#sensory overload
my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
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Life in an Autism World
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skulandcrossbones · 2 months
wikipedia article on human senses for definitions and clarification
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greenteacryptid · 7 months
This environment is incredibly hostile to a creature such as myself (there are fluorescent lights)
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Me: covers my ears and rocks back and forth so I don’t have a meltdown My mother: stop it you look like a special needs kid Me: glares in autism
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snakeautistic · 7 months
Sensory issues are the worst because everything SHOULD be fine, but no, the way my hair grows from the follicles in my scalp feel terrible right now
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 8 months
shoutout to all the neurodivergent people who have been told by neurotypicals “but it’s not even that bright” or “it’s not even that loud in here”
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canenotabeltofunction · 8 months
Me: “I can’t be autistic, I don’t have sensory issues.”
Also Me-
- The person who told me to try freezing grapes is my enemy.
- *Physically gagging from trying to eat a freeze dried strawberry*
- “I can’t sleep, my shirt is on.”
- This yogurt had pieces of fruit in it so I will let it spoil in the back of my fridge and die of starvation before I eat it.
- If anyone touches me right now I will become a safety hazard
- *Throwing myself off of furniture*
- Something is crinkling SOMEWHERE in the next room and if I don’t find it and destroy it I will never sleep again.
- This person’s headlights were too bright for 0.5 seconds and now I will have a migraine for the next 4 hours.
- My hands are wet MY HANDS ARE WET MAKE IT STOP
- What do you mean these clothes are dry? They’re clearly still damp, how do you not feel it? They’re still damp!
- These two rocks rubbed against each other and made a noise and I think I may have broken a tooth from clenching my jaw so hard
- If I am forced to wear jeans for more than 0.3 seconds upon entering my home I’m going to start crying
- Frosted Glass = Evil
- Yes I am going to “waste money” buying pre-peeled garlic because peeling garlic makes my hands sticky and I hate it.
- Stopping to wash my hands every 5 minutes while cooking because I can’t stand having things on my hands.
Feel free to add your own
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titan-god-helios · 9 months
bitches be like "oh i don't get sensory overload" and then nearly scream and smash their phone into the ground because their little cousin wanted to play roblox and they really like their little cousin and adore her so much but this time the fact that she is constantly talking and her voice grates ever so slightly on the ears and that she's very loud and bubbly and that she's singing and talking and there's music from the game blasting through her tablet as well and cooking noises and smells in the background from their mum and their sister who is also a darling keeps putting her fucking arm on theirs and they can feel their clothes and skin and its also hot and they're also expected to talk and play and be high energy and they just cant fucking take it so wind up ranting on tumblr about it whilst also wishing never to interact with a human ever again.
its me, i'm bitches <333
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thinking about how i just... never complained about anything as an undiagnosed autistic kid. i was dressed in button-down shirts that made me feel like i was choking all day to the point i could only think about that and corduroy pants that filled my ears with nothing but the sound of the fabric rubbing between my thighs all day. i was fed food whose texture made me feel sick. i was scolded for being strange and rude when i was going out of my way to be nice or helpful. 
but i never brought it up. when i had tantrums or cried, it was always about tiny unrelated things that set me off after all the stress had built up. i knew that these experiences were uncomfortable, but seeing no one else around me complain about them just made me assume that life was meant to be kind of painful in those ways. 
even today it barely crosses my mind to tell people when i don’t like something, and i’m quick to accept requests that are actually too much for me because of the idea that everyone else can do it. ironically, most neurotypical people are much better at saying that they don’t want to do something, even when this is often due to something as simple as not feeling like it as opposed to me who is struggling due to sensory, executive function, or socializing issues. 
i wish i had learned earlier that it’s not just good, but also necessary to tell people when something is hurting you. that you’re both allowed and supposed to take action to make life less painful for yourself, especially when that pain isn’t going to earn you anything. i wish i was able to make requests for my own good without automatically feeling guilty for being ‘selfish’. 
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monachopsis-11 · 1 year
People always talk about how childhood autistic traits can be troubling and problematic for people (especially allistic parents) but how about ways childhood autistic traits can be helpful and convenient for parents? I’m putting some examples below from my childhood.
