#ahsoka series
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Was he not the main event of this show though???
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go-see-a-starwar · 2 days
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ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: I’ve talked with Hayden before about the super warm welcome he’s gotten from fans coming back to the franchise after all the ups and downs of the original trilogy, so now I just want to make him really uncomfortable and have to sit there as I ask you about it, Rosario. What’s it been like to see Hayden come back and get all these accolades?
ROSARIO DAWSON: It's so beautiful and so special. I was just elated when I saw Hayden in Obi-Wan Kenobi and just hoped, fingers crossed, that that would happen with him on our show. I don't want to put anyone in the crew out there, but I will say there were some tears shed when we got to see that lightsaber in his hand again. It's pretty remarkable and very special.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: I remember Ewan McGregor telling me how nobody cared about him on set when Darth Vader was around. I know you're a modest guy, Hayden, but could you feel that electricity from the crew when you stepped on set — that all eyes are on you?
HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN: It is a character that people have a lot of affection for, and yeah, you get a sense of that. A lot of the people who are working on these projects now grew up on the prequels and were huge fans of those films, and so I think they have a special connection to these characters and to Anakin. Anytime Vader shows up, that's a crowd-pleaser, so that's an easy one. But it's really nice to see the support that Anakin has now.
Hayden Christensen and Rosario Dawson go deep on Anakin and Ahsoka's long-awaited reunion
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bakaqb · 2 days
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been needing mullet Sabine
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humankarkat · 13 hours
Got in a weird hater mood and had to go scroll through to see why people hate Dave Filoni so much and I found that there are a few common threads as to which people genuinely think he's a bad writer who should not only not be in charge of star wars but should be taken off all creative projects forever or something:
1a) They hate that he doesn't woobify Thrawn and, in fact, treats him like a villain
1b) they don't understand that Timothy Zahn has, in fact, been consulted for much of Thrawn's characterization.
2) They don't understand how television writing works. This includes things like season arcs, the age old tradition of leaving a season finale on a cliffhanger to ensure a new season, writing flawed characters, characters changing and growing over time in general, etc.
3) they don't understand how the tv industry acts and try to blame Dave for everything from costuming issues to executive decisions. He's just the creative director, y'all, I really doubt he gets much of a say in how long seasons are or how much budget they get. Disney is to blame for a lot of technical things I promise. I promise. We can blame Disney for most of the behind the scenes problems. Take my hand.
An honorable mention here is people thinking that they have to like every decision that's ever been made. I greatly respect Dave Filoni and his creative process and how he looks at characters and the world of star wars, but there are also things he's done that I don't agree with. Does this mean he should be put to death publicly? No, it means I say "yeah I wasn't a big fan of how meaningless Tech's death felt in the end" or whatever and move on. No I'm not a huge fan of force sensitive Sabine. Yes I still trust Dave to write good storylines and take it in an interesting direction, even if I disagree with it.
Idk how to end this post but I guess the moral of this story is people who genuinely hate Dave Filoni are either weird Thrawn apologists or people who don't understand tv shows
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netmors · 2 days
is there fanfiction that goes along with your art. especially your sw art. the 11th fleet stuff is so yummy scrumptious.
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star-wars-forever · 23 hours
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Ray Stevenson and his stunt double Morgan Benoit on the set of Ahsoka
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dtrizz94-blog · 2 days
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Sabine Misses Ezra’s smell
Sabezra/Ezrabine Meme 2 (Ahsoka)
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candyfloss5000 · 3 days
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I just wanted to make my claim as the number 1 Jecki Lon fan that's all thank you!!
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getthrawnin · 3 days
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Are you ready for the summer? Grand Admiral Thrawn is! We’ve always promoted that Thrawn finds his Zen by surfing then having a tropical cocktail. Here are his latest images.
Read more here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105230946?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
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stars-n-spice · 16 hours
So when Ahsoka was out, my family watched it with my Grandma who has like,, zero knowledge of Star Wars, but she was visiting so she was watching it with us.
