefer my thrall any other way.”
“I mean, you enjoy it too don’t you? I can’t imagine how it must have felt escaping from such a long period of mindless bliss. Snapping into awareness must have been so terrifying.” Pouting, Adrastus delicately swiped away the last slick tear from Malak’s red cheeks. “That’s why you can’t let that happen again, alright? I couldn’t imagine what you did to allow your consciousness so close to the surface, but surely you’ve learned your lesson now?”
Malak nodded eagerly, shaken over the idea of displeasing the vampire. “Such confusing emotions of fear and distress just aren’t fit for a thrall as cute as you!” A wide, dull-eyed smile couldn’t help but spread across the human’s face. 
“Must’ve just been all that anxiousness stirring inside that tummy of yours. I'll be sure to arrange that a similar situation does not arise again.” The assurance was comforting, yet Malak couldn’t help but sense a slight anguish stirring inside him.
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unforgivenn · 3 months
Whumpee's breath came in shallow gasps, their pulse quickening with each beat as Whumper's fangs sank deeper into their shoulder, eliciting a small cry of pain.
"Do you feel that?" Whumper's voice slithered like a serpent in the darkness, sending icy tendrils of fear snaking along Whumpee's spine. "That's the fear coursing through your veins..."
Whumper leaned in closer, his cold breath ghosting over Whumpee's ear, sending shivers down their spine. "It's absolutely delicious..." His voice dripped with sinister delight as he flashed his blood-stained teeth, relishing in the terror reflected in Whumpee's wide eyes.
Whumpee's fingers twitched trying to push Whumper away. With each sip of blood, Whumper chuckled softly, savoring the way Whumpee's struggles grew weaker, their attempts to push him away faltering.
Eventually, their struggles slowed to a halt, their head slumping against Whumper's shoulder. Whumper's lips curled into a twisted smirk seeing this. He gently brushed a lock of hair from their face, his voice a low whisper.
"Sleep well my dear.. You may have fallen but your nightmares are just beginning.."
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blackrosesandwhump · 4 months
Totally random idea that just popped into my head:
A human who sets up a contractual business with vampires as their bloodbag on call, able and willing (even eager) to feed them as the need arises.
Imagine a dim, fancy shop, all the windows curtained over or blacked out, and a smiling human who walks out of the shadows to greet the vampire that just showed up, starving, at their door.
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redd956 · 6 months
Space Themed Whump Prompt List
Whump for the space and horror lovers
Whumpee's protective facial wear cracked during a quick moment of violence. Slowly the outer world is seeping in. Maybe whumpee is slowly losing their breathable air, maybe something hazardous is creeping in.
The space ship turned smaller and smaller as whumpee drifted away from it. They pressed the mayday button of their suit, but instead watched the silhouettes of their crew start the ship and head the opposite direction.
Alien whumpee has become a specimen to observe aboard the ship. They spend their days watching astronauts pass by, slowly learning to tell the difference between the suits. Caretaker has that strange scratch on their "face", and whumper's "hands" are blue instead of blinding white.
Whumper gives whumpee tainted oxygen, slowly poisoning and asphyxiating them. An enemy astronaut notices whumpee's loopy behavior.
Alien whumper won't let astronaut whumpee leave. Whumper's taken to murdering other astronauts to keep whumpee's oxygen going, and suit repaired.
Whumper and whumpee become abandoned on a dangerous alien planet. They're forced to work together if they want to survive, but whumper's violent behavior fails to stop.
After their ship is beaten and battered multiple whumpees are forced to land in dangerous territory that holds other intelligent creatures. Alien caretaker is very confused by these bulky and injured crashlanders, but they can't let these strange creatures suffer.
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demondamage · 11 months
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JUST A SKETCH TODAY FOR @figuwhump I will finish this maybe tomorrow????
