#ao3 buddie
yall ever sit and wonder if ryan and oliver have read one of your fics
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 2 months
wait no stop cuz if ryan is reading fanfiction then he KNEW what he was doing with the “i love you to the core” HE KNEW
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shaynic · 17 days
“Bobby stops next to him on the way out, waiting for everyone else to depart except Maddie before saying, “I wasn’t going to say anything but after today…I don’t think you have commitment issues. You are committed to the people you love. Very committed. So committed that it’s hard for you to uncommit yourself to let other people take a certain spot in your life. You were committed to Shannon, and then you committed yourself to the person who filled in her spot. Years ago, I told you that what you’re looking for might be right in front of you. That still stands today, Eddie.”
He remembers that conversation. He remembers Carla telling him to follow his heart. He remembers telling Chim that they aren’t promised tomorrow.
He had been too blind then. Now, he’s just scared.”
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
Alone With Your Thoughts
10.5k Teen Chapt 4/4
Buck gets badly hurt on a call. Against his wishes Eddie has to leave him behind to get help, but that doesn’t mean Buck’s left alone. Buck faces someone from his past and has to decide who he is and what he wants from his life. That is if he gets to have one now. He’s bleeding and time is running out.
Read on A03
Buck’s fallen a little way behind so Eddie turns to check on him, he looks pale but he’s still moving, stubbornness keeping him on his feet if nothing else does. Not much longer anyway, he can see the way out now. 
This has been a nightmare of a call; they were working on a rescue in the hills surrounding LA and suddenly everything went wrong, he remembers earth moving beneath them and then a fall, now they’re separated from the others, lost, injured and alone. It’s far from ideal.
The pain in his head is a constant thud, the remnants of being knocked out. Buck had fared slightly better in the accident and after he’d made sure Eddie was relatively ok, if you disregard the being unconscious part, he’d searched around and found a way to get them back to the team. Hopefully.
Eddie hadn’t had much to do with it, he’d only come to a little while ago, finding himself drapped unceremoniously over Buck’s shoulder. Once it was established he could walk unaided they’d carried on side by side but Buck’s been slowing down for these last five minutes and Eddie’s starting to get a little worried, carrying him must have taken more out of the younger man than he originally suspected.
Eddie’s hurt himself, cuts and bruises, possibly concussion and a gash on his leg. He’s a little worried about that too, it’s a fairly serious wound, deep and nasty, it needs stitches and while it's slowed it’s still bleeding steadily. They need to get out of this mess of a situation as soon as possible and the way out is in sight; a short but steep climb upwards. It doesn’t look easy but it’ll be manageable, even with his injury. Eddie winces in anticipation, it’s going to hurt like hell  but he can do it and they can hardly stay here, wherever here is. 
Once they get higher up again they can hope to be found and Eddie really wants to go home. He’s about to say that to Buck when a noise has him turning and he’s shocked to see the other man on the floor. Rushing to his side he finally sees what Buck’s been hiding from him. His hand comes away from his friend’s body slick and red. 
That’s a lot of blood, far too much.
Buck’s eyelids flutter and close.
Damn him, damn him to hell and back. 
Eddie works on stopping the bleeding as best he can, looks like home will have to wait a little longer.
Buck opens his eyes to the disappointing sight of Eddie still by his side. He’d hoped he’d have the sense to go, get moving. In retrospect it was a rather stupid hope. Eddie wouldn’t leave him , just like Buck would never leave Eddie.
However he needs to make him go. They can’t both stay. Buck already knows what state he’s in and Eddie’s barely any better, he needs to get to the hospital and he won’t get there sitting with Buck waiting until he bleeds out.
So, no time to waste. He opens his mouth to do what needs to be done.
“Why are you still here? You should have gone already.”
Eddie’s voice is filled with vitriol, “Are you that stupid?”  The look he gets is scornful, Eddie’s lip curls around the words “you think I’m leaving you when you're hurt like this?”
Buck kinda hoped he would, they’d ended up in trouble when the rescue they’d been on had gone wrong in about four different ways now Eddie’s adding a fifth problem to his day. 
“You have to go Eddie. You're hurt, you need the hospital.”
Eddie stands abruptly so Buck has to crane his neck to look up at him.
“I’m hurt?! Jesus Buck you’ve been bleeding all this time! Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”
He sighs, “Not much point. Had to keep moving. Here now. You can go.”
