#ex villain whumpee
Ex-Villain angst
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Ex-Villain from a crime family that has to watch and participate as their family is taken away by the heroes
Ex-Villain who spent their villain years chasing the approval of their mentor/villainous idol/villainous loved one, only to find themselves 'redeemed', now chasing the approval of the heroes
Ex-Villain changing their behavior, but never getting better. In fact, they're not sure they've ever felt worse
Ex-Villain only ever being seen as that, an Ex-Villain
Guilt tripping, so much guilt tripping. They don't even argue anymore, they just give in.
Nobody wants a villain, Ex-Villain is rejected almost everywhere, which can make it easier for hero organizations to keep them under control because they have nowhere else to go.
Ex-Villain losing sleep over their past, unable to think of anything other than what they've done wrong
Ex-Villains dyeing or cutting their hair and changing their appearance until they're unrecognizable, because maybe then they can at least pretend they're a different person now
Ex-Villain who still suffers with violent impulses, unable to ever get help for them because admitting they have them would make everyone distrust them
Ex-Villain who learns the hard way that that 'power of friendship' thing only applies to people the heroes like
Ex-Villain who's trying, they really are, but find it increasingly difficult to believe it'll ever actually make a difference
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For Villain Stuff: Ex-Villain has joined the team and they're all pretty tense at first. But they all begin to warm up to Villain ever so slightly-nothing too crazy, but not nothing either. Villain even becomes something a little almost like friends with A. But then something happens. Maybe a member of the team/the whole team is just very stressed and Villain does something slightly off at the wrong time, and the stressed teammate/whole team except A just goes off on them saying terrible stuff. It's so bad that Villain runs off/leaves. Then the next day, A has to find out what happened from the remorseful teammate/team and how Villain is gone. And this makes A realize how they all, them included, really should have given Villain more of a chance and A tells the rest of the team how hard Villain is trying.
Then also the even more awkward situation once Villain comes back, still feeling slightly betrayed by the team and assuming A feels the same way too, as the others try to apologize/make up for it and A tries to regain their friendship.
Hero woke to the sound of an alarm. It was their least favorite sound by far since it wasn't their personal alarm but the 'everyone get up right now before we all die' alarm.
They rolled out of bed, not bothering to put on daytime clothes as they stumbled towards the war room. They found the team already there, all of them looking grim, and Villain noticeably missing.
Hero winced, remembering yesterday. Teammate had been in one of their moods yesterday and Villain had made a joke about them being a prickly bastard. Teammate had snapped back at him, saying that he was one to talk with the kind of 'prickliness' he used to show the team. Villain had laughed it off but then the others had piled on, mentioning things he had done and it had gotten a little personal. Personal enough that Villain had just left the room without a word.
"Hey, guys," Hero said, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Villain still sleeping?"
The team all shared glances but said nothing.
"Leader?" Hero asked hesitantly. "What's going on? Where's Villain?"
Leader sighed, turning her attention to the computer screen. It showed a list of various villains, fences, and identity brokers. "He's gone. We don't know where or if he left with anything but his tracking anklet was on his bedside table. And he's nowhere in the base."
Hero felt the blood drain from their face. They knew yesterday was less then pleasant but was it really enough to make him run? They glanced over Leader's shoulder and realized that the list was a list of Villain's former associates. They felt a flare of rage at that being the teams first thought. It was almost enough to overpower their own guilt for thinking the same.
"Oh come on!" Hero said, pressing a button to t,urn off the screen. "He's not going to just run back to villainy after one bad day!"
Leader gave them a confused look. "What do you mean, one bad day? What bad day?"
"I mean yesterday." Hero looked around at the team finding only confused faces. "You guys were pretty rough on him, you know."
"We were just talking shop," Youngest said. "We do that all the time."
"But do we do it in front of the villains?" Hero asked. "He was really uncomfortable. He left the room."
"It wasn’t that bad," Teammate said, rolling their eyes.
Hero turned to Teammate and raised an eyebrow. "You personally called his life's goal that we thwarted only like two months ago 'a child's temper tantrum'. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that might be a little hurtful."
Teammate sipped their coffee and said nothing.
"Anyway, he didn't just go back to villainy over that!" Hero said firmly. They remembered the look on Villain's face as he left, clicking through his phone as he mumbled about knowing who his real friends were. "...Probably," they added, less sure.
Leader came over and put a hand on Hero's shoulder. "It's ok, Hero. We'll find him. And we'll deal with any consequences that arise."
Hero nodded and walked back out of the war room. This was going to need daytime clothes.
Eight hours. Eight hours and no sign of Villain. Hero was not one to give up hope but they knew how good Villain was at disappearing when he needed to.
Hero had just been ready to take a break for lunch when they heard the sound of someone hissing and spitting, probably while being dragged in handcuffs. They knew the sound well but there was something familiar about it.
"Will you lay off?! I know where we're going! I live here, remember?"
The whole team turned towards the door and watched as four cops dragged Villain into the war room. They threw Villain into the room and Villain, who's hands were cuffed behind his back, stumbled forward and just barely managed to twist his body to sit in the chair that Teammate pulled out for him. His glare was vicious.
"Where the hell did you find him?" Leader asked, staring at Villain in surprise.
"I went out to get an Irish Coffee," Villain said, passing that same glare to Leader.
"Six states away?" One of the cops asked.
"Without your tracker?" Leader asked.
"Or telling anyone?" Teammate asked.
Villain squirmed around until he was sitting down in the chair properly, looking like he was trying to pretend that he wasn't pouting. "I spent my twenties in that town. I wanted that specific Irish Coffee. I took public transit. I used my agency ID. I didn't exactly try to hide. What, did you want me to leave a note?"
"Preferably," Leader said. She sighed and waved the cops away. They left, leaving Villain and the team alone.
There was a moment of silence before Villain leaned forward, rattling the cuffs. "Can I get these off or have I been officially been given villain status again?"
"Villain, now really isn't the time for you to be defensive. You're the one-"
"No, I think I can be defensive all I want!" Villain said. "How long did it take for you to put out an APB? I know you canceled my card after what, 30 minutes?"
"Villain," Leader started. "You have to understand that-"
"No! No, you have to understand! How long do I have to work with you to get some trust? I thought that I might have enough trust that you would at least wait a full day before assuming I fell back into old temper tantrums." He looked Teammate when he said that. They didn't meet his eyes.
Villain sighed. "Look. Just uncuff me. I'll go put my tracker back on and I won't take it off until whatever new tracker you ordered while I was gone gets here."
Leader sighed again and helped Villain out of the cuffs. "Look, we just need more communication. Ok?"
Villain shrugged, standing and rubbing his wrists. "Great. I'm going to put the tracker back on and then make myself an Irish Coffee." Villain frowned. "Since the cops spilled mine."
The team watched Villain leave again and Hero looked at the other three before calling out, "Am I invited?"
