#history side of tumblr
troythecatfish · 2 days
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oldshrewsburyian · 11 months
Available as an open-access PDF via the publisher or @jstor, this sourcebook takes in a wide range of genres to look at histories of disability in medieval Europe. You can also get a hard copy for under $30 if you feel like supporting an indie publisher. Any royalties are donated to causes related to disability justice.
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oscarisaacasimov · 3 months
History remixed in OFMD
Stede Bonnet, the aristocrat who left his family and fortune behind to become a pirate, really existed. He paid his crew regular wages, unheard of at the time, and was one of the few historical pirates who made people walk the plank.
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Blackbeard and Bonnet struck up an unlikely friendship, and decided to cruise together, with Blackbeard taking command while Bonnet kept to his cabin, recovering from his wounds
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Despite Blackbeard's ferocious reputation, there are no verified accounts of his ever having murdered or harmed those he held captive.
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Israel Hands had nicknames in his written records including Basilica and Hezekiah.
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Israel Hands captained a second ship as part of Blackbeard's fleet.
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Teach's Queen Anne's Revenge was run aground on a sandbar, and Hands' Adventure also became stuck when trying to assist.
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Teach marooned about 25 men on a small sandy island. Bonnet rescued them two days later.
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In June 1718, Bonnet & Teach separately accepted a pardon for their piracy, but by August had returned to piracy.
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Israel Hands was shot in the knee by Ed Teach / Blackbeard. Some accounts say the captain was firing at another sailor and hit Hands by mistake, offering as explanation "if he did not now and then kill one of them, they would forget who he was." Others say Blackbeard was asserting his authority as captain when Hands disagreed with him.
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The historical Israel Hands did not lose his leg, though his injury disabled him permanently. While Hands was recovering from his wound, Ed Teach was killed in battle and Stede Bonnet was captured by British authorities off the coast of North Carolina. They were both executed, although Israel Hands testified against corrupt North Carolina officials, in exchange for a pardon.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Hands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stede_Bonnet
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humnooshop · 4 months
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It's the Black Death European tour of 1347-1351!
The relaxed fit t-shirt and other products with this design are available on my Redbubble :)
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chaospixiemagic · 7 months
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Truly … I am in love with these pirates. All of them. This show is absolutely killing it and it is a MASTERCLASS in storytelling. If you haven’t started watching … fix that. Catch up. This tale is heartbreakingly beautiful 🥹
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boudoirmood · 8 months
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 11 months
hey question for the history side of tumblr: have we always kinda sorta just known that homer probably composed the odyssey or was there like a specific point in time where historians were like "okay so this thing must've been written by this guy!" and before then it was sorta up in the air? like i just wanna be sure (this is for fanfiction purposes)
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The king just cried aloud: “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?!!”
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supernulperfection · 5 months
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that's funny
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troythecatfish · 2 months
The chart does not capture the astonishing fact that these accomplishments were achieved under brutal sanctions imposed by the world’s superpower. Viva la revolución.
They also have ad-free TV ✌️📺 (you don’t need commercials with Socialism).
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oldshrewsburyian · 6 months
Will a *checks notes* YouTube personality scandal finally convince people that training is necessary to do history responsibly and well, and that examining the qualifications of self-labeled "historians" matters? Probably not, but I can dream.
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shadowsong26x · 5 months
So here's an alternate history thought...
I'm not sure I've ever come across this one before (and to be fair I don't know all the alternate history that's out there But).
This is about Edward II of England.
For those of you who don't know, he was some flavor of queer/MLM ((generally considered to be gay; I'm wary of putting specific labels on historical figures for a number of reasons, but that is I believe the general consensus as to his sexuality.))
He also had pretty awful taste in men.
Like, there were revolts against him over his favorites/boyfriends--not actually so much because they were dudes, but because he kept giving them properties and offices and so on. Also the Despensers in particular (probably only Hugh the Younger was his lover; but Hugh the Elder (his father) also got a lot of stuff) were just. Unpleasant Grasping Assholes.
Edward himself was also kind of an asshole.
Anyway, his first favorite was a man named Piers Gaveston. What records we have do seem to indicate that there was Genuine Affection between the two of them. But...well, the above problems applied; one of the most egregious examples was when Edward II married Isabella of France, it...like Gaveston's arms were everywhere; it basically read, according to contemporary accounts, more like a wedding feast for Edward and Piers than Edward and Isabella. Which, in addition to being a Bad Idea politically when celebrating a Political Treaty Marriage, is also just. Rude????
There's more, but that's the Relevant Background to this. Thing. that came into my brain.
And that is this:
What if Edward II did the Edward VIII thing--i.e., abdicated to be with Piers in a way he Could Not as king?
Edward had two half-brothers; the older was Thomas of Brotherton. What kind of king would Thomas I have been? What would all of this mean for the next two centuries of English (and French) history?
Does this alternate history novel already exist???
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caleb-is-existing · 7 months
I made a realisation
A passport is called a passport because it let's you pass through the port, and the things the boats go to are called ports and that's why airports are called airports because they are ports for aeroplanes
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sliceocheese · 3 months
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maskedhatter · 3 months
Fun history fact: If you were convicted of witchcraft in England/English speaking country during the 17th century (the height of the witch trials) you would not be burnt at the stake, you would be hung. Burning at the stake was usually reserved for high treason (for women- if you were a man you'd be hung, drawn and quartered) petty treason (murder of a spouse) or heresy.
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boudoirmood · 8 months
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Victorian ´Oxford lavender’ attar bottle throwaway perfume samples
“These delightful bottles originally held a small amount of perfume and were to be discarded after use, hence they are rather scarce items today.” - source: Harrington Antiques
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