#supercorp fanfic
natalievoncatte · 2 days
Kara knows, and that’s the problem.
She knows.
How does she know?
To put it simply, she’s Kryptonian. More specifically: a Kryptonian under a yellow sun, whose wavelengths of light bring forth her genetic heritage when she basks in its rays. If long lost Rao was once her father, Sol is her mother, raising her up to be all that she can be. A creation of a lost super-science, a power to rival gods, a force that made the Guardians tremble in their emerald tower.
Kara can see everything.
The world is alive with light. It cascades and bounces and caroms off of everything. More than that, Kara’s world is bathed in a thousand thousand hues the human eye will never know. When she looks at a person she can see the electrical conductivity of their skin and the heat bloom of their flesh and a myriad of other details, some of which other humans can pick up on a subconscious level, others that humans haven’t even discovered yet.
Kara can hear everything.
She can hear dog whistles and butterfly wings beating and the secret language of cats. She can hear the crackle of radio waves beating the atmosphere and the music of the spheres. She can memorize human heartbeats and pick out the slightest variation, the tiniest wobble that the owner of the heart never feels.
Kara can smell everything. She can sift between the scents of ingredients in her honey bun, detect poisons in a friend’s wine or flowers in a park half a state away. Sharks would be jealous of her. She can scent people but also their moods; fear smells horrific, sickly sweet and rotten. Joy smells hot and bold. When someone walks in the room, she can tell what they had for breakfast, smell of they’re sick, pick out the fragrances of their emotions.
Kara can feel everything. A touch can betray or affirm. To hear a heartbeat is one thing, to feel it another. Her fingertips can read the surface of another’s skin like braille and she can detect the slightest changes in temperature or perspiration, feel the thrum of contentment or fear in an embrace. Her touch is not dulled by her invulnerability. It as sensitive as her other senses.
Kara can remember everything. The day she stepped from her pod into the brilliant golden sunlight beneath a blue sky was the last time she would every forget; her now empowered brain can recall events in the finest detail, down to the soft timbre of another’s voice or the way her hair fell over her shoulder or the softness in her gaze. And so Kara’s memory is hers to be kept forever, never to lose the sight of her.
That is how Kara knows, and knowing that Lena Luthor loves her is a pain so terrible that she almost wishes she could be spared that pain. When Lena sees Kara, her heart leaps and her breath softens and she comes alive with light, bathed in an auric glow more beautiful than a red sunrise. Kara wishes that Lena could see herself as Kara sees her. Radiant, angelic, a little holy.
Lena loves Kara Danvers, the bumbling awkward nerdy shy girl from Vaguely Canada who brings her burgers and donuts and OTPs.
She doesn’t love Supergirl and Kara doesn’t think she could.
That’s how the torture happens. Kara’s infinite perception becomes a self-imposed exile. She sees and smells the way James lusts after Lena, right in front of her. Baffled, she listens to the calm in her heart when they kiss and once she wakes frantically in the night, reaching about to sift through the city soundscape when she hears Lena’s voice cry out, then the sound of Lena’s heart racing and other sounds, and not for the first time, she pleads with a god she doesn’t know to make her human and free her from this curse.
She seeks feeling of her own. It’s pleasant enough but it lacks something undefinable, like a pleasant chocolate cake that becomes unbearable because she could have had something far sweeter and more filling instead. He tries in a fumbling way but it’s to please his own ego more than sate her desire. Then one day he is gone and in his absence all Kara can feel is a dull numbness, a ragged wound with all the nerves scraped out so that only a dull absence has been left behind, leaving her broken in a way that cannot be defined much less repaired.
Kara cannot help but snap her attention to the sound of Lena growing agitated, no matter how distant or minor. She hears harsh words and the heavy thud of a limo door closing and hears the sharp intake of breath as James realizes the mistake he’s made, and though he is her friend and he matters to him she feels a feral, possessive joy that borders on the cruel. It is a hard feeling, a red feeling, a sharp smelling mean feeling that tastes cold on her tongue, this resentment of the man for having a pale shadow of what she could have but wouldn’t.
Lena loves Kara Danvers and Kara Danvers loves her back, but she can never know because to know she must know all of her. Know the Other, the Super, the Alien.
Kara is two people and one of those people has been, well, a bitch.
Because Kara feels spending else. A green feeling, a sick feeling, the feeling of blades flensing flesh from bone while her veins turn to glass and her body burns to ash, the shocking pain of a little piece of home. A little piece that Lena made and didn’t tell her, and Kara makes the worst mistake.
She stops being Supergirl and is just Kara Danvers in a colorful suit, angrily refusing to ask Lena the question: I love you, how could you do this to me?
She does love her. She loves her laugh and her secret smiles and how soft she looks when she’s deep in thought. She loves the pain in her, the mirror of her own. She cherishes it as she wants hers to be cherished, held close by someone who knows what it’s like to watch your world explode or slip beneath still waters and be gone forever. She knows what it’s like to wonder what could have been and know the price you paid for what you have now.
She wants Lena so terribly that she’d almost choose the pain of Kryptonite instead of an eternity of this longing. She needs her, craves her, thirsts for her.
One night Kara realizes what she’s been doomed to. Another will succeed where James failed, and Kara will be spared none of it, and it will endure forever. She will carry memories of Lena in another’s arms into the sun dies.
“I don’t know why I agreed to this,” Lena says.
Kara -Supergirl- says nothing at first.
“I have to fly you.”
Lena nods. She’s doing this for Kara, because Kara asked. When Supergirl extends a hand, Lena takes it and Kara gently lifts her from the ground into a bridal carry, and they fly.
The trip takes nearly an hour. Kara can’t fly too fast or too high. Lena accepts it without complaint.
They land far north of National City, where the warmer climate yields to deciduous rainforest. Kara brings them down on a bare hilltop, an island in a vast ocean of trees. Nearby on a folding table is a basket. It might be important later or it might not. She might have a life of joy or she might spend the rest of forever in a wasteland, waking each day to grief.
There’s only one way to find out. Part of her, the part that hopes, the part that makes her Supergirl, believes in this, in herself, in this moment. She has to, because the chain of events that led her here, flung across endless space to stand in starlight with the most beautiful woman in this world, it demands that it happen. This is fate. It has to be.
Supergirl stands beside Lena. She raises an arm and points.
