#Thank you again for this
jagalart · 2 months
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ahllohehn · 14 days
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Ik your au isn’t just a retelling of the events in the books, but I thought the fact that some of them are in both Hermitcraft and Empires was just begging for a HOO scene redraw (I might do one on the Camp Empires side later)
I hope you like it ^-^
This actually activated so much of my neurons, I love this SO much oh my god
I didn't expect to wake up to fanart in my asks?? This is wonderful
I'm guessing Grian is asking about Santa Perla???
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locallygrowndaikon · 18 days
I’ve pixelated ur lad
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Jokes aside THANK YOU SM OMGG I LOVE HOW SMUG HE LOOKS AND THE MONEY IN THE BG DJGJFHI& I LOVE IT 🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏 putting this in my pocket fr frr
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dailyedgeworth · 1 year
@aramanna: I'm so sorry. Have a little guy
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thank you, he looks wonderful!
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princesslocket · 8 months
KICKS LEGGY UP hello I saw Cyno/Alhaitham on the twitter but not twitter and I am,,, curious. (I finally beat scaramouche so sumeru ships are now (eyes emojis))
AYO CONGRATS ON BEATING SCARAMOUCHE!!! He's a slick lil giant isn't he?! XD
*insert eyes emoji* Oh ho ho ho! Cyno & Alhaitham you say!!!! 0o0 Let me just pull up a chair and say...
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KJhuohefolkjf they make my head empty and full at the exact same time lol It was really fun watching their relationship unfold from their first interaction in the game to now! And the fanart/fanfics are just *chefs kiss* in my opinion ;w;///
The same can be said for a lot of Sumeru ships or everyday genshin ships in general kshfsuoehv Its just that these two have me in a vice grip jksdhushvuolk They are but a scribe and general
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tinybrainboy · 22 days
I think that nothing makes me happier than people who put silly happy hashtags when they reblog my drawings, the ones like #OMG I LOVE IT AAAAAAAA x)
When they do this, I just imagine them genuinely excited to see my work, and I think it really motivates me to draw regularly and get better
So, to the two/three persons who do this, thank you so much for this ♥️✨
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inkykeiji · 2 months
Clari i rly wanted to tell you that my absolute favourite part about your recent alastor fic is the way you describe his repetitive action of using his tongue to scoop it out and shovel it down his throat 😭😭 i think it does exactly what you were going for, in that it seriously highlights just how greedy and insatiable alastor is... this is like my 6th time sending you an ask about this fic, but it just tickled my brain so good. First touya-nii and now alastor, you and your writing really have a way of making me go insane over the filthiest, greediest, most insane men 🥺❤️
AH ANON!!! thank you so much for this!!! <333 i literally cannot tell you how much your feedback means to me, thank you for taking a moment to send in asks (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) ♡ it’s so special to me and i am so so so glad you enjoyed the fic!!! i am also over the MOON to hear that the fic is portraying what i wanted it to and hitting the way i intended for it to!! <3 HAHAHA aw (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) filthy, greedy, fucking insane (fictional) men are the best kind!!!
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ghosts-of-love · 11 months
hi idk if this is weird to say but I've noticed that the way you write captain is soooo autism and it's really really good and he's so precious to me. I don't know if you're doing it on purpose or if he's just very in character (because canon cap is very autism) but either way. the way you capture him is perfect and I love him.
hello and thank you for this!! ❤️❤️ this isn't weird to say and in fact i have received a lot of asks/comments/messages about this before so i'll try to keep this brief:
i think it's a mixture of on purpose and in character in that i try to keep the Captain as in character as possible, and in the show I do think he's got the 'tism so that's why it's reflected in my writing. however i used to feel bad about writing him like that when i am not autistic so instead i chose to replicate a lot of my anxious traits that i feel overlap with certain autistic traits - i think you can see this most of all in 'forced proximity'.
there is a real possibility - one that I have been considering more and more, mostly on account of all the people who have messaged me and all the irl people who have asked me - that what i thought was a general overlap between anxiety and autism may not be an overlap but i might just be autistic as well.
in any case I'm gonna keep on writing the Captain the way that i'm writing him because it works for me and seems to work for you all too? he is also very precious to me 😌 wouldn't change him for the world!
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thatsneakymedic · 11 months
Hey, I am a big fan of your blog. I saw in your tags that you feel shy about interacting with mutuals. I'm here to tell you compliments and my heart's content. Vani, I love the way you write Kabuto. When you roleplay, he's so clever, and sweet, and dangerously razor-sharp. Your headcanons are powerful and your meme technique and icon jutsu is one of the best on my dash. I write with many people. There are a hundred Uchihas and many geniuses around and Orochimaru wants to collect them all, but Kabuto can never be replaced. Consequently, he (and I) could never imagine teaming up with any Kabuto but yours. If you ever feel shy, send Kabuto to come hide under Orochimaru's white sleeve or in his quarters. There is plenty of room for a hardworking and underappreciated Vani with the biggest heart, because you make the place brighter for being there. You're being responsible and caring to irl people and EVERYONE IS fricken BLESSED TO HAVE THE CHANCE TO INTERACT WITH YOU, online and offline! Legendary kabu + good fren, 10/10 would definitely team up with to run a criminal network and hidden ninja village with and to have sleepovers with. Big Recommend.