Villain poked his head back in, looking at Hero critically. "Did you cancel my card?"
"Of course you're invited! I'll make you one." Villain smiled at Hero but Hero couldn't miss the slightly vicious note in his eyes as he walked out. Hero followed after and glanced back at the team.
"You all need to figure out how to fix that." Hero pointed at them in turn then walked away to follow Villain. I'll have to fix my end.
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VH - Divide And Conquer
(Tw: attempted torture)
“I can't believe we finally have caught the legendary Vampire Hero”, said Villain.
The two Heroes glanced at each other and shrugged. The taller one frowned.
“Legendary ?” he repeated.
Villain looked at him with interest.
“Oh yes,” he said. “Many have fallen before your might, Vampire Hero. At least two or three of my opponents are behind the bars because of you.”
“Two or three and you call that legendary ? You're easy to impress.”
The other Hero was nervously following the exchange. Compared to his companion, he seemed much younger and frailer. His eyes were shinier and shinier with tears that did not quite fall. When at least it looked like he couldn't take it anymore, he stepped between the two, saying:
“Stop ! It's my fault ! It's all my fault if we got caught. Hurt me, not him!”
Villain gave the young Hero an amused look:
“Why is that little thing with you, Vampire Hero ?”
His interlocutor shrugged:
“You know. He's new. I'm supposed to show him the ropes or something. You have to teach them some way or some other. ”
“Is that so.”
Villain lift the smaller Hero's chin with a finger:
“My dear little one, how can I hurt him ? Many have tried and many have failed. I'll just make him have a nice little sunbath so he's neutralized. But since you've asked so nicely, I will take care of you.”
“Surely there must be another way ! I'm sure you can do better. I-I'm sure that deep inside, you're a little pure of heart.”
“ You heard your protector, you need to learn.”
He grabbed Hero by the arm, who turned his head toward the man who accompanied him. The latter just shrugged.
“Do you think he cares ?” simpered Villain to his ear. “Oh, he doesn't. He might be on your side, but Vampire Hero is evil. You're better off with me.”
Hero whimpered but didn't resist as he was dragged into the stairs.
“There are seventeen steps. Do you hear the sound they make ? There's an echo, so the prisoners down there can hear me coming. It’s all in the anticipation.”
In a sweet voice, he kept describing their surroundings while they were both descending into his torture room. During all the way, the small one didn’t dare fight back. He soon found himself tied up to a chair, helplessly squirming, his eyes giving a pleading look more than ever.
“So, young Hero,” purred Villain, “as it is your first time, I will make you a favor.”
“R-Really ?”
“Yes. Do you see all these instruments in the shelf in front of you ?”
Hero looked at the whips, the canes and the nails, and shuddered so violently it almost looked fake.
“I'm going to let you choose one among them. If not, I will choose, and you won't like it very much if I do.”
“You don't have to do this ! I-You just will make Vampire Hero angry and you don't want to !”
“You think he will rescue you?”
“I know he will.”
“How touching. But for now you're mine. So make your choice, before I get impatient.”
Hero pondered for a few seconds, then whispered:
“Um – the taser ? Yes – the taser, please.”
“If you ask so nicely.”
Villain delicately took the black rectangular shape in his hand and switched it on.
“Why, if I might ask ? Do you think it will hurt less than the others ? Let me prove you wrong.”
The half-hour that happened then looked much more pleasant for Villain than for Hero. And yet, as time passed, Villain felt somewhat uneasy. That had nothing to do with torturing a man, of course. He liked the thrashing, he liked the begging, he liked the naive faith of the innocent who was certain that he could be saved. Maybe that had something to do with the other Hero. While Villain was amusing himself, Vampire Hero was out of his sight. He might have been careless. He glanced at his watch, but Hero making a rather unconvincing whimper forced him to turn his head.
Perhaps that was the problem. Villain was used to the sounds of pain – the gasps, the moans, the howls, the cries and the pleas. He loved all of them without distinction, and of course he knew that they were a little different with each person. It was a familiar melody that Hero was singing, but thinking about it, it was slightly out of tune, and it got progressively worse. It was getting on his nerves. These rookies these days – they didn't even now how to scream right.
“Let's have a break,” he said.
“Oh well, I guess I’ve held that long.”
Villain raised an eyebrow, amused:
“Getting defiant, are we ? Careful, you sound like you’re disappointed.”
He stared into his prisoner’s eyes, hoping to get a look of terror, but all he got was a frown. Hero...genuinely looked displeased.
“Sorta”, he said. “In my time I didn’t have this kind of toys to play with. I guess having a little blue spark in your hand looks fun, but that doesn’t look like it does that much damage.”
“In your time ? What are you talking ab- wait.”
Hero tilted his head. For a moment he sounded impassible, but he broke soon enough. A loud, loud laugh resonated in the room, while the prisoner was squirming in his chair for a very different reason than before. His way of moving betrayed no pain at all.
“Are you shitting me,” said Villain, whose voice was now icy.
Hero grinned:
“You tell me, pal. I can’t believe you swallowed my “pure of heart” bullshit. I was laying it on so thick.”
Villain glared at him.
“Not that you were especially subtle either”, Hero added. “Oooh, the anticipation !” Do that again?”
Villain stood up and went to the door as fast as self-respect allowed. There was no one left under the sunlight. The guards were on the ground, unconscious.
“How -”
He turned back. Hero was now standing up, neglectfully throwing away the remnants of the straps that held him a moment before. He dramatically exclaimed, a hand on his heart:
“Oh no, he got away ! My, my. Poor little me. Tell you what, though. If Vampire Hero were so legendary, you should have bothered to know what he looks like. I didn’t mean to pass for someone else, but you’ve so graciously given me the opportunity.”
“It can’t be ! How could the – the other have escaped then ?”
“I hate to break it to you, but they are several heroes with super strength.”
Villain blushed and stayed quiet, his lips pursed. Hero picked up the taser, looked at it with curiosity, and switched it on. With a smile – a very worrying smile - he got closer.
“Hey, I warned you. I told you that Vampire Hero was going to rescue me.”
Vampire Hero is a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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whatwhump · 1 year
Ex-Villain Whumpee: Pt. 4!
Hello lovely whump community! I apologize for how long this took me; I’m in school so it can be hard to find time to write sometimes. :) 
Anywho, thank you for all of the encouragement for this story! I’m excited to announce this will be an ongoing series! I’m not sure for how long, but what I anticipated as being only a few posts I think has potential to be a larger arc. I’m really excited to dive into these character’s relationship dynamics and plan to use all of my favorite whump tropes! I’ve got some pretty evil fun ideas in the works. ;) My goal is to update this story bi-weekly. 
This is by no means my best work because I’m just doing this for fun. I hope you don’t mind and still walk away with whumperflies! 
