#camp nano
wordscount · 2 months
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This was in my head and I had to make it.
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albatris · 2 months
is anyone doing camp nano or are we all just side-eyeing the shit that's going on w nanowrimo at the moment
I have tentatively put a project on the site but maybe I'll just do a sort of "unofficial" camp nano during april and not use the site at all
I don't really understand 80% of what's going on but it seems ummmm Bad
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How many times can I use the word “wound” in this chapter before my readers spontaneously manifest in my house to beat me up
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nanowrimo · 2 years
World-building a Diverse Landscape
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If you’re working on making a big and immersive world for your story, NaNoWriMo writer Siera Schubach has some tips for building different kinds of landscapes into your novel:
The wonderful part of writing fantasy is you don’t have to rely on reality. 
However, there is much inspiration that can be drawn from the real world that will enhance your worldbuilding efforts.
Landscapes in particular can lend believability to your fantasy world, as well as inform plot and character creation. Here are a few ideas and tips to help you on your worldbuilding journey.  
Think Outside the Forest
When we think of landscapes, a few broad categories may come to mind: 
If you look at the landscape of any country, you will see variations on each of these broad types. There are high deserts filled with sage brush, and coastal deserts flanked by ocean. Mountains can be tall and sharp, or sloped and smooth. And forests can grow trees in every size from as tall as the giant sequoia, to as small as pinyon pines. 
In my travels this summer, I have seen some beautiful landscapes I never knew existed. Here are few that have inspired me:
Pyramid Lake, Nevada
Great Sand Dunes, Colorado
Badlands, South Dakota
Panther Creek Falls, Montana
Cove Palisades, Oregon
Tip: If you are unable to travel, a browse through google images or national park websites can lead to some interesting discoveries. 
Landscape and Character
Landscape informs character in ways we don’t always consider. We have all been shaped one way or another by the physical landscape in which we grew up. Whether it be our understanding of the world, or just what we feel comfortable living within. 
Say you have a character who was born on an island. They woke up each morning with the sound of ocean waves, surrounded by hibiscus flowers and mango trees. How might they be affected if they were suddenly moved to a desert? 
If your fantasy world consists of non-human species, then landscape can also have an impact on their physiology. How might a character who grew up in a high mountain landscape have adapted to living in high altitude? 
Take a moment and consider how you have been shaped by the landscape in which you grew up. How have your experiences changed as you’ve moved to different environments?
Now consider one of your characters. How have they been shaped by the landscapes they experienced?
Nature is Messy
Nature impacts us in a multitude of ways everyday. Whether it be allergies, or rainstorms, or a steep climb up a hill. Your characters should have the same relationship with it.
Consider the difficulties that can arise as they encounter different landscapes. Remember, there shouldn’t always be a path. Let your characters wade through the water, get tangled in the underbrush, lose their shoes in the mud. 
Difficult terrain can be a catalyst for an argument or confrontation. Waiting for the tide to go out could lead your characters to finally have that difficult conversation. A beautiful view can inspire someone to admit their true feelings. 
Let your landscape inform character decisions in the same way our real natural world informs our own. 
Tip: Take a walk and pay attention to the landscape. What plants do you encounter? What beauty do you see? 
Embrace the Unusual
We tend to view landscapes in simple terms. We can easily imagine a forest lined lake, or a desert brimming with cactus. But what about large rock formations in the middle of a plain? Or sand dunes at the base of verdant mountains? These are the sorts of unusual landscapes that make a world feel believable. 
As I’ve written before, there is no need to know every single detail of your fantasy world before getting started. Instead, consider these ideas as you write and discover what makes your fantasy landscape unique. Challenge yourself to go beyond the basic lines of landscape to something a little more interesting. 
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Siera Schubach is an award-winning writer, storyteller, and random fact collector. She is currently in the depths of editing her latest fantasy novel, and working on a nonfiction book that will be published by Bloomsbury in 2024.
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so-many-ocs · 11 months
this camp nanowrimo i will be trying a new approach to writing, sometimes called "not writing"
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writeblrfantasy · 4 months
i definitely want to do camp nano this year and commit to solid, routine updates. when i'm drafting i tend to go into my hobbit hole and not come out, not share anything with anyone until the entire draft is done, but i'd like to get back to the days (2020/2021 writeblr how i miss you) of sharing my progress and connecting with the other writers participating in camp nano. so if you're participating in either this year, give me a shout!