Anyways I love drawing Haziel and Warren sooooooo-
Art tag: @whump-tr0pes @whump-queen @whumpsday @whumpinthepot @kixngiggles @onlywhumpcomments @project-xiii @quietly-by-myself @ka1imba @suspicious-whumping-egg @cyborg0109 @whatwhumpcomments @whumpcomica @i-eat-worlds @regrets-realization-acceptance @dont-look-me-in-the-eye @burntcoffeewhump @lonesome--hunter @scribbelle @oddsconvert @painsandconfusion @whumpasaurus101 @sadcatjae @kiratheperson
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I am of the firm opinion that we, as a community, are sleeping on the wealth of whump that is severe itching. Not only is itching just a horrible symptom in general but you have the mental exhaustion just like you have for more typical pain and also the potential for other types of pain from scratching too hard as well as the risk of infection. The itching can also be a warning sign of so many other things. And for teh nonhuman and fantasy whumpers out there, you can have it as a symptom of magical exhaustion or have a whumpee with claws tearing up their own flesh.
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whumpy-wyrms · 3 months
i just love the concept of an immortal human whumpee being kept captive by a vampire whumper. the whumper can take however much blood they want and the whumpee will never die.
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Don't know if this is your thing but attempting some mind control? >:)
This ended up more about vampires than mind control but it's there lol.
TW: Vampire, manhandling, thrall/mind control, threat of eye whump (doesn't happen)
The vampire knocked a few times on their present’s room. A courtesy gesture really. Mostly to warn them as they opened the door and entered. 
Whumpee still jumped, as far from the door as they could be. “I didn’t invite you in, how can you be here?” They asked tiredly, faced away from their captor.
“Delight, this is my house. I need no permission to enter my own rooms.” 
Whumpee stiffened, but didn’t turn around. 
The vampire sighed. “I have some friends downstairs who are simply dying to meet you. Won’t you come willingly? It’s not as if this is new to you.” 
No response, no movement from the poor unfortunate human in the room. Faster than could be registered, the vampire was across the room, human pinned to the wall from their inhuman strength. Whumpee tried unsuccessfully to pull away, squirming and holding their eyes tightly closed.
It was always both satisfying and tempting to feel the human’s heartbeat under the vampire’s palm. The warmth of life might be gone from their body but their senses had been enhanced beyond all imagination. The simple fact they didn’t eviscerate every prey they fed from was a testament to their skill. 
The vampire tsked, lightly dragging their sharpened fingers down whumpee’s cheek. “Now now Delight, you know how I despise it when you act petulant. Open those eyes, if you won’t obey of your own accord.” 
The human knew the vampire was right. They weren’t new to this. But all the same, they fought it. Refused to give in. Refused to simply lie down and allow the bloodsucker to make them their little pet. Even through their vulnerable trembles, whumpee kept their eyes closed. 
A dark growl reverberated through their body. Whumpee’s reaction was far from beyond their control; a deep instinct, encouraged by pain and suffering that lingered long after they were returned limp to their room. They knew what was coming but even then couldn’t let go. 
“Open your eyes,” the vampire ground out again, claws digging into Whumpee’s hair and pulling on their tender scalp. 
“If you keep them closed, my friends and I will cut your eyelids out.” 
Whumpee shook. They knew they had been pushing their luck, knew their captor wouldn’t entertain their behavior forever. 
As a little piece of them died, they opened their eyes. 
It wasn’t but a moment later everything grew dream-like. The colors stronger, everything sharper, but the world also a bit further away. Less important. Less real.  
“There,” purred the vampire, stroking Whumpee’s face and basking in the way they leaned into it. “Isn’t that better? More freeing? Safer?” 
“Yes, Master,” Whumpee muttered sleepily, more than happy to follow the vampire down the hall and stairs to the inevitable grabbing of skin and gnashing of teeth that would leave them weaker still, until nothing was left.
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Bound by Blood- Part 2
Part 1
Hero thrashed in their abductor’s iron-grip as they took them far away from the crime scene.
“If you can’t behave, I’ll have to indulge myself now,” Supervillain’s voice drawled.
Hero glared up from their spot in Supervillain’s arms. They blew a puff of frost into their face, hoping to disorient them. Supervillain only chuckled.
“My darling, do you really think your feeble cold will faze me?”
