aaeeart · 1 month
Thrawn or ezra ooooor (hear me out) thrawn AND ezra! Love your art btw!
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I- I swear this was supposed to be a sketch I swear-
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sticks-and-souls · 9 months
NOT the way the stormtroopers were chanting “Thrawn! Thrawn! Thrawn!” like he was some WWE champion who would come jogging down the aisle, arms raised, before clobbering Ezra with a metal chair LMAOOOOOO
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inthedarktrees · 9 years
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“Far, Far Away” | Ahsoka
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gffa · 9 months
One Ahsoka live action design choice I have no issues with though were the Nightsister Mothers, they looked EXACTLY as I could have asked and the echoing voices like Mother Talzin's voice were perfect. I even like the choice to have them on such an otherwise bland, uninteresting looking world (no wonder they moved to Dathomir, that planet has a BALLER aesthetic compared to that lame ass looking planet) so they stood out more and those screaming monolith statues were extra creepy for being out there all alone, like you're traveling through a boring rocky wasteland and suddenly GIANT SCREAMING WITCH STATUE? Yeah, I'd be creeped the fuck out, too, just as the Nightsisters would have intended.
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flight0fthenavigat0r · 9 months
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The Beauty of Peridea
“Something calls to me. Can’t you hear it? Something stirs here. Can’t you see it?
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jedimandalorian · 9 months
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The Path to Peridea.
Baylan Skoll says that Peridea is from a fairy tale known to Jedi younglings, a children’s story, but in reality Baylan says this to remind us that Star Wars is exactly just that, a fairy tale, a children’s story.
What does “Peridea” mean?
peri: (in Persian mythology) a mythical superhuman being, originally represented as evil but subsequently as a good or graceful genie or fairy.
peri: denoting the point nearest to a specified celestial body.
from Greek peri ‘about, around’.
dea: Latin for “goddess”
The descent into the underworld is one stage of the hero’s and the heroine’s journey.
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As @better-call-mau1 pointed out, the Path to Peridea sounds a lot like the “path to perdition.”
perdition: (in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death.
Perhaps this is where Thrawn is, in a kind of hell.
But as in the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, a brave lover is willing to descend into Hades to rescue the beloved. This is Sabine Wren’s mission to find Ezra Bridger.
There’s another meaning to “Peridea” though.
It is a genus of moths from the family Notodontidae.
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The moth in The Lord of the Rings films brought Gandalf the Grey hope when he was imprisoned in the Tower of Orthanc. When the moth appeared, it was a sign that Gandalf would soon be rescued by the giant eagles, which are used as symbols of divine intervention in Tolkien’s fiction.
Please note that the letters on the star-map to Peridea resemble the Viking runes Tolkien used in The Hobbit. Both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are stories of a hero’s journey filled with danger and wonder. The brave protagonists have to go “there and back again” just as Sabine will in the Ahsoka series.
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I think that Baylan Skoll reminding us that Star Wars is a children’s story is significant. Consider this quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling.
“Of house-elves and children’s tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped.”
In all the great fairy tales, the love and loyalty of the protagonist is the key to the triumph of good over evil.
Although she isn’t strong in the Force, Sabine Wren’s love for and loyalty to Ezra Bridger will strengthen her resolve on her road of trials along the Path to Peridea. With Ahsoka the Grey by her side, Sabine is ready to leave the comfort of Lothal (her Shire) and go to Peridea to save the man she loves.
Update, post Ahsoka Episode 6:
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Here’s Huyang reminding us that this is indeed a fairy tale, a children’s story.
And here’s Thrawn, showing us how the villain “knows and understands nothing.”
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“You wouldn't understand,” says Sabine.
“Perhaps not,” Thrawn responds.
What he doesn’t understand is love. The love and devotion that Sabine and Ezra have for each other is the power the dark lord knows not, and it will be his undoing.
I have spoken.
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inquisitor-apologist · 4 months
You know, after Rebels, none of the Spectres shared the same sky. Ezra was far away on Peridea, Sabine back on Lothal, Hera and Chopper out with the Fleet, and Zeb on Lira San. Do you think they looked up at the stars and tried to imagine what the others were seeing? Do you think that Ezra would look up in the direction that the Purrgil came from and strain his eyes to find the galaxy?
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daniellescottart · 8 months
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As a Scottish person - you all don’t understand the ROFL and glee at finding out Peridea is in fact filmed in Scotland…to quote the king that is Billy Connolly: “Scotland is just unbelievable…and there’s nobody else here! Miles and miles of nobody”
Ezra & Thrawn literally sent to experience every day Scottish life 😂
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netmors · 7 months
your eleventh fleet concepts are just *chef's kiss* as brilliant as they can be
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Thank you, littlekhada! Your art is also beautiful!
