#dc comics fanfic
Gotham being a fuck up City once more
Gotham is a City with a lot of problems, Jason Todd knows it very well. And this is not about the pollution, corruption or the villains but the city itself is like that. The City is vile, dirty and knows how to make your old wounds bleed.
And sometimes Jason really hates Gotham because of this, the City plays with everyone and anyone. Oracle sent some messages to everyone, saying something about weird supernatural shit happens and everyone should be careful that night while Batman is working... Well Jason don't care.
Jason Todd is having a shit week and he is fucking tired! He just wants to go home and sleep - and maybe some beer and shower. Be the whatever shit is batman doing now it's definitely not his problem.
And Jason actually did it! He manages to avoid his siblings the whole way to the safe house. but before entering he sees a woman sitting against the door, his whole body freezes and he regrets not having paid attention to the warning because Jason knows that woman. And she definitely doesn't should be there.
"Jason" the woman got up and smiled at him, "look at you... You become so tall"
Jason's first instinct is run, but his body doesn't move, he barely can think
"look at your hands" Catharine keeps smiling and holds her son's hands, there's so much sweetie in her voice "I remember when you were a baby, your hands were so tiny, both of your hands fit in one of mine... look at you now... this time I'm the one who has to use two hands to hold one of yours"
Jason doesn't want to believe in it! She was dead! He knows it! She died years ago... But...but...
Catherine lets go of Jason's hand when she notices that her son is silent
"I understand, you must be angry with me... I'm sorry..." she starts to walk away, after all, what kind of mother was she?
That was enough for Jason to panic, whatever that was in front of him, he wasn't going to let it go that easily. He didn't understand why his parents always abandoned him, but whatever it was, he wanted to keep her there a little more
"I... I... I hurt people, mom..I hurt so many people" Jason doesn't know what makes him say that, at all the things he should say he chose. Why can't he do nothing right?
Catherine looks for her son again, She brings her hand to his face, wiping away the soft tears that have started to fall.
When did Jason start crying?
"You were trying to protect someone, weren't you? I know who you are Jason, you are my son, I raised you... you must have become such a smart man, do you still like books? I remember you loved going to the public library to read, it was a free trip so we walked there every weekend"
Jason hates it. Why Gotham keep tutoring him like that? Why Gotham keep doing this?
and the rest of the night the boy and his mom are just talking with each other in the same way they did before the drugs... She asked about the books he was reading at that time, his friends, if he had someone in his life...
They talked for hours but not enough... And then she disappears before the sun rises followed by the Oracle message "situation over control now, everything will be normal for now on"
And Jason starts sobbing on the floor again. He definitely hates how Gotham plays with everyone
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year
Chapter One: Seed Uprooted
Heiress of Gotham
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: After the loss of your mother, it feels as if all hope is lost. Fortunately, you’ve been placed in the care of your absentee father. The Wayne name has always been said to come with a few odds and ends that you’d have to get used to, the question is: will you?
Warnings: Angst, Anti-Police themes, Cursing, Death, Depression themes, Orphanage
Words: 1,569
A/N: This has actually been in my drafts and in my docs for... at least three years, I know. It's been rewritten at least twice, and I'm finally deciding to put it out there.
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I remember that day. I remember exactly where I was when I’d found out. I remember the moment I met him.
The high-pitched ringing gives permission for us to finally leave the classroom, Mrs. Gurdept’s earlier demand that “the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.” did not divert anyone’s attention from packing up. Backpack already strung across your shoulders, you’re out the door along with everyone else. While your friend Daisha talks about how annoying the classmate is that sits next to her in History, it’s the uniformed men coming your way that catches your attention. It’s the BPD: Bludhaven Police Department. Parting the sea of students the police officer’s eyes scan the faces of the students passing them by. Heart rate rising, you try to keep your eyes on Daisha, determined to look engaged in conversation enough to skate past them without questioning.
“Miss?” One of the officers steps in front of you, blocking your path. Eyes immediately jumping up to his face, you scowl. “Can you answer a few questions for me?” Rumor has it they’re looking for Perdy Chapman, one of the sophmores who supposedly ran away from home once he’d been ousted as a drug runner for Marin’s gang; worst part was… he was funny, nice, and a straight A student. Officer reaching into the pocket on his breast, the white glimpse of a folded paper is barely seen before you respond. There’s no doubt it was some sappy photo of your classmate that you most definitely don’t want to see.
“No, I’m sorry, Officer. We’re late to practice!” Instantly grabbing Daisha’s hand you tug her along behind you, speedwalking toward the exit. She doesn’t question you; most of the kids know by now: never talk to the police. If you haven’t done anything wrong, then there’s no reason to talk to them. They’re all corrupt anyway.
Sitting on top of the cement blocks blocking off the parking lot from the kiss-and-ride line, Daisha playfully smacks your arm. “‘We’re late to practice’? Are you kidding me? You were so fucking quick with that!” A fit of laughter consumes the both of you, the imagined perplexed looks upon the cop’s faces bringing you practically to tears. It takes a while to calm down, the conversation turning into gossip, and eventually into Daisha sharing some of the memes she’d recently seen online. 
“Do you think it’s gonna rain?” The question leaves your lips as your eyes watch the dark, ominous clouds roll through the sky. A wet smell of oncoming rain lingers in the air like the humid and hot summer nights in the Carnaveron District. 
“Well… if the clouds aren’t an obvious sign, I’d say yes,” she teases. The three short honks are our signal: her mom is here. Jumping off the cement blocks we head over to the spot she’s parked in line, a soft drizzle makes itself known as the drops plunk the roof of the car. Daisha sweeps you into a quick hug before getting into the car, the duo waving goodbye before driving off. Since you don’t live far, it’s easier to walk. It’s the one part of your routine that consistently brings you joy. The breeze and gentle pitter of rain on your skin help clear your head of all the school drama. Off toward home, you find yourself beginning to get lost in thought about tonight’s homework assignments. It’s only the buzz of the cell phone in your pocket that brings you back to reality. “Auntie?”
“It’s your mother, get to the hospital as soon as you can. Cuidate, mija.” The dial tone signals the call’s ended. Frozen there on the sidewalk, time doesn’t seem to pass; thunder rumbles in the distance, it’s the only thing that reminds you that time is still moving. It starts to sprinkle rain.
~~~Two Hours Later~~~
Technically you were an orphan… at least that’s what you’d thought. Legally they were mandated to send you to a state-run orphanage. Everyone probably thinks they don’t exist today, and yet, there it was… right in front of you, open and waiting: the gates of purgatory calling your name. Though on the borders of Bludhaven and the streets that lead toward the country part of the state, the building looked like any other. Brown bricks, tall elongated windows; it would look like a ghastly warehouse to you from the outside if you didn’t notice the tricycle on the lawn, or the chalk drawings on the sides of the building and sidewalk leading up to it. 
“I have to take this call, excuse me,” the social worker steps away from the black hatchback sedan. Lost in your own world, it doesn’t even occur to you to eavesdrop on her call. There’s no possible way that things could get worse than this. Nonetheless, many ‘mhms’ and ‘okay, I understands’ are heard throughout the field adjoining the driveway. The grey clouds finally starting to disperse, it’s quiet out here, the only murmur of your social worker talking and the occasional passing car fill the air. Just as the numbness starts to churn in your stomach at the thought of your Mom, there’s a knocking on the car window.
“Damn!” There’s an exasperated and ludicrous look in her eyes. “Someone’s got one hell of a guardian angel lookin’ out for you, kid. Follow me.” Even if she’s audible through the glass, she doesn’t wait to check as she turns and heads toward the orphanage’s entrance. Though thoughts of running away cross your mind, there’s no logical reason to do so. What’s left out here for me? Nothing.
Once inside of the building you're told to sit tight on one of the wooden benches by the entrance office. Though the social worker chats with the warden, you don't pay them any mind. Their words go in one ear and out the other, your fiddling fingers in your lap far more entertaining as you try and comprehend what the toll of your mother's death will have on the rest of your life. Fifteen, and no longer any semblance of security in any realm of matter toward your future. How did this happen?
It feels as if it's instantaneous, yet the wall on the clock shows over half an hour has passed. Doors creaking open with the cool ocean-ladened after-rain wind, an older man closes the umbrella he'd been holding over the younger-looking man who strides into the building with a sort of conviction that only exists through the air it permeates. They both are adorned in long trench coats and sunglasses, though the younger wears a black hat.
"Lisa! I assume this is her," the broad man addresses your social worker before turning his gaze down toward you. With the click of the door's lock as it seals shut, all noise diminishes in the halls of the orphanage aside from the faint echo of children's laughter in the distance. The building instantly warms by a few degrees and the men take off their sunglasses, pocketing them. Mouth subconsciously falling agape, you recognize him. The man standing before you is one you've only seen on billboards, television, and in magazines: Bruce Wayne. He crouches to your eye-level.
"Yes, this is-" Lisa, the name of the woman you'd only known as your social worker, begins to introduce you. What follows truly feels like some sort of grief-stricken concoction of fantasy, and though it might be dangerous, you follow it.
It isn’t until the car pulls up to the door that you snap out of it. “This isn’t a joke?” He must be tired of it: this most likely being the fifteenth time you’ve asked such a thing in the last hour.
“No. It’s not,” while one might pick up on the disappointed tone in his voice, Bruce Wayne offers a small, sympathetic smile. His hand gently comes to rest on your shoulder, leading you out of the clean, sleek Rolls Royce.
“It’s a pleasure, Miss,” the elderly man states your name in a titular way. Taken aback, he hardly registers in your mind. Too many thoughts and emotions consuming you, leaving nothing but a rapidly beating heart and a million questions tucked inside the body of a young girl. The fields had turn back into factories, factories into skyscrapers, skyscrapers into trees, and by then you’d finally come onto the property. In the dark there wasn’t much to take in; light illuminates windows upon rows of windows that span so far you wonder for a moment if they ever stop. Yet the edge of the mansion can be spotted from your place by the door, too weary to step inside.
"Are you coming?"
"I'm afraid if you stand out there all night you'll catch a cold," the older gentleman, whom you've already forgotten the name of, warns.