Without warning, Supervillain bit down into Hero’s neck; Hero cried out in pain. Supervillain drank a generous amount of blood from their system. Hero’s vision slid in and out of focus, and their limbs quickly fell limp.
“Sleep now,” Supervillain’s voice rumbled distantly, “I’ll take care of everything.”
Despite their efforts to do otherwise, Hero was quickly lulled to sleep.
When Hero woke up, they felt the warm embrace of silk sheets and a plush comforter. They opened their eyes to a grand bedroom. They sat up, rubbing their eyes. They immediately started scanning the room for any escape routes. There was a large window on one wall, with the curtains drawn shut. Hero clambered out of bed and scrambled over to it. The window had been tinted to let in the least amount of sunlight, and worse, there were bars over it.
“Enjoying the scenery?”
Hero nearly jumped out of their skin, whipping around to face Supervillain.
“Are you frightened?” Supervillain asked with a smirk and a tilt of their head.
“No,” Hero lied.
Supervillain laughed, a chilling sound that sent an unnatural shiver down Hero’s spine.
“Little Hero,” they said, stalking forward, “I can hear your heart rate- it’s beating faster than I can run. You’re shaking- and I know that your cryogenic makeup prevents you from getting hypothermic.”
Supervillain now stood inches from Hero’s face. They tilted their chin up to meet their gaze.
“But most of all- your eyes. They give away your fear,” they said, “such pretty eyes, especially so when they’re glazed over from blood loss.”
“Y-you’ve made your point, I’m scared,” Hero admitted, “what do you want?”
Supervillain ran a hand through Hero’s hair.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” they hummed, “first I have to get you ready.”
“For your appearance of course,” Supervillain said, “what good is an ultimatum without the leverage?”
In a blink of an eye, Supervillain had swept Hero up and had deposited them in a different room- a cell, to be exact.
“I do hate to put you in such deplorable conditions, but we have to make this believable.”
Supervillain quickly manhandled Hero into a chair and wrapped them tightly in thick, coarse ropes. They shoved a gag into their mouth and turned on a camera.
“Try to look frightened, my dear, your performance is important,” Supervillain said, “now, how do I work this thing-”
Supervillain fought with the camera for a little bit until it snapped a picture of Hero. Hero blinked against the flash.
“Ugh, human technology, our helper and our reckoning,” Supervillain said, looking at the picture.
Supervillain quickly untied Hero and removed their gag.
“You were wonderful, Hero,” Supervillain said, patting them on the head, “maybe not Oscar-worthy, but a bumbling fool like Detective should be convinced.”
“What are you going to do with that?” Hero asked, standing up.
“Oh, the typical things: ensure immunity, receive control of the city, maybe demand a nice bottle of wine for us to share, though I don’t touch the stuff personally… yes, I think all that would be quite nice.”
“The city isn’t going to hand over control just because you kidnapped me!” Hero said incredulously.
“Maybe,” Supervillain agreed, “but it would be a shame if Detective had your blood on their hands because they refused to comply.”
Hero froze in place. Supervillain laughed.
“Oh, my darling,” they said, “I’m not actually going to kill you, I would never even dream of such a thing, but the city doesn’t need to know that. And now with you out of the way, I can easily remove anyone who opposes me. When a city has had a hero to protect them for so long, they forget how to protect themselves, and I’m very much counting on that.”
Part 3
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm
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whumpsoda · 7 months
I raise that anon who raised you.
Vampire keeps their thrall hypnotized so they do all the chores without making a fuss and so they don't accidentally hurt themselves bruising or spilling any of their precious blood.
Whumpee breaks out of it randomly by something silly like a sneeze and comes back to hella confusing circumstances.
WOHEO Masterlist
Love this sm. Kinda mad cause I wrote all of it and then realized I was originally gonna go in a very different direction😭
cw: hypnosis, dehumanization, vampire whumper, human whumpee
Nevan smiled contentedly to himself as a pile of dust flew into the pan. The broom, brittle and old scratched against the hardwood flooring of the mansion. Satisfied, he carefully poured the dust pan’s contents into a nearby trash can.