**For list of character names/roles as well as Parts 1-3, see the previous post here**
TW: whipping, torture, beating, self-harm reference, suicidal thoughts (of the passive ideation variety), severe self-esteem issues; bad caretaker
“I. Won’t. Break.” 
Despite their diminutive stature, Charlie towered over Alex as they writhed against restraints on the table of Eric Goodgrave's torture chamber interrogation room. 
Charlie stared down at their victim grimly. “You will. You have to,” they responded matter-of-factly. 
Both of them were sweating beneath the bright, hot lights. They were going on hour three of their little dance, now. Charlie still held the whip but it now dangled lifelessly beside them. They simply stared down their victim. Cool. Calm. Collected. 
Alex–lying on their stomach–strained their neck to glare back at them, practically seething with rage. The anger protected them; as long as they held on to the fury deep within, it helped distract them from the excruciating burning all across their bare back. Yes, inside that room and beyond, anger protected them from the brutal realities of life as a hero. 
Charlie began the interrogation in a suit with a buttoned-up white dress shirt. By now, though, they had abandoned the blazer and rolled up their sleeves. It struck Alex as a strange juxtaposition. Here they were, being torn apart by this…this psychopath, as if they had just arrived home from their 9 to 5 to find the dog had peed in the house and were slightly irritated.
“Tell me where the team is,” Charlie murmured, slowly raising the whip up off the ground in a warning. 
Alex wanted the suffering to stop more than anything; they’d already passed out–twice–and hadn’t had anything to eat or drink in at least two days. But not more than they wanted to keep their teammates safe. No, they cared about them too much. They would die for them, there was no doubt in their mind. Alex scowled; unfortunately, although they wished to spit right in Charlie’s stupid face as they had at the start of the session, their parched mouth could no longer produce any saliva. I think I might die here, they thought to themselves…
That’s when they saw it. How hadn’t they seen it before?! 
Charlie’s dress shirt had shifted just enough to reveal a tattoo on their collarbone—a tattoo of a sparrow…the symbol of the hero's resistance. Identical to the tattoo they had as well! 
A roguish smile crossed Alex’s battered face. 
“So…what’s it like to be a traitor?” Charlie’s brows furrowed in confusion. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Your defection from the Hero’s League, silly!” Charlie’s face flashed with surprise momentarily before they returned to their stoic expression. 
“I think the blood loss is getting to you.” 
“Come on! Spill the tea!” cried Alex. Charlie tightened their grip on the whip and took a menacing step forward. 
“Ughhh–FINE, Mopey-Pants,” they said rolling their eyes. “Lucky for you I’m a good guesser. Hmmm….let’s see. You…stole documents with sensitive information?” 
Charlie sighed. “Stop this. Just spit it out already. There’s no other way you’re getting out of this.”
“Ok, not that one, then. Ummmm…failed a dangerous mission that resulted in the deaths of thousands?  Yikes, that’s definitely a big no-no! How about…unencrypted the hero’s security system? Staged a coup?”
Charlie was starting to get red in the face. Of course, this only provoked Alex to push further. 
“What about damaging top-secret technology?” 
“Oooh oooh, I know! You shared your secret identity? Took an extra tray of tater-tots in the cafeteria?” 
“STOP,” Charlie exclaimed, adjusting their stance uncomfortably. They weren’t used to these things not going their way, of not having total control. The grin on Alex’s face spread even wider. 
“What about just sucking at doing your job, plain and simple?” 
“I will give you twenty more lashes if you don’t–”
“I’ve got it! You fell in love with a co-worker!” 
Alex opened their mouth once more to continue their diatribe but paused. It was slight, barely perceptible, but they saw it. Charlie’s eyes had widened a bit on that one… 
“Wait…seriously? Oh. My. GOD!! You actually–” Alex burst into laughter. But honestly, it wasn’t just to piss them off. It was genuinely ridiculous to them. (And the blood loss and malnutrition wasn’t helping either). 
“You have got to be kidding me! But I guess it’s kinda sweet; you had a little office crush!” Alex mocked, their eyes sparkling in pure, unbridled joy at the humiliation evident on Charlie’s face. 
“That’s–that’s not true,” Charlie stammered. “You’re just making shit up! Stop this nonsense because I swear I’ll–”
“You were actually so butt-hurt that after they broke your heart you became evil?” 
“Your self-esteem is so fragile you actually became a villain! Like a coward! A self-pitying, coward!” 
Charlie was pissed now. Mortified and pissed. Their chest heaved as their breathing grew heavy and their nostrils flared. They couldn’t get a word in as Alex continued to denigrate them.
“What are you, an incel?! How absolutely–” 
“PATHETIC!” Alex wheezed. They were howling with laughter now. So invested in the hilarity of the situation and having pulled one over on their abuser, Alex didn’t notice as Charlie…well…broke. 
“You were NEVER a true hero! You’re just a slimy, insecure, foolish bastard! Oh lord, whoever broke up with you dodged a HUGE bullet! Like what kinda idiot thinks you of all–” 
What happened next was a blur, for both hero and villain. Charlie whipped out the knife from their pocket and slashed it across Alex’s face. Then, they wrenched back the whip and slammed it against Alex’s back, over and over and over again. They were absolutely relentless, the entire time screaming, “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” 
Alex screamed as Charlie used more force than they had before. The lacerations already on their back deepened, scarlet red practically flooding off the sides of table. Charlie’s barrage just would not stop. Tears streamed out of Alex’s eyes as apologized profusely and begged for it to stop. Soon their vision grew blurry and they silently thanked God for the embrace of unconsciousness. But they knew this nightmare would still be here when they woke up. 
Before they completely lost touch, they managed to shriek…
Alex shot out of bed with a whimper. They ware disoriented at first, still babbling through sobs, before their eyes begin to adjust to the darkness. They are in the cell. Goodgrave’s cell. The small skylight above them emanates the soft, bluish glow of early morning hours. Dew drops dot the dirty glass and they become aware of just how cold the room is. The calmness felt eerie and unsettling after such a nightmare. 
Then they looked beside them. 
Seeing Charlie asleep in the bed brought back a tsunami of memories from the day prior. It generated a visceral reaction in them–making their stomach churn in knots and their heart pound even faster. Immediately they bolted off the bed, backing away until they were on the other side of the room. They sunk down to the floor and watched as their enemy remained asleep. 
Charlie had the blanket draped over them but it was thin and raggedy; no match for the icy, winter morning. They shivered and their teeth clattered slightly. They were still covered in blood and bruises from the night before and hugged the broken arm to their stomach. It bent at a disturbing angle and was an angry red color. But what Alex noticed the most was their pallid face. It was drawn down in frown. Grime and blood painted their cheeks. 
Without even thinking about it Alex’s finger softly ghosted along the scar across their face. They stood up and crossed the cell to the small mirror hanging above the dirty, old sink. They’d become used to it by now. Their mind spun in circles, overrun and overwhelmed. 