“There. Second star on the left, and straight on till morning.”
Lena quirks an eyebrow and looks at her.
“You brought me out here for this?”
“Do you see that red light?” Kara asks. “It’s very faint. I don’t know if a human can see it or not.”
“I just see stars.”
“It’s Rao, my sun. I can see him. If I had a powerful enough telescope, I could see it. Krypton. The explosion won’t be visible to Earth for a thousand years.”
Lena looks up, her features bathed in moonlight- alive with a chaotic explosion of hues she’ll never see. She blazes in the night, her eyes a kaleidoscope from which Kara can never truly look away. She’s a rainbow.
Kara falters. Whatever she does tonight, this is it. This is forever.
“You said Kara would meet me here,” Lena says.
“Wait here, please.”
Kara turns quickly and walks into the dark, cape spreading behind her. Once she’s out of sight, she changes without restraining her speed, and walks back to Lena in a hoodie and leggings, hair in a loose ponytail and the back of her neck and hands in her pockets.
She walks back to Lena and stands beside her.
“Hello, Kara.”
“Hi, Lena.”
There is a tense silence between them. Kara devours the moment, consumes it so it will live forever, just in case this is the last time she sees Lena.
“We’re not far from the reservoir,” says Lena. “Why did you ask Supergirl to bring us here?”
Kara swallows hard. “I realized something really important near here.”
Lena turns to her. “What was that?”
“That there was someone who mattered to me a lot, and that I was willing to risk a lot to protect her. There was a moment where I thought I was going to have time make a choice, you or the chemicals. I didn’t have to but I would have. I would have picked you. I will always pick you. I can’t help it.”
Lena is not stunned. Her heart doesn’t miss a beat, but Kara can sense her apprehension, her fear, and something deeper than that.
“You’re Supergirl.”
Kara lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and her legs wobble. There it is. It’s done. She’s free.
“I should have told you sooner.”
“You should have. You should have told me when we fought about the Kryptonite. I thought you would, hoped you would. I wanted you to so desperately, wanted you to trust me.”
Kara’s heart sinks.
“Wait, you knew? How?”
Lena laughs softly.
“The way you touch me. When you pick me up and carry me somewhere, you have this way about you. When I’m in your arms I feel like I’m the most precious thing in the world.”
“You are,” Kara says.
“That and you told me you flew to my office on a bus.”
Kara makes a small, choked sound.
Lena scuffs the heel of her boot against the ground.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared. I thought if I did, you’d see it as a confrontation and feel threatened. What about you?”
“I’m Kara. Supergirl is something I do, not what I am. When I’m with you I’m just me. I lose that with everyone when they find out. Kara isn’t my secret identity. Supergirl is. I’m just me. I just want to be me, I need to be me, and when I’m with you I am most myself. It’s like laying down all my burdens.”
“Same,” Lena said, softly. “You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like an extension of my brother.”
Kara sighed. “Should we talk about the Kryptonite?”
“No,” Lena says. “Fuck the Kryptonite. Why’d you bring me out here?”
“To tell you.”
“Great, you told me. What did you think would happen next?”
“I thought you’d be mad.”
Lena nods and seems to think about that for a moment. Her pulse has quickened and her jaw is tight.
“Let me ask you a different question. What did you want to happen?”
Kara swallowed hard. “What I wanted was… for us to make up. Be friends. Work it out. I don’t want to lose you.”
Lena turns and looks at her.
Kara flinches.
“That’s bullshit, Kara, and we both know it. You’re a terrible liar. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the staff at CatCo know who you are. Don’t lie to me. Please. Give me the truth.”
Kara looks up briefly, past Lena. She sees that faint red glow and her heart swells in her chest.
“I love you. That’s the truth. I’ve been in love with you probably since our first lunch together and I want you so badly that I can’t breathe when I think about it. I know a dozen languages and half of them aren’t from Earth, and there aren’t enough words in all of them to tell you how kind and wonderful and beautiful you are. I love you so much that sometimes I think,” Kara fights the tightening of her throat, “I think I’m almost glad that I’m here and not back up there under that red glow. I don’t think I could choose a life without you.”
Lena lets out a long breath and Kara is bombarded with sensations. Lena’s pulse races and her shoulders relax and her skin blooms with an ethereal luminous riot of color.
“I’ll never lie to you again. I promise.”
Kara can taste everything.
Right now the only thing she can taste is Lena.
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crime-wives · 1 day
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"Can I have one night, Lena?"
art made for @casualsavant's wonderful fic Given
go show sav some love! it was so wonderful collaborating with her to make this!
also i wanted to say a huge thank you to the @supergirlmayhem team for organizing this event! it was such an amazing experience :)
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supergirlmayhem · 2 days
See all the Marks of my Wounded Past
Kara Zor-El was sent to Earth to protect her baby cousin. She landed, but never found him. Instead the name of a stranger was indelibly written in her arm since her landing. She never paid much attention to that name; survival was much more important to accomplish, with no one to take care of her anymore. Lena’s life was forever changed when her soulmate mark made her appearance at the age of twelve, when not only one name showed up, but two. It didn’t get any better when more kept appearing and appearing. Exceedingly alarming, she was sure one of the names wasn’t even human. And then they met each other. OR Soulmate AU
Check out this new work posted to the 2024 collection by @snowydragonscave and @luthordamnvers HERE as well as the accompanying artwork by @rustingcat HERE.
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thecasualqueer · 2 days
The Phantom Zone
artwork by @rustingcat here
Lena watched as Lex pointed the Phantom Zone projector at Kara. In that moment every second that she and Kara had spent together flashed before Lena’s eyes, everything they had been through from game nights to screaming matches and all of a sudden not even Lena could control what happened next. She jumps in front of the Phantom Zone projector between her brother and her best friend, between her past and her present, between evil and good, between despair and hope.
Kara and Lena fall down onto the hard ground of the Phantom Zone with a thud.
Kara pushes herself off the ground with a groan, her eyes then fall on Lena who somehow has landed directly on top of her. “What the hell did you do that for?” Kara asks, sounding a little too annoyed for someone who just witnessed their best friend sacrifice herself for her.