He had almost done all of the cleaning for the abode, the only room left being one of the many dedicated for storage. Nevan always felt exceedingly proud of himself for fulfilling his sanitation duties so well, even if there wasn’t much to clean when he repeated the same tasks every single day.
Darius liked his home spotless, and Nevan was more than happy to oblige to the wills of his master. Cleaning was the one thing he was notably good at, subsequently making it his sole job in Darius’ home. Besides being a food source, of course.
Transferring to the next room to be cleaned, Nevan was giddy with the thought of receiving his promised reward. 
Cleaning was his purpose, his sole job in life, so there was really no need for a reward. Yet, Darius was so kind hearted and generous, that he always promised his thrall a reward for his work. Whether it be presenting him with another place to cleanse or an extra feeding for that week, Nevan was over the moon simply with knowing he had pleased the vampire.
Nevan studied the mess he was presented with. The storage rooms were always a bit arduous to take care of, mainly due to the overwhelming clutter that had formed over centuries. 
He began with a smaller brush, sweeping the tops of boxes and junk. Before he knew it, whatever dirt inhabited the room had unsurprisingly mixed with the air, floating into and itching at his nostrils. 
He leaned his head back, readying himself for a sneeze.
Seering pain sliced through his brain as his body forcibly doubled over, almost as if splitting his head in half. Nevan clutched his head desperately, stumbling and slipping over his feet. He pulled frantically at his hair, the agony spreading to his scalp as well.
The human dropped onto sore knees, expelling a distraught whine. He panted heavily, attempting to settle himself. 
Luckily, after an endless repetition of deep, calming breaths, the pain subsided into a faint throb. Nevan groaned, rubbing at his tear prickled eyes. Out of reach thoughts danced inside his mind, too rapid to be coherent.
Holding his head in one hand, he forced open his soggy eyes. Gazing down at his own lap, confusion began to settle in.
How did-? Why was he…? Cleaning supplies?
Clutching the short broom in his hand, he noticed what was under it. “What?” He groaned, grabbing at the fabric covering his lower body. Whatever it was, it was large, frilly, and itchy, a terrible combination.
Nevan felt around, pressing his palms to the floor and pushing himself onto wobbly legs. He clung to a tall stack of cardboard boxes, his knees buckling. He took in the room, filled to the brim with piled up rubbish. 
Particularly, Nevan’s gaze landed on a long, thin mirror several feet away. He shuddered, digesting the image of the figure reflected. 
It was him. The reflection held Nevan’s eyes, Nevan’s moles, Nevan’s nose, yet they looked so different. Like a failed clone. His hair was lengthy with a healthy shine, his face and body meticulously clean shaven, and he wore a grand, luxurious dress. 
Worrying of all, were the achining wounds in his neck. Red, oozing and sore, Nevan gaped at the sight.
It couldn’t be him. Nevan didn’t do those things. He kept his hair short and easily manageable, he never gave a second thought to body and facial hair, and he sure as hell had never been very comfortable in a dress. He began grabbing at the excessive tool covering his thighs, trying to ease the irritation on his skin.
Once again, the burning sensation returned full force, tearing apart his brain in a wave of remembrance. 
Fear settled over him, a whimper catching in his throat. He was in a vampire’s home. Caught in a web of mind-bending magic, and by some miracle had broken through. His breathing quickened, short and frantic. 
What would he do? What could he do? If he got caught, there wasn’t a chance he’d ever get the opportunity to escape again. Maybe the monster would be so angry, they’d kill him.
“Nevan? Are you almost finished with your chores?” His heart stopped. Nevan lifted a trembling hand to his mouth, pushing his back against the objects behind him. “Where are you?” They called. 
Nevan slid down the boxed, landing on his bottom. Darius was close. Too close. If he tried to leave now, he would surely be caught, but the same was ensured if he didn’t.
Footsteps picked up, the clicking sound of Darius’ heels growing closer. “There you are.” Carefully, Nevan turned his head to face the beast, meeting a wicked grin. “Are you ready for your reward? I’m especially hungry today.” They said, adjusting the collar of their jacket.
