skywriter97 · 4 days
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eventual Mama's boy
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skywriter97 · 5 days
You know Tai Lung's Escape scene from the first Kung Fu Panda? I think we should get a similar scene in the 3rd Sonic movie as Shadow is freed from Prison Island
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skywriter97 · 5 days
Domino in Heaven laughing her tail off: SONIC HE IS YOUR DAD FOR CHAOS SAKE!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ these idiots
Hear me out... Phlox is a big fan of Sonic, but has no idea this kid is his son. He's been saved multiple times by Sonic, so they've run into each other multiple times none the wiser.
Phlox deep down feels a connection... A... Paternal instinct if you will... But has no idea why watching sonic do crazy things gives him anxiety...What if Sonic got the dad instinct from him?
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@angry-derp ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!
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Sidebar: I’m over the moon that all of you have had such an overwhelmingly positive reaction to Domino and Phlox! 🥰 I love reading all your reactions, theories and ideas!
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skywriter97 · 7 days
My heart!!! 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
Beautiful as always, @e-vay! 🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖 (honestly I'm curious. Since Phlox could still be out there, what would a meeting between he and Sonic look like if it ever happened?)
SONIC’S MOM (in my AU)
I’ve spent a really long time working on Sonic’s mom for my AU but I’m finally ready to share her with you!
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I wrote this out in text form below the cut for those of you who need to translate it:
Domino was a free-spirited, independent hedgehog. Despite being dealt some rough cards in life, she always had an upbeat attitude and could find the silver lining to almost any situation. Domino had to get by with just the clothes on her back, so she quickly learned to be very resourceful. She was adamantly against material things, except for her one gold earring that she treasured. Her lack of funds led to a nomadic lifestyle, but this gave her a greater appreciation for the planet and she ended up loving her minimalist way of life.
A one-time tryst led to Domino being pregnant with Sonic at a relatively young age. Though she knew nothing about being a mom, she loved him instantly. She couldn’t offer him much, so she did her best to teach him how to make the most out of what little they had and to appreciate all the wonderful things the planet has to offer. Sonic was able to crawl, walk and soon run faster than most babies, so he was very quick to fend for himself. This made Domino’s life easier and more challenging at the same time!
PHLOX: Sonic’s biological father. He and Domino met while they were both passing through the same village and had instant chemistry. She wasn’t one to stay in one place for long, so she took off after one night together. He never knew about Sonic.
Being a young, single mom is tough enough. When your baby has the ability to run at super speeds, it gets even more complicated. Domino was constantly repairing Sonic’s baby shoes when he repeatedly wore the rubber off, but eventually even her trusty roll of duct tape wasn’t enough to cut it. She ended up giving up her solid gold earring to buy him a pair of durable shoes that could withstand his speed.
Domino had a bad habit of telling tall tales. She didn’t do this to be malicious; she just liked to make her life sound more interesting than it was. This tended to get her into trouble, but made for excellent bedtime stories!
One unfortunate night, a terrible storm rolled in and caused a flash flood in the forest where Domino and Sonic were occupying. Domino knew Sonic would be able to outrun it, so she urged him to get away and leave her behind. Domino did not survive.
This traumatic event had a huge impact on toddler Sonic and is not only the reason he’s afraid of water, but why he stopped talking for several years when he was little. With time, he forgets this event and even forgets Domino, and he finds his voice again.
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skywriter97 · 15 days
a little animation I made as my contribution to the Kaleidoscopic Absolution @silverfanzine! [Go download it for FREE here!]
I think he should be allowed to just chill and let time pass by :^]
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skywriter97 · 17 days
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Structuring Your Fight Scene
adapted from <Writer's Craft> by Rayne Hall
Show your characters gearing up, readying themselves.
The pace is slow, the suspense is high (use suspense techniques)
Provide information about terrain, numbers, equipment, weapons, weather.
May have dialogue as the opponents taunt each other, hurl accusations, or make one final effort to avoid the slaughter.
Don't start too early - we don't need to see the hero getting out of bed, taking a shower and having tea.
2. Start
Fighters get into fight stance: knees slightly bent, one leg forward, abdominal muscles tensing, body turned diagonally, weapons at the ready.
Each side will usually try to be the first to strike, as this will give them advantage.
The movements in this section need to be specific and technically correct.
3. Action
This section may be quick or prolonged. If prolonged, no blow-by-blow descriptions are needed.
Focus on the overall direction of the fight
Make use of the location to make characters jump, leap, duck, hide, fall, etc.
Mention sounds of weapons
4. Surprise
Something unexpected happens: building catches fire, a downpour, relief force arrives, staircase collapses, bullet smashes into the only lightbulb and everything goes dark, hero losses his weapon, etc.
