#Study of Muggles
lilbeanz · 2 months
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Professor Burbage 📀📻🎶✨️
(As characterised in 'The Journal of Dreadful Things' series)
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drarrargh · 6 months
draco buys bedazzled jeans!
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mxskellington · 1 month
*reading Romeo and Juliet in muggle studies*
𝗣𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿: *reading stage directions*
Romeo dies
𝗥𝗲𝗺𝘂𝘀 [reading as Romeo]: Oh thank fuck I’m dead, I can go back to my book now
𝗥𝗲𝗺𝘂𝘀: I’m just glad I died before I had to marry THAT idiot
𝗕𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 [reading as Juliet]: *from across the room* OH FUCK YOU TOO LUPIN
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Give me muggleborn students trolling eachother via howlers and voice changers but they accidentally use muggle jokes that the pureblood kids don’t understand (think Nigerian Prince scams) so it spirals out of control.
“I didn’t know your family had ties to nobility? Why didn’t you mention it?”
“You’re familiar with African nobility? Enough that they send you howlers? And you didn’t care to mention that?”
“Oh… oh yeah that’s… my bad?”
Queue every muggle raised child realizing this opportunity and making eyes that scream “do NOT fuck this up for all of us” at each other before the gossip network does its work.
Anyways I just wanna see Goncharov level of unity because they absolutely would stick to the bit if someone fell for it.
Professor Snape would die over this silently, while all the pureblood teachers are like “???? Are you well, Severus?”
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nobodyfamousposts · 9 months
Here's a Thought About Harry Potter...
Okay, so you have bigoted Wizarding children who look down on muggles and muggleborns and put big emphasis on wizarding lineage and whatnot. Big example in canon was Draco and his open use of the derogatory word "Mudblood".
So let's ignore the blatant favoritism where he and others are free to bully and be overtly cruel with no punishment or consequence.
Let's also pretend the teachers actually do their jobs and issue appropriate punishment.
What would happen if one of said teachers decides that the best way to curb Draco's blatant discrimination would be to have him learn about muggles?
So Draco ends up transferred to Muggle Studies.
Draco: This is a waste of time! Name one thing muggles have accomplished that Wizards haven't. Go ahead. I'll wait— Teacher: They've been to the moon. Draco: Wait—what? Teacher: Six times. Draco: WHAT?!
Where he is forced to...(shudder) learn about how muggles live!
Oh nooooooooo.
So he learns about muggle inventions.
Muggle Student1: So there's this square device called a "cell phone" that's compact enough that we can carry around in our pockets. We can also use it to send messages within seconds, chat with people across the world, play games, and look at pictures of cats. Draco: Don't think you can fool me! Like I would fall for something so insane! Muggle Student2: (Sarcastically) Oh no, he caught us.
Muggle contraptions.
Draco: What do you mean they don't use quills? How do they write? Teacher: With pens. Draco: Where do they get the ink from? Teacher: It's IN the pen. Draco: (Stares) …how?
Muggle hobbies.
Malfoy: What is "internet"? Muggleborn Student1: ….oh you sweet summer child. Muggleborn Student2: Don't tell him. I don't think his brain could handle it.
He also ends up falling into the muggleborn black market.
Which comes with the revelation that there IS, in fact, a muggleborn black market at Hogwarts. Because I'm hard pressed to believe that kids in the modern era would just abandon their modern comforts completely.
Muggleborn Student1: Hey, just because electronics don't work at Hogwarts doesn't mean we have to leave everything behind. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have a new stock of Cadbury chocolates, KitKat bars, and Fruit Pastilles. Muggleborn Student1: YES! Draco: (Scoff) There's nothing here I would want. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have one set of "Slytherin" gel pens in black, silver, and bright green. One set of glitter gel pens. And a spiral notebook with a holographic cover. Draco: (Slams money on the counter) GIMME!
And Draco ends up learning a lot.
After all, a Slytherin is supposed to be cunning and ambitious.
It would be remiss of him to not take advantage of such opportunity as it presents itself.
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fatesundress · 9 months
do we as a society think tom riddle could do math. yes or no
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otrtbs · 8 months
okay, here are some of my headcanons for narcissa and regulus as the black family members who know what it's like to be left behind.
narcissa is 3 years younger than bellatrix and 2 years younger than andromeda so she has to watch her sisters go off to hogwarts and is left alone for 2 years by herself.
so when regulus is sorted into slytherin and sirius has new friends in a new house and is 'leaving him behind' narcissa takes him under her wing
narcissa is a seventh year and head girl and regulus is a first year and very tiny so it's very easy for her to sneak him into hogsmeade with her
narcissa used to play quidditch and loved it with everything she had (she was a keeper if u care) until her family (and lucius) made her quit in year six so now she spends her free time coaching baby regulus and helping him with his flying since she doesn't get too
narcissa employs regulus to help her study for her N.E.W.T.S (potions is her best class) and that's how regulus discovers his love and talent for potions (she teaches him all the upper class information so he's ahead of his classmates)
regulus and narcissa are both the observant ones of their families (it's why they're both so good at quidditch and why they're seekers and keepers respectively) and that's why narcissa is the only one who notices how regulus flinches whenever sirius "acts up" at family events
narcissa uses her age and slughorn's admiration to get permission to check out books from the restricted section for regulus (under her name ofc) not at all caring that he's a first year and shouldn't be reading them. (if regulus asked for it, she would get it for him)
regulus and narcissa are both early january capricorns, their birthdays are mere days apart (in my heart this is true!!)