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izzyrarepairkinkmeme · 2 months
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thavron · 3 months
So Camp Nano starts in 17 days
Considering I am on schedule to complete Crowley and the Giant Beanstalk for the April First Crackfic challenge, I am looking towards my next goal.
Camp Nano starts in 17 days.
I want your thoughts on what goal I should set for it. I've decided i want to complete something on my fanfiction WIP list. Usually I play WIP roulette and rotate through half a dozen WIPs making progress and never finishing anything. At my last count I have 19 WIPs in various degrees of completion. For Camp Nano I want to pick one and focus on it. So, my short list is:
When Crowley Met Aziraphale - a Human AU based on the romcom When Harry Met Sally.
Untitled Biker Gang Human AU - Crowley and Aziraphale grow up on the same estate, but Crowley enters into a life of crime whilst Aziraphale joins the church. Going for star crossed lovers vibe but we shall see.
Haunted House Human AU - Aziraphale is a Priest and is invited to exorcise a haunted house but not all is as it seems.
The Effible Divorce Human AU - slow burn life after divorce story. This may be long so will probably put a word count goal for this one.
Or I'll try and post a few one shots.
Thoughts feelings?
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aye-write · 11 months
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Current WIP:  A group of queer friends find themselves locked in an eccentric manor house full of puzzles, secret rooms, and a disappearing murder victim
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authoralexharvey · 2 months
Alex Does Camp Not-NaNo — Day 2
I've been sick since TDOV (transphobic of God, honestly) so I didn't have the energy yesterday to make an update post. So. This is technically for yesterday and today.
The long and short, I'm doing Camp NaNo, except not really because the NaNoWriMo organization showed their whole ass so I don't want to associate with them. So. Not-NaNo, I guess. I have a lofty goal of 80,000 words for this month, which is split between rewrite #2 of ASMLP (~70K words?) and getting a working draft started of my dark fantasy novella, A Bitter-Tasting Blade (final goal of 20k? I think?)... so between the two of them, I should have something to show for it.
Yesterday and today was devoted to typing up a thorough outline of ABTB. Furthermore, I rewrote the prologue today of ASMLP. Moving right along.
Words Wrote Today: 3,438
Total Word Count: 4,875
Since it was mostly outline work and I am too tired to grab something from the prologue rn.... uhhh... have this poem I wrote about my cat that isn't going towards the word count but was still wrote tonight. Tumblr will inevitably fuck up the formatting, so you can also read it as intended here to enjoy it in a neater format.
There will come a time
(many moons from now
it must be hoped)
when small body will
rest a final time,
when warm pelt grows
and jubilant purr becomes
empty echo.
On that day,
I will hold you
closer than angels.
(It is a sadly mortal thing
to love a pet so dearly
to mourn dear companion
before their departure.)
Tonight, however,
you are too young
to consider your own mortality.
You have not yet
touched every toy
in velveteen paws.
Tonight, you are small
and lovely
and oh so precious.
Oh ghost-in-reverse,
dearest spectre yet unmade,
won't you please press soft,
wet nose into my cheek,
sing me the endless hum
of your happiness.
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moon-and-seraph · 1 year
Camp NaNo Writeblr Directory
This is a directory of writeblrs participating in Camp Nano of April 2023. We hope to help writers find new friends to cheer each other on and offer accountability throughout the month!
How does the directory work?
Step 1: — You'll create a new post based on the template later in this post. (Don't reblog this post with your post attached. You'll want to create an entirely new one so it doesn't get too long and difficult to read.) Step 2: — Title your post "Camp Nano Directory: (type your username here, without the parentheses)" Step 3: — Add the hashtag "MS: campers of 04-2023" to it. This is the directory part, so it's how people will be able to find your post. Make sure to add this or no one will be able to find you! Step 4: — Share your post as soon as you're ready! We recommend posting before Camp Nano begins, but you're welcome to write a post for this directory any time before April, all the way through April 30th. Step 5: — Browse other writers' posts here to find writing buddies!
Please link back to this post somewhere in your directory post (the title is a good spot!). That way, anyone who finds it can easily learn about this directory and join it too!
Learn how to create links here.
You can take a look at one of our directory posts here if you'd like an example!
