Zubats and Rattatas
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~ An Indie Roleplay Blog for a Female Rocket Grunt. Open to all! ~ Tracks: "zubatsandrattatas" FC: Anemone from Eureka 7 Penned by RosexKnight Affiliated with indierockethq
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
zubatsandrattatas · 4 years ago
morning after starters
“  last night was nice.  ” “  lets do this again some time.  ” “  i’ll leave my number.  ” “  i gotta go, sorry.  ” “  can’t you at least stay for breakfast?  ” “  i’ll make coffee—don’t go anywhere.  ” “  next time, maybe i’ll buy you dinner first.  ” “  if we do this again you better buy me dinner first.  ” “  i don’t think my legs work again yet.  ” “  i don’t wanna get up.  ” “  no don’t move, it’s too cold outside the covers.  ” “  there’s no way i can hide these marks…  ” “  this was probably a mistake.  ” “  this can’t happen again.  ” “  you always say that, and yet we wind up right back here.  ” “  are you watching me sleep?  ” “  you look cute all frazzled like this.  ” “  why are you looking at me like that?  ” “  keep kissing me like that and we’re gonna end up back in bed.  ” “  something wrong? ” “  i’d stay if i could, i promise.  ” “  so if i put my number in your phone, you actually gonna text me? ” “  i made breakfast.  ” “  how do you take your coffee?  ” “  fuck! i’m late—  ” “  did you turn the alarm off?  ” “  if you don’t turn that alarm off i’m gonna throw it out the window.  ” “  i can’t find my shirt.  ” “  babe, we slept in.  ” “  i know you’re awake.  ” “  i’ll stay.  ” “  why don’t you stay?  ” “  i like waking up with you.  ” “  i like having you here at night.  ” “  you know, if you moved in we wouldn’t keep having to say goodbye like this.  ” “  so when are we gonna actually go on a real date?  ” “  do i smell bacon?  ” “  you made pancakes?  ” “  come on, come back to bed.  ” “  you weren’t there when i woke up.  ” “  i thought you left.  ” “  do you want me to go?  ” “  just let me sleep for five more minutes.  ” “  you’re really beautiful/handsome. even if you drool.  ” “  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ”  
ACTIONS:  1. for one muse to surprise the other with breakfast in bed 2. for our muses to go another round in the morning 3. for your muse to join mine in the shower while getting ready for the day 4. for one muse to stop the other from trying to sneak away 5. for one muse to invite the other to spend the rest of the day with them  6. for one muse to convince the other to stay in bed the rest of the day 7. for our muses to have sex in the kitchen instead of finishing breakfast 8. for our muses to spoon 9. for one muse to wake up with morning wood  10. for one muse to wake the other up with oral  11. for lazy morning sex  12. for one muse to wake the other because they’re having a nightmare  13. for one muse to distract the other from getting ready by kissing/groping them 14. for one muse to kick the other out of their home  15. for our muses to wake with no recollection of the night before  
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zubatsandrattatas · 4 years ago
* wintertime scenarios
making hot chocolate.
having soup.
drinking eggnog.
sitting in front of the fireplace.
bundling up before going outside.
being stuck indoors.
making snow angels.
building a snowman.
taking a warm bath.
settling under a pile of blankets.
catching a cold.
having a snowball fight.
telling scary stories.
slipping on the ice.
trudging through the snow.
shoveling snow.
going sledding.
taking a sleigh ride.
cutting out paper snowflakes.
following animal tracks in the snow.
exchanging gifts.
catching snowflakes on your tongue.
blowing hot air into your hands to warm them. 
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zubatsandrattatas · 4 years ago
I wasn’t around much for Munday so here's a selfie.
Well I WAS gonna spend the day doing art and then going to get my nails done but then hubby needed a CT scan so that was my day but hey at least my nails are on point and I got a cute mask!
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zubatsandrattatas · 4 years ago
♦ What's an AU that you've always wanted? ☂ How does your muse spend a rainy day? How do you spend a rainy day?
Questions for the Mun: https://zubatsandrattatas.tumblr.com/post/626720832743407616/questions-for-the-mun
♦ What's an AU that you've always wanted? A non-Rocket AU. An AU in which Autumn runs away from home to follow her dream of being a contest star. I kinda touched on it in a few AU’s, and I’m playing through at least Sword or Shield as if it’s her having run from home and started the Gym Challenge.
☂ How does your muse spend a rainy day? How do you spend a rainy day? Autumn likes reading and sleeping in on rainy days, but in some cases she also likes grabbing an umbrella and rain gear and going on a long walk. I personally usually spend them in bed with a good book or playing some games with friends.