“I am not leaving you.”
God he’s stubborn. Buck tries again, 
“You have to. You need help.”
“Stop! You need me here. I can’t just… I can’t.”
Eddie’s face distorts as he holds himself back, it’s obvious there are other things he wants to say but isn’t. 
“Eddie we both know…” Buck doesn’t want to say it outloud but it’s not like they don’t see this kind of thing all the time. See the aftermath of this kind of situation. They both know the most likely outcome.
“No! We don't know anything. They are looking for us and they are  going to find us.” Each word is definite, Eddie wants no argument from him, that’s unfortunate because that’s not something Buck can do. 
“Not in time.” He keeps his voice gentle, this will be hard for Eddie to accept he knows that. 
“No!” Eddie’s face is hidden from him, he turned away with his exclamation, hiding from him as best he can. 
Buck keeps trying, “You have to go before it’s too late for you too. I know you’re  still bleeding. Might have internal injuries too. We got banged up pretty bad.”
Edie spins round, his distress suddenly clear “Stop telling me to leave. I won’t,  I can’t.” His voice breaks on the last word, there’s no anger any more, which is maybe worse, “ Please.” His eyes beg Buck to find an alternative, “We have to think of something else. Anything. I can’t….”
He knows how he sounds, tired and sad, he wishes he could tell him to stay. Maybe he’d finally be brave enough  to say all the things he’s been meaning to tell him ‘someday’ but he can’t be selfish, he’s left it too late and there’s never going to be a ‘someday’, nothing to be done about that now. He braces himself, he’s going to have to be cruel if he wants to save the man he loves. It’s for the best.
He makes his voice hard, cold, “So… what? You’ll stay, keep me company until I bleed out then go, when you’ve lost too much blood to make it either? Now whose stupid? “ he needs a breath before he pushes on, Eddie stares, Buck thinks that he’s probably never spoken to Eddie like that before. He doesn’t stop.
“There’s no choice Eddie. You have to leave now; you save who you can and you move on.”
The last words actually make the older man flinch. He looks shocked, hurt. That’s the trouble these days, Eddie’s not hiding his feelings as much so all his pain is on display, other things have been on display too, in better circumstances. Buck thinks maybe he could have risked telling him certain things, maybe it wouldn’t have gone as badly as he feared. 
“No!” Eddie’s head shakes “I want… Buck, I can’t just leave you, please don’t make me.”
Buck holds firm, he loves Eddie so he can do this for him, with no change to his voice, still as cold as ice, he replies with his strongest, cruelest argument.
“You have to go. Someone has to go home to Christopher.”
That hits home, Eddie’s eyes go wide and now he’s mad again, which is much better than hurt. 
“Don’t!” Buck focuses on the finger pointing at him rather than Eddie’s angry face. “Don’t use him against me.”
“Why not? It’s true. You have to go, one of us has to get home to him.”
Eddie just shakes his head, nostrils flaring and there are tears in his eyes.
Now Buck does focus on him, holds his gaze. He speaks slowly, each word deliberate. “You don’t have a choice. Not if you love him.”
God he hates himself, Eddie must too, guilt washes over him. But he stays determined. This is what love looks like, putting others first, doing things for them.
Eddie looks away, no clue to his thoughts there but his shoulders slump and Buck knows he’s going to win this, their last argument.
When he speaks Eddie sounds broken, 
“Stop.” It's barely a whisper,  “You can't. You can’t ask me to go. You don’t know what you're asking me to do.”
That washes away his own guilt, he’s drowning in a flood of feelings. Does Eddie really think that? How can he, how  doesn’t he know? He uses precious energy  to make his thoughts clear. His own volume rising as his feelings spill over. 
“I know exactly what I’m asking Eddie!  I had to do it! I left you. When you got shot I walked away not knowing if I’d ever see you again, I walked away because he needed me to. So don’t tell  me I don’t know. I know.”
Eddie’s face is blank, wiped clean of any thoughts and feelings. They don’t talk about that day but Buck continues, this is his last chance after all, his voice is  still harsh, still looking to wound, to send him running. 
“I knew what I had to do then and you do now, so go. You have a son. He needs you. Go, go while there’s a chance you can make it back to him.” 
