#go fund him
With all respect and appreciation, try as much as you can to support them and help me, so that I may be able to help my family before it is too late.
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the-fab-fox · 2 months
Hey guys! It's me again!
I could really still use the assistance here. I'm in a living situation right now where things are constantly up in the air. The situation as described in my last post (and the second to last update on the campaign itself has cooled down but there's still so much uncertainty and I'm trying to not let fear and past trauma rule me but with the uncertainty of what's going to get me yelled at or shunned or kicked out makes it difficult.
So I'm trying to get enough money together to get into a place of my own. No roommates. I have apparent bad luck with roommates. I need the money requested to help with the amount that will be ended to get in and once I'm in I'll be able to afford the monthly payments, is just trying to get enough to move since they require an arm and leg just to get into most places.
Please, if you can help, know that the help is absolutely appreciated! I absolutely plan to pay it forward once I'm in a safe and financial place to do so and in the meantime I'm paying it forward in the non-financial ways I'm able. If you can't afford to donate, I completely understand. Please reblog this and share with people who might better be able to assist.
Thank you all so much for your continued support and help. It means the world to me and my two babies (cats Frosta and Glimmer). 💜💜💜💜💜
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This person is trying to evacuate his family, including four little siblings under 21, out of Gaza. please remember they're all human beings with dreams and emotions. they make jokes and love each other and look at sunsets. please donate if you can spare even a single dollar. every donation counts. try to donate, not just share, but sharing is also needed.
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hassanatforusmk · 2 months
Please help Ezz and his family. Every donation - no matter how small - helps and can give hope.
Ezzideen, a brilliant young doctor, returned to Gaza just one week before the war to celebrate his graduation with his family, only to be met with unimaginable tragedy. The loss of 72 family members in the conflict has shattered their lives beyond repair.
Their only hope for safety lies in evacuating to Egypt, but they can't do it alone. Each family member's evacuation costs $5000, and for young Mazen, it's $2500. We need to raise a total of $27,500 to get them out of harm's way.
Additionally, we need $5000 for their living expenses for the next six months in Egypt and additional funds for passport costs. But it's not just about escaping the horrors of war. Ezzideen and his family dream of a peaceful life away from the constant threat of violence. They want to complete their education, pursue their dreams, and build a better future
. Ezzideen's parents have worked tirelessly to provide their children with a good education, hoping to see them achieve their goals. I'm reaching out to you, dear friends, because I cannot bear the thought of losing Ezzideen.
Your support, no matter how small, can make a world of difference to him and his family. Let's unite in compassion and generosity to give them the chance they so desperately need to escape the horrors of Gaza and fulfill their dreams. He needs funds to evacuate his family to safety. If you cannot donate, share his go fund me!
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marwhoa · 3 months
Please share, yall 💀
Hey y’all, not to like drop my irl location or anything, but I’m in trouble and could tots use some sharing/support! Shares are IMMENSELY appreciated, and if somehow you’re an affluent person and have wanted a reason to be a monetary hero, here’s your chance!!
Basically, I go to a small-town college that has been around since the 1800s!! Like literally the 19th century, and it is so hugely for the environment and community?? Like we are a sustainable school that’s big into all types of recycling and bettering the environment—like have you ever heard of teracycling? I didn’t until I came here.
But, so, my school is in danger 💀 it’s so for the environment and the community that they forgot how expensive that can be, and are in danger to SHUT DOWN??? AT THE END OF THIS SEMESTER???!???
Guys, I am a senior. I had ONE MORE SEMESTER, I WOULD’VE BEEN GRADUATED IN DECEMBERRR!! (I wanted to double major in Graphic Design and Psychology. Schedules were a pain. Oopsies?)
And so the school is POORRRRR, we need to somehow rally up
So, here I am posting my school’s page for the funding, and if y’all could share this so people see it, take pity on little ol’ me, and donate so this old school can stay alive and I can graduate? That would be totally awesome.
Thanks for reading 💀I never thought I’d be making a post like this. I’m literally so embarrassed AAAAA
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lemonmatronics · 3 months
Hello everyone, you may recognize a post I’ve made awhile ago about a man in Palestine named Abdallah
Abdallah has worked very hard to care for many animals in Palestine, and get them proper food and treatment. Today though, things are changing as the environment he’s in grows more and more dangerous
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His home has been destroyed, family and friends murdered, and cannot stay there any longer. He wants to leave, and he needs our help to do so
Here is his GoFundMe
Ever since my last post, I’ve begun to see Abdallah as a friend, so I beg you, please help him. I would donate more than I already have if I could, please help my friend escape this nightmare he’s living in. If you cannot reblog donate, and share the original post if you have Twitter
Spread the link onto other platforms like I am here, do anything. I’m begging you to help my friend, please help my friend
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Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.
Hello, my name is Charles, and I’m reaching out to you with a humble heart. I am battling severe Type 1 Diabetes, and my condition has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer support myself without assistance. Maintaining my diabetes management requires constant supplies, regular checkups, and medication, all of which are now beyond my financial means.
I used to work as a Jua Kali artisan, a job I was passionate about. Unfortunately, due to the relentless demands of managing my health, my business collapsed. Frequent hospital visits and the high costs of treatment forced me to spend all my savings and business capital. Now, I am unable to perform the physically demanding work I once did and have struggled to find a less strenuous, stable job.