"That reminds me, Alfred, please go set up a bath for her. I'll take her upstairs," Bruce delegates. Though you wouldn't know it for months, he decided to give you a moment. Waiting at the door, he remembers the hours and days that followed his own parents' death. He's well aware that this is undoubtedly a big moment for you, and thus, a little patience won't hurt.
"This is..." you can barely even come up with a sentence, let alone a string of thoughts as you take in the palace before you.
"-your new home? Yes." He finishes the thought for you.
taglist: @ohdamnadam, @safarigirlsp, @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo
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opheliawillowbrook · 1 year
Jason: Hi, I'm Jason Todd, and I do everything twice.
Rose: Including die?
Jason: Especially that.
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heybatterbats · 6 months
“Beloved, I could not bear to see you become a man like my father,” Talia says. “And I could not allow your son to see his father become like mine.”
Bruce’s hands clench on the edge of the roof. “Jason saw what I became anyway,” he says.
“I was not speaking of Jason,” Talia replies evenly. She moves to the little utility building on the side of the rooftop, opening the door and speaking in what sounds like Arabic, too soft for Bruce to make out.
When she approaches him again, she is holding a small boy by the hand.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 2 months
About Last Night-Chapter 6
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor, Andrea Rojas, Lionel Luthor, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Alex Danvers, Eve Teschmacher, Jess, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, Winn Schott
Summary: Lillian Luthor is eagerly wanting to get to her daughter's destination wedding. However, a couple of detours with the docile Kara Danvers changes her life in a big way.
Rating: Mature
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Lillian sighed as she hung up the phone. 
“That’s a relief. Bruce and Diana were way more understanding than I thought they would be.”
Kara leaned back in her seat, sighed, and said, “I am just glad that they were so forgiving. Still not sure how I am going to look them in the eye when we see them again.”
Lillian gave a small smile while gently grabbing Kara’s hand and rubbing small circles across it causing Kara to look up at her startled. 
“It is like they said. They don’t hold anything against us this weekend especially since this was a disgruntled employee’s fault. The only thing we can do now is focus on what is ahead of us.”
Kara smiled and said, “You’re right. Thanks for that.”
Lillian gave a soft smile and said, “No problem.” Lillian stretched while looking out the limo window and said, “Besides, there are other more pressing things that we need to be conce…”
Kara looked up quizzically at Lillian noticing that she stopped in mid-sentence and asked, “Is there something wrong?”
Lillian frowned while looking out the window and murmured, “Possibly.”
Lillian turned to Jess curiously and asked, “Did something change with our flight plans? I noticed that we are on the tarmac instead of going to the traditional loading gate.”
Jess nodded and said, “Decisions were made that after yesterday’s…events, it may be better to use the jet that Bruce Wayne provided for us instead of taking a commercial flight out.”
“Oh,” said Lillian slightly flustered. “It would have been nice to be made aware of such changes.”
Jess nodded and said, “I am sorry about not saying anything sooner, but honestly given everything that has happened, this was the least worrisome of the damage control that I had to try to be ahead of the last twenty-four hours.”
Lillian winced at that statement. She leaned back in her seat and sighed. 
It is stupid of me to get upset over something minuscule like that. Change in flight plans is a minor blimp in comparison to the shit show that has been my life the last day or so. 
Lillian looked up towards Jess with an apologetic smile and said, “I am sorry for snapping Jess. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty this weekend. Not knowing about the flight change is inconsequential compared to everything else. I shouldn’t even have complained to begin with because the private jet is definitely an upgrade. At least I don’t have to worry if I am sitting next to a creep like I was last time.”
Jess laughed nervously and said, “It is not a problem. I am just glad that things will be running more smoothly from here.”
Jess rubbed the back of her neck. 
One can only hope at this point. 
As Jess was guided to her seat on the jet, she noticed there was a manilla folder on top of it. 
Must be the plan that Lex wanted me to follow. 
Jess quickly grabbed the folder and sat down at her seat to peruse its content. She frowned at some of its content and went to her phone to double verify some of the claims it made inside. After verifying everything, she stared at the file baffled. 
It is true what they say. A good ruse is one that has morsels of truth sprinkled throughout it. Hopefully, Lillian and Kara will go along with it. 
Jess looked up to see Kara fluffing up her neck pillow and taking out an eye mask to go to sleep and Lillian was busy typing away at her computer.
Jess cleared her throat to get the women’s attention. They looked up at her startled. 
“I wanted to go over the itinerary about our flight and destination before everyone gets comfortable.”
Lillian frowned and asked, “Other than we are going to Ireland and will probably sleep during a good portion of the flight, is there really anything else that we need to know?”
Jess nodded and said, “Well, it is going to take us longer to get to Ireland than originally planned.”
Lillian looked at her hesitantly and asked, “Why?”
“We chose the jet route because we honestly weren’t sure what type of state that you would be in when you guys woke up….”
“That’s understandable….” said Lillian warily.
“However, this particular jet is not equipped to make long flights overseas. For that reason, we will be making a layover on Mr. Wayne’s private island to refuel and also to change flight staff since the ones with us are currently working overtime to accommodate our schedule.”
Lillian looked at Jess hesitantly and asked, “Okay, how much downtime are we looking at?”
Jess laughed nervously and said, “One day. Possibly two if the tropical storm that they are tracking veers and hits the island.”
Lillian leaned back, groaned, and said, “It may have been better if we had actually taken commercial. I know that a lot of this was planned out so we could have discretion, but…”
Jess raised up her hand which caused Lillian to stop. 
“I understand wanting to get out as quickly as possible, but if we had tried to take commercial, it would have taken us longer to get there.”
Kara raised an eyebrow and asked, “How is that even possible?”
Read the rest on AO3
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greta-hayes · 11 months
What if the members of Young Justice? were just normal college students? Living out the melodrama & cozy trills that life brings? What if Bart or Kon had never died? What if no one had their own family turned on them? What if their own friends hadn't died? What if they were safe and happy? What if Greta Hayes, former superhero, formerly Secret, woke up in a dorm room that wasn't hers?
So I have started posting my fanfic! I will be updating it every sunday, for more details go to the end notes.
Also rn I cannot figure out how to edit in the title of the first chapter so I'll deal with that later
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jenn0wow · 5 months
Batgirl: Ignite Part Two
Link to part one: https://www.tumblr.com/jenn0wow/734964837205114880/batgirl-ignite
After discovering a 100 year old university secret and taking down a cult of brainwashed sorority girls, Barbara Gordon has set her sights on off-campus crime this school year. However, her investigations on a mysterious string of arsons gets interrupted by Nightwing, who has a job to figure out who she is and stop her. Meanwhile, Barbara’s school life gets interrupted by Dick Grayson, and her quiet life on campus gets disrupted.
CRIM365 was on the third floor of a building that smelt and probably felt like an ornate wooden casket--well, what he imagined it would feel like in an ornate wooden casket. Something about that place at 9am reeked of death which seemed like the appropriate ambience for a crime history course.
He never thought about ever going to college so he wasn’t sure what to expect out of this whole experience. Not that he didn’t think he shouldn’t or he couldn’t go--the moment he was adopted, he knew that possibility was open to him--, but more that he didn’t think it was what he wanted. He wasn’t really big into school, mainly the whole structure of it. He didn’t go to school while in the circus--surprisingly one of the clowns was previously a school teacher so he sort of taught the children on tour. After Dick was adopted, he was given a set of private teachers, kind of like he was homeschooled, but in the most rich and privileged way possible. He would have gone to Gotham Academy if he wasn’t so far behind his age group in certain subjects. The education part wasn’t a struggle, once given the proper structure, he actually excelled in all his classes. However, It was a bit isolating--to be in Wayne Manor with just adults trying to make him ordinary, and then Bruce making him extraordinary. The Teen Titans luckily changed all that for him, but now that’s all over. That was all his fault too.
Room 308. He turned in and immediately, he felt the room shift in attention. Of course everyone was staring at him. He had gotten used to it after his biology class and his English class and in the halls and, basically everywhere on campus. He wasn’t completely uncomfortable with it. He understood their fascination with him, and it made talking to everyone pretty easy. After his trip, he had just forgotten what that kind of attention felt like again.
Dick politely waved at everyone as he walked down the rows of seats. There weren’t many open--was he supposed to get here earlier than the time listed? He made his way to the back to an empty seat where he thought he was going to be alone, but then he saw a girl--sort of crinkled up in her seat with her head in a book.
He sat in the empty seat next to her, waiting for some sort of interaction of “Hi, thanks for sitting next to me, do you wanna be study buddies, blah blah blah blah. Please follow me on Instagram!” But, there was silence. Nothing. Maybe she was just nervous, shy. Maybe he’ll make the first move.
“Hey, so do you know when this class starts? I didn’t think everyone would be here this early.” He said, hoping for a response.
SIlence, again.
He waited a few more seconds of silence to causally stretch his arms up, feeling his sore muscles scream a bit from last night’s fight. He leaned back in his seat to look at her better. Maybe she had air pods in or was hard of hearing. When he looked past her book, however, he learned that she was actually asleep. Like deep asleep.
He paused, trying to figure out what he should do. He’s heard about college students being super tired, but didn’t think he’d see someone sleeping on the first day of school.
Dick weighed the most polite thing to do. She did look super tired so it felt rude to wake her up, but also if class started and she was still asleep, she could miss something. As he looked at her longer, he realized he knew her face from somewhere. It was the moles on her face that triggered something in his memory.
“Gordon.” He said, not really meaning to blurt it out.
Her eyes blinked open. “Huh?” She pushed her glasses up a bit then rubbed her eyes. She looked around a bit confused and saw him staring at her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up!”
Barbara pushed her hair out of her face and sat up. “It’s okay…” she was clearly embarrassed.
“You’re the commissioner’s daughter, right?” He asked, needing to know if he was right or not before he stopped bothering her.
She nodded like she was anticipating this interaction and went back to looking at her book.
“Wait, we met before, right?” He asked, knowing he was still bothering her, but needed to make sure.
“Yeah, it was that gala at the History museum.” She said. Was she disappointed he didn’t really remember? A little, but it wasn’t surprising.
