#Simon oc
skretri · 3 months
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Meet Argus & Simon (Icely) !!!!
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whumpsoda · 15 days
Seeing Me in You - A Real Name
cw: pet whump, box boy universe/bbu adjacent, Institutionalized slavery, conditioned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker,
“You been thinking about names?” Isaac asked, flopping down on the couch. Smiling, her hands folded over each other casually in her lap as she gazed expectantly to her pet.
“Yes, ma’am.” He replied with the softest of a nod. She had ordered him days before to come up with names for himself, a strange request. A master would want to be the one to name their pet, would they not? Weren’t those the rules?
“Got any in mind? Any you like?”
“No, ma’am.” 
Her face dropped a smidge in disappointment, churning a quease in his belly, before she jumped back to her feet. “Give me just one second.” Stepping to the short shelf pushed against the opposite wall, she studied the titles intently, before pulling one out with excitement.
“Here’s some names. A whole book of ‘em.” Isaac announced, flipping to the first page of the thick book, filled to the brim with them, “Edith uses this one all the time, and pretty much all’ve our rescues pick one from in here. I’ll read some out to you, and maybe you’ll hear one you like.”
She recited each and every one in the order they were listed in, looking to him after each name. It was almost as if she wanted his approval, such a foreign concept that 253719 didn’t understand. Though, it was usual for him not to understand her, the other masters, or any of the out of line pets around him.
“Abraham? Arthur? Atticus?” She listed, turning to him with her tender, kind smile that meant even though things were weird, he wasn’t being bad. 
“Whatever pleases you, Master.” He had merely replied after every look, the safe answer he held close to his heart. Nearly was he not even listening, mind wandering to emptiness as he kneeled on the rug beside her. But she continued still, not satisfied with it. With him. 
Until one name.
“August?” She inquired, and he perked up, the lightest of a glimmer in his eye. He recognized August. Isaac chuckled, giving him a sweet pet to the head that he leaned eagerly into. “You like that one?”
He didn’t like it necessarily, a pet didn’t like, but his master did.
Fall was his master’s favorite season, where all of the magically vibrant colored leaves would fly through the chill turning air. The month of August fell during fall, right? He could have sworn it did. 
252719 remembered his master repeating his statement of likeness every year as they sat together on the porch, 252719 kneeling beside him as he smoked. I just love fall, such a pleasant time, he would say, a rare smile strung over his lips. The foul smelling smoke would fill his pet’s nostrils, filling his lungs and tempting him to cough, but he wouldn’t. He was good enough to know not to.
And if his master so decided he wanted to utilize him for another purpose, one he wasn’t designed for but his master enjoyed, he would welcome the stinging burn of the cigarette digging a sizzling hole into his exposed flesh. He would whimper and whine pathetically with affliction, just as his master liked it.
252719 missed his master. He missed him so much it hurt, terribly so, tying suffocating knots all throughout his grief stricken body. Even the pain he inflicted the pet missed.
But they wouldn’t let him leave. Especially the one that was his new master who said she wasn’t but he knew she was. She said no running away, and so he couldn’t. 
But he wanted to.
And wanting was weird and bad. He was not supposed to want, but he did and it kept him up at night, tossing and turning over memories of his master, over anxieties of this new place where everything is confusing and strange. How it was changing him and making him so very bad.
“Yes ma’am.” 252719 - no, August - mumbled, to her glee. 
August. He had a name now. A real name. Not like the numbers his master called him by. He had a person name.
And August liked it.
The clothes were terribly uncomfortable. Not being used to having fabric layered over his skin he cringed, scrunching the soft lines of his plush face. 374629 was not ungrateful, never would he dare to be, he simply did not understand why his master had made him dress. He never had clothing beside a dingy pair of boxers in the facility, and was convinced he would not outside of it either. But there he was, anyway, adorned in his master’s clothing.
He was his master, right?
Me too.
374629 couldn’t help but wonder what he meant. Because of course his master couldn’t be a guard dog, let alone a boxie himself. Masters were people, not pets, and such things were not interchangeable, he knew that. 