Alright, skip over to today when she was helping me with laundry and she was folding a shirt I have with Ahsoka on it and she asked me, "What happened to this lady?"
First off,, I was surprised she remembered??? Because it's been months?? And she's not big into Star Wars or anything??
Anyways, I told her she got stuck on the planet with Sabine and she was like, "Oh, that's sad."
The whole time we were watching the show, she was so concerned about Ahsoka's well being because she never saw her smiling :( She was always asking, "Does this lady ever smile?" And at one point, Ahsoka did smile in the show and my grandma was so happy about it.
But I told her, "Ezra got to return home! That's what they were going for!" and that made her feel a little better.
BUT THEN her Hispanic grandma kicked in and she was suddenly VERY concerned about what Ezra had been eating while being stuck on Peridea.
I told her it was fine, it wasn't the first time he's been on his own but then that concerned her even MORE and I had to explain how Ezra has been on his own for more than half of his life and I think she was about ready to adopt him.
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spaceprincessleia · 23 hours
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"The magistrate is a former Imperial, but she's an industrialist. My idea was that she had a knowledge of metallurgy and obviously knew what beskar was. And she was pillaging this planet and stealing all of its resources - people who were willing to take everything from a world and give it to the Empire were valuable to the Empire. And even after the fall of the Empire, the people who built the war machine were still out there and really dangerous. They need to be tracked down because otherwise, they're going to keep doing what they're doing and find new ways to exploit people." (Dave Filoni, The Art of Star Wars - The Mandalorian S2)
MAGISTRATE VERSION 119 “I really like graphic elements, something that has a really strong silhouette, especially for Star Wars; it‘s so important. [My concept art mentor] Dermot Power does such a good job with side profiles of characters. I think some of that, in my brain, it came out in this side view. [I was also exploring] the airbrush Blade Runner look for combat makeup and different hairstyles; if you can get the hair to work with the origami look for the clothing, heat-pressed hair that can be like very chiseled in structure.“ Matyas
MAGISTRATE VERSION 1B “It was around this time
that they wanted to make the magistrate a woman and
to maybe wear more red, the wine palette.“ Matyas
“Jon was very insistent that the person playing the magistrate had to be somebody who was obviously skilled with martial arts, and we did a deep search trying to find somebody who could embody this character. Then I happened upon Diana Inosanto‘s name, and her history and her father [Dan Inosanto], who is a martial arts legend. Her family‘s connections to Bruce Lee [Dan Inosanto being his student and Diana, his goddaughter]. And that just felt right to me. Then, when we called her in, [we found out that] she‘s somebody who watches Clone Wars and Rebels with her kids. And she was just ecstatic. I said, ‘Well, you know who you‘re going to fight, right?’ She almost fell over right there.“ Filoni
“I was also looking at kendo uniforms, or something that has that really graphic read [with strong shapes and silhouettes] like an origami look. They weren‘t saying ‘No,’ so I kept exploring things in that realm. Maybe her combat outfit is hidden under her formal look.“ Matyas
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
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my only thought when Ahsoka had that hologram playing was "SHE NEEDS TO SHOW THIS TO LUKE NOW"
(commission info // kofi support)
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persorene · 9 months
one of the funniest and most in character things ever is Ahsoka mentioning the whole Vader thing once and Anakin defensively going "is that what this is about" and rolling his eyes like "oh my god I went on ONE 20 year rampage and no one can let it go, I'm on my apology tour right now what more do you people want"
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got fuckin CHILLS from this scene man. also darth vader is way harder to draw than i thought he’d be goddamn
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gil-estel · 9 months
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anakin does not have a neutral perspective
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 9 months
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look me in the eye and tell me this isn't one of the coolest shots in any star wars tv episode. and don't even get me started on when his voice overlapped with Vader's-
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