“What do you mean?” Lena says, sitting up beside her. What did Kara expect to do? Just let her go to the Phantom Zone by herself? Surely, she must know that given the choice Lena would never do that. Or at least… she would never do that now. Whilst they were fighting things are different obviously, but now that they were back to being friends of course Lena would do everything in her power to keep her.
“You didn’t have to…” Kara trails off and pauses for a moment before speaking again “you shouldn’t be here, you don’t deserve this.”
“Neither do you” Lena says, reaching out to grab hold of Kara’s hand “you shouldn’t have to do this alone.”
“Lena, people don’t escape the Phantom Zone.”
“Good thing we’re not ordinary people then” Lena smiles “a Luthor and a Super working together, I think we stand a chance.”
“Phantoms!” Kara exclaims, and they both duck as the phantoms fly over them, but it’s no use and they both fall prey to the phantoms attack.
continue reading on AO3
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tinyvariations · 2 days
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look the innocent flower (but be the serpent under't)
aka the supercorp victorian murder mystery au no one asked for
When Lord James Olsen's body is discovered in the river near Thorul Estate, the local constabulary dismisses it as an unfortunate accident. His influential family, unsatisfied with this conclusion, hires private detectives Kara Danvers and J'onn Jones to investigate.
Baron Lex Luthor, newly anointed and exuding a veneer of charm and intelligence, hides his own sinister motives beneath his polished exterior. Meanwhile, his enigmatic sister Lena, a brilliant botanist with a passion for medicinal plants, becomes a source of fascination and conflict for Kara.
As they delve into the investigation, they must navigate the labyrinthine world of Victorian aristocracy, where secrets are buried deeper than the roots of the Luthor family tree. In a world where trust is a luxury and deception is the norm, the detectives must tread carefully to unearth the truth and survive a treacherous game of power and lies.
Credit to @itsyouknowmeart for the amazing art!
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rainbowrelyea · 1 day
My fic for @supergirlmayhem is up!
This was my first collaborative fandom event, and even if I may have been down to the wire finishing my story by the posting deadline, I still had a lot of fun! I got to meet some cool people, and it just affirmed what I already knew, which is how awesome everyone in this fandom is - not to mention incredibly talented!
I had the pleasure of getting to work with @kiakahawhovatic who drew this lovely art to accompany the fic, please go check it out!
The next moment happens almost in slow motion; it’s not something Lena would normally do, but without even really thinking about it, she picks up a paint brush that’s still loaded with wet paint and flicks it towards Kara, splattering her white shirt with a splash of bright purple pigment. They both freeze, eyes widening at the realization of what Lena has just done. It’s Lena who cracks first, stifling a giggle behind her fist, and then when Kara continues to gape incredulously at her, the giggle morphs into full on laughter. “I can not believe you just did that,” Kara says, shaking her head as she breaks into a devious grin, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “You know this is war now, right?” ---- or ---- Lena gets more than she bargained for when she agrees to a paint night with Kara and Esme - but in the best way possible.
Rating: Teen and Up || Language: English || Words: 5,781 || Chapters: 1/1
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medieval-wench · 2 days
Chapter 5 of the villain Lena AU is posted!
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Summary: Kara makes questionable decisions and deals with some strange new feelings. Egos clash when Supergirl and Lena confront each other again.
Lena was clearly trying to keep her face carefully neutral, but Kara noticed the flash of anger in her eyes at the accusations. “You presume to know a lot about my personal actions and beliefs, Supergirl,” she said coldly. “Have you ever considered that I don’t share all of my family’s beliefs? I am my own person, you know.” 
“Then why don’t you act like it?” said Kara bluntly. 
For a moment, Lena looked as if she’d been slapped. She blinked rapidly, fists subtly clenching in her pockets, and Kara instinctively braced herself for some sort of attack. 
However, it never came. Lena seemed to calm herself, taking a deep breath, and finally replied, “I don’t need your opinions on my character. What I need is for you to get out of my personal lab.”
“Or what?” 
Kara knew she was pushing it now, but she didn’t care. She was tired of constantly being told what to do and underestimated at every turn. It might have been a bit childish, but Kara was unwilling to simply turn tail and leave so easily. She felt a stubborn need to be defiant against Lena; to not back down. 
“Are you trying to provoke a fight with me, Supergirl?” asked Lena, her voice low and dangerous, and her posture shifting from casual to tense and upright. “Because I promise that won’t end well for you.” 
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nottawriter · 7 months
I commissioned @iwishicoulddrawheatherforaliving for this piece based on a fic by @snowydragonscave
It's a beautifully written Kara & Lena fic that really spoke to me and Gracie's art is so perfect.
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Thank you both for creating such great Supercorp content 💙❤
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spaceman-earthgirl · 22 days
“Did you see this?” Lena asks, holding her phone out towards Kara. “It’s about your cousin.”
Kara’s instantly worried. If there’s a news article about Clark, there’s only two things it could be. One, he’s been in a big fight or something else dangerous has happened, or if it’s about Clark, and not Superman, then that could only spell bad news for Clark and his secret identity.
Kara’s heart actually stops for a moment when she sees “Clark Kent” in the headline, but lets out a sigh of relief when she realises it’s not a Daily Planet article, but an article from an online gossip magazine.
Lois Lane and Clark Kent, Metropolis’s Hottest New Couple?
Kara quickly scans the article, which is nothing but gossip, and two photos, one of Clark and Lois holding hands, another of the couple leaning close at a restaurant.
Kara smiles as she hands the phone back to Lena. Despite the lack of privacy some papparazi have, Kara is happy for her cousin.
“So, it’s true then?”
Kara nods. “It is. Clark called me last week. He was so happy they’re soulmates. Anyone with eyes could see they belong together but it’s nice to have it confirmed.”
And nice for Kara too. She’d always wondered if it was still possible that she could have a soulmate, one not from Krypton.
Turns out it is.
“That’s-“ Lena cuts herself off. “Wait, confirmed? What do you mean?”
Kara’s eyes widen as she realises her slip. She’s thought about telling Lena in so many different ways, at so many different times. But fear has always stopped her. What if she told Lena the truth, what if they kissed, and she finds out Lena isn’t her soulmate?
Kara’s never felt this way about anyone before, doesn’t think she could ever feel like this about anyone else either.
“I…do you believe in soulmates?” Kara asks, stalling slightly.