His master didn’t even act like a pet. No crawling, no mantras - except for, well, when he repeated his pet’s, but that was different, was it not? -  no collar, no master, no pet.
His master was not a pet. He was sure that was not what he had meant, and a real pet like him should not have even been worrying about it. All he needed to worry about was keeping his master completely and absolutely safe. 
So he forced his brain back into blank and utter emptiness once again, saving himself for the danger of any possible threat. He would keep himself vigilant like he was trained to be. 
His master hummed as he cooked, with a sing-song voice creamy like butter that licked his ears with the hint of gravel. He twirled the spoon around the pot, sticky with hot mac and cheese that took over the air of the apartment. 
374629 had never had macaroni before, only the gray slop his handler had plopped into his dog bowl at least once a day. He held no hope for the chance of receiving any, knowing his place well. 
So when his master, still humming loud and clear, placed a large, human sized bowl of macaroni before him, 374629 didn’t know what to do. He knew he wasn’t supposed to eat it, that was for sure. So he waited.
His master plopped down at the table beside him with his own bowl, steaming the same as his. “That’s for you, okay? I want you to eat as much as you feel you can, if, um, that’s okay.”
Maybe… maybe it was for him. 
And so he ate. Warily at first, waiting for a kick to the face as he descended his mouth to the height of the food, ass up and hands on the wood. Position five. It never came.
But was his meal delicious. 
He’d never tasted anything so good in his life, so wonderful he could never believe he was deserving of it. It spread a cozy warmth of magic through his mouth, not enough to burn but enough to have him melting in a puddle on the floor. Tastebuds sparkling with excitement he plunged back in for more, scooping up pieces vigorously with his tongue and allowing them to dance through his mouth as he chewed.
“So” his master started, pulling him away from the heaven that was his dinner,  “Got any name ideas? It can be anything.”
Oh, he was so bad. Had he missed an order? Was he supposed to have been doing so?
“N- no, sir.” He didn’t even want to dare think about a name for himself. His name was for his master to decide, it was the rules. He couldn’t disobey, but was he really, when his master wanted it? 374629 swallowed another mouthful of cheese dripping noodles, mouth dribbling with sticky remains that pooled at his chin.
“That’s okay.” His master told him, although he knew he didn’t mean it. Nothing was okay when your pet was too stupid for you. “I wish… I had Edith’s book with me… I guess we’ll just have to think about it for a bit. Just let me know if anything comes to mind, um, that you like.”
He could… do that. Did he know any names? He didn’t even have one himself.
He knew… he knew His handler’s name. His first, not just his last, even if he wasn’t really supposed to. Of course he had never called him by it, only Handler Parker, but he’d heard it before.
Hey, Simon, I guess you’ve finally gotten this one under your control.
He missed his handler, he supposed. Missed the strict order and absence of confusion. With his handler he knew exactly what to do and what not, and now it felt like he was all alone with his training. Really, he was.
Handler Simon Parker.
“Simon?” He shifted up to his master, eyes falling wide, “Is that what you said?”
Had he-
He’d said that out loud-
“That’s a nice one. It fits you. I like it.” His master said, lips upturning to a grin. He looked excited, almost, and terribly pleased. “Do you like it?”
He hadn’t really-
But he did, and his master liked it. 374629 was going to be sick, stomach curling in knots as burning bile bubbled in his belly.
His lips carefully parted, quivering as his fists clenched, uncut nails burrowing into the flesh of his palm. “What- whatever pleases you, Master.” He choked out, words tinged with the rasp of shock as he turned his gaze back to the floor.
“I really like that. I think it’s settled then.” His master giggled, sweet and bubbly that failed to calm his pet’s horrified heart. “Welcome to the family, um, Simon.”