I will continue to develop the “Eleventh Fleet”. My drawings haven’t received such a response for a long time - it’s very motivating. Also noticed that your really liked Thrawn's design during his exile in Peridea. Well… I have an "attempt" to make concept art of a landscape of a distant planet. I wanted to make the Purgills' final refuge more… dead? ashen? atmospheric? Yes, that's probably exactly it.
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thecleverqueer · 7 months
Early morning on Peridea…
Ahsoka: *sitting on the steps of the T6 shuttle drinking caf, staring out at the horizon*
Huyang: Would you like another cup?
Ahsoka: No, I think one will suffice. We should get… *stops*
Sabine: *slinking in after being gone all night*
Huyang: Where have you been!?
Sabine: Places.
Ahsoka: And, by “places”, I guess you mean the bandit camp?
Sabine: ….
Huyang: Why would you be hanging out with bandits?!
Sabine: …. *face turns red*
Ahsoka: *smirks* Don’t ask.
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dreamingmantis · 9 months
Sabine and Ezra embraced a long time ago in a galaxy far far away on a planet of trippy Nightsister magic in a turtle colony. 🥹❤️
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hydr0phius · 8 months
Do you think the Great Mothers woke up gasping for air the way most mothers do when one of their spawn wakes them up in the middle of the night to say "I frew up," and it's just Thrawn and Ezra there like, "Greetings, ladies. My associate and I crashed. Could you perhaps tell us where we are?" - "I'm not with him. I don't like him" - "Can I look at your art?" - "Thrawn, you don't need to look at their art."
I think I would just go back to sleep after telling them to get out tbh.
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sticks-and-souls · 9 months
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inthedarktrees · 9 years
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“Far, Far Away” | Ahsoka
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overlord-of-fantasy · 1 month
Thrawn, very bored on Peridea: Funfact! If you boil drinking water to get rid of the germs, you are still drinking them. They are just dead.
Lakesis: Yes, murder them and feast on their remains! What a better way to deal with an enemy?
Thrawn: *missing Eli intensly*
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noddytheornithopod · 29 days
Some more in-depth Tales of the Empire thoughts/questions
This is really nerdy and nitpicky of me to ask, but... what is Barriss' Inquisitor name? I can't help but wanna know. Then again, we don't know Marrok's name either, and also what the fuck up is with bird man (who until confirmed otherwise I'm treating as the the Sixth Brother being an edgelord dressing as a plague doctor, I will insist the only reason they aren't calling him Sixth Brother is because then the Lucasfilm Story Group would have to admit Tales of the Jedi overwrote published material in significant ways, and then they'd get more angry nerds than they already have to deal with, lol).
I do kind of wish we leaned a bit more into Barriss' established relationships a bit, Luminara Unduli is indirectly mentioned in the last short, and Barriss mentions having a "old friend" who would know more about the Imperials hunting after kids which I HAVE to imagine is Ahsoka... but we don't really explore these. Like, if she DID reconnect with Ahsoka, I kind of wish we got to see that? I do understand why Luminara didn't appear, with Barriss' characterisation I don't think she could've gone through with killing her if they had a test, but still. I don't know if we needed to see her react to her death, but part of me is curious about that anyway. I will say she seemed to sense something when Vader entered the room, though. Did she sense a familiar presence there? Also surprised they didn't even throw in a small nod to how the Grand Inquisitor became what he was because he heard Barriss' speech and that suddenly validated everything he thought already (if you follow the comics anyway). Not even a simple "pleased to see you as a candidate after your rousing speech" line (which was given to... see below). I wouldn't have called this necessary for the story itself, but I always found it annoying that we have to go off on so much of GI's backstory based on paratext instead of actual stories. Also, still don't know his original name even after a decade, RIP.
On a similar note, I'm not really sure how I feel about Lyn Rakish? Specifically, how her relationship was the central one to Barriss' here. I'm not opposed to Barriss knowing more people, it even helps make these characters' lives feel bigger, but I do kind of feel like there's stuff here that would be nice to know. Like, even when Lyn enters her cell, Barriss recognises her, and they way they interact throughout the shorts implies some kind of connection. Especially since...