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zubatsandrattatas · 4 years ago
She’d been taken off of the project months ago. She wasn’t sure why. Perhaps someone higher-up got wind of her escape plan. Perhaps they wanted to run more of their horrid tests and she was simply unnecessary.  Whatever the reason, HY018-P1 was now simply another job on her file, proof that she could work well with the scientists if nothing else. She’d been trying to think of a way back, but in truth couldn’t think of anything solid. She’d resigned herself to simply never seeing the hybrid again, something best left forgotten anyway.
Until she got the call.
The first call was frantic. The cry of some scientist calling a grunt back to do their duty as a guard before frantically telling her they needed her back right away, that something had gone wrong before screaming and then silence. The second call was calmer. An admin explaining that the labs were on lockdown. Something had gone wrong. Given her past experience with the hybrid they did indeed need her back.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
The lab was still when she entered. They’d allowed her to use a back entrance after ensuring that he was nowhere in sight. The click of the lock at her back felt more ominous than it should have. Still, she pressed onward, tracing her steps back to the holding area that he’d been kept in and the storage room they’d found him in. Surely, this was being blown out of proportion. He escaped again. He attacked a few of the scientists. Maybe accidentally killed someone. She had a hard time believing, as she passed locked door after locked door, that this was necessary.
Until she found the carnage.
Blood splattering the floor, painting it almost completely red. Corpses of humans and pokemon alike layed where they were struck down, some unidentifiable as anything more than lumps of flesh. Intermixed were burns on the walls from fires and electrical attacks. Huge scratches where talons tore. Feathers haphazardly coating everything.
Her stomach churned at the sight before the storeroom. She slapped a hand over her mouth, darting away immediately. She rounded a corner, leaning against a wall, attempting to let the cool stone fight back the nausea. She took a few shaky breaths, trying to steady herself, wrap her head around what she’d seen.
Falkner had done that?
Autumn was attempting to steady herself on her feet when she saw the tracks. The blood where talons had stepped. The red streak where wings had drug the ground. The bodies of more victims here and there that she refused to look at. Cautiously, she followed them. Her stomach churned for a completely different reason now, fear bubbling in her chest. She rounded another corner in the make-like facility, gasping as she saw his figure towards the end of the hall.
He was larger. Hunched over. He looked less human than she’d ever seen. Immediately, she wanted to run. To turn and flee and never look back. She’d been his target once before, and now her arm tingled with the reminder of what he could do. Yet, she couldn’t move. Her legs only shook beneath her as she trembled before the sight, trying to calm her racing heart.
“Oh Falkner what have they done to you...?”
Berserk Gene (LTH Open Starter)
If Team Rocket had learned anything from Mewtwo it was this:
If something goes wrong with an experiment, the labs go on lockdown. Nothing in, no one out, until the subject was detained or a surefire solution came to be.
No exceptions.
This wasn’t supposed to happen…
Keep reading
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Questions for the Mun
☯ Is there a muse you've always wanted to play?
♣ Is there an author(s) that you look up to with your writing skills?
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
♥ What's your favorite ship with your muse?
♡ Would you ever write a poly ship?
♦ What's an AU that you've always wanted?
♢ What's an AU that you think just won't work with your muse?
♔ What's your opinion on teacher/student verses? Do you have any of these as threads?
♕ Do you like magic!anons? Why or why not?
⚜ What is the best time to write for you? Why?
★ What type of historical AU would you like to do one day?
☆ What type of fantasy AU would you like to do one day?
☄ Do you think your muse would have liked going to high school sports games? Do you or did you go to high school sports games?
☾ Do you like writing smut? Why or why not?
☽ Do you like writing angst? Why or why not?
☼ What's an FC that you're dying to use? Why?
☀ What's an FC that you desperately want to play with? Why?
☁ What's an FC that you refuse to play with? Why?
☂ How does your muse spend a rainy day? How do you spend a rainy day?
☃ If your muse was cartoonized, what would their FC be? Why?
☺ What's a character that you desperately want your muse to play with? Why?
☹ What's a character that you refuse to play with? Why?
☢ Are there any ships that you would like to write for one day? Any that you wouldn't?
☣ What's one thing that will make you drop a thread?
♨ What's a muse that you wished had lasted, but didn't?
❀ Do you like reblog karma? Why or why not?
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What's one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
✂ Do you like to format your posts? Why or why not?
✆ Other than RPing, what's a hobby of yours?
✉ Do you RP on any other platforms?
❤ Have you or are you currently in love?
❥ Has something ever happened for you to hate a ship? Why?
ツ Who has been your favorite muse to play so far? Why?
回 Which muse was the worst to play? Why?
✘ People come in a group. If I were to look on your blog, who would I see you interacting with the most?
ღ Do you have a personal blog? Do you share it with your followers or do you keep it private?