Isaac is from a different connected bbu story I just posted earlier today if you want to check that out here :)
Taglist- @softvampirewhump @3-2-whump @taterswhump @fefe658 @whumped-by-glitter
@pigeonwhumps @whumpinthepot @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @tippytappytyping @ivymyers
@octopus-reactivated @loserwithsyle @snakebites-and-ink @itsawhumpsideblog @otterfrost
@parasiticwhumpee @starrysky888 @isntthisblank
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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Can't You Hear Me Scream? Part 1
Warnings: Shock collars, calling Whumpee 'Puppy', mild disassociation (I think), mild sleep deprivation, TV show hosts.
Please tell me if I need to tag anything else.
Part 2
Knock, knock.
Mal groaned at the knock at the door, far too tired to actually get out of the pile of soft blankets and plush pillows that made up his little nest on the floor. From the long day of press releases and photo ops with 'the city's greatest heroes' to a long, overcast night fighting supervillains and getting his ass kicked while he hoped for a glimpse at the moon, he had barely been awake when he crawled into the nest last night. That hadn't stopped the nightmares but then again, nothing would.
"Mal?" A far too chipper voice said through the door. Liam. "Mal, you're going to miss breakfast! Wake up!" a couple more knocks at the door.
Mal rolled over and covered his head with a pillow. He just wanted to sleep. Preferably without dreams.
There was an uncomfortable buzz from the shock collar around Mal's neck, a warning of pain that shocked him awake in a moment, making him sit up in the nest. "I'm awake!" Mal shouted, hoping to avoid a real shock. "I'll be out in a minute!"
"You better be! You know how the captain gets when our puppy doesn't eat!" Liam laughed, not unkindly, but Mal flinched at the nickname anyway. He really should have been used to it by now. After 5 years at Camp Rainer and 3 different teams after that, he should have been used to being called 'puppy'. But it made his inner wolf growl with irritation every time, self-preservation be damned.
"I'll hurry," Mal said, reaching to pull on some clothes. He didn't dally but he still expected it when a second warning buzz came 5 minutes later, this one probably from the captain. He trudged out of his room and headed to the dining room, ignoring the happy chatter as he sat at the table and laid his head on the cool wood, closing his eyes.
"You tired, Mal?" Maya asked with a gentle smile.
Mal smiled back out of habit and nodded. "Just stayed up too late last night. I'll be fine."
"Good," the captain, Simon, said, putting a plate of food down for Mal and petting him in between his wolf ears. "We have an interview with Callie so you need to eat up and be well-rested so that you don't try to bite people's heads off."
Mal fixed his hair and dutifully ate the food set in front of him. He hated interviews and Callie specifically. The fake smiles and cutting remarks made him want to bang his head against the wall. She wasn't any worse than any other TV show host but she seemed just as equally upset that the team treated Mal like a dog as she was likely to treat him like one herself. The hypocrisy itself was enough to make Mal's head hurt.
Mal ate quietly while the team ran over test questions and rehearsed answers. Mal didn't need to participate. He didn't technically have to be there at all. He was just there to show how good the rehabilitation centers like Camp Rainier were at taming wild beasts like Mal and he was already an expert at that. He hadn't even realized that he had zoned out until-
"And before we forget, we should probably change Mal into his public appearances collar."
Mal glanced at Kate, carefully keeping his face neutral as twin waves of anger and anxiety ran down his spine. His 'public appearances' collar was about four times more sensitive than his normal collar and the shocks ramped up in intensity much quicker. Even on his most careful and obedient behavior, he still got shocked at least once every time he wore it. If he didn't know this team better and didn't know the policy he might have assumed that they were just cruel for the sake of cruelty. Sadly, he did know better and no amount of begging would change policy. He had tried.
"Thank you, Kate," Simon said, pushing Mal's plate closer to him in an effort to make him eat more. He knew from experience that just being in that collar made Mal lose his appetite. Mal took a moment to indulge in some healthy annoyance at that before shoving everything back into their respective boxes in his head and forcing down a few more bites. "Liam, since you're done eating, can you go grab that?"
