#Marvel Comics retcons
jhsharman · 2 years
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Marvel Comics keeps having to ret-con war veterans as serving in wars closer to the current year. Nobody can be fighting crime who served in World War 2. They moved from WW2 to Korea to Vitenam, and have now ended up concocting a fictional war to stand in as a more permanent backstory for Vietnam War service. Archie's solution here is to just make Beazley a cook, who even here a service in WW2 is a little off, for any and all generic foreign wars.
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The War. The Same War. Same difference.
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A curious matter. The drill sergeant of a new principal lays down the law in the faculty lounge. The question about this decaf coffee. Is he barking this in the same tone as everything else, suggesting black coffee or nothing at all, which is out of sorts for the health consciousness of the scene -- or is the decaf having a brief softening effect?
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tonkysexist · 10 months
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The X-office has a chance to do the greatest retcon of the 21st century
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plutonicbees · 1 year
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sbd-laytall · 1 month
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lesbiandardevil · 9 months
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where he goes death follows
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deadletterpoets · 1 year
Kamala Khan gets a tv show and a major part in The Marvels and what does Marvel comics want to do to make her character continue to grow? Let's kill her in Amazing Spider-Man. Fucking hell.
Like I said before, while I get why ppl say the MCU is ruining comics, often times I think the comics are just bad on their own and it has nothing to do with the MCU being successful.
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lilatreus · 2 days
Controversial take but the Daredevil comic should’ve never gotten into religion.
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 2 months
My personal opinion
Marvel Writers: Hank McCoy/Beast is irredeemable. He is a despicable villain. The version you will see in the upcoming comics is a clone of himself with only up to his mid-1980s memories/portrayal. If original Beast does come back, it will still be as a villain and he can never come back to the original team as a hero. He has no one to blame but himself.
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bridoesotherjunk · 5 months
the venom comic runs have apparently retconned the symbiote saying Dylan was only eddie brock's child and not also the symbiote's child now, lmao. the symbiote literally tells dylan now "You are as much my son as his" so i guess the new writers said don cates lied about his own OC, lmao
i hate comic books, nobody can decide on something - there's too many retcons for my small brain to handle
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dumbfandomaccount · 3 months
Disregard this post, I'm just being annoying again
In Unbelievable Gwenpool #20, it is established that Gwenpool does not actually remember her life back in her home universe.
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In Gwenpool Strikes Back, Gwenpool is shown to be able to alter the past, including her own backstory, by doing "flashbacks" to events that never happened.
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Also in Strikes Back, Gwen is strongly implied to be bisexual.
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In her arc of Love Unlimited, Gwen hops into the internet
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before later doing a flashback into her life in her home universe
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which leads into the reveal that she is aromantic and asexual.
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Conclusion: Gwen, when she jumped into the internet, saw Rule 34 of herself and was so disturbed that she decided to retcon herself to be aroace in an attempt to discourage it.
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annamariedarkholmes · 2 years
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Laura is gay. If we get the chance to write her again, we’ll reveal that missing piece to her story. But we’ll need everyone’s help to make that happen.
- Craig Kyle, co-creator of Laura Kinney, Wolverine/X-23: Oct 25 2022 (source via twitter)
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samasmith23 · 7 months
Massive kudos to Matt Fraction & Tom Brevoort for retconning John Byrne’s creepy weirdo crap with Reed Richards & Susan Storm!
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fifiophobia · 10 months
You see, another reason why the Axis retcon doesn’t work is because Magneto’s original name was Max Eisenhardt. Wanda and Pietro’s last name is Maximoff. Maximoff has Max in it. In this essay I will-
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ohfugecannada · 11 months
Can we just take a second to appreciate how James Gunn and the other vol.3 writers managed to weave together the origins of rocket perfectly with that of the High Evolutionary?
In the comics they were completely unrelated to each-other. But if I handent read the og Rocket comic miniseries, I would’ve 100% Rocket and HE’s origins were connected from the start with how naturally they fit together in vol.3.
Like??? Marvel?? You’re telling me, for nearly half a century, you had an evil/morally grey space mad scientist who’s entire shtick is genetically modifying animals into human like anthro versions of themselves, and another, completely separate, unrelated character who’s shtick is he’s a genetically modified anthro raccoon from space??? And yet nobody, NOBODY, not a single person, let alone writer, at your office thought; “hey! Why don’t we just retcon rocket’s origin so that the high evolutionary created halfworld and the genetically modified animals there!”??? It took the freaking Slithers guy of all people in the year of our Lord 2023 to connect those dots????