The prone figure behind them couldn’t hurt them now. Not just because they were asleep, or because they had become weak and sickly after their time with Eric, but because by the time Charlie was taken captive by the Hero’s Alliance eight months prior they were a shell of themselves. The stoic, fearsome interrogator they once knew was replaced by a nervous, obedient individual. Ripley said Charlie seemed genuinely repentant. To the point of self-disgust. Alex refused to believe this. (They did notice the way Charlie avoided looking at themselves in the mirror, and a couple times noticed the scars they tried to hide beneath long sleeves. They noticed it because Alex used to be like that, too. But Alex didn’t care…how could they?) 
Alex jumped, startled by the groggy voice, and spun around. Charlie was using their good arm to prop themselves up. They could only open one eye, the other nearly swollen shut and mottled with purple, black splotches. 
“Sorry,” Charlie whispered. They ducked their head as the tips of their ears reddened. “Didn’t mean to startle you.” Alex hummed in response. A moment of awkward silence elapsed. Alex focused on removing a piece of lint from their shirt and did their best to look completely unperterbed despite their recent dream.
 “Are you…um…are you okay?” Charlie asked. 
“I’m fine.” An awkward silence filled the space between them once more. Charlie tried to move from their position but quickly regretted it, hissing as their broken arm was jostled. Cautiously, Alex neared the bed. They shifted their weight as they watched their enemy struggle to sit up. 
Charlie appeared to still be in the throes of a fever. They let themselves fall back on the bed. Their eyes seemed glazed, lids half open and struggling to stay that way. Again, they tried to sit up but only managed to hurt themselves once more. They moaned as their arm burned and their head throbbed with a migraine. 
Alex hesitated momentarily, and then untied the sweatshirt from around their waist. “We need to do a make-shift cast for your arm. It will take some of the weight off it.” 
“Oh no, it’s fine. Really. You keep it. It’s cold in here. Thank you.” 
“No, you need it or it’ll get worse.” 
“I swear I’m fine. You need it, you–” 
Alex huffed stubbornly and began reaching for their enemy anyways. They were taken aback when Charlie flinched. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, you idiot,” Alex bit out, annoyed. I should be the one flinching, not you! They thought to themselves. Resentment bubbled up to the surface and Alex tried to focus on putting villain in a positon where they could make the cast to distract themselves from it. 
“Sorry. I’m really sorry. I don’t know why I did that. It was–yeah. I’m–” 
“Just stop talking, okay?” Alex barked. Charlie bit their lip and nodded ashamedly. 
Alex’s resentment manifested as roughly tending to the villain. Charlie did their best to not make a sound but when Alex harshly man-handled the broken arm into it’s place in the cast they winced and whimpered. 
“Stop whining. You’re the reason we’re in this mess. You should have left when I told you to!” 
“I know…I’m so sorry.” 
“If Team Lead had just listened to me in the first place…ugh. They’re way too nice to you. You don’t deserve their sympathy. Pff. You don’t deserve anything really.” 
“...I–nngghhh–agree,” mumbled Charlie weakly.
“Yeah right. I don’t believe you.” Alex grins as they glance over to see Charlie’s face; they wanted to watch their words hurt in real time. Instead, Alex didn’t feel the joy they expected. They could tell Charlie was holding back tears. One escaped and Charlie hastily wiped it away. 
Something felt wrong in the pit of Alex’s stomach. Their grin quickly dissipated. 
They had finished with the cast and were about to get up when they noticed just how much blood still covered Charlie’s neck and chest. They retrieved and wet a cloth like they had the night before. 
“Let’s clean this up a bit. I don’t like the smell of blood,” they rationalized. Charlie’s eyes were half-mast and they nodded woozily. While wiping their face Alex felt heat radiating off their nemesis’ forehead. 
Charlie swayed slightly and they steadied them. 
“You feeling nauseous?” Charlie shook their head. Alex shot them a look. 
“...A little. But it’s really not that bad. I’m fine.” 
“Here. Drink this. Then you need to lie down.” They took a cup of water they had filled at the sink and made Charlie take a few sips. Alex put their hand behind Charlie’s neck and slowly lowered them. Charlie hissed in pain once more. 
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll be quiet” they reassured. 
Within a few minutes Charlie’s eyes were closed. Alex decided to lay down again and try to get more rest if they could. It was quiet except for the slightly congested breathing coming from Charlie. 
Faintly came the sound of someone whistling. It grew closer and closer until footsteps echoed outside in the hall as well. Charlie’s eyes shot open and they strained to sit up, a look of horror on their face. 
“He’s coming.” 
“It’s probably the guard. Go back to sleep,” Alex warned. 
“NO. It’s...” 
Abruptly, keys rattle in the door and it swings open. Eric Goodgrave’s lanky frame waltzes in and a mischievous smile spreads across his face. 
“Oh goody, you’re both awake! Alex, my dear: may I ask you a personal question?”  
TAG LIST: @whump-blog @whumpsday @trappedgoose-in-a-writblr-room @termsnconditions-apply @the-whumpers-grimm @elizaisnotokay @whumpwillow @asthefirerisesblog @kiratheperson @slightlyexpiredyogurt8 @stuck-in-this-mortal-form @itsmyworld23 @maracujatangerine
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the-scrapegoat · 6 months
Whumpee, maybe ex villain, that feels like they're a more of a monster then they really are. Thoughts?
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treehuggerthegreat · 2 months
something i really need to get off my chest even if i just post this privately is That i really dislike ‘caretakers’ in whump writing. or ‘whumper’ i feel like it makes a character (even if they’re just a hypothetical one) feel very 1 dimensional and it makes me so OKAY JUST HEAR ME OUT!!! whumpee i don’t mind much, it makes the prompt or what your talking about a little clearer. But it feels like it’s putting it into a box and making sort of roles which makes it feel less like a prompt and more like we’re in an omega verse fandom and i mean this really lovingly and affectionately and no hate to any of yall. I have a vast amount of characters and i write stories and books and I can say with out a shadow of a doubt, not ONE of them fall under ‘whumper’ or ‘caretaker’ because i develop them as their own individual character. Not even my antagonist are ‘whumpers’
So one of my main antagonists literally burns cigarettes on the MC and abuses the MC. Tries to kill her on her 18th birthday. Shes her mom, and the main character PHYSICALLY cannot leave that situation with out getting the authorities involved until she turns 18. Mom sounds like an ass, she beats ‘whumpee’ up! why would i NEVER call her a whumper? because she’s a whumpee by that logic. Her mom was extremely emotionally abusive, and half the time not fully there. Her shitty ass dad got murdered in front of her when she was just a kid. but Her mom isn’t a whumper either, because she too would be considered a whumpee. She was a world renowned flapper girl, everyone loved her. she LIVED for the fame and her face in newspapers. But behind the scenes she was actively ignoring her distant parents as they continued to try and marry her off. She was then forced into the marriage when she got pregnant with the guy (much so against her will which is why she killed him.) and ever since she’s been delusional and not fully there. It’s generational abuse.
more ramble under the cut + extra clarification on what I’m trying to say
okay but that’s just generational abuse right? There are other whumpers in the real world! Yeah i guess there’s sadists and serial killers, but like, there’s SOOOO much more guys.