"Right away, Captain!" Liam left whatever he was tinkering with today on the table and left the room. Mal managed about four more bites before Liam came back. His fingers tightened around the fork, the thought of stabbing Liam with it and bolting entering his head and immediately being directed towards the appropriate box as he slowly put the fork down and pushed away his plate.
Simon stood and walked around behind Mal, turning off and unbuckling his current collar and putting the new one on. It was sleek and black, the 'corrective measure' more hidden but easily seen when pointed out. Mal's shoulders tensed when Simon switched it on, the tell-tale beep almost making Mal flinch. Simon rested one hand on Mal's shoulder and pet him with the other until Mal could force himself to relax back into his calm mask.
"Good boy," Simon said in that same deadpan he said everything in. Mal knew it was just the conditioning that made him preen at the praise but that didn't make him stop. Just sent an undercurrent of frustration through his head. Simon gave him one last pat and sat back down, leaving Mal to figure out how to breathe around the collar.
They finished breakfast quickly and piled into the armored car to head to the studio. When they got there, everyone got into their makeup and headed to their spots, having small chats with Callie and the staff. Mal mostly just sat quietly in his chair and started weaving in his head to calm himself down.
In. Out. Over. Through. Add another color. First color in. Second color out. Second color over. First color through.
The music that signaled the start of the show played and Mal made sure he hadn't forgotten to put on a smile before going back to his weaving. Add another color. Second color in. Third color out. Carry first color. Third color over. Second color through. Carry first color.
"So Mal, how has working with the city's greatest heroes been treating you?" Callie asked in her blindingly bright voice.
Mal looked at her and then glanced around at the team. The captain's serine smile and eyes that stared right through Callie, Liam's bouncing leg and hands signing the conversation to the crowd, Kate's calm, neutral expression and subtle 'get on with it' gesture, Maya's expectant look and encouraging smile. He heard his own screams playing from one of the boxes in his head as he turned back to Callie with his own calm smile.
"Better than anything else in the world."
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exiiiqqu · 3 months
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Another drawing of Argus and Icely =3 I LOVE THEM ‼️
OCS @skretri 💗
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jeviiarts · 5 months
You should draw a microraptor (or any small theropod!).. or your favorite oc? Love your style!
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OMG IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER TO RESPOND TO! I finished this drawing a while ago and completely forgot what it was for I’m so sorry 😭
Tysm for the ask and compliment omg! it was so fun to try and do feathers :]!
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Also drew my oc Simon, he’s based on a sinosauropteryx so I guess that counts as a small theropod too, tehe
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thecluelessdoctor · 3 months
I made art of my aftermath cast
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Simon doing Simon things
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Rayray being annoying. Fun fact: rayray is based on Riri from Romantic killer. If you have seen that anime just know I love you
Also ray ray has a redesign. I took his horns and gave him hooves in stead
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He's gay! And don't smoke kids
Don't be like John
No you can be gay i-
Ok I'm shutting up
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You ever have that one friend you wanna grab the head of and crush
Golly I wonder what rayray is teasing him about
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Well that just took away any tension
Screw you rayray >:(
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Don't ask me how this works just let me ship my skeletons
Also I'm sorry I haven't drawn Oliver ik you all love him/j
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that-ghosts-art · 1 year
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Fernando, ‘Cory,’ and Simon from Gauvain’s fic Alcor the Dreambender’s Infinite Bed and Breakfast having a lovely time at the opera >:3
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daxwormzz · 2 years
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dxrlingdaydreams · 2 years
Fictober Day #1 | "I Chose You"
Okay, so technically this obviously isn't posted on day one- but it is day one's prompt!
original fiction words: 354
Their tangled hands hung over the edge of the hammock, gently swinging in the wind. Never before had the two of them been so in love, nor so unsure. The gentle breaking of the ocean’s waves against the shore brought them a sense of security in their disheveled world. For a moment, it was almost as if no one else existed. 
“How did we get here?” Taryn whispered. It was a fair question, after all. Their hometown was destroyed in the war and their families were left far behind them. Even her sister had abandoned her for the sake of saving the world. Taryn didn’t have the strength to do that, not this time. Too often she had found herself entangled in the disparities of the world as she tried to save everyone but herself. At least this time, Simon was with her. 