Despite applying for numerous white-collar jobs, I have not been successful. However, I remain hopeful that one day, I will secure a position that allows me to cover my medical expenses and daily needs. Until that day comes, I am turning to the kindness of others to help me through these challenging times.
☆ https://gogetfunding.com/support-charles/
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1. Donate: Any amount you can give will make a significant difference. Even small contributions add up quickly.
2. Share: Please share my story with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know, the better chance I have of reaching my goal.
3. Encourage: Your words of encouragement and prayers mean a lot to me. Knowing that there are people who care can lift my spirits and keep me going.
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darlin-collins · 17 days
Hey, it's Reinhard.Living with diabetes has always been tough, but now it's a matter of life and death. Insulin costs have gone so high and I can't afford it anymore. Meanwhile, my family's trapped in Rafah, Gaza, amidst militia chaos. My grandma's battling cancer, and we're stuck, helpless, and scared. They're holed up in an apartment building, surrounded. We need medication, a way out—anything to survive. Please, help us through this nightmare. Share our story, lend a hand if you can. We're counting on you.
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pharoosh · 2 months
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Please donate to my gofundme! For my top surgery fund!!!
Anyone that can't donate for some reason through here can donate to my PayPal
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Hey guys.
I realize I probably have a lot of nerve for asking given how I keep saying “oh, I’ll come back soon” and then I don’t. There are folks who have been waiting ages for me to respond to DMs and Inbox Asks. I’m sorry about that, you guys. I am. But the point of this post isn’t about me. It’s about oldest friend in the world, my surrogate sister, and her Dad.
He’s kind of in financial crisis right now. He’s very behind on his rent and is about to be evicted. He’s got end stage heart failure, so it’s difficult for him to support himself. But if you’re able to offer support, if you’re in a position where you can, please help him. Even if you can’t, it would mean everything to me if you could reblog this post, help it get traction. I’ve seen these posts circulating before in the past, gofundme posts, and when my friend told me her dad was in trouble, I thought to myself - Tumblr. Tumblr has never let me down.
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Please share, and most of all DONATE to this GoFundMe if at all possible!!! if you can donate but won't frankly fuck you! Look at their faces!!!
(it's running out of steam. help get it moving again.)
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dec0dethefuture · 3 months
Chris works 60+ hours a week and last year he worked just enough to not qualify for medical assistance.
If you can’t donate, please reblog!!!
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 14 days
Feras Garboo is the older of a set of two year old twins. He was born with a rare defect called Bladder Exstrophy which means his bladder is on the outside of his body. He also has Epispadias which is a defect of the urethra.
He was treated for both of these at Saint Joseph's Hospital in East Jerusalem at about 11 months old however there were complications, the wound reopened and they had to go back in to fix that. Unfortunately the surgical team didn't have the experience with these particular conditions or the resources to really help Feras and despite best efforts made his condition worse.
*The above is a summary of what is explained in the campaign as well as what was explained to me by Feras' mother Israa. If you're going to look up these conditions to better understand fair warning for the images you might find. Also, there are images of Feras' state within the campaign but there is a warning before you scroll that far.*
Feras has multiple medical conditions including a heart defect as well. This baby has been suffering since birth, HE NEEDS TO BE TREATED OUTSIDE OF PALESTINE. And given the surgeries and reconstruction needed, treatment needs to happen while Feras is still young for the best chance of a decent quality of life.
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wildflower808 · 15 days
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lostrandoblog · 5 months
Hello all who see this post! This GFM page was made by a friend of mine who needs a bit of help right now as you can probably tell by the title. I care about them a lot and the situation sucks, which is why I'm sharing this. Shiloh and his family can use all the help they can get- even if it's just a bit. Please consider donating if you're able or at least reblog to boost this post to peopke who can help. Thank you so much for reading!
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lettersandinkstains · 8 months
Support Your Locally Grown Gay
Hey guys! So, I normally don't make posts like these but Elias is like one of my best friends and I promised to help him out so -!
My friend, Eli, was recently scheduled to get top surgery - which is very much needed for his mental health and transition - unfortunately, Medicaid decided that they weren't going to cover the costs even though this is a medically necessary procedure.
From his Go Fund Me description:
My name is Elias Little, and I'm a 23 year old trans man. I've been living socially as a man for 8 years, and I've been on testosterone for 5. Although it would help my mental health and my life in general immensely, Medicaid has decided that top surgery is just an elective surgery and won't pay for it. Because of that, I have to ask for your help. The goal of $11,000 is to help pay for the surgery, anesthesia, and any other medical costs that may come up such as prescription pain medication. I'm lucky enough to have a surgeon that will work with me in a city that's only an hour away, so I don't need to worry too much about traveling costs. Any donation helps, and sharing the page if you can’t donate is also a huge help! Thank you for your support in helping me become my true self.
Eli is an incredible person with a kind soul! I know we're all a bit strapped for funds in this capitalistic hell, but reblogs or donations or just sharing so maybe he can get a little bit of help would be amazing. I can 100% vouch for him, he deserves this.
Go Fund Me
Support your queers <3
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