The teacher walked through the door and immediately started talking. Dick wanted to keep talking, but obviously he couldn’t.
He did remember that day. There weren’t many kids there that night and at some point they found each other next to each other. She was all dressed in black, not like she was in mourning, but that she just liked to dress that way.
“I don’t wanna be here.” She muttered under her breathe.
“These things always suck. I can get us into the kitchen and sometimes you can get the desserts early because they feel bad for you.”
They both slipped away to the kitchen and snagged two raspberry tarts. They ate them in secret into the dinosaur exhibit.
“So this is your first rich people party?”
Barbara nodded while taking a small bite of the tart. She didn’t really like it and started picking at the crust. “Yeah, my dad has been invited to a few things in the past, but usually my mom and I stay home together. He doesn’t like me staying home alone. My aunt is busy tonight anyways.”
Dick nodded. “Bruce thinks it’s important for me to understand the business world. I don’t mind it though. It beats staying at home and playing chess with Alfred.”
She looked at him. “Who’s Alfred?”
Dick rolled his eyes. “The butler.”
“Oh, so you’re rich rich?”
“Bruce is rich rich and I’m just partaking in that richness.”
Barbara placed the plate of raspberry filling on the ground. “Does this feeling ever go away?”
Dick looked at her, not sure what she meant.
“Like, you’ve put placed in the wrong timeline and there’s nothing you can do about it?”
Dick looked down at her plate and then back at the ceiling. “Never. Everything feels wrong always.”
She looked down at her lap with a familiar sadness he’s felt before.
“There’s still good things to look forward to. Like sitting in a room full of dead dinosaurs eating free dessert.” She smiled a bit when he said that. He then looked down at the plate again. “Are you going to eat the rest of this?
She shoved it closer to him. “No. It has little seeds in them.”
He picked the plate and started to eat it without a second thought. “More little seeds for me.” It wasn’t shortly after that Bruce came looking for him.
“Dick, it’s getting late. We gotta go.” Which was code for ‘the penguin is raiding an underground weapon’s black market on the south end.”
Dick had almost forgotten that small moment. He’s had so many big moments since then. Being Robin kind of squeezes out anything less than extraordinary or life endangering out of the memory system.
Barbara hadn’t changed much from that moment. Her hair was shorter and she had dyed it. She still had a sad pout on her face. Quiet, but obviously had things to say. It’s crazy how life brought them back together like this. At least he’ll know at least one person on campus while he’s here.
The class was dismissed and Barbara quickly packed up her stuff and sped out the room. Of course, he was gonna chase after her.
“Barbara, hey!” She walked faster after she heard that, clinging to her tote bag tighter.
He jogged up next to her. “This is crazy! It’s been like what six years?”
“Probably.” She said, quietly.
“How are you doing? Are you a criminology major as well? Following in your dad’s footsteps?”
Her eyes started darting around as if she was nervously finding an answer. “No. It’s just an extra credit I needed.”
“You’re taking a level 400 class as an extra credit?”
“And you’re taking a level 400 class as a freshman?” She threw back and then shook her head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to seem rude.”
“I took a few online courses before I got here so I’m a little ahead.” That was true. In his last year of school, he took a bunch of online college credits in math and English and other stuff. Finally they came in handy. “So what are you majoring in?”
“Pre-med” she said, disappointedly.
“Oh so, I should call you Dr. Gordon.” He said, jokingly.
She winced and then remembered what Harleen said about lying just to please people and make interactions easier. “Actually, I am majoring in Crimiology, but also Pre-med. and then minoring in computer science.”
Dick blinked at her. “Damn.”
“But, my dad doesn’t know criminology is one of my majors.” She said, looking away. “He wants me to be in a safe profession.”
“Fair. He’s seen some crazy stuff…I’m guessing.” Dick said. “So why’d you stay in Gotham? I’m sure you could have gotten into Harvard or Yale or something.”
“I guess…I don’t know. I guess, I was wondering that same question with you.” She said, and Dick felt a cool breeze pass in him when she said that.
“In-state tuition is cheaper, I suppose.” There was a pause, he realized what he had said. “Okay, I know what you’re going to say.”
“Oh, I wasn’t going to question it.” She said, “but, yeah. I was thinking it.”
“Bruce is more or less forcing me to go to college. I was able to convince him to let me take a year off, but he said pick any college and I didn’t care so now I’m at GCU.”
Barbara nodded. “Got it. I’m still in Gotham because of my dad too, I guess. I still visit him on the weekends.”
There was an alert on her phone and she quickly checked it. Fire on 34th street. She quickly scrolls through her phone to look at it better. “I gotta go.” She said, starting to walk away. “Sorry, it’s my dad!”
She speed walks away, muttering, “that’s three this week…” she holds her phone speakers up to her ear to listen to the police scanners.
Dick watches her leave, not sure what to make of her. Not really sure she liked him or really cared about him, but he’d take any ounce of attention at this point.
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kermit-coded · 10 months
Blue Lips, Blue Veins (236 words) by pop_and_lock Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Blue Beetle (Comics), Blue Beetle (Movie 2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jaime Reyes & Dr. Sanchez, Khaji Da & Jaime Reyes Characters: Jaime Reyes, Dr. Sanchez, Khaji Da Additional Tags: Medical Torture, Medical Experimentation, Whump, It/Its Pronouns For Khaji Da, inspired by the yja episode where they try to remove the scarab, Title from a Regina Spektor Song, Jaime Reyes Has Anxiety, Jaime Reyes Needs a Hug, Hurt No Comfort Summary: "What do you think the government is gonna do when they find out some kid has this military tech?"
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mags-writes · 1 year
Unconfirmed - part 2 || Rick Flag x OC
Summary: After Maeve O'Malley goes to prison for assassination and narrowly avoids getting the Blackcat moniker slapped on her record, she's pulled from her cell and brought into the chaos awaiting in Midway City. Only thing is, she was explicitly requested by Rick Flag, her former squad leader and Colonel back when they were in the special forces together. And they didn't end on the best of terms. Despite that, they easily slip back into their former banter but how long can it last when he won't tell her all the details of what exactly she's going up against?
Warnings: Canon-level violence, Aussie-level swearing, Harley/Joker-level abuse, angst, slow burn
Pairing: Rick Flag x Maeve O'Malley (OC)
Length: 3k words
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Epilogue
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"I should be driving." Maeve said for the hundredth time.
It made Rick roll his eyes again from across her and repeat some variation of what he's already said on the matter.
"These are some of the best pilots we have. We'll be fine." His tone had no indication of shutting her up like he would the other criminals. He spoke like he was talking to a child in the back seat asking over and over again if they were there yet.
"Oh god." Was Maeve's response, making Rick snap his gaze to her almost immediately. She had her eyes squeezed shut and she was gripping the seatbelt straps, pressing back in her seat like she was trying to disappear.
He knew what this was. They were about to get hit. And she couldn't do a damn thing about it.
Maeve had been born with the uncanny ability to dodge anything that was airborne and coming her way at any speed. She could dodge bullets, knives, punches, and ass slaps all the same. The only scars she had were from when someone else got involved. She was only ever shot when someone was trying to shoot at Rick. She got them out of the way but it was like she traded places for them. Most of the time she could keep up and keep both parties safe but sometimes luck wasn't on her side.
Rick also thought she could see through walls but he hadn't voiced that theory to anyone yet.
"Oh god, oh god!" Maeve was getting more and more panicked as the seconds ticked by and Rick could only hold on to his own seat belt straps for whatever they were about to be hit with.
"What's up with that chick?" An Aussie accent rang out just before they were, indeed, shot.
The chopper jostled with the impact before taking a sudden nose dive. It hit the ground below them and then started rolling. Screams and laughter alike were heard screeching in the small cabin before it finally stopped and they were all left hanging upside down.
"I should've been driving."
They eventually made their way out of the unrecoverable chopper to the other one filled with all of Rick's army buddies that managed to not get hit and Maeve stumbled her way over.
"Lookin' good, Sarge!" Lieutenant GQ Edwards was a loyal son of a bitch but he had one fuckin attitude with Maeve.
"Shut up, Edwards!"
"Both of you shut it." Rick ordered, rifle out and finger on the trigger. "Let's move out."
They all walked in relative silence, the army boys actively scanning every inch of new terrain they came upon. Rick told them to take it easy and not to worry until Maeve was on edge. Edwards rolled his eyes.
"Remind me again why Katana is here." Maeve didn't look at Rick when she questioned him, trying to come off as aloof and like she didn't care about his answer. "What's wrong? Don't trust me anymore?"
"She's got my back. You've got my everything." Was his simple answer. "Besides, I needed at least one crazy person out here with me without a bomb in their neck."
"Oh, yeah, thanks for that." She said sarcastically, now turning to look at him with an unimpressed expression.
"Hey, I got you out of your cell for a while, didn't I?" He nudged her when he saw her trying to suppress the smallest smile on the face of the earth. Only rivaled by Nessa. "As for the bomb in your neck... can't do much but play by Waller's rules."
She scoffed, kicking something out of the way before speaking again. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"All that wasn't personal?" He took his time kicking the same debris when they came up to it again.
"Why do you look like you're running on three hours sleep and five lines of cocaine?" She deadpanned, making him look at her with an insulted expression.
"I do not." He said after a pause. "I would never do cocaine."
"Oh, my bad," she replied sarcastically again. "Why do you look like you're running on three hours sleep and six espressos?"
"If you're trying to say I look like shit, just say it." He countered.
"You look like shit." She met him step after step, she always did. "You look worse than the dog shit under my boot. You look worse than hungover Edwards with his head in the toilet."
"Hey!" Edwards called out. "It was one time!" Making them both look at him before turning back to each other.
"My question still stands."
"Heh," Harley interrupted, coming up from behind Maeve and bringing her arm around her shoulders. "You two are cute. Ya married or somethin'?"
"God no." Rick and Maeve answered in unison.
"Personally I have been working on my finger-blasting game with some consenting bitches in prison." Maeve's words made Rick blink in surprise before turning his head, acting like he wasn't about to laugh. "I don't know what this guy's been up to but I know it's juicy if he won't give me a straight answer."