The two of them fled to the coast when the war was over, desperate to escape the ruin behind them. It was too hard to be there after everything that happened. Of course, the past was always licking at their heels- only inches behind them as they ran from reality. 
“What do you mean, ‘how did we get here?’” Simon looked down at her; the love of his life resting her head on his chest.
“Why did you come with me?” Taryn matched his gaze now. “Why did you choose me?” 
“I chose you because I love you, Taryn.” His face softened at her confusion. How could she not know this by now? Simon kissed the top of her forehead gently in reassurance. “I love you more than the life we left behind. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and we deserve to live that life happily.” 
Satisfied with his answer, Taryn rested her head on his chest once more. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze and returned to overlooking the sunset dancing along the horizon. Her mind contemplated the idea of that- of living a happy life together. Finally, things were falling into place. They had one another and that’s all they’d ever need. 
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dreamberry24 · 4 months
Math sketches because quadratic equations are boring
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skretri · 3 months
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here some argus & icely art i did while i was on my mental breakdown 💪💪💪
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yansmachinegun · 18 days
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Can't You Hear Me Scream? Part 2
Part 1 | Part 3
Warnings: Shock collars, Mal is called 'it', electrocution, Tell me if I need to tag more.
Mal always loved missions. They always left him bruised and with a headache but there was something in him, a bloodlust that made the aches and pains worth it. It made everything worth it, even the fear from his team and the looks of revulsion and disgust from the people he chased down.
His body practically thrumed with excitement as the van rounded another curve, the siren hurting his ears and filling him with adrenaline. His hands had shook when he switched out his normal collar to his battle collar. His battle collar was his favorite. It has no automatic shock condition and was instead fully controlled by Simon. He supposed it could have been better but Simon was very careful with the shocks, preferring to settle things in public with as little pain as possible.
The van screeched to a stop at an overturned car and Mal waited as everyone else got their weapons, his knee bouncing so quickly that it made his entire body tremble. Simon grabbed his only weapon, the control to Mal's collar, and pointed at the doors.
Everyone instantly filed out with Mal bouncing out after them. Maya activated her boots and flew up to get an aerial view of the situation, Liam activated his stealth tech and disappeared, and Kate slammed her hands together, activating her gloves and making them glow red as she ran off in the direction of the destruction.
Mal stayed next to Simon. Simon preferred it that way and Mal didn't care, so lost in that bloodlust that even words seemed out of reach. Mal was just a weapon at that point and he couldn't care less if he tried.
They came across henchmen first who were either sent running by Simon or were dealt with by Mal who tackled them and put sleeping patches on their necks to be picked up later. By the fourth henchman, Mal was practically purring with delight.
When they reached the center of the disaster, they found The Deceiver (or an egotistical brat as Kate called him) sitting on a floating throne, perfectly relaxed dispite the screaming civilians underneath him and Simon in front of him.
"Hello, Mindmender," The Deceiver said, greeting Simon with a smile like Simon was an old friend.
"Deceiver," Simon greeted, much more emotionless.
"You know, I've never liked our names together," The Deceiver said thoughtfully. "Mindmender. Deceiver. I mean, they did everything short of telling us that we were going to be rivals. Maybe they should have said it. It would have hurt you less."
Simon glared and snapped his fingers. The other three dropped down behind him, matching sharp looks on their faces. "I'm not here to play."
The Deceiver smiled, a twisted little grin that made Mal nervous. "Too bad." The Deceiver pointed and a horde of henchmen came forward.
The battle was fierce. Mal lost himself in the fight, growls blending into each other as he dealt with henchman after henchman. When it became clear that The Deceiver was going to lose, he jumped from his throne and started to run.
"Mal!" Simon yelled, pointing over at The Deceiver.