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// I'm so sorry for not answering this sooner! I had so much to say about this but I couldn't do it on mobile and I wanted to write this with my full attention when I'm not exhausted these days. So to make up for it, here's a terrible edit of mine of our muses. And Kabuto's feelings towards your muse too. :'D
This message came just in time when I was feeling shy about interacting with my friends here. I am not really the "constant need of daily attention" kind of person nor will I ever expect such a thing from people and I also respect when my friends are busy. But a lot of the times I do feel like I rather not want to interrupt or annoy you all.
I also find it sometimes challenging that while I do write Kabuto as close to his canon personality as much as I could, I notice that I do often lean towards the canon divergent or a teeeeny bit of ooc at some times. But I am so happy to know that you love my muse as best as I can roleplay him. And your Orochimaru is someone that everyone needs to see and meet while also following your own rules and such.
But Lady, seeing you back here and being active again and having your Orochimaru terrorizing everyone is always the best thing to see on my dash and it makes Kabuto feel so proud that things won't get boring around here. Though I am sorry for not sending you much asks despite that I am glad that you're here since it was both out of shyness and because since i'm busy offline, it also leaves me emotionally exhausted that I need some "me time". Also it's due to my bad experience in the past with another roleplayer (that was also an Orochimaru) that has left me still feeling sad despite it being years since it happened.
It was also so awesome of you to send me another message with this and I am going to keep it in my inbox for safe keeping, and perhaps I will also be doing this for other messages too.
Lady, you're the best for going out of your way to send me this and I'm glad to know that you and I are good friends and our friendship is still good throughout the years.
Go follow this Orochimaru everyone! They're the best of the best and also a very high recommendation from me to you!
Thank you Lady for this, You're the best!
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Happy Gift Witch Day, Aqua! Here is a poem about dear Chevalier:
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Cold and hard,
Eyes as harsh as a frozen tundra;
Shrink to gentle pools,
Warm and inviting,
In the face of the one who showed him how to love.
Thank you so much for this, Logan!
cheva cat approved
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
people ignoring or dismissing my chronic pain has only hurt me and kept me from help that I desperately needed. I can guarantee that you aren't making too big a deal of your chronic pain. I have gotten a lot worse over the last several years and this was probably preventable if people had actually believed me or done anything. Taking your health seriously and worrying about the future of it is EXTREMELY valid and and vital. I wish you all the care and remedy in the WORLD.
Thank you so much for this. I kept thinking about it all night and at some points i did think like maybe I'm exaggerating or being dramatic but I kept circling back to this exact point you made. The ugly reality is that when you have health issues/chronic pain, you unfortunately have to be prepared for future possibilities, which sucks because I'd give anything that we wouldn't have to do that and could just live without a care in the world. And I'm so sorry that people treated your health issues that way, i hope you're doing okay ❤️
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radiation · 3 months
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allylikethecat · 3 months
When nice anons indulge you and send you emojis from fun ask game lists 🥹 thank you so much kind anon!! If anyone else wants to send any my way, or reblog the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game list, it can be found HERE.
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
Is just taking a screenshot cheating? I love stats and I don't know if these are good numbers or subpar numbers or what but they're numbers and they are mine and thus I love them
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🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Oh my gosh there are so many incredible people in this fandom and I am the absolute worst at communication lol I spent a lot of time in my own little bubble lost in my own little world. (If you reach out please know I am SO EXCITED and happy to chat!!) BUT just know if I'm seeing you in my Notes Activity regularly, even if we have never actually chatted, or I've dropped the ball on the conversation, I consider us friends and smile when I see your URL.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
When there are no paragraph breaks 😭 it could be the most amazing fic ever but my dyslexia means I physically can't focus on / see / read the words on the screen properly so rather than getting frustrated with myself and my own limitations I just abandon ship 😬
Thank you so much for sending me these asks!! This list is so fun if anyone else wants to send some! I hope you are having a great Monday and that you have a lovely rest of your week!
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sunkxsscdmoved · 5 months
Your artwork is amazing and I’m in love!! You are so talented in art and writing!
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|| YOU'RE TOO KIND OMFG. THANK YOU. I really needed to see this today and I love your writing as well and I can't wait for more interactions with your muses. And you're already such a treat to talk to OOC.
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canisalbus · 3 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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ppeanutz · 1 year
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this has probably happened in the marvel canon hasn't it.
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