58 posts
Freunde* sucht den Sinn der Dinge, dass auch Freude euch durchdringe
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zuschauerblog · 1 month ago
its been forever. i have found so much more peace and happiness therefore did not feel the need to write these gut-wrenching poems
Out of forest mist, deers emerge like young poems. Grass listen quietly. On the edge of sight, old clouds prepare their coming. A leaf turns upward.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
You are on the floor and it is the first time you've felt love like this. You stop trying to make something big (the explosions and the finality of endings) turn around, roll over and turn into nothing under the desk
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
did not go insane. still tasting the sticky-sweet syrup.
eating canned peaches, going insane.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
eating canned peaches, going insane.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
it's morning again and there are empty cookie wrappers on the ground. i imagine a world in which every animal eats well. but there are bones buried in the garden and a fairy circle around my bed, and i've said "thank you" one too many times today. look at you, showing me the gentle yellow glow in the morning / sunlit clouds / look at you, filling a glass of water making me feel like i'm something worth caring for again / look at you, shoving me into the light / look at you / eyes shining / and in the middle, i lay there / bareboned
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
love is a space in which I collect three silver fairy figurines, pick them up and decide to dedicate my life to love
any feeling I have grown to know is mine & mine only, clasped tightly between unfinished book's pages.
my worst flaw is that I cannot finish anything correctly, even when it comes to a narrative I know I will love.
documents full of half-written sentences, semicolons leading to nothing but a full stop.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
find it quite funny how, in order to express nothing, you must explain everything. paradox written in the margins of books and the on lines of my journals; how i am made up of the silence in between my heartbeats; this non-expression i'm circling with description,
grasping but never gripping.
i look to this vast existence:
the heavens sprouting from the ground; into my flesh; into the stars. it is infinite.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
Ill. a quarter of the year, vast and unruly and wasted, because for some reason, you can't find any other way to justify this. silly yearning nostalgia of yours, this lingering anger you deny. because it would be so easy to forgive, each of us in our own way. & maybe we have but the sun sets early tonight to prepare the way for the hopes and dreams. & no amount of trying to predict the future will ever tell me what I want to know.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
These kinds of realizations always come to me at the oddest of times. Maybe humans are not meant to discover any secrets. We build empires just to escape the world's truest beauty. So if I were to find someplace untouched by a human soul, I dont think l'd tell anyone but you (L). All I wish to care about is undefined beauty. Undefined beauty is the truest world's mystery. It shocks philosophers, explorers, scientists. No one can really explain it nor can they define it. Our world is a mystery that I dont think is meant to be solved. Sure, some people spend their entire life trying to solve these mysteries but not all the answers need to be found. No matter how selfish we are, we come to the understanding that life is all we have. When I die, If at all possible, I wish to become a tree. I want to hold knowledge and history and I want my leaves to travel the world. I could finally discover something no one has without the temptations of my human self.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
love is a space in which I collect three silver fairy figurines, pick them up and decide to dedicate my life to love the misery I have grown to know is mine & mine only, clasped tightly between unfinished book's pages my worst flaw is that I cannot finish anything correctly even when it comes to a narrative I know I will love documents full of half-written sentences, semicolons leading to nothing but a full stop.
carefully, we dim the lights & let the darkness tell us what is meant to be we let ourselves believe it, never once second guessing as keep gently breathing love back into me that you kept safe under your fingertips for the very second i would need it. with nothing but linked elbows & a half-burnt candle that flickers with confidence one second yet falters the next, wax dripping down our arms, crawling away from where it was born.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
it's just as terrifying as it was in summer the trains running through the suburbs and up the hills home. the breeze eating your heart out, surfacing the aching, limits always expanding. the way everything is on the verge of exploding, chests rising and falling, constant as living always is. autumn tip toeing in the cracks of the sidewalk, the streetlights and the law, the lawn is loosing whatever kept its head up.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
currently thinking about all of my organs.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
there comes a time where I think 200 dollars are better spend on a one-way train ticket than on groceries (yoghurt, cucumber, crackers)
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
i tripped over the cracks a few years ago / and i swear i can still feel it / the dull ache of a bruise painted on my knee / and the familiar sting of picking the freshly built crust (repeatedly) / and every time i look down at my legs / i expect to see the same flesh wound decorating my knees / i never learned how to ride a bike without training wheels / and i never learned how to live without you / and the sidewalk never got fixed / you never got kinder / but I still got better / and even though everything's different –
nothing changed and because nothing has changed there is nothing to blame you were always going to hurt me and the sidewalk was always going to stay cracked.
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
i want to be loved until i am stained, stained like the carped in a lived in house.
i can still feel your sent lingering around me. fuck
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zuschauerblog · 1 year ago
it's the same as always. dead bird on the windowsill. beetle on the sidewalk. the small things all scared, all trembling (or give the illusion of it, the wind shakes them). fistfuls of your hair tangled around your fingers, twisted around the knuckles, purpleing skin. water drops on the table dragged by pencil tip into the shape of a STAR. it's the same october as every year, the coldest, most fragile and sadly not yet forgotten.
-by yours truly, mary
(Im back!)
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zuschauerblog · 2 years ago
I believe that their heart is full and their love reliable and I can imagine easily it's just like mine on the inside. 
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