gffa · 18 hours
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Rey ✨
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gffa · 18 hours
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star wars || beautiful crime
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gffa · 19 hours
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Thank you @gundark for your donation 🇵🇸
Art by the wonderful @phi-guy
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gffa · 20 hours
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talking shit with your brother <3
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gffa · 21 hours
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First encounter.
Anakin tracks down a brand new sith duo that’s been terrorizing the galaxy for a long time and finds out they’re his fallen friends😭
I kept this idea in my head for months! This scene inspired my whole sith AU, so I’m happy I finally found time to draw it!
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gffa · 22 hours
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN Behind the scenes of ‘Ahsoka - Part Five: Shadow Warrior’ (2023)
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gffa · 23 hours
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I WILL DIE ON THE HILL OF HOW, FOR A HOT MINUTE, ANAKIN REALLY DID BELIEVE THAT OBI-WAN WAS GOING TO JOIN THEM AND THAT SO MUCH OF HIS FURY IS AT BEING DENIED WHAT HE WANTS. I will die on the hill that a deep undercurrent of Anakin’s rage and inability to come back down from the mistakes he made during Revenge of the Sith was about feeling like both Padme AND Obi-Wan were abandoning him, were turning their backs on him, and that he wanted them both.  Whatever form that took, he wanted them so much more than he knew he should–”I want more. And I know I shouldn’t.” He knows that wanting more means he’s going to someday have to make a choice–he’s going to have to choose between doing whatever he wants versus the Jedi have to have oversight on them, have to have rules to keep their Level 100 Psychic Powers from hurting people.  He knows that he’s going to do something that crosses a line at some point and he’s going to have to choose Obi-Wan or Padme.  (And so he chooses the one he believes he will choose him back in the way he wants to be chosen.  No limits, no control, just being utterly consumed by what he wants.) But he is also so, so, so willing to believe that they’re sneaking around behind his back even before everything goes to hell, he is so, so, so willing to believe that Padme is lying to him and deliberately brought Obi-Wan here to kill him, that Obi-Wan came here to kill him, not to try to help him.  But then Obi-Wan tells him how proud he is.  But then Padme joins him on Mustafar even after the things he’s done.  But then Padme says that Obi-Wan knows and wants to help him.  And for a hot minute, when Padme says that Obi-Wan knows about their relationship, that he wants to help them, Anakin believes he’s going to join them. It’s everything he’s been wanting for so long, they��re going to join him, he’s going to have everything he thought he had to choose between, he’s going to get that more that he knew he shouldn’t want. The face he makes is the same one he makes when Obi-Wan praises him, tells him that he’s proud of him, that he’s going to be great.  The two people he loves the most in this galaxy (and I’ll also headcanon then that Anakin thinks he can get Ahsoka to join him again as well, if he can get Padme and Obi-Wan to join him) are with him. Then it all comes crashing down, because Padme’s upset that he killed younglings, that he’s fallen to the dark side, Obi-Wan is here and he’s not going to let this happen, his allegiance is to democracy, not to Anakin.  Anakin has always prized personal loyalty above anything and everything, this is why he clashes so hard with the Jedi, who are given their authority because they’re loyal to democracy and the Republic, because their powers serve the good of the people of the entire galaxy, rather than the good of a small handful of people that mean something to Anakin personally.  This is why he’s so affronted when he’s not made a member of the Council, because he sees it as a personal betrayal, while the Council sees this as a political battle (and it is, because that’s what Palpatine has made it–a personal betrayal for Anakin and a political betrayal for the Jedi, a divide that cannot be crossed, so it drives a deeper wedge between Anakin and the Jedi), because it’s about personal loyalty for Anakin, not about the greater morals. He’s furious, because he sees Obi-Wan’s choice as a personal betrayal, “If you’re not with me, you’re my enemy!”  While Obi-Wan sees it as a moral betrayal, that Anakin has “until now you have become the very thing [he] swore to destroy.” Anakin sees this as other people making him do these things, because they’re betraying him personally.  While Padme and Obi-Wan see him as having betrayed them first by crossing moral event horizons (killing the Jedi, killing the younglings, aligning himself with Sidious, destroying the Republic for a rising Empire, etc.), and the divide between these things cannot be bridged. Anakin thinks, for that hot minute, that it can be, that they’re finally going to see it his way, that the details don’t matter, that it’s about the things he personally wants, that’s why he makes that face and smiles when Padme says Obi-Wan is going to help him–finally, they see the personal being prioritized over the bigger picture of what’s happening. And then it all crashes down, because the only way they can not be his enemy, the only way they can not betray him, is by agreeing with him, by being with him.
