chitrazblog · 2 months
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chitrazblog · 2 months
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chitrazblog · 3 months
Think of it ❤️
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chitrazblog · 3 months
Whether You are dancing 💃, rising 🌷, resisting ✊, protesting 💥, striking 🚫, singing 🎷, giving birth 🧑‍⚕️, cooking 🫕, in the spa💆, managing household 🤷, writing 📝or celebrating 🥂 Wishing You beautiful incredible strong women #internationalwomenday Today is Ours'. Let's celebrate 🥂
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chitrazblog · 4 months
What I am refers to what kind of person I am — Am I just an animal or a child of God created in God’s image? Do I aspire to be a kind person or a ruthless person who want to achieve success at any cost? What is my political view? What is my lifestyle? What is my Personality, my character, my ethnicity? The "What" question is primarily a matter of metaphysical choice in terms of one’s beliefs and core values, but it has important implications for one’s wellbeing and future direction.
Who I am refers to who I really am on the inside or one’s true self, when all the other labels are stripped away, such as relational role, professional role, sexual orientation, racial membership, or socio-economic status. It is primarily a matter of one self-identity or self-concept as a naked human being — how one sees oneself in light of all the choices one has made, all thing things one has done, and all the relationships one has. It has important implications for one’s self-esteem and life satisfaction.
Knowing your self is an important component for healing and flourishing in meaning therapy✨❤️
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chitrazblog · 6 months
Tigers have always occupied an important place in culture of Bharat. They symbolized magnificence, power, beauty, fierceness, bravery, and courage. The Goddess Durga of the Hindu pantheon rides on the tiger. Hunting tigers by the upper class were considered an act of bravery.
Once upon a time, the entire subcontinent was their range. Poaching, human-animal conflict, and habitat degradation have reduced their range to just 7% approx of their historic range. Thanks incredible work being done by Bharat authorities and wildlife conservation organizations to restore this extinct species in Bharat. Some good news for a change!
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chitrazblog · 9 months
We’re living in an age of increased labeling and I really dislike labels. Labels divide us in unnecessary ways. Too often people identify with labels to define their very identity. Ease is also a factor as opposed to the often difficult process of research, discussion, real debate (not shouting) and thought. When probed about how one might label themselves, the response is often without deep introspection, or worse, emotional and maybe not the result of uncomfortably hard homework.
Before we label ourselves or another, we would benefit from asking: Does the label bring us closer or does it cause deeper division? Is it kind? Is it necessary to the story or is it a detail that is irrelevant and could be skipped?
We are different from one another. Our differences came with our birth. That said we have so many similarities. I’ve never met the person who didn’t want to be loved or wanted peace or a roof over their head and a full belly. We all want to be healthy and less stressed. We want to connect with others on deeper levels.
Yet, I believe the intimacy we crave will only begin if we become acutely aware of how we label others and also label ourselves — often demanding others to do so, at our demand.
I don’t have to like you. I don’t have to approve of you. I don’t have to want to spend time with you or even accept anything about what You believe. YOU don’t have to like me. You don’t have to approve of me. You don’t have to spend time with me or accept anything about what I believe. We don’t have to like others. We don’t have to approve of others. We don’t have to want to spend time with others or accept anything about what they believe.
Now that that’s out of the way…
We do still have to live with one another because we are all on this Earth.
So, this is why I write. I’m trying to figure communion out. And so, I share my thoughts in the process. More unfolding…
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chitrazblog · 9 months
Tone of voice plays a crucial role in constructive and positive communication. It conveys emotions and feelings that words alone may not capture, adding depth and nuance to the intended message. A warm tone, expresses care, empathy & understanding.
A gentle and respectful tone can go a long way in preventing fights by allowing another to hear that we are open to discussion & collaboration. Conversely, a harsh, aggressive tone can escalate conflict and hinder effective communication like a match & gas.
A warm tone of voice creates a safe and supportive environment which promotes trust, openness and shows willingness to work together while it certainly affects how well our own messages are received and understood by the other person. When we use a calm and attentive tone, it demonstrates active listening and shows that we value their perspective. This encourages the other person to express themselves honestly and openly, leading to more productive and meaningful conversations.
Tone of voice can either escalate or de-escalate the situation. A calm and composed tone, can diffuse tension and set the stage for problem-solving by helping to keep the focus on the issue at hand rather than having emotions triggered due to what is perceived as an aggressive tone.
Everyone benefits when tone of voice is kind and calm. It’s a good exercise for all of us to pay attention to how we sound when you speak, both in everyday conversations and during more challenging situations. Awareness is always the first step towards positive change followed by noting our potential tendencies like speaking too quickly, sounding dismissive, or harsh tones. IF before engaging in conversation, we reflect on our intentions, which can help set a positive tone from the beginning, we’re more likely to align our tone with our desired outcomes.