Mal ran after him, practically giggling in delight. The Deceiver glanced back and Mal just barely caught the look of surprise before he tackled The Deceiver. They rolled and Mal ended up on top, grinning. He reached to grab a sleep patch-
Mal stopped and looked down at The Deceiver. He was... smiling? And looking at Mal like Mal was... cute? He reached up to scratch behind Mal's ear, making Mal's body relax slightly. He braced himself on The Deceiver's chest and tilted his head in confusion.
"I mean look at you! You're just having the time of your life, aren't you? Stars, you remind me of Ollie. They like to play too."
"I'm not... playing," Mal said slowly, unable to pull away from the light scratching. "I'm being scary."
The Deceiver laughed. "You're adorable! Who told you that?" He seemed to wait for an answer and when he didn't get one, the smile slid off his face, replaced with something that almost looked... concerned? "Who told you that?" He repeated, his tone more somber.
Mal flinched at Simon's voice and scrambled for the sleep patch but The Deceiver suddenly thrust his hips up and rolled them over, knocking Mal off of him. He was... shockingly careful about it. He even cradled Mal's head so it wouldn't hit the ground before he got to his feet and jumped into an open manhole.
Mal laid on the ground until he heard footsteps. He could feel fury that didn't come from him coiling around his heart and squeezing, making him gasp. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see Simon, and let out a yelp when he was forcefully dragged to his feet and pinned to the wall.
"What the hell was that, Mal!?" Simon yelled in his face. Mal didn't answer. He felt a sudden harsh slap across his face. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
Mal opened his eyes, staring into Simon's. They were glowing a bright red that made Mal tense all of his muscles just to stop himself from trying to run. "S-sir, I-"
"You what, Mal?" Simon hissed, his voice echoing strangely. "You just sat there and let him get away? You managed to lose public enemy number 1 despite literally sitting on him? Is that what you did?"
Simon shoved away from Mal and held up the little remote. Mal's eyes widened but before he could plead for mercy, Simon pressed the button.
The world disappeared in a haze of blinding white pain. Electricity arched over his skin, the sensitive scent gland on his neck, and down through his bones. He could hear himself scream as he crumpled to the ground, hitting his head against the pavement. The sudden dull pain running through his head was almost welcome as a distraction from the lightning in his blood.
All at once, it stopped. Mal was left twitching on the ground, trying to breathe. He blinked to try and make the world refocus, and saw Simon standing over him, yellow tendrils of light floating off of his shoulders.
No. Not yellow. Please-
They shot out and dug into Mal's chest, sending him into what felt like a hyperaware panic attack. He screamed again, this time in abject terror as Simon slowly leaned down into his face.
"17 people died today," Simon said, speaking dangerously quietly. "And when he comes back and takes more innocent lives, they will be on your head."
"I'm sorry!" Mal said, speaking desperately through tears and tremors. "I'm s-sorry, I'll do better next time, I swear, please, Sir!"
"Oh, I'm sure you will." Simon raised the remote again. Mal screamed and backed away, incoherent pleas falling from his lips.
"Simon, that's enough!"
Two sets of eyes turned towards Kate. Kate stomped forward and grabbed the remote out of Simon's hand. "It's just a wolf, Simon! Do you really think it could have stood up to anything the Deceiver told it? You're just being mean because you're upset. Go take a breather. I'll deal with the wolf."
Simon glared at Kate but the yellow light disappeared and he stomped off. Mal collapsed into a puddle of relief, gasping for air and trying not to cry. He felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched away, instantly regretting that as his entire body complained at the sharp movement. The throbbing in his head was no longer welcome as he tried to look up. He saw Kate crouching in front of him, watching him with annoyance and maybe pity?
"Hey, Mal. Time to go." She gestured back towards the van.
Mal just stared.
"Can you stand?"
Mal shook his head.
Kate sighed in annoyance and helped Mal up, not being rough but not exactly being gentle either. She flung Mal's arm over her shoulder and guided him towards the van.
"When Maya asks, don't tell her about Simon," Kate said as Mal half walked, half dragged himself along. "It'll make her upset. Just tell her that The Deciver gave you a beatdown. Understood?"