I have a mini antagonist, he’s in highschool and he’s meant to be the toxic narcissistic ex of one of my characters. But he’s falling apart trying to get attention, he’s not fully aware of the damage he IS doing. Ass he may be but again behind the scenes he’s constantly fighting with his dad who refuses to do anything around the house and who is also transphobic (she’s bigender but i’ve been using he to make it less confusing right now) and now she has to take care of her little sister and act like a whole ass mom. As a sophomore. In high school. Not only that but her mom died, so she has to struggle with that. She’s just an annoying ass teenager, she doesn’t understand how to treat people or how she’s supposed to be handling what she’s dealing with. But getting attention and being liked at school? now that’s the shit. That’s like drugs for her. But to what lengths does she go to get that extra validation? He uses his boyfriend almost like an accessory. He’s not considerate of his feelings, and most likely doesn’t understand what a relationship is SUPPOSED to be.
Unless you’re making a sociopath character, which i LOVE a good sociopath character, you have to treat them like they also have humanity. Most of the time villains don’t just. Do shit to do it, they have some sort of background that lead up to this!!! And also even then with sociopaths they’re their own individual characters separate from the people they hurt!!! and also NONE of these are end all be alls and all characters must be developed this way!!!!
just my advice and stuff <3 i love all of you out there and i can understand why using certain roles and terms are the go to, and i’m not stopping you!!! i just really wanted to give my two cents so i can possibly help other writers!!!
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whumpshaped · 10 months
For something soft, a whumper turned whumpee/ex villain type getting actual forgiveness and affection and care on top of it, their poor guilty little soul getting the support they need so bad finally and just /melting/ in their caretakers arms, filled with new and true determination to make things right
i strayed a little from the prompt sorry. but i think it turned out ok :)
tw bullying mention, past trauma, injuries, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker
Whumper was barely conscious as Caretaker gently cleaned their bloody face with a damp cloth. They couldn't keep their swollen eyes open, nor could they force their dried up tongue and chapped lips to form any words. Even a questioning hum proved to be too much, sending them into a coughing fit.
"Hush," Caretaker whispered. "We'll talk when you're better."
They couldn't feel the bite of the rope around their wrists and ankles, and they wondered whether their body was too numb to register the sensation. They attempted, experimentally, to move around a bit; nothing was stopping them.
Caretaker didn't comment on it.
They blinked a couple times before giving up entirely, letting their eyes rest. It only took a few moments before they fell asleep.
"You need to drink."
Whumper squinted in the direction of the voice, finding it once again to belong to Caretaker. They struggled to sit, even with assistance, but they managed to down a few sips.
As they lay back down, they fixed their saviour with a look of disbelief. Caretaker pretended not to notice, staring intently at the worn-out blanket they used to cover Whumper's body.
"You sent me away," Whumper rasped eventually.
It was true. They had sent gifts, money, anything Caretaker needed. They had tried their best to make it right. They had showed up in person, asking for their forgiveness like a fool. Caretaker had shut the door in their face, but only after yelling and threatening to call the police.
Hell, they had made peace with it. They had made peace with the fact that what they'd done was beyond fixing, they were beyond redemption, and all they could do was grovel until their days ran out. Maybe then, after their death, someone would look back at their life and acknowledge that they'd tried.
And yet, after all that, Caretaker was washing the blood off their face and helping them drink water.
"I know," Caretaker replied, as if Whumper had brought it up because they thought they'd forgotten.
There was nothing to fill the silence but their own, ragged breathing. It wasn't a very pleasant sound, and Whumper wished Caretaker would just go on and explain what was happening. They didn't.
"So why–" They began coughing again, and Caretaker helped them sit and drink more when it subsided.
"I heard you talking to that kid. That's why. Just stop making yourself choke over it."
Whumper furrowed their brows, not sure what that had to do with anything. Caretaker huffed out a breath.
"Isn't that why you got all beat up? Because you decided to go 'talk' to those big bullies? Don't act like that's not super out of character for you. Like I shouldn't even be surprised or anything." They looked away, shrugging a little. "'twas nice of you, is all. The kid saw the entire thing. Rushed to me and asked me to help you."
Ah. It wasn't about them. It was about the kid.
Whumper slowly nodded, debating whether to waste their remaining breath on 'thank you' or 'sorry'. They settled on showing their gratitude, since their apology had already been rejected enough times. Caretaker still just waved them off.
"I didn't think you'd actually changed, you know. Like, at all." They shrugged again. It was probably a nervous habit. "Well, I suppose your methods are still the same, and I still don't condone violence or anything... But there have been worse reasons for starting a fight than getting back a stuffed animal."
They continued fidgeting for a while, then just stood up and left the room without another word. Whumper didn't stop them. They couldn't have, even if they wanted to.
"You look a lot better today," Caretaker said carefully. Their tone was measured, never betraying too much of what they were actually thinking.
"Thanks," Whumper muttered. "And thanks for helping out. I can just... leave now."
Caretaker hummed. "Stay another day. You still look like a summer breeze could knock you over. Just... maybe a bit of a stronger breeze than yesterday."
"If I see the kid, I won't tell them you kicked me out or anything. I'm sure they just meant for you to call an ambulance anyway–"
"Do you think this is about the kid?" they asked, seemingly very confused. In turn, Whumper stared back at them with the same expression.
"It isn't?"
Caretaker sighed. "Look..."
Whumper waited patiently. They were definitely looking, but Caretaker couldn't find the right words to express what they wanted to. "Sorry," they blurted out when the pause was starting to become uncomfortably long. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot."
"I know. That's... part of why you're in my room. Because– because the thing is, the old you wanted to put me on the spot all the time. And you'd never catch me dead housing the old you. But..." They hesitated, chewing on their bottom lip. "You changed. You really did change. It's just– you had no... well, unless this is a super elaborate plan, you had no idea I overheard the conversation. Or– or any incentive to go get beat up for a plushie. You couldn't have known any of it. And it just... made me think more about... last year, and how you tried to fix things..."
"You're not doing this out of guilt, are you?" Whumper's stomach churned at the thought. "I get why you didn't forgive me, it's fine, I'm a grown adult, I realise–"
"God, no!" Caretaker snapped. They shrank back right after, rubbing their arm nervously. "Sorry. Maybe– maybe a little. Well... well, it's like, I don't regret not forgiving you then. I didn't know whether you were lying. You could've been."
"I could've been," they echoed, attempting to reassure them.
