#go fund her
screamoemocore · 1 day
Recently Sujood reached out to me on instagram after i shared this gofundme, telling me more about her story and asking me to donate and share as much as i can. her story is truly heartbreaking and her family needs as much help as possible right now! PLEASE read the gofundme description and donate!!
for reference;
1CAD = 0.73USD = 0.68EURO = 0.58GBP = 61.11 ₹
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firas-salem · 4 days
A Thank You Letter from my 2 year-old daughter from Gaza
€23,072 raised of €65,000 goal We are Forever Grateful for your support, donations and shares .(Please if you can Donate here)
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Rokayah wanted to draw a THANK YOU letter for all of you💌 (And then she refused to give it to me because she decided she'll give it to you when we arrive at Egypt😁) when I told her that kind people helped us and very soon we'll escape war and go to Egypt , then grandma and grandad and the rest of her uncles and aunts will follow us ! YOUR KINDESS & SUPPORT BRING US HOPE AND HAPPINESS AMID THE DESPAIR WE ENCOUNTER EVERYDAY 💖🙏
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Through your help we can manage to rescue my family and my sick parents and siblings as well ! We Still Need You!! Please Don't Forget about Us!! €23,072 raised of €65,000 goal
Your donations of your hard earned money, You Shares , Your Prayers and Wishes .. I pray your kindness is returned to you !! No matter what I say we can't Thank you Enough!🙏💖
SADLY !! My account got shadow banned again ! I can't send asks or messages as I fear I get Banned again! Please Help me share and ask . PLEASE SHARE AND DONATE this is my new account
Thank you! Forever Grateful for all of you !🙏
Verified Fundraiser by @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck
@sayruq @nabulsi @communistchilchuck @palipunk @fairuzfan @ibtisams
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renadmagidnew · 5 days
Our Tent Collapsed!
Hi friends, before I can say anything I am beyond grateful to all of you especially the anonymous do-gooder who helped share my story & gfm link.. £5,298  raised of £35,000 goal when I lost contact and my account got banned. My Family thanks you from the bottom of their hearts ❤ DOANTE PLEASE : HERE
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Elhamdullilah, we lost our tent ! Leaving behind even the modest shelter of our tent felt like losing the only piece of stability and safety we had fought hard to maintain. Thing are tough. We try to remain positive , but it's getting harder and harder everyday. My mother's health is getting worse and worse ,also AbdulRahman's (my brother) Hepatitis A, we're all hit with diseases, add to that we have very little money left , and everything is ridiculously expensive ! We went through a lot the past two weeks .. every day feels like a year .. everything drains us both physically and mentally. I am sorry for bothering you and I am sorry for being gloomy . Please Help us! - Escape to Egypt - Treat our family's health issues - Afford Living Expanses until we leave inshAllah WE REALLY NEED TO LEAVE Donate and Share Please !🙏 Thank you for donating and sharing! You are literally saving our lives .I am afraid I will get banned again verified by: @el-shab-hussein
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sakura-nguyen · 1 month
Please help me. My name is Shirley. I am autistic and disabled. I ran away from my abusive parents a few years ago. I’ve been moving from place to place. A man offered me a place to stay when I was homeless. He knew I had Asperger’s syndrome and took advantage of me. I basically slept with him for shelter. A couple of months ago I was able to find my own apartment. Things went downhill when I was fired from my third job. It has been very difficult for me to find employment due to mental health issues. I have been transferring money out of my credit card to my debit card in order to pay my rent. I also have to pay interest, which makes it worse. My credit card is about to be maxed out and I could get evicted.
It would mean so much to me if you could donate or share the link to my GoFundMe. Thank you so much
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This person is trying to evacuate his family, including four little siblings under 21, out of Gaza. please remember they're all human beings with dreams and emotions. they make jokes and love each other and look at sunsets. please donate if you can spare even a single dollar. every donation counts. try to donate, not just share, but sharing is also needed.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
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I saw this on Twitter and honestly felt a bit sick just thinking about it. The sheer determination some people have to keep anyone from getting any sort of help, any sort of benefits, to kick down someone who has such a big heart to help those around her?
Here's the Tiktok where the woman, Carly Burd, talks about it. She shows the salted state of the land. This video was posted 21 hours ago at the time of posting this.
Another video where she discusses it, this one was posted 4 hours ago. Over 5 kilograms of salt, she estimates, was put into the soil of her allotment. She'd already planted onions and potatoes with her kids, which are now ruined. She's working to find a solution, which I genuinely hopes she does.
From what I can tell, this is a GoFundMe that she runs--not just for this tragic occurrence, but to generally support the work she does. It has a goal of £4,000 pounds and at the time of writing this, it's raised over £54,000 pounds, but by all means if you want to donate and help her out I'm sure she wouldn't turn any help away.
I genuinely hope all the help she's getting with this lets her grow a lot more food and help a lot more people.