Nevan let out a whimper and a snivel, alarms blaring inside his head. The vampire paused, studying him, his smile contorting into a confused frown. “What’s wrong? What did you do? You shouldn’t look like that.” 
Darius reached their hand out, taking several steps toward the human. Instinctively, Nevan hysterically crawled in the opposite direction, knocking over a pile of random contents. 
Darius met the other man’s stare, his eyes just as wide-eyed as Nevan. Slowly, as if faced with a wild animal, he descended to the floor, resting one knee to the ground. As the human continued to make a mess, Darius reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a glistening little item between two fingers.
Nevan recognized it instantly, squealing with terror as he violently shook his head. “Please! Don’t, please, I can’t-!” Ignoring the human’s pleads, Darius lightly began ringing the tiny bell in his hand. 
The ringing, no matter how light, how delicate, held a commanding, unexplainable presence. Betrayed by his own body, Nevan was unable to cover his ears as means of blocking the noise. The sound was soft, almost musical, causing Nevan’s terrified heart to flutter against his will.
“Come here, little servant.” The vampire sang. He began to lean into the constant ringing, as well as the glossy voice of his owner. “That’s right, return back to master.” Darius beckoned him over, settling onto both knees comfortably. 
The matter of his mind was melting, replaced with the weight of the bell’s authority. Lazily, the terrified shake if his body liquefying, Nevan shifted onto his hands and knees. Mesmerized by the sound licking his ears, he clumsily crawled closer, to Darius’ satisfaction.
“Good boy, almost there. Nothing is more important than the bell, isn’t that right?” The movement of the object never ceased. 
He smiled. That was right. It was Nevan’s bell, captivating and alluring. The only thing possibly more significant was Darius.
He soon reached the vampire, resting onto his knees with glazed over eyes. Darius gently placed the bell to the floor, ending the loop of hypnotic noise. He tenderly cupped Nevan’s cheek, caressing it with his thumb.
The vampire took a moment to adjust Nevan’s body, picking up limbs and turning his face as if he was searching for something. After a moment, he let out a sigh of relief. “I would’ve been very upset if you managed to lose some of your delectable blood in all that panic. Fortunate for you, it seems you didn’t.”
Nevan would’ve been utterly distraught had he made such a mistake. What a terrible thrall he was even risking it. “Now, are you ready for your reward?” He nuzzled into his master’s comforting touch.
In no other universe could he have been more ready.
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terriblywhumpy · 1 year
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Introducing David, a space mercenary who is going to go through some unspeakable things. 
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redd956 · 1 year
1700s-1800s Military Whump Prompt List
Getting stabbed by a bayonet
Medic bunching up tons of bandages/gauze against a heavily bleeding wound, ignoring the sounds of whumpee's agony
Whumpee falling off of their horse (and getting caught on the saddle, only to be dragged)
Getting shot but like musket style
Rickety vintage guns going off accidentally, and blowing a brand new hole in whumpee
Whumpee was so heavily focused on the dangers of guns that they completely forgot about the dangers of getting stabbed
Caretaker dipping a cloth in a bucket of water, in order to dab it against whumpee's overheating forehead, both ignoring the sound of battle in the distance
Caretaker having to hurry on a long traveling mission in order to get something that could hopefully save whumpee's life, only to be interrupted by the enemy
Getting whipped after being captured by the enemy
Stitches with no painkillers
Shellshock from canon fire
Whumpee managed to survive getting a non-fatal cut from a sword, but they failed to anticipate the poison that the blade was laced in
Caretaker having to haul whumpee over a horse to lead them back to safety
Deserter stowaways on a ship that gets lost at sea
Getting shot with a bullet that's been purposefully infected with diseases
Getting caught in dangerous wintery conditions. It all seemed possible to overcome, until the horses died
Ally and Enemy putting their differences aside to deal with a much more wealthier, trained, and populous third party
Whumpee fought tooth and nail for their win, only for a third party to come around and "mediate" the situation themselves
Having to get an amputation for much more minor injuries then what we would count for today
Having no clue where the hell you're heading, and what it's going to be like there
Gun blowing up in whumpee's face
Kicked by steel toed boots
Getting an arrow stuck in the shoulder
Having to dig a bullet out of a wound with nothing but a dagger on hand
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demondamage · 11 months
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How had Haziel found Warren? After the angel had been allowed to have his fun with the two of them Aziphem had made sure to avoid the human, going south this escape attempt to keep him uninvolved. He had wanted so bad to go find Warren, to tell him he missed him and run away with the human again. But he knew he couldn't, he had to stay away, to avoid... this.
