hyacinth43 · 2 days
Can we get TAU and julia together . sorry your TAU gijinka is like a chew toy to me im throwing him around affectionately
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YES BECAUSE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! Let them be happy together...
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taudad · 3 days
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Working in Resin is really a different beast
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Honestly this painting wasn't made with tau in mind (I do really like drawing sheep that much) but these would absolutely make for some lovely flock designs.
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Accurate T'au lore? On MY r/grimdank? More likely than you'd think!
Also, have a little bonus about the Water Caste in general:
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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by emwattnot
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jamdrawers · 5 months
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I'm tickled by the idea of focusing on a civilian on a Tau planet far away from any war or grim darkness, so I drew a Tau Fashionista! She is friends with a human and an eldar. They work in the fashion industry :)
Also I decided they have short, stubby tails.
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electricphantasy · 1 year
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Hey everybody, back again with my art! I thought I'd come out with my designs for if some A.I.s had a robotic, more mobile form. I kinda wanna go through my thoughts about their designs, so here we go!
HAL 9000: I wanted him to be very human-like with a lot of his details resembling human muscles. No colors, and all monochrome except for his bright red accents. I imagine he was built to be more so function over form, so he's kind of simple compared to the other A.I.s. His outfit is very professional - suit, tie, and all. His cape being a reference to his memory banks, since I love that scene despite how sad it is.
AM: Now I also wanted him to be human but in a more spooky, skeletal way. Very hunched over, broken down, and needing repairs. He has a little monitor where his heart would be that says HATE. Also, I took away AM's leg privileges, so underneath his HATE cloak is just more confusing wiring. I also want to reference the HATE monolith, so his entire cloak is covered in the word, hate. If that doesn't scream AM, I'm not sure what does.
Edgar: Edgar basically has 2 different designs - The design of the movie, and the design of the poster. To combine them I made most of his body based on the one in the movie, like taking his monitor from the movie and putting some limbs on it. He also gets a devil headband and clip-on belt to reference his more common, movie poster design. Edgar also gets the comfiest wardrobe with a heart tee-shirt and jeans.
TAU: Now TAU gets a very odd body shape, mostly because I wanted him to match Aries, (The robot in the movie) but in a less threatening way? Also floating limbs, because I said so. TAU actually has quite a few colors, despite advertising just using red, so he gets a gradient of red to green in his accents. I tried for the life of me to give him a wardrobe, and the closest I could get was a little, see through cloak. :(
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lexalott · 8 months
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Inktober day 3: a Hunter on his path (and the goodest of boys)
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zunra2 · 15 days
edit: TARS update
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edit 2: so there’s been a thread getting popular on Twitter I assume of a very similar concept and just to avoid confusion: I did not make that thread! And I have no relation to whoever did. Just to clarify 👍
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walk walk fashion baby
Put the cast of Reincarnation Blues in outfits of increasing degrees of fanciness for fun (billion years of hard labor)
Click for higher quality
Additional lineups under the cut
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shardanic · 8 months
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From Insta: Hey! I noticed I rolled over 40k followers on Instagram!
Thank you so much! Have to keep the tradition alive and make another 40k piece!
Once again, thank you so much for all of your support. I am truly grateful and flabbergasted every day. For the Greater Good!
And that goes for all of you here, as well! Thank you so much for your support! The little comments people post in the tags on reblogs make my day!
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beastalchemistva · 3 months
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The full lore cards for the Caste System of the T'au Empire! Complete with auxiliary forces information!
You can see the lore video here for sit-and-relax lore absorbance: https://youtu.be/QEKLSpQbBAU
These beautiful pieces of art were made by the amazingly talented @rowscara! Check out her Etsy here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/rowscara/?etsrc=sdt
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Meme by u/freshkicks
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I wonder if for the T'au their human allies function in the same way as humans do to the Vulkans in Star Trek. The pattern is like this: a ship purely crewed by Vulkans is going to be a very boring and rational affair. They'll do their job as efficiently as they can and follow protocol as this is what logic dictates.
A ship crewed by only humans also gets the job done, even when they might get into some weird hiccups along the way. Nothing too special, but perhaps a bit too comfortable taking risks (or using your ship as a battering ram once again, LOOKING AT YOU JANEWAY!).
But the moment you throw a slightly unhinged Vulcan into a crew of humans, you are about to unleash disaster, as their competence meets with a horde of very enthusiastic enablers for absolutely every bad decision they would've never even considered when alone.
For the T'au, it's probably even worse as the individual castes are already pretty insane. Earth Caste engineers already have a tendency to go overboard the moment the Ethereals look away for a second. Add to that humans who culturally have just shook off the dogmata of Mars and who are VERY excited about the possibilities of new tech, and you get a rather... spicy combination.
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wh40kartwork · 8 months
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Spoils Of War
by Ricardo Alvarado
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