- my need for routines was helpful to my mom and made her life easier
- my ability to hyperfocus on interests and solitary activities allowed my parents to attend to my sister
- my preference for being with adults who were more predictable made me easier to handle
- I had a very strong internal sense of right and wrong that made me easy to reason with as long as I was given a reasonable explanation
- my difficulty expressing my emotions and internalizing them instead made me seem low maintenance
- compared to my sister who is very reactive my atypical responses weren’t noticeable
- because I was so independent I was easy to leave alone and overlook
- because my traits weren’t disruptive to my parents I was just seen as ‘mature,’ ‘smart,’ and ‘an old soul.’
- even though I was only social when people interacted on my terms I didn’t avoid people so I wasn’t seen as antisocial
- I talked so much that if I had a day I was struggling no one noticed because they were just used to me being chatty
- I had a decent early childhood before things got really challenging so my meltdowns weren’t bad or often at that age
- by the time I was at an age where those things would stand out I was more prone to disassociation and then having a meltdown when I was alone so they didn’t know
If anyone has any childhood autistic traits that were convenient to their parents and overlooked because of it please let me know in the comments! ⬇️
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galacticscrotum · 10 months
I didn’t fully realize the extent to which I am affected by sensory overload until I decided to accommodate myself anyway. Wearing headphones in public keeps my anxiety so much lower.
It’s kinda ironic that the reason I didn’t notice I’m autistic is because I’m autistic. My struggles with interoception made it hard for me to recognize my sensory issues.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 days
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I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…
Neurodivergent Girl
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captainlevi06 · 2 months
When you are overwhelmed:
Find a quieter place
I find it helpful to go outside or on a short walk, possibly with some soft music or white noise.
Getting away from loud or overlapping sounds helps immensely
I also prefer dimmer lights or natural lighting when possible.
Water is essential for all bodily functions, including sensory and emotional regulation.
Have your preferred water bottle with you and sip slowly. Add flavouring or ice if desired
Eat something
Again, taking care of your needs is key
If possible, get a small snack and eat slowly. My system usually keeps oyster crackers with us. They’re bland but have a good amount of salt which is important for us, as we have POTS
Most of our overstimulation is caused by being hungry and not realising it
Identify irritating clothing
Is an article of clothing too tight? Are you too cold or too warm? Is something itching?
Once you’ve identified anything that’s uncomfortable, make any adjustments you can that will remedy the issue
These solutions don’t have to be conventional to be effective. Flipping socks inside out can prevent you from feeling the seams. Dabbing cool water on your wrist and/or ankles can help cool you down.
Stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviour, can help calm you down.
Safely stimming can include tapping your fingers, chewing gum, rocking back and forth etc.
There are also stim toys and chewable necklaces for this purpose. I have recommendations if anyone needs them
Identify and Devise a Solution
What led you to feeling overwhelmed?
Write down, either physically or digitally, what caused this and start to plan a solution
If it is a problem with completing a task, We use an app called Goblin Tools. It’s free on the website and the app is $0.99, neither of which have ads. It has a to do list that uses AI to break down your task into steps. It also has a feature to identify tone in writing among other things.
Break down your plan into small, manageable pieces. You don’t need to do everything right now.
Final steps
Communicate your needs to others. If you need to adjust your environment or tasks to accommodate your needs, tell others clearly what you need and how they can help
Breathe. You’re going to be okay. You are not a failure for needing to take a break. You are not a failure for being unable to take on everything at once.
You’ve got this
- Levi
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spiritualseeker777 · 4 months
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thegreatgatsbutt · 6 months
Sometimes being autistic is cool and sexy and fun but sometimes it’s 4am and you want to sleep but your cat’s water fountain is making a slightly different sound than usual and it makes you want to violently shed your own skin and teeth
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snakeautistic · 6 months
Misophonia is the WORST because I get so angry over literally nothing. Like someone will just be breathing next to me weird and I have to resist the urge to break something. It’s weird to me that my reaction to sounds (usually made by other people) like audible chewing, sniffling, etc, is immediately anger. For other sounds that bother me it’s more like general discomfort that distracts me and makes me deeply uneasy. Not rage.
I sometimes feel shitty about it, too, because I can be a jackass to people who I know aren’t doing anything wrong. I hate being mad about something and not feeling like it’s justified, and I know it isn’t fair to tell them to stop. So I try to repress my gut reaction but it usually ends up spilling out by me snapping at someone or hitting something. I’m not an aggressive person by nature. It scares me.
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