Then the fight goes out of him, his energy spent and his voice softens, it’s ok to part as friends isn’t it, give Eddie a little hope, maybe even hold some back for himself too, his mouth curls into a small smile,“hey you can just come back for me, I’m not going anyway.”
Eddie crouches down and grabs hold of his hand, there are tears trailing down his cheeks but his voice is steady.
“I hate you.”
Buck smiles again, he’s already tired but he needs to look strong to convince Eddie he has time, that he might still be ok when he comes back.
“No you don’t.”
Eddie can’t manage to return the expression, he wipes at his face and sniffs, blinking back more tears.  Buck squeezes his hand when Eddie agrees with him. 
“No I don’t.” 
There’s so much behind the words and no more time to spend on them. Eddie looks like his heart is breaking, his eyes tell a story Buck can’t bear to witness.
He looks away.
“Buck …”
He can’t look, he’ll weaken and that’s not what’s needed, eyes downcast he manages to reply in a steady enough voice “Don’t. Just.. tell me later, ok?” except he doesn’t really think they’ll be a later. He can pretend though, he’s been good at that all his life, he can keep it up a little longer.
Fingers lift his chin and he lets Eddie look at him, he allows himself to take in what he believes will be his last look at Eddie’s face. Eddie’s thumb rubs his cheek gently. 
“Buck, I need to tell you something.”
“No, no you don’t, just…. tell me later ok.”
He thinks they both need to believe in later. 
There’s an ocean of words floating in Eddie’s eyes but he doesn’t want Eddie to say them. He doesn’t want to hear goodbye or maybe even I love you. Those are last words and he doesn’t want last words now.
The muscles of Eddie’s jaw flex and his mouth twists as he carefully controls everything he’s feeling before he speaks.
“Buck, Evan, you have to hold on ok. I need you to hold on for me. 
A thumb sweeps gently over his cheek again, and Eddie’s last words to him turn out to be “Don’t you dare die. Don’t you dare.”
“I’ll do my best,” he even manages another smile for him. Eddie’s fingers trace across the side of his face again, and Buck lets his eyes drink in the lines and counters of his face, they look at each other one last time and Buck doesn’t miss the tears that spill over just before Eddie turns and walks away. 
So Eddie leaves him and he doesn’t look back. Buck got just what he wanted. 
He stares, eyes tracking him as he climbs and then Eddie disappears from sight leaving in the way Buck knew he’d never be able to manage when he’d found the way out earlier.
He’s all alone now so  he can say it, he whispers the words to no one, “goodbye Eddie. I love you.” and lets his eyes close.
Chapt 2
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sunnywiththestars · 7 months
Don't Let Me Screw It Up Again AO3
G / 5.1k / buddie
Eddie leaves Chris with Buck after the tsunami.
It's not just Chris who's still dealing with the after-effects of being on the pier that day.
Or- Buck still thinks and dreams about the tsunami. Both Chris and Eddie make sure he knows what he means to them.
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peacefulj · 1 year
My City, Your Mountains
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,702
The truth is, Eddie likes it when black and white become a morally gray area he can use to let the rules go for a while and watch them apply to someone else, a space where he’s allowed to beat someone – only figuratively nowadays – and feel good about the consequences.
Buck knows this, knows him, he teases and jokes like he always does because Eddie let him in once, years ago, and hasn’t tried to kick him out ever since.
or, Buck takes care of Eddie in more ways than one, and Eddie copes.
Ao3 link <3
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diazpatcher · 2 years
The couch issue.
When Christopher mentions the missing couch Buck goes on a small self discovery spiral and learns that maybe, a leap of faith is the best next step.
Buck hadn't even realized that it was weird not to have a couch until Christopher told him and let's be honest it is weird. What kind of person doesn't have a couch? Someone who just got out of  their parents house, Buck 1.0 didn't have a couch- sure the house he lived in with seven others had a couch. And after his roomate era, there was Abbys couch that first he and then Maddie crashed on but it was never his own couch. And after Abby there was Ali and her couch and then Taylor with her own couch, the only one who took it with her when she left.
So Chris pointing out he had no couch did sting, not because it meant he was failing as an adult but maybe because his couch was always attached to someone, people who left. When he told Maddie she called him delusional. Either way Buck really needed to get his shit together.
Buck walked inside sitting down on Hen's brown couch.
"What's going on Buck?"