"Can we keep moving, please?" He deflected, walking a bit faster and falling out of step with the women.
"Oh, you're right!" Harley giggled, hugging her a little tighter before letting go and walking beside Maeve. "How ya been Kitty?"
Kitty. It was a cute nickname Harley had been calling her ever since they ran into each other and Harley was bleeding out from a gunshot wound. She had been delirious at the time and recognised from the gear who Maeve was but the new high-tech heat vision goggles perched on her head looked like cat ears when they weren't in use. The nickname tumbled out before Harley could stop herself, and it cemented in her memory forever.
Maeve took pity and took her back to a safehouse, cleaning her up, stitching her up, and feeding her. In return, Harley told the Joker about how well Kitty had taken care of her and issued a no-kill order on Maeve for his whole territory. That no-kill order only lasts as long as Harley is in Joker's good books and unfortunately, Maeve is always aware of their relationship status due to if someone is going out of their way to kill her whenever she steps foot in Joker's territory.
"Well, no one's been trying to shank me in prison, so I guess that means you and the clown are still on." Maeve kept her voice down, she wanted Rick to have deniability about her as much as possible.
"Oh, Kitty. We're always on." Harley playfully whacked her arm limply.
"Even that time he chained you in the basement for a week with no food and I had to come and break your ass out at your sister's request?" Maeve countered.
"Hey! I told you, Mr. J was just playin'!" Harley defended, taking offense that her psycho, serial murdering, clown boyfriend could do anything wrong.
Maeve hummed in response.
Suddenly a scuffle breaks out and one of the criminals shoots a wire up to the buildings to escape. Maeve doesn't move, turning instead to the other one that was trying to escape at the same time. As she approached, he threw a boomerang at Katana, but she jumped into a front flip to avoid it before she had her sword at his throat. Maeve would've continued paying attention but something was itching at the side of her neck.
She knew it wasn't anything she needed to dodge, but it was a prickling feeling making her twitch. She turned, her eyes catching a flash of movement before everything went still again. It felt like a hundred pairs of eyes were on her for a split second, and now it was gone. No one was aiming anything at her now but she couldn't ignore whatever itch just came up.
She was interrupted from her thoughts when a small explosion went off and the guy with all the wires was suddenly hanging upside down in front of her... without his head.
Rick was speaking, she couldn't discern what it was in her shock as her hand came up to clamp down on the part of her neck that had been injected. She well and truly had a fucking bomb sitting at the base of her skull.
"That's what you put in me?" She yelled, her eyes swiveling to Rick who suddenly grimaced. "You took me from my fucking cell to do that to me?"
"Hope you're not gonna play favourites with the criminals, Colonel." Edwards called out.
"Shut up, Edwards!" Maeve pointed a finger at him. "I was acting under duress!"
"Can you get a hold of yourself?" Rick roughly took a hold of her elbow and moved her slightly out of earshot, lowering his voice.
"How can I get a hold of myself when at any moment, these idiots could get you killed and I'll have my fuckin' head blown off!"
"That's not goin' to happen to you!" His answer shocked her into silence, her eyes wide and mouth open before she narrowed her eyes and set her face into a glare.
"So you are going to play favourites."
Rick turned aspirated, looking like he was about to grab her shoulders and shake some sense into her. "What answer do you want from me?"
"I am so glad you asked-" she went to bring her hands up, ready to number her demands on each of her fingers when he slapped them down again.
"Stop it! Just have my back, do as you're told, and stay alive." He actually did take a hold of her shoulders this time, turned her to face the others, and started walking. "That's all I'm asking."
"Mallacht mo chait ort." She cursed in her native Irish, putting as much venom into her words as she could.
"You don't own a cat." Rick countered, shoving her a little to keep walking.
"You don't know that!"
Maeve did as she was told. Keeping her eyes peeled for anything trying to shoot at Rick. It wasn't long until she felt that itch again. Like there was something pointed at her with their finger on the trigger and every intention of shooting but hesitating.
It made her twitch. It made her tick. It made her flinch. And Rick saw all of it.
"Hold!" He called out, holding his fist up and frowning at her. "What is it?"
Maeve suddenly felt it in a different direction, making her flinch back and snap her head. There was nothing there, no movement, no person.
Another twitch. This time from a couple stories above them. This time she used the scope of her rifle to see through the windows, going as far as to pull her goggles on when that turned up nothing.
"Kitty?" Called out Harley with a worried tone.
Maeve spun in the opposite direction everyone was facing, goggles firmly in place and rapidly searching for anything to turn up.
"I don't know." Despite her words, she pointed behind her before turning in that direction again, keeping the goggles on. "Something's definitely that way though."
Rick got his boys to go ahead, surveying the area and seeing if the path was clear. What they came across made their skin crawl.
Maeve let Rick do his thing, communicating with base about what to do and where to go, if the other team was responding at their location. She stood firmly in place behind a car when Deadshot came up next to her, bumping shoulders with her and staring puzzled at what was in front of them.
"They're not giving off a heat signature." She reported, moving the goggles back to the top of her head, having no more use for them now. "At least not with these. You?"
"What the hell are they?" He asked, ignoring her question. "Flag said, terrorists."
"Flag lied about terrorists." She corrected. "He's fucked up. He won't give me a straight answer on anything. He's keeping things from me."
Deadshot turned to her with a questioning frown. "And you said you're not married?"
"That is what I said, yes." She said defensively, trying to act like she couldn't feel her cheeks heat up.
They both had their chance at a real relationship once, but it had been wrong place, wrong time. They were waist-deep in their work and more than content to simply work together than try and possibly ruin it by getting serious. They knew each other better than any spouse will come to know the other, and that was okay with them. A dare issued by Edwards that they would get married if they were both single by 2018 had Maeve by the heartstrings though. She wondered a lot in her cell if that dare was the reason she could never commit to a relationship after that.
"Hey, I like these odds, mate, you just say the word." The stench of Digger Harkness drew Maeve out of her thoughts before his words could get the chance.
"Yeah." Harley agreed quietly.
"Pardon?" Maeve asked.
"C'mon." She persisted when she saw Deadshot hesitate.
"Yeah," Deadshot did hesitate, taking out his eyepiece so he could get a better look at the figures in front of them. "Uh, hold that thought."
"What's his deal?" Harley came closer to Maeve, wrapping her arm around her shoulders again and leaning in.
"Despite being bad guys, this might be something really fucked up even for you." Maeve answered, bringing her arm around Harley's waist and leaning into her.
They both watched as Deadshot brought up his weapon, most likely using the scope to get a better look at what was in front of them. When he did, Maeve twitched. The feeling was back. And like a switch, the figures in front of them descended upon them and the shooting started. Before Maeve surged forward, she saw Digger open a can of energy drink before slinking off into the shadows into an alley and she couldn't help but be a little jealous. She quickly came to a stop next to Rick, knowing she couldn't stop firing until they were all down. Except they weren't going down.
She knew that being around Rick and the boys meant she had to go back to her military training, no immediate headshots. As opposed to her mercenary night job, only headshots. But military training wasn't doing shit right now so she switched it up. She reloaded and this time didn't hesitate to aim for the head, doing a far better job at keeping them back now as their head shattered and they fell.
"Get off me!" She heard Rick shout, making her snap her head in his direction. She reloaded again and started firing. "Get off me you son of a-"
She only shot any extra ones from piling on top of them, trusting that someone would notice and do something about the ones already swarming him.
"Flag!" Edwards had noticed, good. He was always a good aim.
Harley must have said something because Deadshot started yelling at her, "Harley! He dies, we die!"
As soon as Harley and Edwards move in on the group, she lets up and waits for them to finish, not wanting to hit anyone with friendly fire by accident.
"Thanks." Rick says, being hauled up by both his saviours.
"Shut up." Harley retorts.
Rick looks up just in time to make eye contact with Maeve before she gets tackled from the side. It makes her yell out and on instinct take out her knife, wildly stabbing at anything available to her. The thing puts her down but only to try swiping at her, which she avoids before embedding her knife into the skull and viciously ripping it out with a grunt. Maeve movements have a deadly precision to them and the men around her move out of the way when they see her teeth bared.
She sheaths her knife.
She reloads.
She walks over to a car that Deadshot had taken up residence on.
She gets herself comfortable on the roof on one knee and the other one propped up for the kickback of her rifle.
She starts firing again.
Maeve was numb. Headshot after headshot in a daze and completely zoned out. Back in a warzone for shitty benefits from the government shooting at human-shaped moving objects that screamed. Everything blurred. They didn't stand a chance.
Maeve looked around to see nothing moving. When had she stopped firing? When had she started breathing so hard?
Rick dragged her down from the roof of the car, moving the rifle to sit on her shoulder on the strap and grabbing her face in his hands.
"C'mon, I need you up and walkin'." He mumbled loud enough for her to hear, lightly moving her face from side to side to get her attention. "Don't get like this on me, Sargent. Not now."
Maeve blinked a handful of times, trying to will the daze away.
Deep breath in.
And out.
Focus on Rick, on his hold on her face, and the callus on his trigger finger behind her ear.
Maeve nods, swallowing hard and humming to let him know she was back.
"Yeah?" He asked, leaning down slightly to look at her properly, eyes flittering between hers.
"Yeah." She confirmed with a nod.
Speaking felt heavy in her mouth, eye contact felt like looking at the devil, and moving was like dragging herself through a bog, but she persisted.
Rick knew this. Rick knew all of this. So he took her rifle, putting it back in her hands, unloading the empty mag, and taking one out of his own supply. She swallowed again, taking hold of the tac vest on Rick's chest, and cast her eyes upward. Deadshot walked over then, looking as severe as the grave.
"That's how I cut and run." He said, watching as Rick, without looking at his hands, loaded the mag in and shoved it into place.
The movement jostled Maeve and Rick moved her, bringing his arm around her shoulders and started getting her walking.