"But you weren't. And I think I know that now. So I think I'll forgive you this time around."
Whumper's eyes widened when they processed the words. They were spoken so quickly, too quickly, like Caretaker was embarrassed to say them. "What?"
"I went to therapy, I read the self-help books, I know I should forgive you. That it'd make me feel better. Not in a hippie sort of way where we now hug and kiss, but like... sorry, I don't even know what I'm saying. It's not like I decided to forgive based on a book. God, I sound like such a weirdo."
"No," they cut in. "No, it's okay. You don't. You just sound nervous." Caretaker gave them a timid smile, the first they'd seen from them in ages. It was gone in a flash. "I... I don't even know what to say. I've imagined this so many times–" The tears came out of nowhere. They cut themself off abruptly so they could prevent a full on crying session, turning towards the window and blinking rapidly.
"Me too, I guess," Caretaker admitted sheepishly. "I didn't sound like a weirdo in my head."
"Stop saying that," they choked out, but it turned into a chuckle, which turned into a sob. They wanted to ask again and again, 'Do you really mean that? Do you honestly forgive me? Is this a joke?' But they restrained themself. It seemed hard enough to say once. "Thank you. I can't believe it. I really can't."
"Will you stay another day, then? We could talk a bit more and all that." Whumper nodded, and they were rewarded with another one of those elusive smiles. "Cool. I'll bring you a tissue."
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
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clickerflight · 1 year
"I didn't know where else to go."
Content: Villain whumpee, detective caretaker, fairly graphic cuts, amputation of a digit, mentions of stitches, large burns. Caretaking time, y'all
Detective sat at his desk, two laptops, three steno pads, and uncountable numbers of pencils and pens covering the couch, floor, and coffee table in front of him. He hadn’t done any real work for the past hour, though. He was tired. He had been staring at all of the evidence he had in relation to a missing diamond for the past hour and he just couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. It was some diamond missing from a rich woman’s home, probably just a case of insurance fraud at the end of the day and he was so tired of it, but because of all of the red tape going on with the governments as three cities navigated their way into becoming one and reconciling different laws, hero and villain crimes (the interesting ones) were locked away for more popular detectives to figure out, ones with PR teams. 
Detective snorted and leaned forward to snag his mug, taking a sip of coffee. Crime rates had gone up as everyone struggled to figure out what was and wasn’t legal and all of the villains in the area took advantage of that as much as they possibly could. It was almost enough for him to buy an unregistered sniper rifle and go vigilante on the streets. 
He idly typed ‘what to make a hero mask out of’ into the search bar for kicks and giggles, not really reading anything on the screen that came up afterwards. He wondered if he should just go to bed. He was always so nihilistic when he was tired. 
Or maybe he should just go on a rampage as a vigilante. That sounded like more fun anyways. He could wear a bandana and gain a cult following and have a stupid name and shoot bad guys in the face. 
Mid imaginary fight scene, clutching his now cold coffee, there was a hesitant knock at the door, light and almost too quiet to hear. Detective frowned and looked over at the door, listening hard to make sure he wasn’t imagining things. 
After a long pause, there was another knock at the door and he sighed, setting his cup down and tossing his steno books aside, hidden pencils and pens clattering to the floor as he opened a drawer and grabbed his gun before going to the door. He peered through the peep hole, but all he could see was a slightly slumped figure. 
He sighed again, unlocked the door, and opened it. The man had his forehead pressed to the door, so he stumbled when it opened, clutching at his chest. He lifted his bruised face and Detective frowned. “Villain? What are you doing here?” Detective asked, readying his gun, but Villain just blinked slowly, as though dizzy and confused as he tried to solve what the shiny thing was that the Detective was holding. 
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Villain? What did you get into?”
Villain reached out shakily and Detective took him by the arm, hauling him in. His costume was really just a pile of rags at this point, nothing but cloth hanging off of a too thin frame. Detective sat Villain down at the end of the couch after tossing a pillow from one of his exes to the ground and pulled apart Villain’s clothing to see if and where he was hurt since Villain didn’t seem to be in a state where he could really explain what was going on. 
Villain weakly tried to push Detective’s hands off of him, but Detective caught his wrists and held them in one hand, noting that they were small enough for him to hold in one hand. 
“Look, buster,” Detective said sternly. “If you come to my apartment and ask for help, then you are going to let me help!”
Villain stared at him for a moment, and the tension slowly left his arms as Detective pushed back the last fold of clothing. Blood dribbled down Villain’s chest, no longer being soaked up into his costume. Detective hissed and wiped the blood with his palm, trying to find the source of it all. He traced it back to a slash down across Villain’s collar bone, deep enough that Detective could feel the bone as he grazed over it. There were a few other cuts across Villain’s torso, and as Detective found each one, Villain’s eyes fluttered as he fought with unconsciousness. 
“Alright, stay right here,” Detective said, standing up and dropping Villain’s wrists. “I’m going to get my stuff. Stay.”
Villain nodded slightly and Detective sprinted to his bathroom, pulling out his heavy duty first aid kit and coming back. 
“Here you are,” Detective said, holding a couple of pills to Villain’s mouth. Villain took them and Detective helped wash them down with a small flask of whiskey he kept in the kit before taking a sip from it himself to bolster his nerves. 
He lost himself in that bloodsoaked hour, washing the wounds, ignoring Villain as he finally passed out, packing gauze against wounds before going back to the bigger cuts and sewing them shut and bandaging them, working his way across Villain’s body until he’d got his front bandaged. 
Detective got him rolled over and swore when he saw Villain’s back. There were no cuts here, but there were large swaths of blistered skin. 
He ran to his sink, washing out an empty ice cream bucket and filling it with cool water and coming back, dipping paper towels in it and plastering the paper towels to Villain’s back to help cool it. 
Deciding not to move Villain too much, he simply took scissors and cut through the remainder of his clothes, checking his legs for injuries. Besides some horrific bruising, they seemed to be fine. 
Detective did one more once over and finally got a better look at Villain’s bruised hands. There had been so much blood everywhere, Detective didn’t notice it earlier, but Villain’s pinky on his right hand was missing. 
Detective winced and washed Villain’s hands, bandaging them as best he could and then knelt by the couch, looking at the mostly naked man that laid there. He sighed and went to put on a pot of coffee before spending the rest of the evening putting new paper towels on Villain’s back with more cool water. 
Villain woke up reluctantly, and only because he was in so much pain. He wondered what Supervillain had in mind for him today. He only hoped it would have nothing to do with his feet. He wouldn’t be able to get away if the opportunity presented itself. 
Wait. Didn’t the opportunity already present itself? The guards had left and Villain remembered being able to slip from the cuffs because of how much blood was on his hands. Did he get caught?
He cracked one eye open and couldn’t really see through his hair, but the other eye was buried in something plush and soft. He was on a sofa and there was someone slumped next to the sofa, watching The Office on a computer on the table. 