when narcissa graduates she gives all of her potions notes and her special lucky caldron to regulus along with her old broom (regulus uses it even though orion bought him the best broom on the market)
narcissa opens up her house to regulus summer before his fourth year and she takes him to hogsmeade and buys his school supplies (bc things are BRUTAL between sirius and walburga and regulus has to Get Away) and they talk about surviving is a balance of complying in public and rebelling in private
regulus asks how narcissa rebels in private and she tells him about alice
they both wonder if andromeda and sirius are simply surviving like they are or actually living.
voldemort gives lucius and narcissa the diary horcrux to hide, but narcissa doesn't know what it is really and winds up telling regulus about it which is what tips him off the horcruxes
regulus making a plan to tell narcissa about the horcruxes so they can figure out how many have been made and take voldemort down in secret whilst complying in public--together. but he just has to destroy the locket he found out about first.
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astersofthesky · 26 days
Maybe one favorite thing I love about the few alternate universe lawlight fics I've read is the lawlight banters thag mostly lead to physical fist(foot?) fights. Gosh, that silly and beautiful soulmate au is never leaving my mind. It's so funny and amusing really, the way they just annoy the hell out of each other through songs. I love it so so much
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solis-angelus · 11 months
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Fic: Muggle Studies is Economics in Disguise by May_May_0_0
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witchwritingfanfics · 10 months
Muggle-born Headcanon
I have this headcanon that at least 15% of Muggle studies students were Muggle-borns for that easy O.
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lilbeanz · 9 months
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dirtyfox911911 · 10 months
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Imagine studying this in school
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mxskellington · 1 month
*in muggle studies* Minnie: Some muggles don’t live close enough to shops to buy fresh cream, so they buy it powdered Peter: How do you powder cream? Minnie: Once the cows are milked, you cook it to dehydrate it. Sirius: ??? James:(who was not listening) Merlin Pads, why do you look so scared? Sirius: Minnie just said that some muggles bake cows in to powder James: WHAT Remus: Merlin Prongs, powered milk is gross but not “made-of-baked-cows” gross Lily: Hey watch it Rem, I grew up with powdered milk James: Lily! You drank the muggle cow powder??? Lily: What? James it’s not— Sirius: Evans how could you Peter: What the fuck Lily Minnie: Potter! Pettigrew! Also, its professor, Sirius. Besides, powdered cream is not made from dehydrated cows its made from dehydrated milk. Minnie: *sighs*
... *reading Romeo and Juliet in muggle studies* Peter: *reading stage directions* Romeo dies Remus [reading as Romeo]: Oh thank fuck I’m dead, I can go back to my book now Remus: I’m just glad I died before I had to marry THAT idiot Barty [reading as Juliet]: *from across the room* OH FUCK YOU TOO LUPIN
*in muggle studies*
Barty: So you're telling me that muggles have come up with flavored milk? Pandora: Yes, its quite lovely. Barty: But where the fuck does it come from? How does the chocolate get in the milk? Pandora: Chocolate cows! Regulus: Panda you realize that chocolate milk comes from regular cows, right? Evan: No, she's right, it comes from brown cows Regulus: No, it doesn't Evan: Yes, it does Regulus: No, it doesn't Evan: Yes, it does! Ask Dorcas! Regulus: Cas! Tell Ev that chocolate milk doesn't come from *chocolate* cows Dorcas: *walks away*
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Wolfstar imagine where Sirius "Literally has Vanity in his Blood" Black loses it when Remus shows him his first muggle fashion magazine and sees the range of cosmetics.
Give me Sirius making a huge withdrawal from Gringotts in muggle currency, Remus saying "babe that's too much", but sighing and taking him to like... idk Sephora, and Sirius running up the craziest fucking bill at the makeup store.
Turns out he didn't withdraw too much, told you Moony.
They leave with a receipt so long it looks like they went to CVS. Fucking rich kids, what the fuck is this, you could buy a fucking car with this much money, Pads, what the hell.
Remus' rewards account that he made because there’s no way you’re just not getting the free points with this idiotic level of spending, you absolute clown, just use my number, don’t fucking waste them never runs out of points because it's the only phone number Sirius ever memorizes, and he always proudly says it to the cashiers.
Did you know they'll send physical catalogues to rich assholes who refuse to (or can’t) use the online catalogue? And that you can mail order parcels to a magical post distributor? Who transfers your mail to owls? And then your packages can reach Hogwarts? Remus knows, through his ridiculous fucking boyfriend who somehow keeps snagging those catalogues before he can burn them, Merlin knows how he can manage that but can't be bothered to finish his coursework, Pads. --Quit ruining my fun, Moony, I thought you liked ruining my makeup? Don't you like making a mess of me? Why do you hate joy?
They get gift baskets for being top spenders from both the store and from Sirius’ favorite individual brands. This is actually mortifying, Pads, stop laughing at me what the fuck even is this? What did they even send you? Christ.
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chocolate-froggy · 23 days
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i love muggle studies class
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avielex · 18 days
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Don't mind me, I'll just be taking this whole side story for Jordan's lore...
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