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chitrazblog · 10 months
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Feelings of discontentment are triggered when we are find ourselves desiring or craving something we don’t have. There’s no denying that lack of certain material things may cause serious discontent for very real reasons. Yet, at the root of most discontent is a feeling that we are stagnating. What we are sensing is a deep seeded need to grow. Just like a crab molts, leaving one shell behind to form a new larger shell, we need room to grow as well. Sometimes we think new growth is impossible. We’ve mentally set limits on what we can do and who we can be. We do this because there is a degree of comfort from being set in our ways….until it isn’t comfortable anymore. Too often we seek our answers outside of ourselves. Yet, crabs don’t move to new shells: They put in tremendous effort to create new homes within their old one first. And it is that work which creates the end result that ultimately allows the crab to further develop, expand and live. Everything in nature needs room to grow and flourish. We are no different. Growth can be exhausting, challenging and difficult on countless levels. Yet, it is also exhilarating when we step out of our shell and adjust our comfort levels, becoming attuned to a new sense of personal growth and freedom..
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chitrazblog · 10 months
The power behind one of the shortest word in the dictionary that is also universally understood regardless of what language we are speaking.
Learn to say " NO" when you need to.
Sometimes this is the most important word that must be said. Knowing when and how to use that simple word will do more for you, communication wise, than been able to speak 10 languages....
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chitrazblog · 10 months
I’ve think a lot about our impermanence. While some could believe that’s a bit morbid, to me it is the most enlivening topic to contemplate.🌻Life is impermanent in every form. Our bodies, like clothes, wear out. They are ours, but only for a short time. The more we deeply feel the essence of this fact, the easier it is to appreciate our moments and care for our bodies. 🌻 I believe this is because we often crave something once we recognize we might lose it. So often we cling, trying to hold on. To what? We’re not necessarily sure. Something we believe that might possibly give us power or control over the inevitable: Facing our impermanence. 🌻 So wrapping it up, because I’ve got a lot I want to do with my time while I have it, I’ll say: The sooner we embrace the fact that everything changes, that everything passes … This is when we stop wasting moments. 🌻♾️🕉️⚡✨
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chitrazblog · 11 months
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While it’s important to take what we do seriously, what we do is not who we are—and we can’t take ourselves too seriously. ✨ Life is one gigantic spectacle and no matter how we see ourselves in the cosmic mix, we’re only a speck in a massive universe. ✨ When we get stuck taking ourselves too seriously, our ability to progress is hindered because we become too worried thinking about what everybody else is thinking about us, our choices and our actions. Our naturally creative selves suffer. Instead of glowing and flowing, we start getting sticky—unable to extricate ourselves from excessive self-examination. We question our instincts. Artistic flair falters. Humor dulls. Excitement fades. Life ebbs. ✨ Our wrinkles run deep from laughter—except those between our eyebrows, which are often our “Did I really just do that?” or “What the heck?” wrinkles. Regardless, they’re a part of us— little carvings in our face of all the experiences and challenges we’ve surmounted. ✨ Enjoy the day! Don’t take life too seriously! ✨
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chitrazblog · 1 year
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chitrazblog · 1 year
All life goes through phases. From tiny little seeds, plants take root, grow, bud, blossom, pollinate, wither, fruit, fall, change colors, lose their leaves and crumble back to the earth.
A tight bud is distinct in its own right yet it must open and flower to share its inner beauty with the world. It is only through flowering that the butterflies come along with the bees that sip the sweet nectar. Like plants, we change throughout our lives as well. We grow. Our beauty, just like the energy contained in a flower, comes from within..🌻
Let yourself blossom 🌻knowing that no two flowers are alike, nor are any two seasons. Would anyone argue that the fiery oranges and reds of fall are less beautiful than the bright greens of spring? Each phase is distinctly beautiful and incomparable to another.
🌻 No stage of life is less stunning, less remarkable or filled with less fabulosity than another. Each phase of growth for every flowering being is beautiful. ✨🌻💕
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chitrazblog · 1 year
Worth Reading!
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chitrazblog · 1 year
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This sums up what wakes me up and revs my engines. I just have to try because if you never try you will never know what is possible. I fail. I miscalculate. I downshift gears. Power up. Then hit the road again. So far I’m still standing. Im way further down good roads. The scenery is still fascinating. As are the people I meet on the daily trip. A tad wrinkled, scarred and bruised…but I still get up and stand up. It’s all good. 🧡
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chitrazblog · 1 year
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Drink lots of water and stay hydrated in scorching Summer💦💧✨
#summertime #saveenergy #hotweathertreat #drinkwater
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