[Photo ID: a scrrenshot of two tweets of a Twitter thread by Elsbeth Tashioni @THISisLULE, with 6,102 retweets, 2,345 Quote retweets, 28.1K likes, and 1,597 Bookmarks. The leading tweet was made at 4:24 AM EST on 4/12/23 (April 12th 2023). "Some UK woman on tiktok has been making videos about how she’s been feeding people (partly through an allotment) in her community who are struggling due to the cost of living crisis and then yesterday she posts that someone went and salted her land so she can’t grow food anymore" The second tweet has 25 replies, 1,391 retweets, and 14.5k likes. "Do you know how evil you have to be to sneak out at night, not to even steal to benefit yourself, but to destroy the possibility of people in need getting help?" End ID]
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snowy-heartsx · 1 month
im begging for help at this point.. my name is snow. i am autistic and disabled. i have been in the shelter since july 2024. before being in the shelter i have moved from place to place. my mother couldn't help as much since her place is pretty small, and she takes care of my little sister. my grandmother can't help either, due to being disabled herself, and living & staying with the person who had done things to me as a child. she doesn't believe my trauma so she chose him over me. things have gotten pretty difficult since i came into the shelter, as i no longer can work due to being both mentally and physically disabled, so paying this debt off for both banks has been a struggle. yes, i said BOTH. discover AND bank of america. i barely eat or drink so i sleep all day to avoid spending my food stamps. i barely make it passed the 15 of every month. i have had jobs in the past, and all have just got rid of me or fired me due to constant physical illnesses. this shelter does not help with laundry needs, feminine products or soap; so the cash i get every month goes to that rather then food or drinks, and even paying my cards off. the food here is never properly cooked, and the milk we get is always expired before it's time. anything helps. please. i even have a paypal which can be sent money. anything helps such as money for food and drinks.
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psst if you uh, are the type to boost various indie ttrpg bundles, might i suggest snow's personal fundraising bundle for laser hair removal? (link: https://itch.io/s/121206/laser-hair-removal-for-snow)
snow makes the songbirds system and lots of other very cool games; if i was in a position to, i'd donate the money she needs to meet her goal; i'm not, so for now i'll try to boost her bundle to other folks in the indie ttrpg space
I saw, go support snow, she's a phenomenally talented creator, I've checked out some of her games and while most of them are squarely under not my thing, they all demonstrate a lot of mastery and passion
ps: reblogs help more than likes!
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marwhoa · 3 months
Please share, yall 💀
Hey y’all, not to like drop my irl location or anything, but I’m in trouble and could tots use some sharing/support! Shares are IMMENSELY appreciated, and if somehow you’re an affluent person and have wanted a reason to be a monetary hero, here’s your chance!!
Basically, I go to a small-town college that has been around since the 1800s!! Like literally the 19th century, and it is so hugely for the environment and community?? Like we are a sustainable school that’s big into all types of recycling and bettering the environment—like have you ever heard of teracycling? I didn’t until I came here.
But, so, my school is in danger 💀 it’s so for the environment and the community that they forgot how expensive that can be, and are in danger to SHUT DOWN??? AT THE END OF THIS SEMESTER???!???
Guys, I am a senior. I had ONE MORE SEMESTER, I WOULD’VE BEEN GRADUATED IN DECEMBERRR!! (I wanted to double major in Graphic Design and Psychology. Schedules were a pain. Oopsies?)
And so the school is POORRRRR, we need to somehow rally up
So, here I am posting my school’s page for the funding, and if y’all could share this so people see it, take pity on little ol’ me, and donate so this old school can stay alive and I can graduate? That would be totally awesome.
Thanks for reading 💀I never thought I’d be making a post like this. I’m literally so embarrassed AAAAA
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Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.
Hello, my name is Charles, and I’m reaching out to you with a humble heart. I am battling severe Type 1 Diabetes, and my condition has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer support myself without assistance. Maintaining my diabetes management requires constant supplies, regular checkups, and medication, all of which are now beyond my financial means.
I used to work as a Jua Kali artisan, a job I was passionate about. Unfortunately, due to the relentless demands of managing my health, my business collapsed. Frequent hospital visits and the high costs of treatment forced me to spend all my savings and business capital. Now, I am unable to perform the physically demanding work I once did and have struggled to find a less strenuous, stable job.
Despite applying for numerous white-collar jobs, I have not been successful. However, I remain hopeful that one day, I will secure a position that allows me to cover my medical expenses and daily needs. Until that day comes, I am turning to the kindness of others to help me through these challenging times.
☆ https://gogetfunding.com/support-charles/
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1. Donate: Any amount you can give will make a significant difference. Even small contributions add up quickly.
2. Share: Please share my story with your friends, family, and social networks. The more people who know, the better chance I have of reaching my goal.
3. Encourage: Your words of encouragement and prayers mean a lot to me. Knowing that there are people who care can lift my spirits and keep me going.
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typicalbrainchaos · 7 days
Please help me and my family to evacuate from gaza
Donate if you can
Sher if you cant
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Please share, and most of all DONATE to this GoFundMe if at all possible!!! if you can donate but won't frankly fuck you! Look at their faces!!!
(it's running out of steam. help get it moving again.)
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darlin-collins · 17 days
Hey, it's Reinhard.Living with diabetes has always been tough, but now it's a matter of life and death. Insulin costs have gone so high and I can't afford it anymore. Meanwhile, my family's trapped in Rafah, Gaza, amidst militia chaos. My grandma's battling cancer, and we're stuck, helpless, and scared. They're holed up in an apartment building, surrounded. We need medication, a way out—anything to survive. Please, help us through this nightmare. Share our story, lend a hand if you can. We're counting on you.
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knightofjune · 10 months
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zee-rambles · 9 months
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Hey Y’all. I don’t usually dot this, but please support @seasaltcosmos if you can. There’s a lot of bad stuff happening in the world. Let’s spread that gold old human kindness around and prove that we are worth saving, yeah?
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riot-grrlboy · 2 months
My girlfriend needs help leaving her unsupportive home
If you can afford to donate, please do. She has 2-3 months before her parents kick her out
If you can’t, please reblog to reach more people
Any and everything you can give is appreciated
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