#undiagnosed autistic
bli-o · 6 months
hey autistic people who get overwhelmed by large groups or noise or conversation or etc etc etc you’re not evil for wanting to leave a family gathering. just so you know.
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Me: covers my ears and rocks back and forth so I don’t have a meltdown My mother: stop it you look like a special needs kid Me: glares in autism
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siumel · 9 months
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this is so me it’s insane
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berdlyliker · 10 months
growing up undiagnosed autistic is like 'huh. i wonder why i feel almost like an alien compared to everyone else and why i have this feeling that i'm fundamentally different from everyone else in a way that i can't really comprehend. how peculiar that it feels like everyone just gets these things i cant possibly wrap my head around. its awfully strange how despite also being mocked and ridiculed for being different, people will also tell me that i'm overthinking and i'm just 'normal like everyone else''. and then time passes and then you have The Realization.
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ialwayseattherude · 4 months
I firmly believe that part of why Will was so drawn to Hannibal was because Hannibal saw him as an equal. All of his life, he had been deemed strange or even somehow less because of the deep-rooted ableism that most people had. Society is made up of intricate games of courtesy and power and subtle innuendos, after all, and Will couldn't quite figure out how to play. Hannibal uses this against him, yes, but never does he underestimate Will because of it. He still views Will as a worthy opponent, as a force to be reckoned with. And for Will, who has spent his lifetime being treated as fragile, being looked down on, degraded as a tool, that's one hell of a thing.
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frogggysoup · 7 months
All neurodivergent people listen
Selfcare is terribly complicated but I have a solution (no I don't it's just a joke and I just want to share what helps me... so of course it won't help everyone)
I'd say this is a bathroom edition
A toothbrush as your hyperfixation (like those kid car/princess toothbrushes)
Smelly shower gel (today I got a raspberry one and I thought that I'll shower ten times a day)
Bubble bath
Turn off the light when you shower/bath(or just low-intensity light (I use candles)
Plastic children's toys (rubber ducks) if you need to be in the bath for a long time
Have a treat afterwards:3
Decorate your bathroom if you can
Don't use mint toothpaste
You can buy such grease markers for tiles so you can paint in the shower
You don't have to shower every day just use deodorant or something (if you want)
Put your hyperfixation on every problem :3
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clarafyer · 6 months
Who else is with me on my theory that there is cat autism and there is dog autism.
Cat autism:
- usually introverted (exceptions can be made)
- Stare into the void and forget that you're supposed to be taking rapid notes in class
- Switching very quickly from understimulated to overstimulated
- Sleep>>>>>
- Hissing (but most of the time you have to mask it bc then people think you're weird for doing that 😃)
- "How to let someone know you appreciate them when you dont know how"
- Seen as rude and insensitive
Dog autism:
- Usually extroverted (again, exceptions can be made)
- Unintentionally loud
- "I will do anything for you fav person"
- If you give them anything even if it's a fucking gum wrapper they will cherish it for their entire life
- Blurts out thoughts
- Seen as over affectionate and emotional
- Just screaming/yelping as communication
- Gift giving
- DESPISE fireworks/any sudden loud noise
IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER IDEAS Y'ALL HAVE REBLOG I WANNA HEAR THEM (yes some of this is taken from one of Dannyphantom.exe's videos)
I know this because me and my other IRL autistic friend are a PRIME example of why I believe this theory
(EDIT: also I believe there are subcategories. Like black cats and orange cats, golden retrievers and huskies, etc)
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mascspomax · 6 months
if someone could write a book on how to do everything ‘normally’ with specific step by step instructions that’d be very appreciated!
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foxless · 1 month
neurotypicals will be the most overwhelming people ever & then be surprised when i get overwhelmed
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belpheg0r-luna · 3 months
When i was 13-14 i spent a whole year watching all 12 seasons of Bones over and over again (i think i managed four rewatches in total) spent my whole winter and summer holidays in bed watching this show day and night not talking to anyone thinking noone gets me the way bones gets me shes everything i want to be, i should probably become an anthropologist and NO ONE thought hey maybe we should take this kid to a doctor and get her diagnosed :/
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melodymorningdew · 2 months
If I hear someone tell an autistic person to read the room one more time... 🙃
Not everyone has an iOS brain some of us gotta deal with a Motorola for a prefrontal cortex.
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
Undiagnosed autistic culture is obsessing over the topic of autism, feeling validated by the incredible similarities in your own life, relating to every autistic individual in some way or another, fulfilling most if not all DSM 5 criteria on ASD, taking every autistic test you could find online all confirming you are very likely autistic...
...but still end up doubting you even have it.
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autismcultureis · 29 days
Undiagnosed audhd culture is never having meltdowns and only ever having shutdowns when youre alone in your room and wondering why youre so useless and incapable of functioning normally
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windyywillows · 1 month
how ASD goes undiagnosed
(in people who don't mask)
People often say ASD only goes undiagnosed if you heavily mask but that's not true.
For one, masking is a learned behavior in late childhood and people get diagnosed with autism as young as 2...it's really rare for someone to be masking from the ages of 0-7. I'd say it's even rare to (heavily) mask before you're 12..
Anyway, to the point
They may be mistaken just as a weird, awkward ,gifted or nerdy kid (or all of the above)
They may have a co-occuring diagnosis and autism was missed
-just mistaken for anxiety
-may be mistaken as a "bad kid" for someone who misses social cues, highly stims, has PDA(non masking autists can have PDA!!), and melts down when overstimulated.
They may have an ableist parent who refused to get them tested even though they knew their child was ND. (this was my case!)
The child may be hyperverbal and overly friendly, and as hyperverbalism is seen as "rare" within autistic children it may lead them away from a diagnosis. Could also be misdiagnosed (or correctly diagnosed but left out autism) as ADHD.
-is actively bullied for being weird but does not realize they were being bullied until many months or even years later (me!)
There are many many other reasons why an individual may go undiagnosed with ASD but these are just from my research and own experiences
No I am not a professional but this is my research of other autistic (low masking) later diagnosed experiences!
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me: but am I autistic? like really tho? what if I'm faking it
Also me: has a meltdown and tears half her room apart because they couldn't find their favourite necklace
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theghostofaname · 7 months
She's just a little different
She's a bit perticular
She's quirky
She's excitable
She's childish
She's kinda weird
She's really sensitive
She's a very anxious person
Its been autism this whole time, hasn't it?
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