▼ Do you keep your character in character even if they are one of the worst people in the world?
▽ Why did you create this muse?
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Go into my inbox and pitch ideas / plots / verses to me!
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
((Idk if any of you guys following me play FFXIV but I do and hey look I finally got a promo up for my WoL OC yay.))
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Super in-depth backstory and bullet pointed timeline here~!
The Basics
Name: Vahnel Vhaso
Nickname: Nella
Age: 22
Race: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single 
Server: Sargatanus and Balmung (Alt)
Physical Appearance 
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5′ 4″
Build: Slim, but fit.
Distinguishing Features: Whisker-like cheek markings. Wide irises. Usually always smiling. Never without her feather circlet.
Common Accessories: Circlet with either be a yellow chocobo feather, or two silver ones. Cane or crook at her back.
Occupation: Adventurer, occasional Chirurgeon, Hearer
Affiliations: Conjurer’s Guild, Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Order of the Twin Adder (Captain)
Hobbies: Writing. Sightseeing. Cooking. Occasional Alchemy.
Residence: Gridania
Birthplace: The Central Shroud
Main Class: White Mage
Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner
Nameday: 27th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Significant Other: None (Note: Usually shipped with Aymeric in fanfics. Not a requirement. Open to possible other ships.)
Children: None
Parents: Iro Vhaso (Deceased), Katarin and Cerdic Sharp (Adoptive Parents)
Siblings: Iro’a vhaso, Daryl - @whenarowssing and Arden Sharp (Adoptive Siblings)
Other Relatives: Grandmother and aunts, all deceased or missing.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information
She is afraid of flying due to an incident she had with a flying Chocobo shortly after arriving in Ishgard.
She has dabbled in the magic schools of every place she visits, though she is most dedicated to conjury and being a white mage.
Is actually fairly bad at holding her liquor and is very much a light weight.
Hopeless romantic.
She and her Chocobo Rhapsody are very close and she can sometimes spoil her bird to no end.
Family may or may not be literally cursed with low fertility.
RP Hooks
Are you lost?: Oh my. The black shroud can be a very large and dangerous place. Did you take a wrong turn? No matter. Nella knows the woods like the back of her hand, and has the uncanny ability to never get lost in them.
Need a Medic?: Going on an adventure and need a healer? Worry no more! Nella is a top-notch White Mage and sees anything as a possible adventure!
Cooking: Looking for a super-rare ingredient for a meal? Or perhaps you’re craving something that no one seems to know how to make? Nella will likely know all about it, provided you don’t mind her talking excitedly, you’ll have a meal in no time.
Adventure?: Do you have a dungeon to crawl? Do you have a beast to slay? Did someone give you yet another letter to deliver? Anything is an adventure if you make it fun!
Amarot: Perhaps not as well-known or practiced by some, but Nella does have an ancient-one counterpart Thalia. Do you want to roleplay an Ascian in Amarot or perhaps have your own Amarotian? Thalia is right there~! (Note: More info about Thalia here.)
Literally Anything Else:  I’m down with whatever~! Feel free to contact me! I’m okay with pre-established relationships too.
Contact Information
EST Timezone. Feel free to DM me anytime~! I can also be found on Discord if you’d rather be there, just message for my username.
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
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“No. Who drinks a flat soda? They’re gross. I might be a criminal but I have standards.”
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
send in a symbol, and i’ll tell you what my headcanons for my muse are!
❧ - how does your muse take their coffee?
❀ - how does your muse take their tea?
♫ - coke or pepsi?
❥ - would your muse drink a flat soda?
ღ - your muse’s opinion on grape soda?
✪ - does your muse like hot coffee drinks or cold coffee drinks?
✴ - what’s their starbucks/coffee shop order?
❉ - favorite sports drink flavor?
❅ - which does your muse prefer: mocha or vanilla?
☼ - does your muse like plain water or do they add something to it? ( ie: fruit or flavor shot )
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Ask my muse three questions, and they will have to answer one truthfully
The other two they can answer…but they are not obligated to answer with the truth
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Sanctuary II LTH!AU
Black, only feathers drug across the ground. At first, it had been a way to cover her tracks, but now she was simply too tired to try and lift them. She had no idea how long she’d been traveling. Running. Only that her body ached, the cuts from the glass she’d broken through stung, she was tired, and she needed to find shelter. Any shelter.
It was a bird that caught her eye as she emerged from the forest surrounding an odd bunch of ruins. A pidgey cooing from a tree she’d leaned against. Despite half of the hybrid resembling a murkrow, she couldn’t understand Pokemon fully. But the little one seemed concerned, flitting from one branch to the next in the setting sun before fluttering off in another direction. Having nowhere else to go, she followed the pidgey until the trees thinned and she found herself in a city. The pidgey was still in flight, gliding towards a large dome-like structure where it seemed several other bird Pokemon were gathered. An aviary.