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killingbill · 3 months
In Love ... And War (killingbill, on AO3)
This is an episode rewrite of the episode In Love... And War, from Green Lantern the Animated Series. In this version, Carol Ferris is not waiting at home and Hal does not have a true love. Ghia'ta wants him, and will go to any lengths to keep him in compliance with her aunt Aga'po's plans for the lanterns. What might have happened should Hal have not resisted the Star Sapphire's advances? Now, we'll be able to find out for sure.
preview under the cut, full story linked above. explicit, no content warnings apply, f/m. Words:10,167 Chapters:1/1
What-IfVaginal SexSirensSmutCanon RewriteRewritePost-Canon Fix-ItOral SexAltered Mental StatesBreastsBetrayalRidingHand JobsLove Potion/SpellSeductionManipulationMind ManipulationNipple LickingKissingMaking LoveDistrustVanilla
“Is that all it takes to stop a green lantern?” Razer asks, a snide look on his face as he sits at the console, leaning back in his chair with legs crossed. His gaze is directed at Kilowog.
Hal already finds himself torn . He knows how beaten up his friend has been about his lady-love, and while he can’t exactly understand having someone at home, he has become acquainted with the pain of separation. It was just an unfortunate situation, and he’s sure his friend agrees.
“ A broken heart? ” Razer finishes coldly, while Hal looks over at Kilowog. His face was somber. I better go talk to him , Hal thinks to himself, approaching the larger of the two.
“You want to talk about it, sir, mopes a lot? ” Hal asks, coming up behind Kilowog and placing a hand on his shoulder, which is immediately thrown off by a great shrug.
“No!” The lantern shouts. “I miss Galia, okay?” He speaks, his ears lowering in the throes of upset.
“Hey, I know.” Hal says, remaining behind with his hands off for the moment. “But look, you need something to keep your mind off this emotional stuff.” The Green Lantern continues.
Luckily for them, Aya picks this exact moment to turn from her station. “Sensors indicate an entity, eight thousand meters off the starboard bow.” Her robotic voice informs the crew. Hal instinctively looks over at her with admitted excitement. Perhaps too much is too much where an unknown entity is concerned. “Contact in: twenty seconds.” Aya continues.
“Thank you, Aya. That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Hal says, pointing a finger at Aya before his gaze moves back to Kilowog. “So, Kilowog. You’re in charge—what's your move?” Hal asks, his fists landing on his hip. Confident in his friend, of course.
Kilowog slumps, his red eyes closing softly before re-opening. “Look, Jordan. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but..." His brows lower. “I’m just not up for this."
Hal moves to respond, clearly disheartened, but all of a sudden there’s an impact that sends the crew flying from their previous positions. Aya and Razer roughly shifted from the con, while Hal Jordan ends up flat on his face in the aftermath. “What the heck?” Hal exclaims, before dutifully picking himself up as soon as possible.
Hal’s wobbly feet carry him towards the viewscreen, which is swiftly enveloped by the visage of an enormous monster.
Razer and Aya are both half-up off the floor when Razer confirms, “That’s a real monster."
“I did give ample warning.” Aya adds.
“I thought you were playing along!” Hal answers from the captain’s chair. “Let’s go, guys!" 
With that, Razer, Kilowog, and Hal all fly to the exit hatch, where the opening makes way for a giant, clear tentacle. The appendage sweeps through easily, the three bouncing around the space for cover until a snake-like form winds around their largest friend, pulling Kilowog from the ship.
Razer and Hal fly after them in a sweep of red and green glow, while Kilowog hauls out his hammer. He bashes the tentacle once, to no avail, with his friends in pursuit, who soon realize this entity has gotten itself wrapped around the entirety of their vessel. They’re trapped.
Hal raises his fist. "Aya, shock that thing off the..." Hal makes a noise akin to having the wind knocked out of you as a tentacle assaults him from behind and another grabs him from the opposite side.
Aya gasps, pressing down on the green button, sending a shockwave through the monster, who roars in protest. However, it doesn’t do much.
The monster is still clinging to Kilowog and gets a hold of Hal, even as Razer shoots at it. In fact, this action only makes the monster send another tendril to grab Razer in turn.
Just as Kilowog is being brought to the great beasts’ jaws, a flash of pink energy streaks against the stars and collides with it. The arm holding Kilowog diverted from the mouth as more energy came from the source.
“Huh?” Hal asks, narrowing his eyes as he looks towards the cause and sees two females traversing the sky, shooting the beams mid-flight. There was one dressed more ornately and another with a shorter presence.
They continue to shoot at the beast’s head as they approach, roars of pain emitting from their target as the ladies land. Hovering in a standing position in the meantime, the copious tendrils let go of the three crewmen in defeat.
“ How many lantern colors are there? ” Kilowog asks as the women continue beaming at their enemy—the three flying in the newcomer’s direction.
Kilowog and Razer begin to help the two in their efforts, shooting at the being while Hal takes another look at the females.
It was almost hard not to—perhaps for him more so, due to his humanity . The woman emits a pink glow that he almost finds himself entranced by. Hovering below, as eyes widen beneath the mask. His lips agape as the shorter of the two casts him a glance that ends in a wink.
His body feels calmer, despite the adrenaline.
Suddenly he’s able to shake himself from his reverie, his head literally moving side to side as he grunts. That was weird. He thinks to himself, “So you’re, what? Pink Lanterns?” He asks them finally as the fighting continues.
“Not precisely, green lantern.” The one with the headpiece says as beams of pink light continue to hurl at the monster. She’s… beautiful. Pink skin, exotic features... Her eyes are still beautiful, even though they are hollow and blue. He has to physically force himself to stay focused as he sets his eyes on Kilowog instead. Hell, he even takes a shot at the beast himself.
However, that doesn’t last long, as lowered arms move the feminine force from their current position. Hal had to turn to follow her movements.
“Where you value power, the star sapphires channel the power and serve the cause." The sapphire speaks, lifting her arm and pointing a fist at the monster. Her eyes were glowing a soft pink. “ Of love."
Hal watches in amazement, entranced once more with widened eyes. It’s like time and space slowed down, and all that remained were them and their power. The look on his face is awestruck, even when her back is turned to the company.
The shorter one has done the same as the elder, their rings pulsing pink and matching their auras. However, Hal finds it even more difficult to look away from her. She’s beautiful—perfect, even. Her pointed ears, her pert bust, her long waistline, and her curvaceous hips. That’s not even to mention the petiteness of her form and the gorgeousness of her carved bone structure. She was like a belly dancer from a mysterious place, and it was more than alluring.
However, to Hal’s amazement, the beast slumps. It seems to have become docile. If you’d asked him earlier, he’d never imagined the outcome to have been a voluntary retreat . Though the situation allows Hal to break free once more with another head-shake to ground him back to reality,
Two green and one red orb follow pink, and Hal joins the series of amazed glances between Razer and Kilowog too late. Providing one of his own before they moved on.
The three fly down to meet the ladies neutrally for the first time. “Thanks for the assist,” Hal says first. The two star sapphires turned in their direction. “How did you get to be in this neck of the woods?” He asks with a raised hand. Of course, he’s curious. These ladies are gorgeous, and with the effect they have, perhaps there’s something more to them that he’s not seeing. They said something about love, and now Hal has no doubt about it.
Either way, their mysterious presences and lovely appearances—not to mention their calming demeanors—have lured him into craving more of their time.
“This sector of space is ours.” The elder sapphire speaks matter-of-factly. Even their voices are beautiful and seductive. Yet, while Hal should be looking at the one who addresses them... He cannot help but stare at the younger of the two.
The other sapphire seems to notice, and Hal smiles awkwardly, which makes the girl giggle. There’s a pang of desire Hal feels in his chest, and that is enough to break his gaze. Even if it was out of sheer embarrassment,
“But, pardon my manners." The one speaking has a three-pronged, pointed headdress and a long ponytail that flows down her back. The two were dressed scantily (not that he’s complaining), and similarly, the one who’s caught Hal’s eye has shorter hair that’s half-up and half-down. It suits her, he thinks. It’s very cute .
The woman speaking lowers her head and lifts a hand to her chest before gesturing to her companion. “I am Aga’po. And this is my niece, Ghia'ta.” Ghia’ta turns her head cutely and flutters her lashes at Hal.
The man found himself immediately attracted to her. However, he chalked it up to her skimpy clothes and cute demeanor. He did not pay any mind to the way his eyes seemed incapable of leaving her. The way it requires more mental fortitude than an instinct to draw his attention to the current speaker to escape the warmth she seemingly provides.
Or, maybe he did pay it a little mind... But he tries to shrug it off as Hal turns to Aga’po and raises a brow. There’s a chuckle on his lips as he tries to laugh off the flirtatious display from Ghia’ta. "You're mighty handy with those power rings.” He starts. “We sure could use your help fighting the Red Lantern Corps.” He finishes. Perhaps wishful thinking on Hal’s part.
“I would enjoy aligning myself with you, Hal Jordan .” Ghia’ta speaks up, her head dipping close to her shoulder as she continues to bat her eyelashes at him. Her eyes lidded softly.
She was flirting with him, right? Hal thought, smiling dopily at her. He felt himself drawn in. This time he doesn’t catch himself until Kilowog clears his throat, and Hal turns back to Aga’po. He gives her an awkward look.
“We are close to our home planet.” Aga’po remarks. “Perhaps you’d accompany us for rest and repair before you resume your mission?” The alien finishes, hopefully.
Hal looks over to Ghia’ta, smiling at her as she continues to look at him with her bedroom eyes. At that moment, Hal knows what his answer will be.
Hal chuckles. “Don’t mind if I do." 
And with that, their ship departs. Aya is at the console, and she indicates, “Course plotted for Zamaron.” The robot turns around. This time, Aga’po and Ghia’ta were guests aboard.
Aga’po notices Kilowog slumped forward, and she decided to approach in an attempt to investigate the cause. She further notes the lowered eyes, the frown...
“ Kilowog.” She says, standing next to him with hands clasped behind her back. Her skin is a blue color that contrasts with their outfits. “You seem so... bereft. " She says this as the big guy looks over at her.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” Kilowog replies, looking back at the console. Though Aga’po cups his chin and guides his face towards her, 
“You’ve suffered a great loss. A broken heart, ” Aga’po tells him, and Kilowog’s red eyes look painfully into hers. She closes her eyes, reaching into Kilowog’s mind to see the vision of such a great loss. A female of his species is looking into the sky with anguish.
