#ask me anything
genericpuff · 3 days
What is the thing you feel like Lore Olympus failed at or did the worst. The comic has a magnitude of problems but what is one problem that you have the most hatred for or just flat out makes you angry?
(Just curious)
There are so, so many things I could point to as "the worst" thing that the comic did, because it has a LOT of worsts, but I think ultimately the failing of the original myth's messaging has to take the cake because it's ultimately the root of all of LO's problems.
Rachel herself seems to have this disconnect between what's going on in her head vs. what she's actually writing. It's especially present in her Q&A's and interviews where she claims certain things about the comic / text that just aren't present in the slightest during the actual comic. One such example that ties into my answer is this response she gave to Girl Wonder Podcast:
"I feel like female characters in general, people will be a little harsher on them and sometimes way harsher on them, and I used to be like.. before I started writing the story and like making a story I was like yeah, sexism is not that bad, and [now] I was like oh it's bad. It's quite bad [laughs], so like, I don't know, I feel like the female characters in the story don't get so much of a pass. But this isn't consistent across the board, it's not all the time"
It's ironic at best and tone deaf at worst that she would claim that it's her audience being harsh on the female characters, when she's the one who wrote them into the characters they are that would get that reaction. Minthe had her BPD retconned so now she's just the abusive other girl. Hestia was turned into a cruel hypocrite when it was revealed she was a lesbian. Hera is racist to nymphs and cruel to the lower class and yet she's still rewarded in the end by getting to run off with a nymph girl who we've never seen her have any extended interaction with. And worst of all, Demeter was robbed of all of her agency all in favor of turning her into the evil Mother Gothel mom who's overbearing and cruel to poor Persephone. Some of these women deserve to be called out (Hera and Hestia), and others like Minthe and Demeter were simply used as props to do exactly what Rachel claims she doesn't like people doing and is labelling as sexism - to get harsh reactions and give the audience someone to hate on. Rachel desperately needs to learn to read her own work. Her audience is "sexist" towards these women because Rachel wrote them that way.
It fucking sucks and it's, ngl, extremely disrespectful to the messaging of the original myth that was written to comfort and empower the mothers who had lost their daughters to marriages back in the day. It wasn't some simple "aww the girl moved out and now she doesn't visit anymore!" girls who got married off were often literally never seen again and it wasn't by choice. Not only that, but in certain regions (such as in Athens) the women were isolated to their own section of the house upstairs (while the men lived downstairs) so that they wouldn't be seen by visiting guests or strangers.
It's why in some cultures the original H x P myth was considered a "golden standard" for marriages (at the time) because not only was Persephone given power over the domain alongside Hades, but she actually did get to see her mother - but it wasn't because Hades was just such a kind guy who would let her go willingly, it's because Demeter had to literally hold the world hostage and fight for her right to reunite with her child.
So for LO to not only twist Demeter's love and justifiable concern for her daughter into "helicopter parenting", but also rob her of her agency and power in fighting for her child, it fundamentally misses the entire point of the original myth and undoes itself as a retelling that's trying to be taken seriously in the discussion of Greek myth media. And for that, Rachel should be ashamed of herself.
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hiphoppitychopshop · 2 days
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This is for all the baby girls/j
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thighthicmom · 3 days
Wish it was you making my tits bounce like this 🤤🤤🤭
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stonedshesays · 3 days
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“they’re talking about you behind your back”
Okay 🙂‍↔️
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herefor-a-goodtime · 8 hours
Can I suck your boobs?
Yes you can 🥰
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pan-perkozeq · 2 days
Five ebbles would you like this fine rock
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It's an amethyst moss agate it looks rancid <3
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[ He got "Adorabled" ]
Whatever that means jeksbdkz
Also a little edit: I was lazy and didn't have an energy to draw that I'm sorry lad
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allineedisonedream · 2 days
Vampire!Dick can never turn Wally bc DC vampire canon states the Flashes would kill all humans too fast from the never ending need to feed he loves Wally.
love always finds a way...
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zyliezyliezylie · 6 hours
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Here's something for my absence!<3
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tcustodisart · 2 days
Can we draw Connecticut tav?🙏
I don't know, can he draw you? (joking, of course you can :D)
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chaos-princesss · 3 days
ootd? 🤤
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🥰 my favorite sweater, jeans and Burks 🥰
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genericpuff · 2 days
Do you agree with the colouring in LO? because seeing Leuce(?) In the recent LR episode reminded me of an edit I saw a while back where Leuce's colouring resembled more like white poplar than the light pink she actually got. Imo it would've made more sense (especially for the characters with "real world" counterparts) to have different colouring like Leuce being white or Minthe being green
I actually did something sneaky with possibly-Leuce cough cough but I'm waiting to see if anyone picks up on it themselves haha
I do agree though that more could have been done with diversifying the colors of the characters, I mean for god's sakes most of them are pulled from the same 3 colors of pink, blue, and and green. Often times it results in the gods looking more like body painted people rather than actual ethereal gods with unique powers and identities.
Even Minthe, while I can understand she's a river nymph in LO, could have been given some elements of green after being turned into a mint plant. Like damn, do something to diversify your characters a bit, character development can include the physical body, too. We had that for a little bit with Persephone's green hands but then nope, Rachel couldn't have Persephone living with green hands so she had Metis magically heal them for zero reason at all. Ugh. LO very much forgets the visual part of comics.
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cpericardium · 17 hours
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he relents but I am reminded of my ex in conversation and die of a heart attack anyway
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thighthicmom · 3 days
It’s almost fridaaay 😘
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herefor-a-goodtime · 2 days
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This belly needs to be stuffed full of cum and babies 🥰
Please message me... I'm such attention whore
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sparetherescue · 19 hours
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June 1st
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x-celebsreposted-x · 3 days
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Sydney Sweeney 😍 ✨️
Hey guys! I am sat here bored, outta my mind. Send me some asks to answer? Either to do with my blog or anything?!
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