Camp Nano Directory: your username
— Share a bit about yourself — Keep this to 1-3 sentences. It can be personal or strictly related to writing, whatever you're most comfortable with!
— What kind of stories do you like to read? — Share what genres, themes, aesthetics, etc., that you like to read. This will allow others' to know if you'd like the project they're working on for Camp.
— Goal(s) — Share your goals for Camp Nano! This can be word count, time count, page count, whatever you choose.
— Camp Project Title — If you'll be working on multiple projects, simply copy this section and the following two and paste them below your answers for your first project.
— Project Description — Try to keep this to 5 sentences or less!
— WIP-related Art — This is completely optional, but if you have some WIP-related art you'd like to share, put it here! (Please use alt text and only share 1 piece of art to keep the post brief and easy to read.)
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petiolata · 3 months
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Should I do Camp NaNoWriMo this year? Actual NaNoWriMo was pretty helpful for finishing a novel.
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albatris · 2 months
unspecified writing challenge month day 18!
today's wordcount is 24,453 / 30,000!
VERY productive day today. did some work in the garden, went to art therapy, bought an old little flip phone to store all my TUNES. and wrote a lot!!!
today's excerpt is
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today's mood is a sudden change of font just to keep things fresh and today's jam is "interdimensional" by cosmo sheldrake
bye! I love you!
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Over 51,000 words in 18 days… that’s a new personal record!
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avrablake · 2 months
Camp NaNo Week 2
Word Count: 1,342/10,000
Week 1 was busy so I didn't have much time to write. Hoping to get more done this week.
Today I explored Karliel's POV for the first time. Ahhhhh writing her mom is giving me chills.
I also made a new character. Gabrien the Captan of the guard.
Karliel froze and held her breath as her mother stood slowly. There was no sound other than the click of her mother’s heels across the floor as she moved toward her so gracefully the fabric of her skirts made no sound. “My dear,” her mother said as the last clicking step delivered her in front of Karliel. There was no tenderness in her tone to accompany the endearment. Karliel couldn’t bring herself to meet her mother’s eyes, though she knew her timidity would only bring an additional reprimand. “It is important that we always appear united in front of our subjects,” her mother said as she smoothed her daughter’s hair in what an outsider might observe as an affectionate gesture. “I’m sorry mother.” Karliel cringed at the quietness of her own voice. Her mother placed one hand under her chin, tilting her gaze up until their eyes met. “I don’t want you to be sorry,” her mother said. “I want you to be better.”
I've been working on organizing my notes for Beyond the Darkness. I have too much swimming in my head and I need to get all the Thoughts on paper before I can really dive into more revisions.
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ohpheeb · 2 months
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the burden of devotion: wip intro + camp (not)nano project
(art by brian luong)
genre: action, contemporary fiction, sci-fi (superhumans)
tropes/themes: devotion/loyalty, sisterhood, found family, martyr complex/chosen one
cw: violence, abuse (past, mentions only)
status: nothing but this post, a pinterest board, and a dream :-)
goal: outline, zero draft, 50% of first draft complete (25-35k?)
personal camp rules: write mon-fri, at least one 15min sprint/day, no writing on weekends (let's get that work life balance!)
☆ tag, pinterest
Years after testifying against the superhuman that destroyed her town and nearly killed her, Audra's in a newly developed witness protection program that's given her everything she's ever wanted: a home, a steady job at a local inn, and a life free from the one she left behind. When two new hires arrive, she's horrified to discover one of them is that very superhuman in the same protection program she is. Unable to leave town, she has to figure out why he's there and how to force him to leave— without him realizing who she is.
audra: (she/her) a survivor and perfectionist with an ego problem. prioritizes safety and stability above all else. doesn't trust anyone except for her sister and is terrified of a life without her. lives without regrets. hayden: (he/him) the superhuman put away for mass murder. he's looking for a fresh start and hoping that he can live a normal life in this small town. all he has are regrets. iris: (she/her) audra's older sister. snarky and protective, harboring guilt too heavy for her to handle. wishes she were closer to her sister but doesn't know how to bridge that gap. teddy: (he/him) hayden's confidant and childhood friend. sees hayden as the brother he never had. has known him for years but still doesn't know everything about him. will: (she/her) city girl and idealist who inherits her grandparents' estate. totally unprepared for rural life but desperate for a restart on life. she's eager to make friends— if her own insecurities don't get in the way.
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