Unbeknownst to Kilowog, Aga’po is searching for a weapon. She removes her touch with a fluttering blink, turning to inspect her glowing power ring.
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plagues02 · 5 months
An Unexpected Suprised
Summary: Edward feels insecure about his weight gain, and Selina is there to make him feel better. However, something else is on his mind. Characters: Edward Nygma, Selina Kyle, Jonathan Crane, Jervis Tetch Ships: Riddlecat, Hattercrow, Scribbler(past) CW: Trans Pregnancy Word Count: 2,970 Note: This was written back in 2021 and originally posted on Ao3
"Selina, don't you think I've gained weight?" Ed mumbled while looking at himself in the mirror. 
Selina looked over from her spot on the couch to take in the appearance of her long-term lover. With a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair stuck to his forehead, it was clear he just left the shower, finally. The amount of times Catwoman has to remind the Riddler of his basic needs is astonishing. He was, according to himself, the smartest man to walk the Earth after all. 
Selina's eyes trailed down Eddie's reflection in the body mirror. When he had moved in, he was unnaturally thin from the number of times he worked himself to near starvation. All the meals he would skip, all the microwave dinners he would make because it was quick and easy. Selina made sure her lover was well fed now. 
With a hum coming from her throat, Selina got up from her seat and walked over to wrap her arms around his waist. Ed leaned his head back against her shoulder as she rested her head against his shoulder as well.
"You saw yourself when you got here," Selina mumbled, tilting her head to press small kisses on his neck.  
"You've increased the amount of food I've been eating, yes. But I feel like I've gained more than I should," Ed mumbled, tilting his head to the side to give Selina more access. 
Selina looked in the mirror to get a better look at her lover. The weight was mainly gained around his stomach and hips. Small love handles came out from the towel wrapped around him. His chest seemed to hang down a little more than normal, not that his chest was that big, to begin with. 
The black-haired woman's hands explored Ed's body as she started to kiss up to his lips. After a soft kiss, Selina pressed their foreheads together with a small smile on her lips. Her hands landed on his hips. 
"You look fine, kitty," she told him. "In fact, I think you look better with these." Selina gave his love handles a quick squeeze, causing a squeal to leave his lips. 
"Seliiiinaaa," the Riddler whined.
Selina couldn’t help but laugh as Ed tried to wiggle away from her grip. The woman placed a hand on her lover’s cheek to make him look at her. Their lips met in a quick kiss.
“Go get dressed, kitty. It’s your turn to pick the movie,” she said with a small hum before letting him go.
The rest of the night went well with a lot of reassurance from Selina that Eddie looked just fine. His mind seemed elsewhere during parts of the movie, but it was always brought back with Selina’s attention.
The next morning, Ed woke up before Selina. He left before she could wake up, leaving a note telling her where he was going. To an apartment about fifteen minutes away, the apartment that belonged to Jonathan Crane and Jervis Tetch.
The weight he was gaining was normal. Of course, someone as brilliant as him understood that as he ate more, he would gain weight, but add the fact that he had also felt ill. Eddie held tongue yesterday as it was date night, but the doctor could help him or at least advise him.
“Oh, Edward! What a surprise!” Jervis smiled at him as he realized who was on the other side of the door. “What brings you here?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, Eddie explained, “I needed to speak with Jonathan.”
“Hm?” Jervis let out a small hum while looking at Ed’s expression before his smile turned into a small frown. “What’s wrong, Ed? Is everything okay?”
Jervis motioned him inside. The pair sat down on the couch after Jervis told him that Jonathan went for a walk with their dog.
“Ed, is everything okay? Selina, is she-”
“Selina’s fine. This isn’t about her… not directly,” the Riddler said with a small shake of his head.
Jervis's shoulders loosened as he let out a small sigh of relief. He then looked the taller man up and down, checking for any injury. There was one. Edward Nigma looked surprisingly healthy for a man who could barely feed himself alone. 
"Then what is it?" Jervis asked with a head tilt. 
Edward shifted in his seat, leaning against the arm of the couch. Jervis waited patiently while the younger tried to find his wording. He watched as Ed opened and closed his mouth multiple times before speaking. 
"My birth control ran out a month ago, and I haven't been able to get any more yet. Selina knows this, and we've been even more careful lately. We haven’t slept together recently, only for our anniversary which was a few days after I ran out,” Ed spoke sheepishly before pausing.
"Ed, you're not about to say what I think you are, are you?" Jervis leaned slightly closer while Ed looked over to meet his eyes.
"I think I may be pregnant," Ed confirmed Jervis's suspicion and explained why he was there in the first place. Jonathan always kept medical supplies at home for the rogues who needed help. From his time together with the older man, Ed remembers pregnancy tests were included.
“You what?”
The two turned to look at the entertainment of the living room. A lengthy man stood looking at them. Beside him, a dog, mixed with a german shepherd and something else, panted while waiting to be released from his lease.
Edward shifted in his seat, looking away from the oldest. “You have pregnancy tests here, right?” he mumbled.
Jonathan knelt down to unhook the dog, who ran over to greet the other two in the room. Jervis reached out to pet the dog, who liked his hand in return. The dog turned to Ed and sniffed at him.
“I do,” Jonathan confirmed after a while of silence. "I thought you were infertility. I remember you telling me."
Ed shifted a little before standing up and pacing the room. "I thought I was. My period was always irregular, even on birth control. It became more regular shortly after moving in with Selina."
Jonathan started to walk towards the other side of the apartment, motioning Ed to follow. Jervis stayed with the dog to give the two some privacy.
"Any notable changes when you moved in together?" He asked.
Ed glanced down at his body. His clothes were always a little on the baggy side, but now they fit just right, getting a little tight around his stomach. But other than that, he looked less sloppy. 
Ed looked back up at Jonathan. "She's been making me eat more regularly. Something you failed to do," he teases. 
A chuckle left Jonathan's lips. "I'm glad you are now. If it's about your weight, you know-"
"I know, I know. Weight gain is expected with me now eating three meals a day, but it's not just the weight gain that makes me think I'm expecting," Edward cuts him off.
Jonathan paused at the door and turned to look at the younger man. "What else?"
"Nausea, being more emotional about simple things… hush, I said more of a reason, and well, I missed my period that has been regular for months this month."
Jonathan nodded to himself as he opened the door. Behind the door was Jonathan's workshop. Full of dangerous chemicals and fear toxins to test. Many tables were covered in paper with the doctor's own chicken scratch on them. In the far right corner, however, there was where he kept his medical supplies. 
Ed crossed his arms while Jonathan dug around one of the boxes he had with typically feminine use products. He mumbled under his breath before looking through another box. A few minutes later, Jonathan finally found them, pulling out three pregnancy tests. He handed them to Ed.
"Take all three to be safe. These are faulty at times," Jonathan notes before explaining how to use them. He then motioned Ed to the nearest bathroom. "I'll be waiting with Jervis."
Jonathan left the room and headed back to the living room, where his lover looked up at him. The older one sat down and allowed the large dog to lay his head in his lap, asking for attention. 
The two sat in silence as they waited for Edward to come back into the living room. The dog panted happily while climbing into Jonathan's lap, enjoying the attention that he was getting. 
Jervis looked up at Jonathan. "So, what are the chances that he is?" He couldn't help but ask.
Jonathan turned to look back at his lover. “The chances? With everything both Selina and Ed have done in their transitions, I would say fairly low,” he explained, ruffling the fur on the dog’s head. “But not impossible. I don’t know all they have done. Especially Selina.”
“You helped Ed a lot, didn’t you? Isn’t that how your relationship started?” Jervis wasn’t jealous, despite how the question seemed. He has known both Jonathan and Ed throughout their relationship, and he knew they were still close when he and Jonathan started dating.
Jonathan nodded. “He came to me, asking for help getting hormones. He pretty much used me as a pharmacy back then,” he chuckles softly.
“I’d say I still do.”
They turned to look at the entrance of the living room. Ed leaned against the door frame, fiddling with the three used pregnancy tests in his hands.
Without saying a word, Jonathan and Jervis shifted to give Ed a spot to sit between them. As Ed sat down, the dog shifted to lay his head in Ed’s lap. He smiled a little at this as the dog licked his elbow, seeming to feel his discomfort with the whole situation.
Eddie shifted a little before slowly flipping over each test, one at a time. Negative. Jonathan glanced at Ed’s face. With his expression, it was easy to tell that he already looked at all of them. Positive. Jervis looked up at Ed. Ed was staring down with glossy eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. Positive. Ed let out a shaking breath beside the two while he placed the three tests down on the nearby table.
“Fuck,” Eddie said with a shaky breath. “I got the negative one first. Then…” His voice trailed off.
Jervis wrapped his arms around Ed to comfort him while Jonathan wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Ed doubled down a little as he let out a small hiccup. He wasn’t completely crying, but he was close.
In any normal situation, Ed would be excited. He had the chance to be a father. To prove to himself that he would be a better father than his own was, but that thought was always before he turned to a life of crime. Before he got emotionally involved with criminals. Before Selina came into his life.
Selina. Did… did she want children? They had never talked about it before. It was never thought of because they thought it was impossible. They were always safe when it came to that part of their relationship, but they never thought anything like this would happen. How would she react?
“Eddie, Eddie, look at me,” Jonathan said in a soft voice, bringing Ed’s attention to the older man. “You’re going to be okay. I know you’re scared, but you’re going to be okay.”
“Yeah,” Jervis said, causing Ed to look over at him as well. “You have Selina. I’m sure no matter what happens, she’ll be there for you. Both Jonathan and I will be as well.”
Just after Jervis said this, Ed’s phone rang in his pocket. Jonathan shifted away to allow Ed to pull his phone out to see who was calling. ‘Selina <3’ was on the screen. With a shaking breath, Ed answered.
“Eddie, how long have you been gone? I’ve been awake for an hour now,” Selina asked him.
Ed pulled his phone back to check the time before putting it back against his ear, “Not much longer. I’m about to head home. I need to tell you something.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Well, I guess that depends. I’ll see you soon.”
