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sydney mortimer laurence / frank carter and the rattle snakes / jane austen / myself / charles bukowski / tony kushner / myself / sandy copier & virginia woolf / julia andreevna petrova / brick and mortar
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repeat after me fellas:
i don't have to tolerate reactionary abuse from peers or family that are upset by my negative response to their hostile behavior.
i am allowed to spend time away from people who mistreat me and disrespect my space. no one is entitled to my time. i am not responsible for shouldering abuse just because someone is going through a hard time.
everyone goes through hard times, but it is the duty of the individual to choose how they respond. if they are mistreating me in the process of handling their mental health, i am allowed to protect myself and remove myself from harm.
i am allowed to not accept apologies, especially when they are insincere, misleading, and or vague in nature.
i am allowed to adjust their acces to me in response to something that has hurt me. apologies do not mean anything without constructive action behind them.
i am allowed to not forgive someone who has no idea what they have done, and has no intention of changing.
i am not responsible for keeping someone safe when they are choosing to be unsafe to garner a reaction out of me.
i am not responsible for the harm someone causes to themselves when they are incapable of asking for the things that they need or want from me.
i am a human person, and i should not be expected to be a life raft for someone who is choosing to drown to put people to the test.
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? / karvviie / bring me the horizon / 6vcr / waters / athena nasar / ? / corpse / poison-p!nk / omar sakr
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@ameesh / vahan teryan / myself / myself & virginia woolf / ocean yuong / chen chen / @koddlet / mary oliver / TENDER / @chelfaust
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Mary Oliver- Hum Hum
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brick and mortar / astrono71153462 / corpse / mary shelley / poison-p1nk / the garden / fadwa tuqan
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im staring at a broken dish disappointed it wont put itself back together again
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skin, flesh, bone, arteries, veins, blue, yellow, purple, brown, red. grating through the marrow, vibrating my femur, particles fold and punch and blur together, catching the rims of my dinner plates
bowing my neck has never satisfied it, what makes me so sure now?
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i am the worst friend
i want to take up your time in hopes that the labor of love will get me through anything
i want to be around but only if you want me to be
the moment i feel unwanted i am simply not there
i am on my way out the door
i am the worst friend
i want to hear your thoughts, every single one of them
but when i hear the truth between the lines, about what you think of me, i remember
i repeat it to myself over and over when i find myself alone
rubbing salt i made from your sea water into my wounds
i am the worst friend
i will drop every hideous thing that has ever occured in my life on you
ill grimace when there is nothing to say
only the doubts or if im even all there
and i will run away
and again
and again
i am the worst friend
because even when you say im not
i dont believe it
because im not your first pick
maybe not even the top three
of people you'd choose to be alone with
i am a choice when there aren't any others
when im not: i am here, and you are over there
i am the worst friend
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if you are using the threat of your safety and life to get the things you need from people, which includes attention, you are being abusive.
if you believe the only way to get the things you need from a person, especially when they have already expressed they cannot provide these things, and you threaten to hurt yourself, you are being abusive.
if you are incapable taking no for an answer, and the idea of someone not consenting to something makes you harm yourself to hurt them, you are being abusive.
it is normal to feel left out, unacknowledged, and lonely in life. but blaming others around you for not fufilling needs you do not even ask for, and then taking it out of them, is abusive.
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they don't know i know this trick:
backslides and makes mistakes and breaks my ankles in holes i didnt see, stumbles down cliffs, gets consumed by the ocean that is the pit of my soul that pressurizes me until i am nothing but an open wound inside a wound inside one big scar
watches as nothing but sheer impulse grabs hold of me, iron clad grip, and then try to convince myself those few seconds dont define me for the rest of my life
mistakes are human, if flaws are human, i am the more human than most
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its always "i need more"
and never
thankyou for giving me more than you already had
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hear me out
breaks myself into tiny fucking pieces so maybe i can go to all the places in the world i wont have the time or the money to see in my life time. becomes dust that floats in the air so that maybe i will know the softness it takes to be weightless, of the many. transcend the fineness of hair so i can collect on every item you have ever held onto; i will be with you always even if only the smallest part of me. pull myself apart at the molecular level so that maybe i can become something else entirely instead of being fused wholly to the product of something that should have never been made
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im trying to be more at peace with people misunderstanding me. my whole life i have been put under scrutiny for every little thing i do. mannerisms, thoughts, things i can't change.
im trying to be more at peace with saving my breath, leaving bridges, keeping words unsaid because saying them never really served anyone to say them.
i do not owe anyone my story. i do not owe anyone an explanation. i do not need everyone to understand why i make the choices i make. i am allowed to keep things to myself, and process things away from public eye. i especially dont need to be forth coming with it; wear a reason on my sleeve.
people who will choose to misunderstand me regardless of what i am doing are not going to be swayed by my explainations. there is no point in expending effort that will be unappreciated and disregarded. i don't owe anyone the opportunity to know me, that is my choice and my choice alone.
i am trying to be more at peace with the fact i belong to myself, and my time, my vulnerability, my trust is a thing to be earned. my boundaries are not to be crossed. if choosing to hold onto my self respect is taken as an attack, i am not responsible for that projection.
i am trying to be more at peace with walking away. i hold onto everything so tightly, and i wish to be at peace at all. i have accepted long ago i cannot control anyone else, so i am trying to find peace with my own means.
i am trying to find peace in letting dogs rest where they lie. the truth is no one knows what happens behind closed doors, silver tongues, and shut eyelids. i dont pretend to.
i am trying to be at peace with the ownership of my identity. no matter how i am interpretted no one can take that away from me. this is my life. i do not have to please anyone with my existence.
i am trying to find peace in knowing i am allowed to keep things between me and myself. i am mine, my one and only, and i find peace in my privacy. no one is entitled to take that away from me.
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even when dreams aren't nightmares
they haunt you during the glow of the sun
i keep asking myself
am i real am i here or am i a phantom of my own making
a pair of draped bedsheets that coasts the floor hoping to touch down instead of float
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yesterday i was the closest to death i have ever chosen to be
today is just another day.
the difference between them knowing and not knowing is nothing at all
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