#living weapon trope
redd956 · 6 months
ideas for newly rescued living weapon whumpees?
>:D Of course
Newly Rescued Living Weapon Prompts
Caretaker failed to notice that Weapon woke from their drugging. It wasn't until they were being held against the wall by their throat that they did.
Two newly rescued living weapons are proving to be dangers to each other. Caretaker isn't strong enough to break them up shit hits the fan.
A muzzled Weapon won't allow Caretaker to remove their constraints, citing that they promise they'll be a danger.
Caretaker removes the heavy armor Weapon always wore, unveiling thickened scars lashed across their back.
Living Weapon accidentally draws Caretaker's blood. Before Caretaker can even convince them that an accident is simply that, Living Weapon takes their leave.
Screams and hollered commands woke Caretaker from a deep sleep. They immediately knew who it was coming from.
Weapon doesn't cry, peep, or really do anything as Caretaker tends to them. Caretaker is worried that in their poor healthy they're going to fall dead on them without saying a word about it.
Caretaker acted gently, tightening weapon's bandages, asking them if it hurts, cleaning old wounds. They were shocked at the tears that Weapon started to weep in silence.
Whumpee doesn't understand what's fully going on. They've assumed themselves as caretaker's new weapon, guarding them wherever they go. They're even starting to get aggressively protective.
Weapon's dangerous features (fangs, sharp tail, claws, robotic attachments, etc.) need some TLC too. Caretaker has to put their entire trust in Whumpee to help them, as in such a position Whumpee could easily finish Caretaker off.
Weapon only eats, drinks, and sleeps to specific commands. Caretaker either has to get things forcefully into Whumpee's system, or figure out these commands before it's too late. Weapon is growing thin.
Caretaker traces their fingers over all the scars Weapon has accumulated. These can't be from battles.
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project-xiii · 9 months
Legion Eater
Living Weapon, created to topple armies. Living Weapon, designed in the laboratories. Living Weapon...who looks really good with a collar and some doggy tags, if you get my drift.
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inkwell-and-dagger · 9 months
living weapon whumpees who, during the first few months of recovery with caretaker, are foreign to the concept of comfort‼️‼️‼️
have them flinching away from caretaker's soft touch because they believe they don't deserve it‼️‼️‼️
have a caretaker gently massage living weapon whumpee's shoulders, soothing words further adding to whumpee's overall confusion before they eventually lean into caretaker's warm touch‼️‼️‼️
have caretaker's soft words and hands holding whumpee's face snap them out of their conditioning after something / someone accidentally triggered them, startled at first before recognizing that, caretaker wasn't a threat, they were safe with them and that whumper wasn't here anymore ‼️‼️‼️
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whumpeteerscrankli · 2 months
Whumpees who are difficult to love.
Whumpees who have done terrible things (which they may or may not have enjoyed doing).
Whumpees who refuse to/can’t change for the better.
Whumpees who aren’t perfect victims.
Caretakers who desperately try to love Whumpee.
Caretakers who wish for Whumpee to try to redeem themselves.
Caretaker’s hopes being crushed when Whumpee does something that reminds them that why whumpee was once Whumper’s favorite.
Caretakers who grow tired of caring for someone as hopeless as Whumpee.
Caretakers whose patience is running out.
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sleepyiswhumping · 2 months
living weapons <3
can you imagine what itd be like to love someone whos known nothing but pain for their whole life. someone whos only purpose has been to hurt and be hurt? the unfamiliarity with the gentle, the kind, the soft because they've only ever experienced the brutal, the cruel, the rough? the discomfort when it comes to physical contact, because theyve only ever been touched in a fight or as a punishment? how difficult it would be? how they dont communicate because they never were taught to. how they bottle everything up, hiding their mental and emotional anguish behind the stoic shield theyve had up forever. trying to help them, love them? coaxing them out of their shell, healing their crushed, fractured being. teaching them everything theyve never known, what love truly is? can you imagine taking a creature that is more scar than skin and bringing them back from the darkness with nothing but love, care, kindness? staying up with them, comforting them after their nightmares, holding them as they weep for the first time in years? reminding them that their scars, mental or physical, do not define who they are, that they're so much more than what they've been conditioned to believe. they aren't just a living weapon, not anymore. they're someone who deserves love and affection, who deserves so much more than what theyve had for the past several years? can you imagine the sleepless nights, where theyre afraid to sleep because of night terrors that bring them back to their fighting days, their punishment days? trying to convince them that you don't care about their scars, because you don't, their scars dont define who they are. you love them, the creature, the person, for who they are, and nothing could ever change that. the hours you spend together each day, in silence, because they dont know how to communicate their emotions, they never learned? so you just sit there, taking comfort in the safety of each other's presence, knowing that the other is there for you, always?
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Human weapon in training whump
Whumpee who isn’t allowed to cry.
Whumpee who is punished whenever they show an emotion that whumper doesn’t like.
Whumpee who slowly loses connection with all their own emotions and desires.