Selina placed her phone down on the table after Ed hung up. One of her many cats let out a meow while rubbing against her hand. The woman smiled softly while petting the cat.
“I’m fine,” she said. “Just worried…” She admits to herself.
It would take about twenty to twenty-five minutes for Ed to get back with morning traffic that was starting. He sounded like he was almost ready to cry over the phone. Did something happen? Did Crane do something? Did Jervis? Did she?
Selina shook her head as she walked into the kitchen. She decided she needed to do something to keep her busy for the time being. Starting with a cup of coffee, she walked over to the bookshelf in the living room to pick some to read. 
Reading wasn't really her thing, but it was Eddie's. Eddie collected book series like his life depended on it. If Selina did have the urge to read, she knew she would find something interesting in the different genres. Her favorite was mysteries. They reminded her of her love. Mystery also happened to be Edward's least favorite genre because he would always figure it out before even reaching the halfway point.
Selina picked a murder mystery and sat on the couch to eat it. She just finished the first chapter as well as her coffee when she heard the door lock being fiddled with. She looked up to see Ed walking in and locking the door again behind him. 
Edward glanced at her before turning away to place his keys down on the table by the door. He slipped his jacket off and hung it up before taking his shoes off. Finally, he walked over and sat down next to Selina, who just placed the book down to turn to him. 
"Kitty? Are you okay?" She asked, reaching out to take his hands into hers. He pulled them away. "Kitty? Eddie, are you crying?!" Her voice raised a little as she saw a single tear come from his eye. 
Edward said nothing as he handed her three sticks from his pocket. His hands were shaking, and he couldn't look her in the eyes. Selina looked at him before looking down at the sticks that she was given. 
She stared at them for a while as she processed what she was looking at before her eyes became wide. Selina looked up and down the sticks to the Riddler for a while, trying to find the right words. Her mouth spoke before her mind could catch up. 
"Is it mine?"
Edward tensed at this before snapping his head towards Selina. "I know, I slept around a lot in my younger years!" He got defensive. "But for you to think I would cheat is offensive! Why would I cheat when I have the most beautiful, the smartest, stunning woman I know all to myself?! Do you think I, the Riddler, would be that-"
He was cut off as Selina realized what she had just asked. She slammed her lips against Edward's to shut him up. After a few seconds, she pulled away and pressed their foreheads together. 
"I'm sorry, Kitty. I didn't mean it like that. I just…" 
"... didn't think you could get me pregnant?" Eddie finished. 
Selina nodded, reaching up to run her fingers through Edward's red hair. Ed leaned into the touch and reached over to pull Selina closer to him, craving her touch. The younger one shifted herself so that she was sitting in her lover's lap.
"I didn't either, but things weren't adding up. The weight gain was expected. The amount was not. Then add to what seemed like a persistent stomach bug that wouldn't go away, and things didn't add up," Edward explained. 
"Last week," Selina noted, "you threw up at the smell of me cooking. Then I threw up again after eating."
Edward nodded, leaning down to press his head against her chest. If he had the ability, he would be purring at the feeling of Selina's nails on his scalp. 
"I thought it was just a stomach bug, but I've been awakened with the urge to vomit a few times since. You are such a heavy sleepier," Edward explained. "Then I've been extra tired as of late. Last night was the final straw. So I went to Jonathan, knowing he kept pregnancy tests on hand for any of the female rogues who needed them. I never thought I would need them…"
Selina placed a hand on Edward's cheek, causing him to look up at her. She leaned down to pull him into another kiss. This one was less forceful than the last. It was almost more comforting. 
"Do you want the child?" Selina mumbled against his lips. 
"I do."
"Then we will be the best parents to our baby. We're in this together after all."
Edward smiled, and it was his turn to pull Selina into a kiss. His kisses were sloppier than Selina's, which neither seemed to mind. 
"I love you, Selina."
"I love you too, Eddie. Now, we aren't giving the baby a name that starts with E. Don't give me those eyes… fine, I'll give you the middle name. The middle name can start with an E."
Edward chuckled softly, leaning his head against her shoulder. He closed his eyes as he felt Selina's hand in his hair again. He knew he was going to be the best father in the world, and Selina would be the best mother in the world. But first, nine months of hell.
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writtenfangirl · 2 years
Angel of Love
A/N: I’m back! Sort of. Life’s been kind of messy lately so I haven’t really had a chance to write let alone get to my requests. I’ve been toying with this idea for a while now and finally got around to finishing this fic so I hope it’s good. It’s my first DC fanfic so I hope it does the characters justice. This is as much a Sandman fanfic as it is a John Constantine fanfic. Maybe a part two if anyone’s up for it. Hope y’all enjoy
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“I think, it’s human nature to be corruptible. I mean, you and I both know that God is real. And yet it always bothered me that He made it so easy for humans to be tempted. Corrupted.” The words that exited Y/N’s lips blew gently into the world, following the gust of wind that had been ruffling her hair since she sat down on the lip of the rooftop. “Humans were meant to be his greatest creation but put humans next to Kryptonians and they’re mush. Not to mention the fact that evil, human beings like the Joker exist. These were meant to be God’s greatest creation?”
“That’s a very bleak way of seeing things,” John Constantine’s accented voice was as deep as a thunderclap as he spoke beside her. She’d been watching his dangling feet sway into the open air since he first sat down next to her and with the hours they’d spent sitting on the edge of the rooftop, Y/N had slowly begun to memorize the scruffs on his well worn shoes.
“I never took you for an optimist.”
John shrugged. “Humanity is a blight in the universe but we do have our moments.”
“Yeah. Moments. Fleeting ones.”
“For an angel, you sure like to be the devil’s advocate,” John said with a snort.
“Archangel,” Y/N corrected. “And Lucifer has always been my favorite sibling. We were thick as thieves when he was still around the Silver City.”
“He’s the archangel of desire. I’m the archangel of love. Those two usually go hand in hand.”
“So you doubt your father’s creation?  I didn’t think angels were capable of doubting their Father.”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to snort. “Us angels practically invented doubt in God. I haven’t seen my father in several millennias and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. But that doesn’t change the fact that I love him dearly. I may doubt His creations but I do not doubt Him.”
Y/N turned to John and found the human with a contemplative look in his face.
“Besides,” Y/N continued with a soft smile, “without my Father’s creation, I wouldn’t be able to count you as one of my friends.”
At that, John’s lips lilted. Y/N would’t count it as a smile, not really. John Constantine didn’t really smile. He smirked, he grinned, he frowned but he never smiled. Not in the way other humans smiled, unguarded and without constraint. His smile, if it could be called that, was less a smile and more sardonic quirk of his lips.
“You and I both know I want us to be more than just friends,” John said ruefully.
“And you know I don’t dally with humans,” Y/N countered. “Not in that way.”
“I’ve had dalliances with demons, love. If you think I’m fragile, I can assure you I’m not.”
Y/N rolled her E/C angelic eyes. She really was beautiful and not just in a subjective way like most humans were to John. Y/N’s beauty was an absolute truth. The sun was a ball of gas that provided light, the sky was blue, humans breathed oxygen and Y/N was beautiful.
Well, in truth, all angels were beautiful but none could quite compare to Y/N’s beauty. It was as if she’d taken the supernatural beauty that angels possessed and multiplied it tenfold. There was a loveliness to her that not even Lucifer, the second most powerful being in the Universe and supposedly the most beautiful of all the angels, could recreate let alone possess. 
The wind whipped against her H/C hair, carrying with it her sweet, heady scent that had John taking deeper breaths than usual. Her smile, warm and kind and lovely, sent jolts of electricity running up his spine, spreading all throughout his body. Her beautiful wings, colored like burnished gold, seemed to glow with an impossible light, bathing John in a warmth that should have been impossible in the middle of winter in London. She was love personified, the purest kind of love, the kind of love people could only dream of, let alone hope for.
“It’s not that I think you’re fragile, John. I already know you’re not. But as the angel of love, I am meant to give it away, not take it for myself. If you’re worried you’re somehow going to die alone, I am telling you now that you’re not. You’ve had a very hard life, John. A life that other beings, human or otherwise, wouldn’t have been able to survive. You can be rest assured that you are going to find your soulmate, I’ll make sure of it myself. I’ll even make sure it’s easy for you. That you’ll suddenly know and they’ll suddenly know too. I won’t leave you out in the dark by yourself.”
“But I don’t want them, love, I want you. Bollocks, Y/N, I can’t help it! I have loved you ever since I met you. I know you think that the way I feel isn’t real, that I feel the way that I feel because of who you are and maybe you’re right. Who am I to tell the angel of love what love is? But I know my love. I know how I feel and I have never felt this way about anyone and I doubt I will again.”
Y/N didn’t turn to look at him. The wind that had once been gentle grew restless as Y/N fluttered her golden wings.
“John, perhaps it’s time to wake up,” Y/N said, her voice kind.
Wake up? What did she mean? 
Her beautiful face began to turn sad, her angelic E/C, shifting into a molten gold as shiny as her wings.
“John, I have indulged you far too long, my friend. It’s time to wake up.”
“What?” Panic began to rise within John, lodging itself into his sternum. His heart beat wildly, his body beginning to thrum with a nervous energy and John couldn’t understand why that was. What was Y/N talking about? This wasn’t a dream. This couldn’t be a dream. It felt too real.
He grasped her hand, warm and solid and real beneath his own.
She pulled away gently, her other hand grazing the skin on his face. “John, this isn’t real and this has to stop. I made a promise to you, remember? I intend to keep my promise.”
Memories began to flood through John’s mind, images he wished he could throw away into the fiery chasms of hell.
“John, I can’t keep meeting you like this. I must leave you.”
“No, Y/N, you can’t. Don’t leave, please.”
Her beatific smile was so glorious it hurt John to see it. “John, I swear to you, you will find love. The kind that most people couldn’t even fathom and the person you love—“
“I don’t care about them! I only care about you!”
Her once angelic features shifted into that of a thunderous expression. Her once kind E/C eyes turning into a lurid red, her face twisting into a sneer. “This will be the last time I see you, John Constantine. Seek me out again and it will be the last time you breathe.” Her voice was as deep as a clap of thunder, her fury making the hair on John’s skin stand on end. 