“No.” Lena replies. “Or I didn’t, until you just implied that soulmates are real.”
read the rest on ao3 or under the cut
Kara sighs. There’s no getting out of this. “They’re not real, at least not on Earth. Or not usually. Lois is the only human I’ve seen or heard of that has a soulmate. Clark and Lois are soulmates. All Kryptonian’s have one.”
“Are you…” Lena narrows her eyes. “You’re being serious?”
Kara nods. “The legend goes that Rao picks your soulmate, the person whose soul matches yours, the one most suited to you. But he doesn’t tell you who it is, you have to find that person yourself.”
“I don’t know, they just find each other.” Kara had lost hope, with no one but her cousin left on Earth. But then she’d found Lena. Even before Clark had told her about Lois, she’d wondered if Lena could be her soulmate. “And then after your first kiss, a mark appears on your skin with their name, and that’s how you know they’re the one.”
Kara can see Lena’s mind working. “Does that mean Clark and Lois now have the other’s name written on each other?”
Kara laughs. “Yes. It was actually pretty funny when Clark called me, he’d had to explain to a very confused Lois why she now had a tattoo of Clark’s name.”
“So, you have to kiss someone to know?”
Kara nods. “I’m not sure why. I think it gives you a chance to get to know someone before you find out you’re destined to be together.”
“Have you found your soulmate?”
Kara shakes her head, though it feels wrong when she’s pretty sure her soulmate is right in front of her. Not that she knows for sure. “Not yet.”
“Do you wonder, every time you kiss someone, that they’ll be the one?”
“Yes and no. When I was younger, I’d hoped, just to prove I wasn’t alone. Sometimes I know they’re not the one, but now I know there’s someone out there for me, and I just have to wait.”
Lena lets out a little laugh. “I guess it puts more pressure on a first kiss, like there isn’t enough already.”
Kara laughs too. “It really does.” She can’t help but wonder, that without this extra pressure, whether she would have already told Lena how she feels.
“Who knows,” Lena says, still smiling. “It could even be me.”
Kara chokes on nothing. The hand that appears at Kara’s back, soothing up and down as Kara tries to catch her breath, doesn’t help at all.
“It…it could be,” Kara finally manages to get out.
Lena looks amused, clearly enjoying Kara’s struggle, and Kara suddenly wants to do nothing more than kiss that look off of Lena’s face.
Lena shrugs. “We’ve never kissed so you never know.”
“I haven’t kissed a lot of people,” Kara points out unnecessarily. “It could be any of them too.” She’s not sure why she says it, except for the fact she wants to point the focus of the conversation away from Lena and kissing.
“Well, you’re not getting any younger, you need to start crossing people off that list.”
Kara rolls her eyes and suddenly everything feels back to normal, she’s just talking to her best friend, the person besides Alex she trusts most in the universe.
“Are you hungry, we could-“ Kara starts, assuming the conversation is over, at least for now, until Kara can work up the courage to tell Lena how she feels, but Lena isn’t done.
“Kara,” Lena cuts in, looking suddenly serious. “I don’t know if I’m way off here but I know I’m not going to be able to stop thinking about this.” Lena reaches out and takes Kara’s hand and Kara’s breath catches in her chest. “Please tell me you feel this too? Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s fallen in love with their best friend? I didn’t even believe in soulmates before today but I’ve always believed we found each other for a reason, that we belong together. And maybe this is why.”
There are tears in Lena’s eyes by the time she finishes talking and Kara’s own heart is racing as she reaches up to catch a tear before it spills down Lena’s cheek.
And then she doesn’t even think as she leans forward, capturing Lena’s lips in a kiss she’s dreamt about too many times to count.
Lena’s breath catches as their lips meet and now Kara’s crying too as Lena’s hand grips her shirt, holding her close.
The kiss is brief, only because Kara’s forgotten something crucial and she has to tell Lena. “I love you, too,” Kara says as she pulls back, the words brushing Lena’s mouth as she does.
Kara’s whole body is on fire as green eyes meet hers, still so close. Kara doesn’t even need to look down to where her arm is tingling, to know that Lena’s her soulmate. She’s pretty sure deep down she’s known since she first laid eyes on her.
With great effort she does look away from Lena, only because she wants to show Lena the words now written on her skin.
Kara pulls up her sleeve and there it is, in black ink, undeniable against her tan skin. There is Lena’s name, and Kara is crying again.
“That’s going to be tough to hide,” Lena says, and it’s meant to be a joke but it comes out too breathless to be anything but awe. Lena lifts her hand, runs her fingers gently over the name, and Kara’s knees go weak.
“Do you…” Kara asks, because now she wants to see it, needs to see her name on Lena’s skin too.
Lena turns, and she must have had the same feeling as Kara because she lifts up her shirt and there it is, low on Lena’s back, ‘Kara Zor-El’ written clear as day.
Kara reaches out, thumb ghosting over the spot her name is written.
“It is there?” Lena asks, voice filled with such hope that Kara places her hands on her arms, spins her gently until they’re facing each other again.
“Yes.” Kara lifts her hands, cups Lena’s cheek, thumbs catching more tears as they fall. They both know they’re happy tears. “I love you,” Kara repeats, because she can now. She’s going to say it so many times, Lena will get sick of it.
“I love you, too,” Lena repeats, her smile so bright Kara’s knees go weak again. And then Lena leans forward and kisses her again and Kara is lucky she manages to stay upright because Lena’s mouth feels so right and perfect against her own.
Two days later, in the CatCo gossip column, there’s a picture of the two of them kissing in Noonan’s, with the title:
Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers, National City’s Hottest New Couple?
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marinawolf · 3 months
can supergirl come back for a few special episodes with the sole purpose of making supercorp canon? Please? Reblog if you’d watch this (so if the powers that be see it, they know they have an audience)
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humanonstrike · 4 months
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I'd like to place an order for Supercorp please.
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natalievoncatte · 1 day
“Director Danvers, Lena Luthor is here.”
Alex stared at the speaker on her desk for a moment, feeling her anger rise. She didn’t need this now. Whatever stunt Lena was pulling, now was not the time. She had fires to put out and Supergirl was out of the fight.
Kara, a voice whispered. Kara, your sister.
Alex’s prime directive was take care of Kara. Yet here she was, again, dealing wit the aftermath of Kara being knocked down and beaten to a pulp in service of people she didn’t even know. Half of them hated and feared her now.