The figure turned and Detective’s face came into focus. 
“Hey, I have some fever reducers and pain killers here for you,” Detective said, getting up to grab some pills off of the coffee table and a cup with a straw. 
Villain took it without thinking, swallowing down the water gratefully. Detective took the cup away and Villain very carefully moved, testing his ability to sit up. He winced and hauled himself up so he could lean his head on the arm of the chair. Detective helped him adjust the blanket as he moved and he sighed.
“I shouldn’t have come here.”
Detective shrugged. “I don’t really mind. Now I have a good excuse not to go to work today.”
Villain smiled a little, ignoring the pain in his cheeks and eye where he was badly bruised. “Sounds good to me.”
Detective nodded and Villain saw him looking him over again. “So….. who did this?”
Villain sighed. “Trust me on this one, Deet. Stay out of it.”
Detective glared at him. “You do not get to come to my door, make me clean and bandage you all night watching shows I haven’t seen in years, and then tell me to stay out of whatever took an entire pinky off of you.”
Villain twitched his hand, startled. He didn’t have a pinky. He couldn’t really remember when that happened. 
“Who. Did. This. To. You.” Detective said, very seriously. 
Villain winced. “Supervillain. He wanted some Bevin Tech Batteries… uh, that I got totally legally.”
Detective raised his eyebrow, but didn’t say anything about that as Villain uncomfortably tried to rearrange himself again. He yelped, closing his eyes tightly. By the time he got himself back together, there were tears trailing down his cheeks and he cleared his throat. 
“Erm, when we came to the part about payment, he objected to that, quite strenuously. I pushed it and…. Stars, I’m so stupid. Everyone knows not to deal with him, and I thought I’d be different.”
Detective nodded. “Alright, alright. It’s okay. Just rest, alright?”
Villain sighed and sunk into the couch. “Okay…. Thank you.”
“Of course. I need to go to the store and get some stuff for you. I’ll be back, alright?”
Detective closed his door behind him and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the black bandana and tied it around his neck and checked to make sure his guns were all where they were supposed to be in their holsters under his jacket. He paused only to send a text to his best friend asking her to come over that evening to hang out, and set off to kill Supervillain. If he didn’t come back, he knew his best friend would help Villain get back on his feet, but Detective wasn’t planning on letting it get that far. 
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anarchy-and-piglins · 12 days
when I realised the Dante in your fics was Dante from hypixel I nearly choked laughing. I completely forgot about him before then
It's just so very convenient because sometimes you just need a good name for a villain/whumper and you don't wanna make an 'OC' (technically, because the way I write Dante would frankly also be considered as an OC because he's more of a non-character). Using OC villains or whumpees can be fine (I did it in Weapon of War for example, where Techno's ex-owner is just a random unnamed guy) but named characters can be convenient. Dante is a classic, I sometimes also use Ender and I used to yoink Dream or Quackity more often o7
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
Drabble Masterpost
<<Please read before requesting>>
I’ll try to stay on top of updating this
Writing Challenges (Drabble versions)
The Merry Whump of May 2022
Summer of Whump 2022
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Civilian “Rescued” By Their Ex Lover
part two // part three // part four
Hero Kidnapped by Obsessed Superhero
part two
Sidekick Whumpee Villain Caretaker
part two
Pebbles on the Road
part two
Yandere Whumper x Ex Lover Whumpee
part two // part three
Villain Afraid Of Pain
part two
Day Off
part two
Hero rescued by Supervillain (MWM)
Part two // Part three
Villain Rehabilitation
Part two
Creepy Whumper // Pirates Drabble // Vampire Whumper // Captured Villain Being Treated Poorly // Bored Sidekicks // Take Your Child to Work Day // Captured Villain // Injured Hero Who’s Stupid // Civilian Finds Out Who Their Flatmate Really is // Sick Whumpee // Villain Whumper+Hero Whumpee // Pins and Needles // Manipulative Piece of Shit Whumpee // Speaking is a Privilege // Villain Kidnaps Retired Hero // Whumpee Turned Whumper Trope Rating // Whumper got Whumpee a Gift // Whumper Being Creepy // Refusal to Eat // Whumper Caught Whumpee Out // Villain Threatening Innocents to get to Hero // Whumper Cleaning Whumpee’s Wounds // Hero Forced to Watch Their City Burn // Injured Whumpee Trying to Escape // Villain Threatens Hero With a Lobotomy // Hero Finds Missing Villain on the Streets // Villain Kidnapping Bank Worker Civilian // Sidekick Used to Bait Hero // Grumpy Whumpee // Hero Torture Featuring Some Pitiful Flirting // Whumper to Whumpee Vulnerable // Decorate the Tree // Ripples // Delicate // Hero Catches Villain Robbing A Bank // Just Two Whumpees Having a Fight // Defiant Leader Rescued // Lessons // Quiet Night // Make it Believable // What You Deserve // Distant // Outnumbered // Didn’t Mind it // Unsteady // You Can’t Do This //
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Back to Masterpost
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I want to write some Villain Whumpee. If you send me an ask for some Villain Whump, I'll write it. (Bonus points if it's Ex-Villain Whumpee/Awkward Villain Roommate)
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way-of-the-whump · 1 year
God team outcast whump is the best. The angst that comes with the exclusion from activities, the side eyes, Whumpee crying behind closed doors with nobody noticing, or maybe somebody does but they don’t care. After all, nobody likes Whumpee.
I just have a soft spot for this whump trope. Especially when Whumpee is an Ex/Reformed Villain <3
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headcanonasks · 1 year
Villain Whump Prompts
Things have been a little slow, so I decided it’s time to post some villain-centric whump prompts! Below are two lists, one for a villain caretaker and one for a villain whumpee. 
Feel free to use these prompts for fanfiction or original fiction! Consider tagging me though- I’d love to see what you’ve written!
Villain Caretaker
One of the villain’s lackeys or subordinates dies (most likely in a confrontation with the hero or the authorities) and leaves behind a scared dependent whumpee (ex. A child) who the villain must become a caretaker for.
A hero whumpee is tortured by a new villain and escapes but can only make it to villain caretaker’s doorstep before passing out.
Villain caretaker leaves a loved one whumpee with the heroes, believing their sense of morality will prevent them from harming whumpee. However, when villain caretaker returns for whumpee, they find that a vengeful ally of the hero (whumper) has hurt whumpee. Bonus points if whumpee leaves their encounter with whumper with a scar.
The one, the only, the classic: “Who did this to you?” Villain caretaker says.
Villain Whumpee
Caretaker is forced to leave whumpee when they need them most, leading to whumpee’s descent into a villain. Caretaker unexpectedly returns at the height of whumpee’s villain arc.