Whumpee who is so effectively emotionally destroyed by the time whumper hands them a gun that they cannot even think to turn it on themselves much less on whumper
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abhainnwhump · 5 months
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theinsomniacindian · 5 months
New dynamic idea: Touch-starved living weapon x haphephobic human experiment
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bitchaknso · 6 months
Imagine an extremely conditioned Living Weapon Whumpee, whose only thought is to kill and destroy. They're extremely aggressive and feral. They have tattoos with skulls and scary stuff, that they were forced to have by the whumpers. Everyone's scared of them, not wanting to come closer.
Years later, when they healed, they're literally the calmest shit you've ever seen. Not just that. The Whumpee, who used to wear a black armor, wears soft pink sweaters. Who used to destroy the forest, plant small flowers. Who used to swear and scream, now barely talks, and when they do, their voice is hesitant.
Just, a 180° turn.
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jazztag · 1 month
Prompt #49
Living weapon whumpee who has grown accustomed to pain and torture BUT is totally afraid of tickles. They doesn't understand how their body reacts toward them and it's scary since they have never been touched without the aim of hurting or punishing.
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tessellated-sunl1ght · 7 months
For all of you lovers of the whump trope “living weapon learns to be a person after a war/significant injury” may I suggest Violet Evergarden on Netflix. Not only is it really good, it’s absolutely gorgeous as well
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redd956 · 11 months
Living Weapon Whumpee: Caretaking Prompts
Caretaker massaging Living Weapon's stiff muscles that have never had such treatment before. Living Weapon wincing, hissing between their teeth, but relaxing to Caretaker's working touch.
Sick Living Weapon worked themselves too hard, and promptly collapsed. They've woken up in bed, something they can't even remember they last time they've slept on.
Caretaker played a bit of dress up with Living Weapon, finally managing to get them in civilian clothing. They spun the mirror around for Living Weapon. Now they're frantically trying to sop up the tears sliding down Living Weapon's face.
Caretaker needing to frantically ask Living Weapon questions, because they'll never request anything for themselves. "Does this hurt?" "Do you need painkillers?" "Is this too tight?"
Living Weapon has grown frightened of Caretaker due to their gentleness, fearing it because it's something they are not used to. Caretaker is trying to teach them that they deserve to be treated gently.
Caretaker walked in to check on Living Weapon today, only to find them having a reaction based from their "training". Now Caretaker is looming over them, their hand placed on Living Weapon's back, trying to stir their friend to return to them.
Medic Caretaker has brought in soldiers, and civilians alike into their care. They happened to take in one Living Weapon too. As everyone has healed up and returned, no one has come by to claim the Living Weapon. Now Caretaker is in charge of them, until they can find where they belong.
"Where am I?", Living Weapon asked. They took quite the hit to the head, and have been incredibly disoriented. Caretaker doesn't have the heart to tell them where they are, and better yet what they are.
Caretaker took in more than one Living Weapon. They've been watching the multiple whumpees recover and develop drastically differently. They weren't expecting to have to break up fights, but it's made for the perfect lecture time while they add gauze to broken skin.
A Living Weapon far worse for ware then what Caretaker is used to seeing showed up in their care. While helping Living Weapon walk, they look up to the supposedly unexpressive face scrunched up in a look on the verge of tears.
Caretaker and Living Weapon walking out of the bathroom covered in excessive amounts of soap, because Living Weapon assumed Caretaker was trying to "drown" them in this action called "bathing"
Living Weapon slowly unveiling their injuries that are no big deal according to them. Watching Caretaker wrap bandages around their arms, and apply solvents to puffy looking wounds. They think they're starting to understand.
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Living weapon whumpees that attack their caretakers when they try to feed them.
Conditioned whumpees that beg their caretakers to return them to whumper.
Interrogated whumpees that are positive their caretakers are playing mind games.
Lab whumpees that vehemently refuse to receive any medical treatment, not even from their caretakers.
Villain whumpees that don't know how to manage emotions, and lash out at their caretakers, spitting words that really hurt.
Whumpees that are hard to care for, and caretakers that carry on nontheless.
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inkwell-and-dagger · 4 months
rescued pet / guard dog whumpee who was conditioned to follow orders based on patterns (e.g tapping on something with a certain rhythm). they thought this trained response no longer affected them, but when caretaker's fingers tap on the table with a familiar rhythm, or they tap the edge of a pan with a spoon, whumpee reacts immediately
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whump-place · 5 months
Living weapon Whumpees that were conditioned to think that that was just how the world saw them. As monsters.
And that the only way to redeem themselves was serving their owner.
After all, Whumpee was just a weapon, a mere object that couldn't think or do anything right on their own.
And humans were the smart ones, they had brains, and neurons, and all of those things that made them rational. Humans always knew the best way to use Whumpee.
Humans got to do anything they wanted to Whumpee, because that was the right thing.
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pointandklick · 1 year
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ID: the “shoutout to women fr” meme. It’s edited to read: “Shoutout to child soldiers who become disillusioned with the status quo they were raised to uphold. Gotta be one of my favorite archetypes.” There are pictures of Rex Salazar (Generator Rex), Theresa (Class of The Titans), Rell (League of Legends), and Amara Namani (Pacific Rim). At the bottom, additional text reads: “I also fw boy kings who are made to carry so much at such a young age too if anyone was wondering.” There are pictures of Lloyd Garmadon (Ninjago), Nathan Byrne (Half Bad Trilogy), and King Ezran (The Dragon Prince). End ID.
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