How had she let this happen? By small allowances. Step A led to Step B and then on to Step C. It started with looking the other way while Kara foiled robberies and rescued cats from trees and led to Kara defacto joining an organization whose mandate was, on paper, to imprison her or worse. She told herself that she was doing good, that between her and J’onn, they had become the wolves keeping the wolves from the door. Under the right leadership, an organization mandated to “control” aliens could help and protect them.
It gave her no comfort when Kara was lying in the sunroom unconscious, and the government was breathing down Alex’s neck while J’onn was off finding himself on some pacifist bullshit quest.
(Why did their fathers always leave them? Were the Danvers girls doomed to face everything alone?)
Now Lena was here. Luthor’s sister. Alex had let herself trust this woman and she wasn’t sure how that happened either.
Might have been because her kid sister, her precious dumbass kid sister, was over the moon for her Lena and didn’t even know it.
It was Luthor who did this to Kara, Luthor and his allies. Alex had enough of this. There would be no trial this time. No public spectacle. She didn’t care if it ended her career or even her freedom, she was going to kill him, because Kara couldn’t. Kara would always look for the other way, the perfect solution. She was beautiful and good, a hero who came from the heaven to set things right. A saint.
Alex was not and she never pretended she could be.
She drummed her fingers on the desk and stared at the speaker and said, “Keep her in the lobby.”
“No, Director, I mean she’s here, outside your door. We… she can be persuasive.”
Alex reached over wearily and hit the button to open the doors.
Lena marched in, and the sight of her took Alex aback. The boardroom predator with the razor sharp hairstyle, flawless makeup and fuck me pumps was gone, replaced by what Alex would think was Lena’s kid sister under other circumstances. She looked her age, for once, dressed in faded jeans and a threadbare MIT sweatshirt, carrying a battered messenger bag.
Alex had never seen Lena so bedraggled. Her hair was a chaos of unkempt curls pulled into a low ponytail and she was sans makeup, and for good reason. Her eyes were painfully red and the tracks of her tears were as livid as if they’d been left by claws. Her bottom lip was trembling and she fiddled with the strap of her bag.
“Close the door,” said Lena. “Can we talk here? Is this room secure?”
Alex pushed the button and closed the doors.
She had barely said “Yes”.
“Where’s Kara?”
“Not here. Why would she be at the-“
“Don’t fuck with me, Alex.”
Alex looked at her sharply. “I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish here with this, after you started working with Lex again.”
Lena stormed forward and slammed her palms on the desk, rattling Alex’s possessions. She leaned forward and glared with Alex with a furious, teeth-baring demand.
“The clone almost killed her. Where is she?”
Alex swallowed hard. “I’m not sure what-“
Lena cut her off. “I know Kara is Supergirl, Alex. I need to see her. Please.”
Alex rocked back in her chair as if struck by a physical force. The words slam into her chest like a brick into her sternum.
She knows.
“It doesn’t matter. I’ve know for months. But you have to listen to me. Lex knew. He told me her identity, tried to throw it in my face so I’d turn on her. He knew her real name, he knew about you, he knew about your mother. You have to do something now.”
“Oh my God,” Alex said, standing. Mom.
“He wasn’t going to stop, Alex!” Lena blurted, almost hysterical. “He was never going to stop. He was going to kill her, he swore to me that she was going to die. I had to do it!”
“Do what?” Alex whispered.
“I had to kill him,” Lena wailed, balling her fists impotently as if she were trying to choke her own soul. “I had to!”
The reality of it slams into Alex and before she knows it she’s rushed around the desk to throw her arms around her friend, all thoughts of Luthors and loyalty and everything else going out the window as Lena sobs into her should.
“I killed my big brother.”
Lena’s voice so so small, so broken, that Alex can’t help but sob with her.
The fucking bastard just wouldn’t stop hurting them, even in death. Alex didn’t believe in hell but she wished she did for Lex Luthor.
Lena’s sobbing ebbed but did not fade entirely. There was only one cure for that.
“Come on, let’s go see our girl.”
Alex led Lena outside. First, she flagged down Brainy and gave quick, clipped orders: Get Eliza and get her here now, and find Nia and do the same. Then make a list of anyone Lex might have targeted and find them and get them secured.
Then she took Lena to the sunroom. They stopped outside and Alex handed her a pair of silly looking goggles.
“We can’t stay long, the light is too intense even with sunscreen, and you look like you burn.”
“Like a lobster,” Lena choked, pitifully.
Alex entered the code and opened the door.
Kara lay on the padded bed in a paper gown, bathed in sunlight. She was a mass of bruises and her right arm and left leg were in casts, a collar wound her neck. She’d been unconscious for three days now, possibly in the same kind of healing hibernation she’d fallen into after her first fight with Reign.
Lena rushed to Kara’s side and cupped her cheeks with her hands, brushing back sweat-dampened hair.
“Oh God,” Lena blurted, “oh please oh God Kara wake up.”
“She’s been out for days,” said Alex. “She’s stable, just not coming around. This has happened before. We think it’s part of how her body heals serious injuries. It just takes time. She’ll wake on her own when she’s ready.”
Lena didn’t even seem to hear her. She leaned down with an intensity and intimacy that shocked Alex to the core, and then shocked her further. Lena loosed three words in a language from a dead world that she has no business knowing.
“Zhao w rrip.”
Alex was thunderstruck. Lena knew Kryptonian?
“Lex had a translation dictionary,” said Lena. “I just hope I pronounced it right.”
“We need to go,” Alex said, glumly. “You can stay at the DEO. We could use your help and it’s safer for you here anyway.”
“Just let me stay another minute. Please.”
“If I do, your face will be peeling off tomorrow. We can visit again later. Come on.”
“I can’t,” Lena choked out. “I can’t leave her.”
Alex was an about to say something else when her mother fell open. Kara’s eyes fluttered open and she immediately turned to Lena, bleary-eyed.
“Did you mean that?”
“Yes, Kara, I meant it.”
“But zhao means-“
“I know what it means,” Lena insisted, so full of joy now. “I know what it means, darling. That’s how I meant it. I love you, Kara.”
Alex swallowed hard. She didn’t want to interrupt but Lena, and not to mention Alex herself, would get very sick very fast if they didn’t leave this room.