...her stabbing Barriss was what made her snap out of being an Inquisitor. Okay, I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I love where Barriss ends up, but also... I'm not really sure how I feel about dying? If she's even dead? The scene was clearly mirroring the second short, where Barriss wanted to save that other Jedi, and nothing suggested that she never got to save her (I mean, she's known as "the healer" next short for crying out loud, also hey nice Legends callback), so even if Barriss looks far more dead, there is that part of me still in denial, lol. But thing is, it's kinda like they went "this is actually about Lyn, not Barriss". Sure, Barriss reclaimed her old self and her development was arguably "complete" in that sense, but that doesn't always have to mean death? Meanwhile, we only really get to know Lyn through these shorts, and while I'm very pro-villain redemption, I'm not sure if doing this through three shorts was enough to do it justice. So I'm kinda feeling like being asked to feel for a character finally returning to the light because she maybe killed her sorta protege while barely knowing anything about their actual relationship on a personal level is kinda eh.
That's something I felt in general. Maybe I'm just greedy, but I really wanted MORE of Barriss' story. Like, at least make it clear why Lyn is someone important in her life besides giving her a literal get out of jail card.
With Fortress Inquisitorius, I do think it's interesting they show it being built, but also not really alluding to how the headquarters is apparently on Coruscant, especially with Vader's throne and all. I don't think there's any real contradictions though, the Inquisitorius probably had several bases (I wonder if Stygeon Prime in Rebels was another?), and the main one just became Fortress Inquisitorius when Vader was given reign over the Mustafar System and therefore Nur, where FI is located.
Barriss' line about how she felt like she was lied to and deceived is actually pretty clever, because its placement is almost like an admission she was wrong. She's still clinging to the Inquisitorius by justifying it as "the Jedi failed because of their hubris, they deserved it, we're here to bring peace and order" but her heart was clearly never in it. Despite feeling like the Jedi betrayed their principles, she actually still followed them. In a way, I think it even kind of recontextualises the Temple Bombing, because it feels more like Barriss being panicked and desperate, basically having a breakdown. She did go to the Dark Side, but with the kind of person she is, those emotions aren't natural to her. We see she can certainly still go there, that other former Jedi basically saying "screw you, all for me" certainly evoked betrayal which would evoke those dark emotions, and of course she goes along with the Inquisitorius basically to survive, aka out of fear, and as mentioned justifying it to herself by saying this is justice for how the Jedi "fell" even if she's clearly hypocritical in that regard. We then see in the final short she's reconciled her past with the Jedi, talking fondly of her time as one, and regretting her turning to the Dark Side.
Huh, just noticed the Jedi is referred to with they/them pronouns.
Now for the other stuff
I don't have as much to say about Morgan, but I will say that Bo-Katan receiving the distress call kinda cleared up a contrivance in The Mandalorian for me. I was like "okay sure, even IF Bo-Katan still was in contact with Ahsoka, how would she know exactly where she is at this moment? what if she went off somewhere else?" But then this episode makes it clear Bo received the call, and thus would've figured out what was going on, and then actually tell Ahsoka to go to Corvus.
I hope the Eli Vanto fans are okay, especially since Pellaeon was shown as Thrawn's number 2 in the short. What I will say is - this was just a glimpse of one mission, this isn't retconning Eli out of existence. Thrawn and Eli wouldn't have been together on every single mission.
Morgan was the original person to pitch the TIE Defender? Huh, that is certainly a very random piece of lore. Also, surprised there's still Venator Star Destroyers instead of all Imperial Is at this point.
When Thrawn asks her the real reason she wants the Empire's favour and admits it's revenge, he accepts. He also shows interest in the Nightsisters even here. I do wonder if what made him receptive was he could kind of empathise on some level, if the threat of the Grysk made him open to Morgan's desire to avenge her sisters.
Mountain Clan appears in visual media, cool. Now people know there's even more witches on Dathomir. With the new lore about the Nightsisters, I do wonder if the other clans also have extragalactic origins in Peridea, or if they developed independently and it's specifically the Nightsister sect that was from there. Either way, it seems like the Nightsisters were the biggest and most powerful, apparently Talzin even united many witch clans. Also, I wonder if Morgan and her mother were originally from another clan but moved to the Nightsisters? Because obviously they look pretty different from the standard Nightsisters. Also was interesting to see the architecture resemble what we see in Jedi: Fallen Order, so that was cool.
Also thought it was a cool touch that the Separatists weren't done killing everyone on Dathomir. We only see the initial battle in one location in Massacre from The Clone Wars, but it does help make the genocide feel bigger, even showing that even other non-Nightsister clans weren't entirely safe. IDK if this makes the droid gunships appear earlier than implied to be their creation in TCW Season 5 (then again, chronologically the Dathomir and Onderon arcs are back to back), but also Grievous didn't have a cape in massacre, which is the REAL crime of this short. Hashtag remove his cape!!!!!!!!!!
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