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gffa · 24 hours
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They're all freaks, I love them.
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gffa · 2 days
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*Purchase the print here and check out my other work as well!*
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gffa · 2 days
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gffa · 2 days
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gffa · 2 days
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gffa · 2 days
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outfit change ;)
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gffa · 2 days
#a common fic trope is that there's a galaxy-wide blood test that everyone needs to take#but that's obviously not the case#given how rare force sensitives are (they're basically statistically non existent) it's not surprising from a practical standpoint#makes for some entertaining fics though (via @mrv3000) That's an excellent point, Jedi are about one in seven BILLION people, it really wouldn't make practical sense to have standardized blood tests for something that's that rare, doubly so when when there are usually some signs of Force-sensitivity after a couple of years they can rely on instead. But mostly I think that Jedi are just too much of an outlier to be something they would bother testing for (and I don't think the Jedi are that desperate to recruit everyone and anyone they can, so they wouldn't see a galaxy-wide test as useful), so even a very populated Mid-Rim world like Naboo with a rich family (ie, all the medical attention they could ask for at their hands) could have an extremely Force-sensitive child and nobody would have any idea if they chose not to say anything/Sheev didn't display any signs. It can be fun to speculate otherwise in fic, rock on with that! But I think canon pretty clearly points to it not being a thing, nobody ever says, "How could we have never found him??" and they wouldn't need Seekers in the first place, if galaxy-wide blood tests were in place, plus it's just. Seven BILLION tests to find ONE birth and the parents wouldn't even necessarily agree, it seems super wasteful.
Is there a straight answer as to why the Jedi didn’t find and raise Palpatine? I know they didn’t find Maul because Dathomir is largely restricted and Sidious found him first. But Palpatine was a noble on a Republic world. It would make some sense to find him.
I think the Jedi's ability to find people is overstated by a lot of fandom, there's nothing in the canon that suggests for example that they do regular blood tests on kids and supplementary canon leans much more into the idea that they go by people calling them in or rumors they hear and then go check out. Dooku is a good example case here--in Dooku: Jedi Lost he was born to an extremely wealthy and noble family on Serenno and, at the time of his birth, the planet seems like it was still with the Republic. Yet there was nothing to tell the Jedi that Dooku was Force-sensitive until his bio-father contacted the Jedi to come get him. The Jedi seem to rely on parents contacting them first or rumors that they can go and investigate and inform the parents of what's happening with their child, that's why they have the role of Jedi Seekers, like Cere Junda was a Seeker before the events of Jedi: Fallen Order and Dooku: Jedi Lost has Dooku telling Ventress: "Like most of the Order, I was brought to the Temple by a Seeker, a Jedi who was tasked to scour the galaxy for Force-sensitive infants." So if Palpatine’s family never sent word to the Jedi and he wasn’t causing trouble with them as a child (to catch the attention of people outside the family), there was no way for the Jedi to know there was a Force-sensitive child there, to even have his name on their list of potential younglings, even on a Mid-Rim world in the Republic.  The Jedi don’t do regular blood screenings, like you can bet if they did, the Empire would have continued using that and Palpatine wouldn’t have needed to use the Inquisitors to hunt down rumors of Force-sensitive children, so they probably do miss a ton of Force-sensitive children, but that’s pretty in line with how the Jedi weren’t trying to recruit as many into their Order as they could, they made it a choice for the parents.
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gffa · 2 days
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if you are to leave, your highness, it must be now.
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gffa · 2 days
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Ajám :3 👍
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gffa · 2 days
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