Not that it mattered aparently.
Aziphem swished his tail side to side, considering the best course of action to deal with Haziel. Of course, if this was a fair fight he would take him head on, he'd fought the angel before and won.
But with Warren now clutched between Haziel's finger tips, butterfly knife resting on his fragile human throat, had nothing. No option that included both of them getting out of here unscathed.
"What do you want?" Aziphem growled, the dread growing in his chest as Haziel's smirk deepened.
"You. Kissing my boot. Begging me to take you back to my master. And when I do, when he's proud of me for what I've done, you'll bow your head and do what I make you do because if you step out of line again, I will find your human and finish what I started."
"Fuck- yougggghhhh" Warren's curse turned into a groan, Haziel grinding his boot into the Human's ankle, twisting it at an odd direction.
"Your master will fucking kill you for this." Aziphem snarled, knowing any weakness shown for Warren's pain would only make it worse,
"Not if you don't tell him, which you won't. Because I would hate for my master to find out. I really don't think.. Warren is it? Yeah I don't think Warren would survive you doing that." Haziel made his threat clear, embossed with a line of blood dribbling down Warren's chest from his neck. "Now, at my boot demon."
Art tag: @whump-tr0pes @whump-queen @whumpsday @whumpinthepot @kixngiggles @onlywhumpcomments @project-xiii @quietly-by-myself @ka1imba @suspicious-whumping-egg @cyborg0109 @whatwhumpcomments @whumpcomica @i-eat-worlds @regrets-realization-acceptance @dont-look-me-in-the-eye @burntcoffeewhump @lonesome--hunter @scribbelle @oddsconvert @painsandconfusion @whumpasaurus101 @sadcatjae @kiratheperson
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stagelightwhump · 27 days
Consider a Toon Whumper, though.
A Whumper who likes tormenting Whumpee because they think it's funny. They think Whumpee is so silly for acting scared of them all the time.
They think it's hilarious that Whumpee's "running bit" is leaking "ink" for "no reason".
They think it's downright hysterical how Whumpee's terrified of things falling on their head, or any cylindrical object Whumper hands them, or being electrocuted or frozen.
And the fact that Whumpee always fights back their laughter when Whumper blows them a kiss, or sprinkles them with fairy dust, or throws a pie in their face to heal their constant wounds? It's comedy gold to Whumper!! They just adore this silly scaredy cat!!
What does it matter that Whumpee keeps crying, anyway? What does it matter that Whumpee keeps trying to run away from them? Whumper can always track them down in the end. Everything returns to the status quo. Whumper never, ever, ever has to worry about Whumpee getting away for too long.
Whether Whumpee likes it or not.
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whumper-whimsy · 27 days
Modern fantasy setting (D&D-ish), terrorism, capture, environmental whump(?), kind of gore???, idk what to tag this with tbh
lots of ouch, semi-graphic depictions
Whumpee coughed into their elbow, their whole body tensing and curling with the effort. The air around them was filled with thick dust, clogging their lungs, laying a thin film across their skin, and weighing down their lashes.
They barely remembered what had happened. One minute, they had been talking with Hero, sucking up to them and joking around, and the next, there was noise and commotion and rumbling and everything shook, and—
Whumpee bit their finger, recalling their fear as the building began to shake.
Hero had wrapped them in their arms for a moment, hastily telling them that they were safe, that they'd be okay. Whumpee was safe with Hero.