Lena grasped Kara’s uninjured hand.
“You have to go. It’s not safe for humans in here.”
Lena swallowed hard, her throat bobbing.
“Before I… can I…?”
“Yes,” Kara whispered.
Lena darted down and gave Kara a quick, soft kiss on her lips, lingering for just a moment. Kara smiled at her and their hands slid apart as Alex half dragged Lena out of the room and closed the door, then ripped off her sun shades and stared.
“How long?” she breathed.
“I’ve been in love with her for at least for years now,” Lena said, her voice cracking a little. “I’ve wanted to tell her for so long.”
Lips trembling, Alex was besieged. She remembered every time that she told Kara to stay away, not to trust her, not to tell her. The weight of what she has done presses her down as firmly as the knowledge that Kara will be healed soon lifts her up. There’s only one thing she can do.
She swept Lena into a bear hug.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doubting you and pushing you apart. I’m sorry I didn’t see sooner.”
Lena, at last, fully broke down in Alex’s arms. Later, when Eliza arrived, she passed off Lena-hugging duties to her mother until Kara was fully awake and can leave the sunroom.
Then, Alex went and did what you do for family.
She got rid of the body.
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comic-book-jawns · 2 months
F is for Godmother
“Esme, sweetie, who did you learn that word from?”
Well, that’s a question Mama’s never asked before. But before Esme can ask ‘why??’, the door to Aunt Kara’s apartment opens and —
“Aunt Lena!”
Esme doesn’t get why she’s always the only one — aside from Aunt Kara, of course — who runs to give her godmother a hug every Game Night.
“Ow, fuck!”
Stupid chair.
Although the chair isn’t the one who starts laughing about her falling. That’s Aunt Nia, who is usually really nice. Uncle Brainy seems confused about it too when she falls on top on him.
“Kara, don’t you dare.”
Mommy sounds mad… because Aunt Kara is laughing too! Not like Aunt Nia, but her face is red, and she’s got a hand over her mouth, and her shoulders are shaking.
“It’s not funny!”
Esme stomps her foot as she stands up — the foot that doesn’t still hurt — and she can feel her eyes getting spicy. Which her moms say is ‘okay.’ But it’s not okay because it makes Aunt Lena sad, and Esme just wanted to make her smile!
At least no one’s laughing anymore.
“You okay?”
Esme feels her godmother’s hand on her shoulder and spins around to throw her arm’s around Aunt Lena’s shoulders. She always crouches down when she talks to Esme.
“They’re making fun of me.”
“No, honey, they’re not. They’re making fun of me.”
Esme pushes back with a gasp. She might not like them laughing at her… but at Aunt Lena?!
“Not in a mean way! Not in a mean way!”
She looks back to see Aunt Lena flapping her hands, which she does when she’s talking fast.
“In a friend way?”
“But you didn’t do anything. You just got here.”
Aunt Lena opens her mouth… and then she laughs, quietly, and shakes her head.
Mommy sounds mad again, and her godmother’s face is really red all the sudden. Esme turns around again, ready to protect her.
“A word?”
But then the laughing starts again, louder than before. Even Papa J’onn is smiling! And —
“I’m sorry, dear, but you could have phrased that any other way.”
**12 Hours Later**
Esme still doesn’t see what the big deal is. It’s just the word her godmother uses when some part of her experiment isn’t working, like now.
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supergirlmayhem · 2 days
I wish you'd get here, kiss my face
On her first day at National City University, Lena stumbles into Kara, a charismatic stranger who immediately captures her attention. From unexpected encounters to whispered hopes, watch as Lena navigates the complexities of college life, friendship, and a possible romance that could change everything. Join them in a tale of laughter, longing, and the magic of moments that might just be destiny.
Check out this new work added to the 2024 collection by @cwluc and accompanying artwork by @chaotic-super HERE.
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theredcapeofk · 6 months
Tumblr media
This is another illustration from one of my fics. Discover it on Ao3
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sssammich · 2 months
fic: come what may pt 3
part 1 | part 2
if you wanna read on ao3
thanks x
Kara’s body sags into the lawn chair that she keeps on the rooftop of her apartment. There’s an area up there that she’s claimed for herself, right by the back corner just around the rooftop entrance. She’s glad for it, especially right now, while she stares out onto the other rooftops of her neighborhood with her powers blown for at least another couple of days. 
She lets out a big pathetic sigh, puffing out her cheeks, when she recalls how she got into this predicament. 
It had been a hectic day for Supergirl. A rogue missile headed straight for downtown National City coming at the heels of a drawn out fight with an invading alien group. She’d only had enough time and energy to redirect said missile, but not to release it and fly away in time. Shrapnel lacerated her suit and embedded itself into her flesh when she attempted her retreat while the fiery explosion singed the edges of her cape as she spun out of the blast radius. She was then propelled by the force of the explosion, nosediving at the precipice of consciousness into the cliff’s edge by the coast. 
She winces at the memory and the proceeding aerial footage that Brainy showed her where she collided with the side of jagged rocks off the side of a cliff, taking a chunk of it out. The worst part was when she’d startled awake the next morning, frantically searching for the date and time, realizing with a sinking heart that she’d missed the night she told Lena she’d return to her balcony. 
She hoped Lena would understand, yet when she had plugged her phone in, there were no messages from her. Kara frowned and tried not to let the silence between them affect her. But by the way she slouched back on the sunbed, she couldn’t quite shake off her disappointment. 
Now that she’s off-duty for a few days while she recovers, she requests to work remotely to spend the time researching just so she can finish hiding in her apartment. Well, at least for now, she’s hiding on her rooftop. It’s become a kind of oasis for her. Not just today, but for a few months now while she accepted their new normal and tried to navigate this Earth. She didn’t think it would make a difference, but when she brought up two foldable lawn chairs and a tiny round table to make a little sitting area for herself, it somehow made her feel less alone. 
These days, Kara will take whatever she can get. 
Her head lolls to the side when she observes a few birds walking near her before perching themselves on the cement ledge nearby. One of the birds flew up before dropping down on the cement ledge gracefully.
“Show off,” she mutters to herself. “I can do that, too, you know.”