This was the love that had people running for the hills, the kind that usually ended in bloodshed and murder. John had nearly forgotten who Y/N was, what she was. She was an archangel, God’ first herald, his right hand woman. She was the kindest of archangels but she was an archangel nonetheless. It was she who doomed humanity in a flood, she who brought down locusts and hail at God’s command. John never understood why it was Y/N who brought forth some of humanity’s greatest blights when archangels like Michael and Raphael existed but looking at her face now, he understood. After all, God did all of those things for the so called love He felt for humans. And who was Y/N if not God’s love personified? 
With a blinding light that had John shielding his eyes, Y/N was gone, taking his heart with her.
“You remember now, don’t you?” Y/N, the one from his dream, said kindly. “I’m not really here, John. I did this as a favor to Dream but that’s it. This is truly the last time you will see me again.”
“No.” John said firmly. “I am not letting you leave again.”
“I’m afraid it’s not your choice.”
And with a shuddering gasp, John awoke.
He wasn’t sure what time it was but the slit of light that filtered through his curtains and into his dark room was blinding as his eyes struggled to adjust. He was still wearing his clothes from the previous day, his brown trench coat rumpled, his slacks and dress shirt covered in creases. He could only assumed what he looked like after he woke up, his hair as rumpled as his trench coat, his face covered in creases from his pillows but he didn’t care about any of that. 
Instead his eyes were focused on the figure sitting on the chair in the corner of his room. Even in the darkness, the man’s eyes seemed to twinkle, as though he had all of the billions of stars in the universe contained in his eyes. His dark black hair stuck up in odd angles, his lean body seemingly relaxed, his pale face trained on John. When he spoke, his voice was soft but deep, the velvety voice of a person lulling you to sleep. “Good morning, John Constantine.”
“We had a deal, Dream,” John seethed, throwing the covers away from his body as he stood up and flicked the lights on to better see Dream of the Endless. “I held up my part of the bargain, why didn’t you?”
Dream’s eyebrows slowly slid up his forehead, the only sign in his face that he was surprised by John’s words. “Have care how you speak to me, Constantine. I will not have my honor questioned by the likes of you.”
Some rational part of John tried reeling him back from starting a fight with one of the Endless but after the devastating emotional loss he had to go through, John couldn’t care less what he said to one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. He’s had his fair share of dealing with monsters and aliens and demons and angels and he was not afraid of some skinny, emo looking git who thought himself to be important.
“You promised me I could speak to her, you right bloody twat,” John accused. “You swore to me you would let me speak with her.”
“And you did speak,” Dream said, his voice steady and deep and so otherworldly. “You were asleep for 14 hours. Enough time to say your goodbyes. It is not my fault if she wished to cut the conversation short.”
“Let me see her again.”
A savage desperate desire seized John. “You—“ A fit of coughing interrupted John’s train of thought, an invisible fist curling tightly around his lungs. He tried gasping for air but he could already begin to taste the blood rising from the back of his throat.
“Your archangel wants nothing to do with you, Constantine,” Dream said, not unkindly. He made no move to help John, seeming content to sit in John’s chair, watching him. There was pity in his eyes, the kind that had the taste ofbile rising at the back of John’s throat. He didn’t want Dream’s pity, he didn’t want anything to do with him if John was being honest. Just to dream, to see Y/N again before John began to forget her face in the delirium of his disease. 
“You don’t understand,” John said desperately. “She doesn’t know about me. About the cancer and the sickness. She doesn’t—“
“She knows, of that I am sure of. Archangels are omnipotent and Y/N guards over you. She knows about your situation.”
That was so much worse. For Y/N not to know about the cancer was one thing but knowing about it and not coming to visit John was another thing entirely. He wondered how long she’d known about it, how long Y/N’s kept her distance from him. His heart lurched in pain and it took nearly everything John had not to double over and scream his lungs out. Instead he focused on one thing, the anger that radiated in him. Dream was keeping Y/N from him, and he’d be damned if he let her go again.
“Is that suppose to comfort me?” John spat angrily. “To know that Y/N watches over me? I just want five more bloody minutes with the woman I love!”
“She is not a woman, Constantine. She is not human like you. She is a a being of unfathomable power, the kind that can bring even creatures like me to their knees,” Dream said patiently. Almost as if he’d expected John’s tantrum and was fully ready to comfort him if the situation called for it, which meant only one thing.
“You’ve spoken to her, haven’t you?” John said, realization dawning to him. “You were never known for your patience and yet you have let all of my disrespect slide. What did she say to you?”
“Noting you would like to hear, Constantine,” Dream said gently. “If you know what’s best for you—“
“I don’t care! Tell me what she said to you!”
“She wants me to tell you that she’s spoken with my sister, Death. Your death will be peaceful and you will feel no pain. Not in the months leading up to your death and not in they days before, she’s made sure of it. That’s all she wishes for you to know. Good bye, John Constantine.”
Dream of the Endless made a move towards the door, his hand reaching the door handle of John’s bedroom. There was a joke in there somewhere about Dream of the Endless using a door to exit a room but John couldn’t find it in him to make light of the situation.
“Wait!” John demanded before Dream could leave him. “Y/N made a promise to me once, about finding love. Did that mean nothing to her?”
Dream turned back slowly, his pale skin seeming even paler against his dark clothes. He gazed into John’s eyes his shiny eyes gleaming with unshed tears that had John staggering back in surprise. “Her promise meant the world to her, Constantine.”
And Dream of the Endless vanished into a puff of smoke leaving John with a gaping hole in his heart.
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the-little-bat-shit · 2 years
Help finding a fic?
I remember reading one a while back with Dick and Jason as Nightwing and Hood are trying to work a case together that involves child trafficking. I don’t remember much but I definitely remember something near the end where Jason gets to the kids first and is going to kill the perpetrator but Dick stops him (I think) and they have a really good argument. Also remember Jason throwing up outside a motel in the middle of the night. Anyway the author did a great job with the two characters and working through their different motivations and I really want to find it again. If anyone has read something similar and still has the link please let me know! Other details: It was definitely on Ao3, I don’t remember it being slashy but it might have been, very angsty and plot heavy, I think it was multi-chapter
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heybatterbats · 7 months
Cass is quiet, and shy, and withdrawn. She speaks very little, and her sentences string words together in odd ways. But she has pushed through past how she was raised, and she is more than the man who made her, bigger than he will ever be. And when David Cain dares show his face again in Gotham, demands Cassandra’s loyalty, shouts at her that he is his and she will obey him, she stands unflinching beside the Bat and says, “No.”
It’s one word. But it is enough.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 2 months
Sweet Love-Chapter 7
Fandom: Supergirl
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alexa Luthor-Danvers (OC), Liza Luthor-Danvers (OC), Jess, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kelly Olsen, Krypto, Mable Longhorn (OC)
Summary: Lena is stressed about family and work decisions that need to be made. Kara believes that a family vacation to the Danvers' family ranch will get her mind off of things. However, the more they find out about the history of the place, the more they realize that the place holds quite a few hidden secrets.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
As Lena walked through the horse stalls some more, she zoned in on a particular horse. It was chestnut colored with blonde hair. It had white small splotches on its left side that looked like raindrops. Lena’s eyes grew wide when she realized that she had seen these before.
She turned around and asked, “Hey Kara, can you come here?”
She quickly came over to her and kissed her on the cheek. 
“Is everything okay?”
Lena pointed at the horse startled.
“Doesn’t this look like Rain to you?”
Kara looked at the horse more closely and started smiling really brightly. 
“This is her!”
Lena reached out to pet her and the horse’s nose met her hand and nuzzled it. 
“How is this possible?”
“The horses were the only original animals that I was able to get back.”
Lena nearly jumped in her own skin. She turned around to see her mom standing right next to her. 
“A little bit of a warning next time,” muttered Lena as she tried to control back her breathing. 
“So quickly forgot that you guys weren’t the only ones in here?” smirked Lillian. 
“You know that isn’t it,” pouted Lena. 
Lena looked back over to Rain whose nose was trying to nuzzle her hair. Normally, Lena would be irritated, but she smiled and petted Rain instead. She turned back and gave her mom a quizzical look. 
“How were you able to get the horses back?”
“The new owners wanted to make use of the riding trails and offer it as a service to the new homeowners in the area.”
Kara shook her head while patting Rain. 
“They were really trying to milk everything for what it’s worth,” muttered Kara. 
“Would it make you feel better that the horses were well taken care of while away from the ranch?”
“Yes,” said Kara rolling her eyes. 
“Well good. I originally came over to tell you that everyone has picked out a horse and is ready to go.”
Lena looked back and did indeed see the girls, Alex, and Kelly all saddled and waiting on their horses. She looked back sheepishly at her mother. 
“We’ll hurry up!.”
Kara went off to quickly find a horse. Lena let Rain out of his stall. As she saddled up, she began to think about the first time she went horse riding with Kara on the ranch. 
15 years ago
Lena had a lovely night with Mable and Kara. She especially loved that Mable told very embarrassing stories about Kara from childhood. She had never seen Kara’s face get so bright red before. It was adorable. 
The next day Mable suggested that they should definitely do horse riding and then camping. As they walked with their supplies to the horse stables, Lena noticed the other customers as they walked through the ranch. Some of them would just stare at her. Given her family’s history, Lena was used to being stared at, but this seemed different. Usually, people stared at her with judgment in their eyes. However, the people that she has seen so far have been staring at her like they wanted to dissect her which creeped her out. 
There were two people in particular that seemed to be following them. It was two twin ladies. They had skin that almost looked like the color of snow and black long hair. The chilling thing was their eyes. They seemed unusually large with their dark brown irises staring back at you. It gave Lena goosebumps. They had notepads with them and were continuously writing in them without looking down. It was unnerving. Lena quickly tapped on Kara’s arm and motioned her closer. 
“I think we are being followed,” whispered Lena into Kara’s ear. 
Kara looked down at her with concern. 
Lena pointed slightly behind her.
“They are behind us about 30 ft back.”
Read the rest on AO3
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