inkykeiji · 7 hours
i already have two (2) boothill AUs (horse)kicking around in my skull and i haven’t even met the goddamn man 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。
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inkykeiji · 9 hours
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inkykeiji · 9 hours
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Horikoshi posted a new sketch and I wanted to try and color it,,, haven’t colored any manga panels/sketches in a while so
And no i will not color the background, that is pain
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inkykeiji · 9 hours
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Local cat
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inkykeiji · 9 hours
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a late night of justice 🌙
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inkykeiji · 9 hours
Beautiful face🥺
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inkykeiji · 20 hours
Lmao I'm deep into Baldur's Gate 3 rn so when you said "Ajax" I thought you were talking about that and nearly had a heart attack.
omg i am so sorry >.< no unfortunately i’m talking about the silly ginger man who also goes by childe
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inkykeiji · 1 day
Just thinking about being Ajax's pretty wife ✨
me every single day anon ME EVERY SINGLE DAY as of late!!!!! okay but the thing is, ajax would love having a pretty little housewife, you know? someone to bear his children, someone to scrub the thick splatters of crimson staining his clothes, someone to cook and clean so he comes home to a hot meal and a spotless house every single night ♡ someone he can breed over and over and over again, routinely stuffing your cunt full of thick cum, so much that it floods your womb, seeping past the tight seal of his cock to dribble down his heavy balls, still pressed flush to your ass, in fat dollops of cream. but he hates it when even a single drop is wasted—it’s much too precious to dry, hard and crusted and shimmering, in smeared strokes across your thighs; or to soak into cotton bedsheets and mattress foam.
so he shoves his hips forward, flexors tense against supple flesh, a feeble attempt to keep as much of it inside of you as he possibly can. two slim fingers reach down to swipe across his balls and collect the excess before it’s lost, fingertips thrust into your waiting, willing mouth merely a moment later. they drag across your tongue, depositing leftover cum on the slick muscle, a ragged little chuckle exhaled hot and damp when your tongue curls, wrapping around his fingers in a wet, tight embrace and sucking them further into your mouth, a contented little hum vibrating around his digits.
but the thing about ajax’s seed is that it’s strong, it’s potent, it sticks. he plants pieces of himself inside of you on the first try, takes root in your body and starts to grow. and before you know it, there’s always a piece of him budding inside of you, even after you’ve birthed the last one.
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inkykeiji · 1 day
For Adam, Lucifer, Vox, Alastor and Husk
Which one would they have? A daddy, sir or master kink?🤭
adam: all three work, and i think it would really depend on his mood!! Daddy when he’s feeling softer and especially condescending, Sir when he’s especially upset with you, and Master at any and all times, because he just loves the connotation of sheer power that comes packaged with the term. like fuck yeah, he’s your Master, you’re goddamn right, baby!
lucifer: hmm Daddy, i think!!! he gives off such caregiver vibes, despite his seeming incompetence and his difficulty caring for himself + his daughter, which are more due to depression than anything else. i think Master and Sir would sound a little too formal for him, at least for everyday use + coming from you (a lil different when it’s coming from ordinary citizens and the like), though he might demand you use them when he’s delivering an especially harsh or brutal punishment (which is rare but not impossible).
vox: DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY and Sir as well. he’s just so 1950s, so condescending, and such a control freak. he’d love to take on a caregiver role with you, because that affords him the ultimate control. the power imbalance there is so skewed; he has a long list of rules for you to abide by and makes most if not all of your decisions for you, including what you eat, what you wear, and what you do. but on top of that, vox genuinely does just enjoy taking care of things. he enjoys nurturing his company and its respective sectors, he enjoys continually refining it to be as perfect as is possibly can be, he enjoys overseeing and approving all decisions made to shape it into exactly what he wants it to be. and he’d do the same with you.
alastor: Master, 100%. he owns you—it’s the only way a ‘genuine’ relationship with him works. you belong to him in every sense of the word; you’re nothing more than his little pet, expected to jump, sit, roll, stay the very moment he orders you to.
husk: husk is hard!!! maybe Daddy? i’m kind of torn between Daddy and Sir, though there’s a part of me that thinks Sir might be a little too formal or harsh for husk. he really strikes me as the type that would be so so so sweet on his partner/significant other, and would genuinely enjoy taking care of them, so Daddy just feels like it fits the best!
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inkykeiji · 1 day
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let's continue his march of grief
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inkykeiji · 1 day
The CAGE SCENE absolutely my favorite but that’s also my favorite panel in the manga so I lost it seeing it animated ugh but also the very ending POV part was really the peak of all cinema it couldn’t have been done better
IT REALLY WAS SO SO SO GOOD and the breathing oh sweet jesus the breathing yes yes yes i loved literally every single thing about it HAHAHA <3 i don’t really have any complaints or criticisms!!! i hope you enjoyed your second viewing bb <333
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inkykeiji · 1 day
anyway i am once again thinking about riding boothill’s revolver ( ◡‿◡ *) danger play danger play danger play!!! make that man feel some real exhilaration!!! phallic objects in place of real phalluses ( ◡‿◡ *) load that motherfucker up Daddy let’s play some russian roulette ♡
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inkykeiji · 1 day
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“I am Toya Todoroki. The eldest son of Endeavor.”
“That’s what I want to share with you all.”
“I COULDN’T ALLOW IT! To cover up such shady human nature calling it “justice.”
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inkykeiji · 1 day
me coming downstairs to find out that we’re having a house party tonight like 🤓
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inkykeiji · 1 day
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Kacchan wearing a tie
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inkykeiji · 1 day
It was a delightful June morning. The sun played on the waters of the river and brushed the dewy grass with its rays. The river and the meadow were strewn with rich diamonds of light.
Anton Chekhov, tr. by Peter Constantine, from "After the fair" wr. c. 1880
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inkykeiji · 1 day
the first thing i see when i wake up and i literally want to SOBBBBB i love them so much
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