"I need to get a new couch." He tried to sound serious not desperate, which he isn't.
"Okay and you need me because?"
"Because I don't know where to find one."
Hen looked at him, just looked and Buck felt like he was Butt naked on Hen's couch.
"Buck, obviously there is more to the couch issue, unless you want to open up to me, I will give you the address to the nearest IKEA."
Buck can't help the laugh that escapes him. Hen might be right, it's not about couches, and choosing the right one.  Maybe it's about girlfriends who all came with couches and took up so much space in his life or left him behind haunting their relationship. So yeah maybe this was about his next girlfriend and not a couch.
"I don't want to screw up my next relationship like I did with Taylor and Ali and Abby."
Hen sighs getting out if the arm chair and grabbing getting them so tea. 
"So you don't. Trying to force another relationship doesn't work. Like Eddie and Ana."
"I guess but I don't want to be alone anymore."
"Well maybe thats what you need right now, to be alone. I was alone a long time before I met Eva and then Karen. It took a few tries to get where I am, you will get there too."
Buck hummed taking another sip of his green tea -which was supposed to be relaxing- sibking furher into Hens couch.
"Buck for the love of god, stop thinking So loudly." Chim tapping his shoulder, "What is on your mind."
"I am tired of being single," Buck whined, drawing out the I, "It's like the universe just stopped working. Like it's neither shouting nor whispering just quiet." He sighed against the beige colored pillow.
"There are only couples around me. And also I need a new couch."
Chim sat down next to him pushing Bucks legs from the couch.
"You still don't have a couch? It's been 4 months."
"Hen said the couch is a metaphor for a new partner."
"Yeah right and karaoke is a metaphor for love."
"For you and Maddie it is."
"Shut up."
Athena looked at him with a certain glow in her eyes, Buck didn't want to be dramatic, but this was a crucial meet up.
"Buckaroo, I'm happy to see you, how have you been? Heard that you don't have couch." She put down their coffee mugs, Buck sinking further into the armchair. "I am really at a loss here 'Thena."
Buck sighed, "I want to start a new relationship but I'm not sure if it's, the right time and worth the risk."
"Well, if you are sure, about the person than whats stopping you. I wasn't sure with Bobby and look at us now. We're happy and going strong. Sure it was work and some days it still is but the good outweighs the bad. And a leap of faith is often what we need."
Buck looked at her, and after her words he was really going to take the leap.
"Thanks Athena. Enough about me hows May?"
Buck smiled, his new couch just arrived and Eddie was on his way with Chris, dinner then movies and a few rounds of Mario Kart. Just the weekend he needs. The door opened and the familiar click of crutches echoed through his loft.
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elainiisms · 1 year
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watchyourbuck · 1 month
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The 911 s7 e6 promo as ao3 tags
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caroandcats · 2 months
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Buddie + ao3 tags || 7x05
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Whoops i wrote another fic instead of working on my wips
do we expect any different at this point tho?
“I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore,” Buck blurted out.
It took Eddie a moment to remember where he was after that. He felt like he had just been hit by a freight train sending him toppling over a rocky cliff into the ocean below as he stared blankly at his boy- no, his ex-boyfriend now apparently.
“You-” Eddie’s voice came out small and choked. “You what?”
“I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore,” Buck repeated.
Or the misunderstandings proposal fic that no one asked for.
Title from "Lover" by Taylor Swift
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 2 months
what if ryan really wants to have eddie tell buck “i love you to the core” but the idea for that was shut down by the writing team so he decided to settle to have eddie say it in fanfics so he did that interview and said it purposely, just waiting to read it in a fic when he stays up late at night reading it just like all of us???
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babytrapperdiaz · 1 year
a late entry, but heavy contender for tik tok of the year
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
Of Mice And Men
💕💕💕💕💕 💕💕💕
T 2.4K written for @mayrriedbuddie mini proposal event. An unconventional proposal- no ring/no kneee
Read on AO3
Buck has plans to propose but things don’t always go exactly as you expect. Sometimes laundry gets in the way.
Buck’s feet are cold, he forgot to put his socks on. He always does. Luckily the laundry basket is on the kitchen table and his favourite fluffy socks are sitting there. He pulls them on which is immediately much better.