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k8felge · 28 days
nothing hurts more than seeing ur fave character depicted in an official au story or elseworld where details ab them r different but it explores the character in a new way -- its good in a vacuum, but u know it isn't the Definitive Version of that character. Just a new exploration (cool!). but because the adaptation brought in so many new fans and/or was a huge success it ends up being treated like its the Definitive Version and all discussions of prev versions are overshadowed bc of it... even worse when studios / execs see the success and try to pivot to this New Version only and never try to explore new routes for the character ever again (can you tell this is about comics yet)
#like its not as bad as it was but when the batman (2022) came out...#like this is not hating on ppl who are fans of these depictions at all. if u like the riddler in the batman (2022) ur fine#i like the riddler but eh i dont think that version should be the new riddler. my two cents#but dc isnt marvel so i wasnt worried ab them changing the comics riddler to him moving forward#now MARVEL on the other hand...#i dont rly go there tho so take everything with a huge huge huge pile of salt. but sigh#anyways. this post is NOT about shaming ppl who are fans of these new versions#you can be a fan of any of these new versions. idc.#this post is about STUDIOS and EXECS changing the character completely to capitalize on the new versions success#this is just mostly ab mcu i guess i dont know#i want more explorations of characters gimme moreeee there shouldnt be one defined version#i guess my talking points r confusing. i hope this is coherent and comes across well#ALSO SOME RETCONS / NEW VERSIONS R GOOD SOMETIMES!!! it just depends i guess :p#i hope this post didnt come off as malicious to fans of these versions.#HOWEVER. new fans u gotta try to read some of the other stuff too! maybe u will find another version u like TOO!#u can have two cakes... and eat them... lets hold hands and appreciate diff versions of our faves 2gether#a good example of a retcon being good is arcane i guess... not comics but just the designs r so much better#but i wouldnt say everything ab arcane SHOULD be the new runeterra canon...#it works bc its only focused on zaun and piltover characters. to fit it in with everything else is... hard#BUT THATS OK 👍
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okay maybe this is the optimistic naivete of someone who's only been reading comics seriously for a few years but I'm actually not super pissed about kamala's death and resurrection and reclassification as a mutant? which doesn't seem to be the general consensus (and that's fine) but I wanted to insert my two cents somewhere and I have a blog (pretty sure that's what it's for?) so it'll be here. anyway.
yeah. x-men comics have an obnoxiously long-standing history of focusing on the wolverines and cyclopses and professors x instead of a myriad of other interesting and compelling characters (wiz-kid my beloved) and it's fucking annoying and I don't want that to happen to kamala. and I don't think that's what's happening anyway. especially considering she's already been a side character in amazing spider-man for 16 issues. if this were the next step in sidelining her they wouldn't have made it a huge event and put so much work into showing the champions and avengers mourning her.
furthermore, kamala's story has always been about reconciling these different facets of her identity. pakistani muslim, american teenage superhero, inhuman and avenger, good daughter and good friend and good person. tossing another thing into the mix isn't going to cheapen her experience. it's another label for her to struggle with, another culture for her to determine how much she is a part of. there will be mutants who hate her because she's an inhuman, just like there are americans who hate her because she's muslim. and there will be mutants who say she's not mutant enough. ms marvel isn't publicly muslim, but everything she does will be shadowed by the political implications of a mutant doing those things. and maybe it's just me, but I'm excited to see her go toe-to-toe with scott and emma and xavier, especially in the aftermath of magneto's death. she's a compelling and interesting and beloved character, one of the stars of marvel's current hero roster, and I highly doubt they'd waste the time, energy, and money on such an overhaul just to sideline her as another oft-ignored x-man (especially with fall of x looming in the horizon like an expensive stormfront). if it turns out I'm wrong, I'll absolutely riot with the rest of the affronted kamala khan fans. but for now I might actually be a little excited to see how her status as a mutant goes and what that means for her identity and the mutant narrative as a whole. and I'm definitely excited to see iman vellani co-write this, because I really liked her portrayal of ms marvel in the show and her enthusiasm for all things superhero is infectious! and I would absolutely prefer any and all superhero actors be this invested in the characters they portray.
tl;dr: I feel like kamala being a mutant might actually be interesting and relevant and not the condemnation to background-character-dom everyone seems to think it is. and if I'm wrong I'll be pissed but personally I believe at least iman vellani herself is in touch with kamala's experience, identity, and popularity as a character.
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