Then, Hero's close team member screamed, and Hero was at their side, leaving Whumpee shaking in the lobby. They had looked around frantically as some of their winged peers booked it for the windows, busting through glass to get free. Others ran for the stairs, desperate to get down the three flights to the ground. Some simply used their magic, teleporting from the room. Whumpee, the only one without such powers, had only been able to crouch on the floor.
A boom had echoed, and everything got hot. Whumpee had frozen in the middle of the room as everyone else got free, waiting for the only person they had been able to trust from day one.
They had screamed for Hero as flames roared through the complex. Hero's seemingly indestructible base was crumbling.
Whumpee was alone now— everyone else had made it out. As they finally attempted to stand, the ceiling above them had fallen apart.
The floor had caved as the building groaned, collapsing in on itself.
Whumpee plummeted three stories with the floor, eventually landing at the bottom. A chunk of concrete pinned their leg, and the other supports and rubble had created a cave-like area around them. The fires burned down, leaving Whumpee trapped.
Whumpee hadn't seen anyone else in the rubble, and nobody had seen them. They had been under there for... it had to have been a day by now, right?
Breathing raggedly, Whumpee tilted their head all the way back. They got a peek of the dusk sky where the rubble hadn't blocked them in.
Hero and Whumpee weren't quite an item or anything with a label... but they were inseparable nonetheless. Hero had to be coming back. There was no way they didn't, right?
A whole day had passed. No one came looking for them. Nobody rushed in to pull them to safety. Not even Hero, who had the powers to do so.
Whumpee heard distant voices during the day as reporters swept in to alert the city of the vicious attack. They tried and tried to yell, but the hours of inhaled dust rendered their cracking throat useless. They were starving, losing blood, and it was getting harder to breathe.
Hero wasn't coming. They didn't care enough for Whumpee, evidently. Hurt settled deep in their chest, much worse than the physical pain of their crushed leg. Whumpee loved Hero. Considering it might be their last day alive, Whumpee might as well admit it.
But now, it didn't feel right. How could they love somebody who left them like this?
No, Whumpee couldn't love Hero. They didn't, and they never would again. Not after this.
Voices woke whumpee up a few hours later. Through the little gap to the sky, they could barely make out the stars.
Whumpee sat up the best they could, trying to yell, but— as usual by now— no noise past a whisper escaped their lips.
Still, the murmuring voices came closer and closer; they were climbing through the wreckage.
A low, smooth voice carried its way to their ears, crooning, "Whumpee, are you down there?"
It wasn't Hero's voice. Whumpee didn't know if they should feel good about that or not.
"It's okay. We're almost there to get you. We know you're in there," the voice called. It was foreign being spoken to after days of solidarity.
Whumpee strained their head to the side, squinting. Their vision was blurry, but... was that the shape of a man against the navy sky?
Wings splayed out slowly behind the individual— massive wings! Was this Whumpee's guardian angel? Were they saved?
Two others walked behind the man, much shorter in stature. They might have been dragging something with them, but Whumpee couldn't tell what. Horns curled from their heads, and their legs ended in hooves that clopped against the cement— satyrs, then.
Their angel reached them, his hands reaching down to his belt to retrieve a flask. He crouched beside Whumpee, barely illuminated by the moonlight.
As Whumpee's cheeks were cupped and they were carefully fed water, they looked up at their savior.
The man's skin was a warm tan color, with black curls topping his head. His wings were not the white of an angel's, but black as the darkest obsidian. His hands were graciously gentle, helping them sit up.
Something about him was strikingly familiar, but Whumpee couldn't put their finger on why. They focused on the cool water that coated their dry and cracked throat.
His men were young satyrs— maybe 25 years each. Their faces simultaneously serious and satisfied. Whumpee watched as they set down whatever they had been holding and stood behind the man.
Whumpee sighed, leaning against their savior. "Thank you... what is your name?"
The man smiled, running his warm hand over their cheek. "Whumper," he purred, "relax and drink, okay? You're welcome."