It’s their day off and Eddie’s kicked him out of bed to make the coffee because apparently he’s the only one who knows how to make the coffee machine work properly, Eddie says it’s too complicated but Buck’s pretty sure he knows how to work it just fine. Eddie just wants to keep his own toes warm.
Buck complains but he secretly quite likes it; having a special job that’s just his, taking care of Eddie just a little bit by bringing him the perfect coffee, it’s so domestic, a regular routine and it makes him feel settled, at home.
He waits for the coffee to drip it’s way into Eddie’s favourite  mug. He’s never quite worked out if he fell in love with Eddie the first time he saw him and just ignored it for years or if he’d fallen slowly one step at a time, drawn into Eddie’s orbit until they were bound together in a way as fundamental as the laws of gravity.
Somehow he thinks it might be both at the same time which makes no sense and perfect sense. 
Just like Eddie. Eddie makes sense, through the ups and downs he’s always known that being with Eddie made sense, as his friend, his partner, his co parent, then eventually his boyfriend and his lover,  Eddie just makes sense. 
Sometimes it’s been the only thing that has. 
So Buck wants to add another name to the list of what Eddie’s is to him, what he is to Eddie. He wants to add fiancé and then husband. He wants it all. 
He’s worked out how to do it. He’s got a plan. He’s already checked with Chris; that he’s happy with the idea of him and Eddie getting married. That conversation  had resulted in a hug, a yes and an eye roll so reminiscent of his father that it made his heart ache at how fast Chris was growing up.
Buck carries the coffees back to bed and is rewarded by a kiss from his boyfriend (soon to be fiancé even if he doesn’t know it yet) before he climbs in next to him, they have about an hour before they need to get up and that means he can curl up next to Eddie and listen to him list all the things they need to get done today. He really couldn’t be any happier.
A week later Buck lies in bed and reviews his plan, everything's coming together. He’s talked to Bobby and he’s agreed and ordered what they need so that part is sorted, once he gets his hands on “the goods” he can get the second part underway until it’s all ready for the big event, Chris knows his role too, it’s all been discussed. Yup as soon as he has everything, he smiles to himself just as Eddie rolls over and snuggles closer, wrapping an arm around him. Yes, not long to wait and Eddie won’t know what’s hit him.
The subject of his affection wriggles even closer and kisses his neck making Buck shiver, the first kiss is followed by a word pressed into his skin “Coffee?” 
Buck knows the routine, more words follow, coming between each of Eddie’s kisses “Why yes!”-kiss , Buck shakes his head at Eddie’s antics, “I’d love one” - kiss “thank you sweetheart.” - kiss.
Buck sighs dramatically and pushes himself out of bed. “You know we can get an easier machine if it helps.” 
Eddie rolls onto his back exposing his chest with a wink, he looks delicious and Buck’s tempted to forget all about the coffee. Eddie grins at him, “nah I like ours fine”
“You mean you like me getting the coffee every morning.”
Eddie doesn’t deny it. 
Buck trots out to the kitchen and starts the comforting routine of getting their morning caffeine fix ready except his feet are cold again. He always forgets his damn socks. Glancing around he sees a pair sitting on top of the laundry. 
He grabs at them and stops a little confused. It feels like there’s something inside them, curious, he investigates. 
Reaching in his fingers brush against something, pulling it out he can see it’s a small pouch, black and velvet. It’s definitely not what he’d expected to find hiding in his sock, how on earth has it gotten there. He’s not even seen it before. 
His feet are still cold so he takes a moment to pop the socks on before he pulls at the drawstring to tip the contents onto the palm of his hand. There’s a piece of paper inside it and something else, he shakes the pouch and a metal disc and chain slip out, he stares momentarily confused at the necklace sitting in his hand then his heart stutters when he recognises it for what it is, a St Christopher's medal. It can’t be Eddie’s because he’s wearing his. He’s just seen it around his neck.
He reaches inside for the paper and discovers it’s cut into a heart. The handwriting is instantly recognisable; it’s Christopher’s, it says ‘love you Buck.’ There’s something on the other side too, he turns it over and in a different but equally recognisable handwriting it says,’ want to make it official?’ He stares at the words, heart pounding.
“Look on the back, we got it engraved.”
He startles at Eddie’s voice but turns to it automatically. There he is, in the doorway leaning against the frame, a soft smile on his face and love in his eyes. Buck’s lost count of how many times he’s been looked at like that and he’s still not used to it, will never get tired of it.