She hesitated. Even with the darkness of night covering her, a city meant that she could be seen. Found. Captured. She was about to turn, to go deeper into the forest and perhaps find shelter in the ruins when the growl of her stomach and the low rumble of thunder sent her stepping out of the forest. She trudged to the aviary, all but stumbling through an open back door. A few of the Pokemon chirped and fluttered in alarm, but the hybrid payed them no mind as she found a tree and all but collapsed beside it.
Part of her realized she wasn’t safe. She was out in the open. In a city. Too close to people. But the berries from the bushes beside her were sweet and juicy, and her muscles aches too much to roam anymore. She’d leave in the morning. As long as no one came into the aviary, she would be fine.
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Ooc Announcement: I'm back!
TLDR First. Heed tw's in tags. Can't read more because mobile.
TLDR: I need a hell of a distraction for the foreseeable future, so I'm gonna be here more. Will likely just keep this open on my phone at all times. Anyone who wants to thread with me feel free to drop a line!
So...Long story short we recently found out my dad has cancer. Not the fun kind and not the kind that is caught in early stages. He's fairly late along. And I am the one that's gonna have to be okay for my family, which is fine. I can do that. But there are days where I am gonna need a distraction, so I figured hey why not come back here? So I'll be here now. Properly, nightly active again. I know that may seem weird but I promise keeping my mind off things in the coming months is going to be what I need. So yeah! Bittersweet reasoning but hey I'm back! So yaaay.
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
She was not expecting a confession. Quite the opposite. That had been the reason she was avoiding the whole thing wasn’t it? She’d expected him to treat her to one last flight together before telling her she simply couldn’t be welcomed there anymore. And yet, when his eyes met hers they’d been different. Autumn hadn’t felt afraid at all when she wrapped her arms around him.
This was Falkner. Her Bird Boy. She should have known he wouldn’t have just cast her out like that.
Her pulse quickened, her own face burning with a blush. She waited patiently as he seemed to gather himself, only prompting him to continue with a tilt of her head. Then his words came.
“…I think I am in love with you…”
All at once, her body sagged with relief. The breath she didn’t know she was holding came out in a shaky sigh as she leaned further into him. He loved her. Good lord she felt like she could faint.
“Oh Falkner...” She pulled him closer, held him tighter. “I love you too. I love you I--” The realization of what the night should have entailed rushed through her, and suddenly she was the frantic mess, bringing a hand over her mouth and unable to meet him in the eye. “Oh Archeus I spoiled your plan for the night didn’t I? I’m so sorry I thought...” She shook her head. To hell with what she thought. “I’m sorry. I’m in love with you too. That’s...That what matters.”
@zubatsandrattatas continued from [x]
Falkner would have preferred to be subtle about his confession, but for once he found himself simply too nervous. And now, having her pinned against the wall, his face growing redder by the second, he couldn’t help but feel he was forcing things.
This was Autumn. They’d known each other for…how long now? That didn’t matter. They hadn’t started off on the right foot, but since then…Ho-oh, since then, she’d completely changed his world.
And as much as he didn’t want to stay anything, she deserved to know, after all they’d been though.
“I…I…I was going to say…” Why couldn’t this have just happened like he’d hoped? For a long moment he simply stood there, frozen and looking deep into her eyes, suddenly needing to gather his courage again. But then he felt her arms around him, and something about it made his heartbeat slow. She was listening. She wanted him to speak.
…But did he have it in him?
“…I…” His gaze darted away. Breathe, Falkner, breathe. “I…I wanted to tell you that…” Wasn’t this the point where the confesser went into a passionate speech about how much the other person mattered to them, and how they felt, and all that? The feelings were certainly there, but the words weren’t, so hopefully Autumn would hear it in what words he did have.
“…I think I am in love with you…”
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
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to my mutuals & followers
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
The sound came out of her unbidden as Jax’s body pinned her against her wall. Her cheeks burned as he looked down at her, his eyes dark and burning with desire for...Well she knew exactly what they burned with desire for. They had been stuck together, unable to leave her house for the past week and a half now. Needless to say, he was likely feeling a bit...pent up.
They both were.
She opened her mouth, meaning to make a joke about cookies of some sort. However, somehow, words were failing her. Good lord but she did not expect him to have this effect on her.
“Okay.” She said simply, pulling him closer to her by the collar of her shirt, so that their lips were barely touching. “But just this once.”
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zubatsandrattatas · 5 years ago
Get it off your chest. Send my muse an anonymous confession that's been bothering yours for a long time. I can't say anything...only publish.
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