Whumpee nodded, their lips parting as they drank once more. Whumper's movements were slow and careful, sliding behind them to support them in sitting up.
The men that had followed Whumper were at the chunk of cement that pinned Whumpee's leg. Whumpee tensed as they noticed, but Whumper hushed them, blocking Whumpee's view with his wings.
"Relax, dear. We gotta get you out of here and get you home," he soothed. "Deep breaths."
Whumpee cried out as the concrete was hefted off of them. Whumper continued to speak, their voice soothing. Whumper's wings folded back in, and Whumpee could finally see their mangled limb.
It was a horrible red-purple, with an akward angle that made them want to puke.
As soon as they were able to see, one of the satyrs raised his axe— why did he have an axe?— over Whumpee's leg.
"No!" Whumpee choked out, fear running through every nerve in their body.
They were amputated above the knee, the cut clean and quick. Whumpee vomited promptly, squirming and writhing in agony.
"Whumpee," Whumper said brusquely, "if we left it on, the toxic blood would have gotten to your heart and killed you. They saved your life." Whumper wiped Whumpee's lip gently.
"Now shut your mouth and let them bandage you up," he said, stroking Whumpee's hair.
Whumpee sobbed into Whumper's shirt, wailing in pain. They had never known pain so sharp, so fierce. Whumper's fingers brushed through their hair, his voice muffled in Whumpee's ringing ears.
They were dimly aware of their leg being bandaged up, though it was hasty and rough.
Whumpee spoke up finally, voice shivering with pain. "Could we go to the hospital?"
Whumper sighed, a low chuckle rumbling into Whumpee's ear. "No, no, my dear. You're gonna be coming home with me. We can't trust the doctors to take care of you. You're much too valuable for us to just let you free."
Whumpee tensed at his words and his amused tone. "What are you talking about? I- I need to go to the hospital!" Whumpee cried, heart pounding in their chest.
"I know how to take care of you, Whumpee. I'll make it better. Just trust me." Whumper glared down at Whumpee, "you're the only full-fledged human for miles— nobody else here knows how to treat you delicate creatures."
That look in Whumper's eyes was achingly familiar. Whumpee racked their mind, trying to match this look to a face.
"Whumper, please–" they begged, shushed by the imposing man's hand on their cheek.
"Be quiet and hold still. You'll be home in no time."
Whumpee exhaled shakily. "Okay... okay. Hero will know what to do," they spoke mostly to themself, but caught a glimpse of fury burning in the man's eyes at the mention of Hero. "I live at—"
"You'll be coming home to my place," Whumper interrupted, standing somewhat abruptly and letting Whumpee slide back to the ground.
Whumper snapped their fingers, and their henchmen perked up. Whumper's voice was clipped, "chain their wrists and bind their thighs," he said, standing over Whumpee.
Whumpee was in shock, barely thinking to struggle as the satyrs chained them up.
There was noise in the night, outside the rubble.
Whumper straighened, quickly bundling Whumpee into their arms and nodding to the henchmen. "Meet me at the base. Don't be seen."
Whumpee squealed as Whumper crept out of the wreckage, his nails digging into their skin.
A voice called out, "Whumpee?"
Whumpee perked, craning their neck backwards. "Hero? Hero!"
Their heart soared. Hero was here! All previous thoughts of resentment left their body.
Whumper suddenly took flight, heaving Whumpee into the air with him. Whumpee screamed, watching the ground get further and further away.
Hero chased them as far as they could, watching Whumper and Whumpee soar off.
"Villain!" Hero screamed, voice cracking. Their cry echoed off the buildings around them, carrying their anguish.
"Villain?!" Whumpee cried, heart dropping as pieces clicked into place. Villain's mask usually covered their face, so Whumpee didn't recognize their and Hero's greatest enemy. "Hero! Help me!" They pleaded, squirming in Whumper's arms.
Villain swooped down and sped up, dodging around the tops of buildings.
"Hero isn't gonna help you now, Whumpee." Whumper's voice rose above the rushing wind, warm breath on their ear.
"You're mine."
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