Chris is next to him, rumpled and sleepy but smiling, he’s not as patient as his father. 
“Look at it Buck!”
Tearing his eyes away from Eddie he does, flipping the medallion over. There are two words engraved on the back of it.
Be ours? 
Oh. Oh! His chest feels tight, so this is what it feels like to be chosen. 
“So? Will you?”
Eddie’s words are quiet, spoken with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth but Buck can tell he's a little nervous. Chris on the other hand  is positively bouncing with excitement.
The younger Diaz doesn’t seem even slightly worried about what Buck’s answer will be. That’s because he’s a smart kid, there’s only one answer Buck would ever have to this question, except Eddie hasn’t said it out loud and he’d like to hear the words, just to be sure.
“Will I what?” 
He holds Eddie’s eyes and both Diazes speak, almost at the same time. 
“Adopt Chris?” 
Eddie says it softly, still looking at him, still smiling, still with everything he feels in his eyes. Buck can’t look away from him, not until Chris follows it up a moment later with
“Marry dad!” He’s much louder than his father. 
Buck looks at the boy whose become his son and beams before returning to Eddie’s eyes. 
He crosses the room to his boys and wraps Eddie in a hug pulling Chris in too and after he kisses Eddie he stoops to kiss Chris’s head. 
“Absolutely yes.”
Chris punches the air and Eddie laughs, kisses Buck back and grins. 
Buck’s still a bit dazed by the sudden turn of events but one question fights it’s way to the front of his brain.  
“How’d you even know I’d pick up the socks?”
“Sweetheart” Eddie gives him a look, “You kept getting up to make the coffee and coming back to bed with freezing feet so I started leaving your socks out where you’d see them and you started coming back to bed with warm toes. So it seemed like a good plan when Chris and I were plotting.”
Eddie plucks the chain from Buck’s hand and moves to fasten it around his neck. 
“Can I?”
Buck nods and Eddie fixes it around his neck. He gently touches the image on the medal now resting on Buck’s chest , “Perfect”
Buck touches Eddie's fingers where they rest, he’s a little overwhelmed by it all to be honest, he whispers “I love you,” then a thought occurs to him and he frowns “but… “ he tries hard not to sound like he’s complaining but he’s just realised Eddie beat him to it and now his own plans are ruined.
“I was gonna ask you, I I had plans and everything!” he’s failed at not sounding a little sulky. 
Eddie looks amused “plans huh? Well I don't want to get in the way of plans, do I? How about we do ‘plans’ too?” 
Buck’s not quite sure what he means. 
“Don’t see why you can’t propose too.” Eddie looks away “I think I’d like that actually.”
Buck studies him and he realises Eddie’s blushing, just a little. 
Their eyes meet again.
“Yeah” Eddie says softly “I’d like to be proposed to. We can wait to tell people , let you have your turn at proposing and then announce it.”
“Really?” He’s a little in awe of the man he’s going to marry, he’s so disgustingly perfect.
“Sure. Just don’t keep me waiting too long Buckley!” Eddie arches an eyebrow at him.
“No promises Diaz. Remember patience is a virtue.”
Buck looks at Chris, “Hey you,” he chides him, “being all sneaky on me, you knew about this and you didn’t even give me a tiny hint.”
Chris grins up at him.
“I’m good at keeping secrets Buck.”
Buck grins back because he knows that, Chris is in on his plan too and he hasn’t breathed a word to his dad either. He ruffles his hair and winks.
“Yeah, you certainly are.”
Buck knows he has to wait but hopefully not for too long, last time he checked with Bobby he’d said it would be soon. Patience is a virtue, but not one he’s particularly good at.
Read the rest on AO3
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When the fic is SO GOOD that you just have to slam your phone on your bed and take a second to breathe.
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peacefulj · 1 year
Forgive the Urgency, but Hurry Up and Wait
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Word Count: 10,859
“So, I was reading this article the other day,” Buck starts, scratching sheepishly at the back of his neck. “And apparently some experts put together a bunch of questions to get close to someone-“
“I haven’t said anything yet!”
Eddie crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow at him. “You want me to answer the questions to practice talking to people.”
or, Eddie can't bring himself to open up to his date and Buck helps him with science.
Ao3 link <3
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