Add excitement, raise the stakes.
5. Climax
Both sides are tired and wounded
The hero is close to giving up, but is revived with passion
Move to the terrain's most dangerous spot: narrow swining rope-bridge, a roof-edge, sinking ship, etc.
Don't rush the climax! Hold the tension
6. Aftermath
The fight is over: bes buddies lying dead, bandaging, reverberating pain, etc.
Use sense of sight and smell
The hero may experience nausea, shaking, tearfulness or get sexually horny
Fight scene length
Historical/adventure/fantasy: 700-1000w
Romance: 400-700w
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skywriter97 · 17 days
Literally Me to My Brain Everyday:
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This is what's happening to me right now lol.
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skywriter97 · 17 days
Happy Mother's Day!
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skywriter97 · 17 days
Of the firm belief that
If you go through a writing/drawing session and you never once battle that innate urge to slam your head through the nearest wall, then you clearly aren't doing it write.
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skywriter97 · 17 days
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skywriter97 · 19 days
Ohhhh @e-vay!!! 😍😍😍😍
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Year-old art for mermaaaaaay
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skywriter97 · 20 days
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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skywriter97 · 22 days
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Couldn't have said it better myself 😍😍😍😍
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His Lucky Star
Awhile ago I asked for sonamy headcanons (and I’m always hungry for more!) and I received the most beautiful headcanon from @hedgethemaze and I just had to illustrate it!
Thank you @hedgethemaze for the opportunity to draw your short story 😊
You can read Hedge’s original headcanon below the cut:
Sonic and Amy’s favorite nighttime pastime is stargazing 🌙​⭐​🌠​👀​
Amy enjoys making out constellations and discovering new figures drawn in the sky and would occasionally make up stories with them – She knows Sonic finds this a bit childish, but appreciates that he doesn’t let it show and listens to her stories, instead (even participating once in a while, throwing in some action to keep them from being too daydream-y lol).
Sometimes, looking at the stars would remind Sonic of Starfall Islands – of cyber space – of Amy being at arm's length yet, an entire plane of existence out of his reach. The thought makes him reach for her hand as they lay on their backs on the grass, with a whole new appreciation for the feel of her hand nestled in his - Amy, aware of the gnawing memory, would shift her hand and intertwine their fingers, successfully chasing the memory away.
And some other times, she’d say those stories are just bedtime-story-practice to tell their 'future' child/children, only to tease him because there’s nothing as amusing to her as watching Sonic go from cool blue to cherry red live in record time 😆
About stargazing - it occurred to me that it could be more than likely for Sonamy to catch sight of a shooting star.
Well, I imagine Sonic would notice Amy staring at the shooting star in silence, knowingly waiting for her to say something but then the star disappears from view and he'd say "huh... kinda thought you were gonna wish something for a sec,"
Amy, realizing what he means, would jump a little on her spot next to him, they'd still be holding hands, but she scooches over and rests her head on his shoulder.
"Oh! Well, actually," she rubs her cheek on his shoulder and her grip on his hand tightens "I have everything I could wish for already."
Sonic notes she's got her eyes closed, now more interested in the warmth their bodies are sharing amidst the nightly breeze. Sonic blushes, hoping in vane she doesn't notice his body getting warmer at her statement.
"What about you? Don't you have any wishes?" Amy is genuinely curious (she can feel his awkwardness, so she doesn't tease him 'this time').
Sonic looks away, the hand that's not being held by Amy scratches a very reddish cheek, taking a deep breath to cool himself, "Nah..." the shyness quickly evaporating from his voice and he braves returning her gesture by, ever so slightly, snuggling against the top of her head. Leaving Starfall in the past, to focus on the present, Sonic's already made up his mind. "I'm good, Ames."
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skywriter97 · 24 days
OK i can't be the only one that when reading this dude's name in print
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I always read it Meh-Files instead of its proper Meh-Fill-Ess
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skywriter97 · 24 days
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skywriter97 · 1 month
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Friendly reminder that Tails CANONICALLY sees Sonic as a star
Tails: “Sonic, if you ended up in cyberspace, and your friends had to rescue you, what would your memory tokens look like?”
Sonic: “Huh, let’s see. Well, yours were wrenches because you’re a brilliant engineer Tails. Amy’s were hearts because she has a heart of gold. And Knuckles’ were medals for… some reason”
Tails: “I think it’ll be a star, not only are you a star in all of our eyes, but you inspire all of us to reach for the stars in everything we do”
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skywriter97 · 1 month
the thing about sonic the hedgehog.. is that he is just so cute
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