#health issues
desultory-suggestions · 9 months
I know that when you’re struggling with your disability it’s easy to tell yourself that you’re acting entitled, that you’re lazy, that none of your peers or friends or coworkers need to rest so much or need so many adjustments to get through the week. Truthfully, no they don’t need to! Because they are not you, they are not experiencing what you are. Try to quiet the comparison in your head telling you to live up to standards set for the abled. You know what you need, and a good first step in dismantling shame is reminding ourselves that we cannot be measured by anyone else.
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deathfeedingfan · 10 months
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You really thought those legs were good for anything besides accumulating more rolls? How cute
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devilboydogman · 2 months
Alternative responses to the question ‘How’s it going?’ For physically disabled people:
- ‘The going is heavily assisted.’
-‘On without me.’
-‘It uses wheels’
-‘It’s not.’
-‘Against my will.’
-‘With frequent breaks’
-‘On pure spite’
-*That was a verbal question and I couldn’t hear you*
-‘We don’t have all day to go through enough medical history to give you enough context to understand exactly how it is going.’
Feel free to add your own
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
They think Autism is just being a bit ‘odd’, But they don’t see…
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zurko48 · 10 months
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gothicglutton · 5 months
fat boys have my heart because i know yours is struggling with all that extra weight
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lilfatboy100 · 1 year
Junk Food Addiction part 1
It didn't take long for you to stop wanting to gain clean. At 200 pounds, you had a thin layer of creamy fat on your body despite stuffing yourself all day every day. I warned you about health problems, which only flustered you, and I warned you about your early death, which you didn't care about. The next morning I woke up much earlier than you did and threw out all of your usual food, going to the store and replacing it with garbage. You woke up to the sound of greasy bacon frying in a pan and hurried out to the kitchen where two boxes of the biggest, heaviest donuts I could find were sitting at your spot at the table.
You quickly ate them all and happily accepted the pile of bacon I made for you as well.
"Gaining like this is so much better already!" you exclaimed, your stomach still rumbling.
You made your way to the fridge and found it filled with everything you dreamed about having: heavy cream, candy bars, fatty meats, soda, cake, and more, and when you looked in the freezer it was more fattening delights: all manner of ice cream and frozen food I would bake for you if you asked. You grabbed a tub of ice cream and sat down at the couch with it, quickly polishing half of it off in front of the TV.
Throughout the first day, you ate anything you wanted and everything I put in front of you, which led to your stomach gurgling and churning all the junk it wasn't used to as well as bloating. You paid it no mind, you were more excited that you'd eaten over 5000 calories in junk instead of 3000 in clean food easily.
In only a couple of weeks, you started gaining like a pig pumped full of grease, gaining 10 pounds in two weeks. You'd never had a gain that big before, and it pushed you to keep pushing yourself to eat past your limits every single day in hopes to keep eating more and more calories. Your gain eventually slowed down to three pounds a week, but you were still gaining steadily.
To keep your gaining up, I made you stay on the couch as long as possible each day, where all you had to do was ask and I'd bring you food, whatever and however much you wanted. You were very greedy and always asked me for food, so I brought it to you. Obesity found you very quickly, and you kept going further and further in the pursuit of more flab to play with when you got bored.
It worked and you blimped, swelling to 310 pounds over the next year. For Christmas, you met my family, who were fascinated at your appetite more than concerned at how fat you were. You had your first major health issue at this point, because you had been so lazy your leg muscles atrophied and were swallowed by fat, meaning you could barely waddle without wheezing. You took this as a reason to never move unless you absolutely had to, and the fact that you had finally grown too fat to do much of anything excited you.
I found out about two weeks later when I asked that you wanted to be *more* unhealthy than you were, and that you were excited to start having real health issues. You asked me to make you gainer shakes, the unhealthiest I could think of, so I came up with a sweet shake. It was made of sweetened condensed milk, corn syrup, heavy cream, ice cream, milk, sugar, and some soda to thin it out, and it was packed with unhealthy calories that would clog your insides. You loved to chug it as often as you could, and you started blimping again. You also asked to have all of your food fried and all of your drinks to have extra sugar mixed in, both of which I obliged to.
Your first doctor's appointment after you started gaining led to recommendations for weight loss programs, personal trainers, and diets to make you healthier again and to lose the pure fat you had put on.
"Ha! Like I'd ever lose an ounce of any of this lovely lard!" You said once we got in the car, slapping your belly.
You gleefully chugged two pitchers of sweet shake when we got home after glutting yourself on McDonald's on the way, finally sitting yourself down with a tub of ice cream while waiting for me to give you the plate of fried food you asked for.
When you reached 500 pounds in another year, you had diabetes, hypertension, and an early stage of fatty liver disease, as well as having atrophied and drowned your muscles in flab and bring barely able to move.
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bunnighost · 8 months
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spacedocmom · 10 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom I know many people with severe chronic illness that would love to have enough leftover energy to even try an activity that health-privileged people think of as "lazy". Never, ever imagine that person battling illness is "lazy". They are working overtime just to survive. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 10:51 AM · Aug 12, 2023
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sshonuu · 8 days
Some people are just: "we're tolerant! we would never bully or laugh at anyone!"
And then they see a disabled person, and start to laugh at them, or say "you're just pretending!" shit
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deathfeedingfan · 10 months
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Don't worry piggy just sit back and let nurse joy take care of you, she knows whats best
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
Potential Health Issues Of Each Sign-
(Check your 6th house placement as the 6th house rules our health)
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♈ ARIES: Migrains & High Blood Preasure
♉ TAURUS: Tonsillitis & Stiff Necks.
♊ GEMINI: Insomnia, Anxiety & Mental Exhaustion.
♋ CANCER: Neasea, Stomach Pain & Gastritis.
♌ LEO: Accidents & Chronic Disease.
♍ VIRGO: Food Sentivities, Allergies & Digestive Issues.
♎ LIBRA: Kidney Issues, UTI's & PCOS.
♏ SCORPIO: Sexually Transmitted Infection & Addiction.
♐ SAGITTARIUS: Obesity, Hip Problems & Liver Problems.
♑ CAPRICORN: Arthritis, Knee Injuries & Depression.
♒ AQUARIUS: Circulatory Issues & Anemia.
♓ PISCES: Injuries Of The Feet/Athletes Foot, psychosis
Copyrights reserved © geminimoonmadness
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animeandcatholicism · 3 months
Prayer request
My GI Track is messed up and I'm currently in the ER for it
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adiproseprose · 10 months
When your feedees brain is so fried from consuming 10,000+ calories a day, masturbating and watching porn all they can do is whine, oink and pat their flabby chest when their first heart attack comes on
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zurko48 · 11 months
I am being so normal about realizing how disabled I truly am (lie)
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