The final battle leaves villain whumpee scarred and defeated but things only get worse when they return to their superior, who takes it upon themselves to punish villain whumpee. Villain whumpee is only saved by the hero, who steps in as caretaker and vows revenge on the villain whumpee’s superior.
A villain whumpee who’s aware they’re fictional begs the author to end it all. They don’t even notice when caretaker approaches them, but caretaker eventually soothes villain whumpee. Bonus points if this leads to the caretaker’s own revelation that they’re fictional.
Nice and simple: “Where’s that cocky grin now?” Whumper smirks.
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redd956 · 1 year
Oddly specific dynamic that's been scratching an itch in my brain recently: Well meaning but seriously at their limit Caretaker and feral, feisty Whumpee. Maybe they were rivals or something, so Caretaker doesn't exactly like Whumpee but doesn't want them to die. Stuff like:
"Oh my god, do I have to hold you down or something? Just accept my help damnit" "No! I don't trust you, you've probably drugged it!" "...Genuinely, how the fuck would I even drug a hot water bottle???"
"You're not gonna like this, but it's important... Hold still I— Really?? You've been though all that and you're crying because I'm putting a little antiseptic on your wounds?? *sigh* Come here..."
(Caretaker gives Whumpee bandages) "Since you won't let me do it, you can treat those yourself." (Whumpee throws it at them) "That goes on your wounds, not my face."
(Sorry if this doesn't make sense I just need to screech my thoughts somewhere)
OML, I was just thinking about this dynamic last night! I completely understand ya
It is a very fun and interesting dynamic indeed, and there's multiple different ways/reasons it could be laid storywise too. Some notable ones I know about are...
Caretaker & Whumpee were once rivals (like you mentioned). Caretaker genuinely cares about whumpee's health, but whumpee is misinterpreting the situation as another way for their rival to get the upperhand
Hero & Villain Dynamic (Goes either way). Is the other planning to finish the job and truly end them? Or does their enemy want to see whumpee heal?
Nonhuman Caretaker & Human Whumpee. Perhaps understandably so whumpee is terrified of what caretaker is. Especially if Caretaker's species is known for hostility. Caretaker doesn't understand why, and just wants to help.
The opposite of the prior. Human caretaker and nonhuman whumpee. Nonhuman caretaker has recieved on maltreatment and hostility from humnas. Maybe they too were raised with horrific stories. Now a human is trying to coerce them back to health?! Something must obviously be wrong.
Maybe something happened to whumpee themselves, that has made them interpret the world in such a way. Maybe a previous whumper was the same species, worked for the same organization, who knows.
Maybe just the wear away itself has changed whumpee.
Eitherway something has made them act defiant or feral.
I also personally love the two popular reactions/personality tropes that can arrange from Caretaker.
Really thoughtful, deeply saddened Caretaker who wants nothing more but to help whumpee
And the "god what's wrong with bish" Caretaker, who is equally annoyed as they are concerned
I do love a variation of the latter, which is usually consists of caretaker being more so the person who dislikes the other, either for backstory between the two or distance socially (loner, exes, whatevs)
It allows a double character arch where Caretaker loses their social distance, and warms up to whumpee, and whumpee learns to accept help and gain back their trust in others. We also get to see whumpee shed the feralness, and begin to lean into help. Maybe in the end they never stop being stubborn, but they definitely get used to Caretaker.
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roblingoblin285 · 1 year
Rob's Corner Masterlist!
welcome to Rob's Corner! asks are always encouraged, and I love to interact with people :)
stuff i write:
wing whump, superhero whump, parent figure caretaker + whumpee, child figure caretaker + whumpee (depends on the series), pretty much anything i damn well please.
ask games:
rob's corner whump asks (status: active)
Millhaven (main universe, whumpees and caretakers switch around a lot. they're all sad.)
Day 17: Abandoned
Day 27: Wiping away tears
Fall From Grace (superhero au: winged parental villain whumpee, ex-hero caretaker, hero whumper)
Character picrews + Character Sheets
Song lyrics (ask)
💜 anon Ask 1
Day 1: Going into shock
Day 2: Helping an escape
Day 3: Gentle wound care
Day 4: Walking them home
Day 5: Lies
Day 6: Failed escape
Day 7: Hair pulling
Day 8: Losing grounding in reality
Day 9: Offering a hand
Day 10: Watching TV together
Day 11: "I know exactly what you need"
Day 12: "There's nothing to apologize for"
Day 13: "Do you have any idea what I've done for you?"
Day 14: Stumbling
Day 15: Dislocation
Day 16: Knees buckling
Day 18: "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry"
Day 19: "Please don't touch me"
Day 20: Gaslit into doubting reality
Day 22: Toxic
Day 23: Brutal breakdown
Day 24: Defiance
Day 25: "I would say I'm sorry, but I'd be lying"
Day 26: Painful wound care
Day 28: Anger borne of worry
Day 29: Presumed dead
Day 30: "Missed me?"
Fall From Grace masterlist continued here
Scientia et Labor (winged lab whumpee, scientist caretaker)
Day 21: Heavy shackles
Day 43: Impaled
May I Come In? (human whumpee, winged vampire caretaker)
Day 47: Tied to a pole in the sun
Out of Their Element (very young (about 13) servant whumpee, parental winged royal caretaker)
Day 46: Whipping
Day 95: Muffled screams
Day 101: Bedside vigil
Day 107: Waking up disoriented
Day 108: "Please, sit down"
Day 109: Strangled
Day 112: Denial
Day 113: Hypothermia
Day 114: First time being treated for wounds
Day 116: "You're making a mess"
Day 117: Reverting back
Day 120: "I didn't know you felt that way"
Day 121: Blood-covered hands
Beretta (henchmen whumpee(s), boss caretaker (+fellow henchmen caretaker)
Day 45: Taking bullets in their place
365 day writing challenge taglist: @stabby-nunchucks @whumpdreamz
Fall From Grace (+adjacent) taglist: @thekittyburger @whumpdreamz
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stoic-whumpee · 2 years
Hi!!! For the ask game based on songs can you do Curses by The Crane Wives? Sorry if my ask gets eaten up I know you get a lot :]
Your ask didn't get eaten :D It just took me... a while to get to ya. Thanks for the song!
Outcast Whumpee who left their old team and is now returning to burn them all down to the ground, even if it is at the price of Whumpee's own demise.
Ex-Villain Whumpee who joins the Hero team and is now haunted by what they did in the past. They feel like they are cursed and can never pay enough for their crimes, isolating themself in the meantime while desperately wishing that their new team won't desert them.
or Villain Whumpee who is held captive by Hero Whumper, who brainwashed them to make them feel bad about their crime. Whumper convinced them that they are cursed because of their past and Hero is the only one who can keep them alive. Whumpee is now obedient to Hero because of that.
Whumpee is poisoned and they feel like they are burning alive. They beg Caretaker to not leave them. Bonus point if through the haze of pain, they mistake Whumper for Caretaker.
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