The birds continue on disregarding her comments and her muttering. She is then interrupted by a buzz of her phone in the plastic cup holder section of her foldable chair. She considers not answering, Alex probably pestering her to get some rest like she’s not already doing that. But the idea of getting yelled at just doesn’t interest her, not when she's already feeling herself at her lowest, so she decides to pluck her phone out of the cup holder.
Her back straightens and eyes widening in unabashed surprise when she glances down at the message displayed on her phone screen.
Lena: Are you home?
She sucks her lips between her teeth, her thumbs hovering above the glass. She moves her finger and presses the call button.
It rings just once when Lena picks up.
“Uh, hi,” Kara offers lamely, cringing at herself.
“I’m—did you need something?”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line.
“Alex told me what happened. I…I thought to bring you some food since I heard you’re not well. But if you’re not at home or don’t want company, I can leave the bag by your door.”
“Uh…no! I mean—you didn't need to do that,” she starts, scrambling out of her chair and rushing to the rooftop door before jumping down, taking the stairs two at a time and almost colliding with the stairwell wall. “You’re—that’s very nice, Lena…”
When her apartment door comes to view, she freezes mid-step. Kara’s gaze drops down to the bottom landing of the third floor and finds Lena, still dressed in her work clothes and hair done up in a loose bun, holding a plastic bag in one hand and her phone by her ear in the other.
“You're at my door,” she comments, stating the obvious, hearing her voice echo through the open phone line between them.
Lena smiles, the motion slight and lopsided.
“It would appear so.”
Gingerly, she steps down one step at a time, her eyes never once leaving Lena. Long seconds pass between them until she arrives by her front door, a measly two feet away from her visitor. 
Lena pulls the phone away from her ears with a smile before pocketing it. Kara mirrors her when she realizes she hadn’t hung up yet. Lena’s smile drops and her now empty hand reaches up but stops mid-air between them. 
Oh, right. 
“Looks a little gnarly, huh?” she jokes, an awkward grin on her face. Truth be told, she feels better than she looks. By tomorrow’s time, her injuries will disappear and fade, her face returning to its unblemished state. She remembers that very few people see her like this, and it’s with an ache in her chest she realizes that this is the first time that Lena has seen her in this state. “I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt.” 
Lena slowly closes her hand into a fist and eventually drops it. She does her best not to feel disappointment at that. 
“Um, you—you had food?” 
It’s then that Lena lifts the bag she’s been holding, extending her arm out. “I got your favorites.” 
She accepts the bag, their fingers grazing with each other until she grabs hold of the bag, welcoming the weight of the food that’s inside. 
“Would you like to join me?” 
The rooftop door opens to a fresh breeze and the waning sun. 
She leads the two of them to her makeshift sitting area by the far end where a couple of birds have taken to loitering. They flap their wings and get away from the commotion of their presence and she sets the bag down by the table. 
Her eyes are drawn to Lena crouching down slightly and brushing the back of her skirt so she can sit on the lawn chair properly, sinking down until her knees are higher than her hips. 
Kara outwardly grimaces. “Sorry, I forgot that’s the saggy one. We can trade place—” 
“I’m fine. I don’t mind.” 
Kara watches her but silently nods and resumes taking out food from the bag and spreads them out on the table, filling every space on it. Unsure what to say or even how to speak to Lena, Kara then decides to take her time serving them their food. She passes a pair of paper-wrapped chopsticks to Lena who accepts it quietly before she peels her own, separating the wood with a snap. 
She senses Lena’s eyes trained on her, but she doesn’t flick her gaze up not once, instead focusing on taking the plastic lids off and turning it into a makeshift plate. She then serves up a portion of lo mein and a few pieces of sesame chicken before putting three healthy pieces of golden brown potstickers to finish out the plate. 
Kara finally looks up to Lena studying her. She offers a crooked smile and offers the lid-turned-plate towards the other woman who accepts it quietly, their fingers once again grazing against each other. She hurries and picks up the lid of the lo mein and serves herself her own plate, the portion smaller than what she normally eats when her powers are fully intact. 
For the next few moments, they eat in silence, the soundtrack to their early evening but the crowing of the nearby birds and the sound of distant traffic down on the streets. Every now and again, her eyes cast up to watch Lena as she digs into her own plate. The silence between them settles comfortably, like before. 
Before the distance between them, before her lies and betrayal, before Lena’s revenge. Before all the hurt she inflicted, they inflicted on each other. Before, before, before. 
Except they can’t ever go back to that world, to that life. 
As she catches sight of Lena chewing on a potsticker and eyes staring out onto the view from her rooftop, she thinks there are worse places to be and she’s fine exactly where she is. 
“Thanks for the food,” she says, breaking the silence between them, her lid-plate completely empty. “I appreciate you coming by.”
“Well,” Lena starts, leaning back on the chair, sinking further, her legs crossed at the knee. She looks comfortable this way despite the sharpness of her work attire. “I was promised a ‘something’ and I’m here to collect.” 
“I meant to come back.” 
“You were busy.” 
She chuckles at that. “A rogue missile can do that to you.” 
Lena tilts her head, as if studying her, and Kara does her best not to squirm under her watchful gaze. Then, Lena silently leans forward and stands from her seat, wiping away any minuscule dust or crumbs from her lap. Just as quietly, Kara tilts her head as she follows Lena’s every move. 
A gasp escapes her mouth, her brows jumping to her hairline when Lena extends a hand forward. 
“Let’s dance, Kara.” 
Her eyes drop to the offered hand in front of her. She looks back up again to an unreadable expression on Lena’s face. She gets on her feet, her legs slightly wobbly until she’s standing to her full height. 
Careful in her movements, as if Lena might take her offered hand back, Kara clasps their hands together and steps forward just as Lena steps back. 
“There’s no music,” she says. Lena simply quirks her brow before she reveals her phone in her other hand. Kara blinks, wonders how she could have missed that. 
“There’s always music.” 
Lena then presses play on her phone, the first few notes playing. Her brows crease together, her eyes quietly asking, but Lena just shrugs. They then get into position, Kara’s other hand on Lena’s waist just as Lena’s rests on her shoulder, her finger almost tracing the scabbing gash lines on the side of her face. Kara barely resists the shiver that runs down her spine. 
“I was watching Notting Hill last night because my schedule cleared up.”
She cocks her head slightly as the two of them begin to sway. “Didn’t take you much for a romantic comedy kind of viewer.” 