"Yes, Sir," Mal mumbled, wishing his body was in less pain so that he could feel the warmth of her touch.
"Good," Kate said, then added in a quieter voice, "He shouldn't have done that."
"'s not that big of a deal," Mal said, trying to make it smaller in his own head. It's not a big deal. It was my fault anyway. I deserved it.
"Right. Get some sleep tonight."
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simonzmama · 14 days
inexperienced baby simon goin down on you for da first time…?
his fingers twitch against the sheets, palms pressed flat against the bedspread in pure nervousness. he wants to put his hands all up on you, but his mind fights itself desperate to try and be good, to be patient, to act like he knows what he’s doin.
his blonde lashes flutter, irises flickering over your bare sparkling skin before they land upon yours. his mouth waters when he sees the heady expression stretched across your face in deep lines, the way your lips lay parted, the way your thighs shrug themselves further over his shoulders.
his lips suckle on the sweet bud of your clit, mouth watering with the way your candy-like taste fills his mouth. his tongue rolls over the lil gem, nails digging into the sheets as he presses his nose into the fat of your lower belly.
“yeah, good, you’re doin’ so good, si,” you breathe out, breath hitching when you feel his tongue stretch and dig against your fluttering entrance.
his moan rings out heavy and desperate, tongue soaking up the wetness that gathers in the hidden creases of your pretty cunt. he drowns you in his spit, his pretty pink muscle taking a mind of its own when it takes up a messy dance.
“b-baby… fuck,” you gasp, heels pressing against the wings of his shoulder blades, eyes rolling slowly as his tongue dips into you n his nose presses against the beating bud of your clit.
“am i doing good? ...make you feel good, mama?” he huffs in a pussy drunk haze, arm stretching, and before he’s even thinking about it his fingers are curling around the heavy fat of your tit, letting the other dig deep into your plushy thigh.
n yes, yes he is.
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ghouljams · 4 months
The first time it happens wasn't on purpose, but Ghost spills over your pumping fist with a low desperate groan that makes you pulse between your legs. "Good boy." You file it away, make a mental note that he came without his usual warning.
The second time it happens is on purpose. You're riding him, grinding your hips down against his lap, feeling the rough curls of his hair against your clit. You press your hands against his chest, stare at him with a smile as he hits all the sweetest parts of you and coo out, "Such a good boy for me." Ghost swallows thickly, tips his head back with a shaky breath, and groans out a swear. He doesn't come, but you can feel his cock twitch, can see the way blush blooms down his neck and over his chest. "Does my good boy want to come?" You ask, succor sweet. The hitch in his breath is the only warning you get before he fills you, spills his warm come into you with a low groan and a mumbled apology. You've never heard Ghost mumble before.
You ask him about it, apologize quietly in the morning when he's got an arm slung over his eyes to shield them from the sun streaming in through the windows. "S'fine," He'd grumbled, still half asleep, "liked it. Got my tail waggin'."
The next time you say it is when you wrap his leash tighter around your hand, just to tug the thick leather around his neck as he fucks you like a dog. "Fuck," you drool against the bed, "my good boy." He fucks you so deliriously hard, too hard for the desperation in his voice when he leans over and tells you, "I am. 'M yours."
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writingfromasgard · 12 days
If you're a minor and interact with this post. I will block you.
Reader who lives in the fucking vents on base. No one knows why. Somewhere in one of the larger junctions she has an office set.
Price walks over the vent in his office, knocks twice then says "dustball, get in here"
The first time it happens to the boys, they're freaked out. They think their captain has lost it when she pops out of the large vent.
Simon almost pulls his gun on her. Gaz stares then goes "Are you the thing i keep hearing at night?" [She is. Her sleeping vent is up above his room.] Johnny laughs harder than he should, "it's a wee bonnie in the walls!"
She's got a clearance as high as Price's which is why no one cares where she's at. They were curious enough to strap a body camera to her once. They found she does her work, has a camp out set up of pots and pans, and she swipes ingredients from the kitchen at night.
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