“In this world, I am.” 
She nods. “I like it.” 
The cool evening air breezes past them as they entangle themselves as they sway on beat to the song, their gazes stretching past each other’s heads. 
“What’s it like, not having powers?” 
She shrugs a little. “Like things are muffled, almost muted. I feel weighed down, like gravity’s working twice as hard to keep me down. It’s not unpleasant or anything, but it’s not a feeling I’m used to.” 
Lena nods, almost to herself, as she seems to take the information in. 
“I got worried when you never showed last night,” Lena says as she stares right up at her, her voice soft. 
She shakes her head, though, and pulls Lena closer, wants the other woman to make sure she’s looking when she says, “I wanted to be there, but I was out cold, apparently. I woke up this morning and panicked when I found out I’d missed it. Then when you didn’t contact me, I just thought you were mad at me.” 
“I thought you changed your mind.” 
Kara tilts her head up to find the blues of the afternoon sky having been traded in for the oranges and pinks. “As part of our pact of starting over, I think we should really improve our communication skills.” 
She then releases Lena so she can twirl her. 
“You’re not a fan of us assuming the worst of a situation or each other and internalizing it as a moral failing of ourselves?” Lena teases, exhaling a breathy laugh. 
“Lena, please,” she grumbles, a half-hearted attempt at suppressing her laugh. “Be serious.” 
She spins Lena twice until they come back together again, their fronts now pressed to each other, their faces inches from one another. 
Lena she turns her head until her chin rests on Kara’s shoulder. “We can stand to be better, I agree.” 
They move gently and loosely on the rooftop, Elvis Costello’s crooning voice filling the space around them and the National City city skyline just off to the distance. Finally, the last notes of the song play until Lena separates their hands and stops the next song from playing on her phone. Kara watches on as Lena walks towards the ledge of the rooftop towards the city’s skyline. 
It takes her a few drawn out moments to follow suit and stand beside Lena, her eyes trained on the twinkling lights of the city she saved just yesterday. 
She glances sideways, watching and waiting. Lena pivots her body so she’s facing Kara, green eyes bright and alive even in the blanketing darkness of the evening. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she breathes out, her warm hand on Kara’s forearm where a large gash sits. “I’m glad you asked me to stay for dinner. I’m glad…you let me in.” 
She places her own hand atop Lena’s. “Can I tell you that ‘something’ I promised?” 
Lena gestures with a nod, curling long, elegant fingers around Kara’s arm, like she’s trying to anchor herself to Kara, or maybe it’s the other way around. She’s not sure, but she doesn’t care either way, just that they are. 
“I want to rebuild our friendship first and foremost, and that’s what I’ll be focusing on. But I also…” she pauses, chewing on her bottom lip. When Lena looks on encouragingly, she takes a deep breath. “But I also hope that if you’re open to it, that it could someday lead to something…more.” 
“Something…more,” Lena repeats. 
“What are you really saying?” 
Kara scratches her temple, adjusting her glasses on her face. “I’m saying that there are feelings that I’ve denied myself about you because I’d hurt you and then you’d hurt me. But they’ve never gone away, Lena. Not once. And if it’s alright with you, I don’t want them to.” 
When Lena doesn’t say anything, Kara’s confidence wanes and her mouth goes rogue. “But if you don’t feel the same way, if you don’t or c-can’t love me as more than a friend, then that’s fine, too. I’d never—that’ll never stop me being your friend or wanting to protect you.” 
“You love me?” 
“Without question,” she says, pressing forward as she tightens her grip on Lena’s hand. 
“What if you change your mind?” 
Kara’s heart tries not to bruise at the fear and apprehension in Lena’s eyes. 
“I won’t.” 
“How do you know?”
“I don’t,” she says with a helpless shrug. “But I know you.” 
Lena doesn’t say anything more, her eyes searching Kara’s face—for what, she’s not sure, but Kara won’t look away. Wordlessly, Lena twists her head to gaze out to the darkened horizon for a moment, and Kara prepares herself for the worst. She’s not prepared for the shine of tears in Lena’s eyes when she turns back to look at Kara. She thinks if she looked closely, she would find her reflection and the threat of her own tears. 
“I thought we’d missed our chance. After everything, I just thought—” 
It’s then she shakes her head, inches closer, her heart rapidly beating when she thinks about what Lena’s saying. “It’s still here, Lena. I’m here.” 
Lena lunges forward and Kara receives her in her arms, winding them around Lena’s middle, tightening her grip when Lena buries herself in the crook of her neck. They rock side to side in place as they simply hold one another, the city’s night sounds of National City buzzing around them. 
After a short while, they break apart, eyes searching for each other under the dim rooftop lights that Kara just now notices have turned on. 
“Okay,” Lena finally says, her voice watery, but strong. 
“Yeah?” Her heart sings and swoops when Lena bobs her head. “Okay, then. Um, do you wanna go downstairs and watch a movie or something?” 
Kara doesn’t move or breathe or do anything but watch as Lena brings the back of her hand and gently caresses cheek. “I’d love to, but I should head back home.” 
She resists the disappointment to wash over her and offers a genuine smile. 
“Let me walk you down.” 
They untangle from each other, Kara’s body practically vibrating as they clean up and march down the steps hand in hand. When they reach the front of her building, Kara isn’t surprised to find Lena’s driver already waiting. 
“When’s your next dance lesson?” Lena asks when she turns to face Kara once again. 
“Thursday at the Y. 7pm.” 
“Mind if I tag along?” 
Her face splits into a wide smile that she doesn’t bother hiding. “Never.” 
“Goodnight, Kara,” Lena says, leaning forward and pressing a small, chaste kiss on her cheek before squeezing Kara’s hand and letting go. “See you Thursday.”
Her response is to carefully dip down and place a mirroring kiss on Lena’s cheek. When she draws back, it’s to the image of Lena’s face soft and gentle, smiling up at her. 
The smile never disappears from her face as she watches Lena stride towards the backseat of her car, as she rolls the windows down and gives Kara a parting wave, as she rolls the window back up only after they’ve turned the corner.
The air around her swirls with hope, crackles with possibility, and she clings onto it all while she ascends the stairs two at a time to her apartment, humming the song of their earlier dance. This is just the beginning, a chance to make it count. 
So that’s what she plans to do.
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