Zu-Zu Lee
11 posts
something sweet covered in chocolate
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
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a picture is worth 1000 words …but which words, exactly? Before you squawk semanticist– Give me 1000 words for this picture, compare it to the next commenters 1000 words, comment back what their words mean in your own words, and/or draw a picture based on their words. If it is easier, start with 100 words, or even just 10. set the scene– primarily pink a touch of green flecks of red a golden…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
It was a feeling I learned in my slumber long before I would come to live it, as if my subconscious was preparing me for the trials I would soon face. I called out– but no sound would come. I shouted and screamed and hollered, but I floated like a ghost through my own dreams, unheard, and ceasing to be seen, as consciousness pulled me back to reality. This is a feeling that would become all too…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Monday Munchies - 1/30/2017
Monday Munchies – 1/30/2017
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It’s the end of the month– if you’ve ever had to worry about such expenses as rent, utilities, insurance scams, food… you know that struggle. If this is a circumstance you are altogether unfamiliar with, then you can rest assured knowing I will not subject you to such plebeian delicacies as hotdog-waffles or peanut-butter-ramen. But as you savor those thoughts for a moment, I offer the perfect…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Do what you gotta do to get shiny on a Sunday mornin’ Stumped? Check back next Sunday for the answers–
All Jumbled Up rearrange letters to decipher key words from this week’s articles circled boxes reveal jumbled letters for challenge phrase
Sudoku Numbers 1-9 in every row Digits 9-1 in every column Integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in every 3×3 box In this particular instance, repetition is NOT funny
Answers from 1/22/2017
Word Associations “Math Gabs”
look to your Sunday Stars for the Answers–
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Been waiting way “Too Long” for some sick beats? A.M.O got you covered with his latest Hip-Hop track out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that will leave your senses tingling with strawberries.
That mix is dirrrty– clean yourself up with these new stores!
MySoapy The Finest Hand-Crafted Bath Products based out of Campton Hills, Illinois
Established on Etsy in 2017 Mila Karns looking for her first cha-ching
SkinHydrants Beautiful, Naturally Nourished Skin based out of Clearwater, Minnesota
Established on Etsy in 2016 Michela Heckmann looking for her first cha-ching
Send one of those lovely gifts to that special somebody with a custom card from Crafty Cow Creations
Hand-made Cards and Gifts based out of Wath, Rotherham, United Kingdom Established on Facebook in 2016
IrishLassJewelry Unique, handmade Jewelry inspired by family and friends based out of Shark River Hills, New Jersey
Established on Etsy in 2013 Peggy Lomerson looking for that second cha-ching
  Calling ALL artists, artisans, and entrepreneurs! bakers, makers, booty shakers! crafters, creators, curators! writers, wrappers, this-and-thaters!
The Saturday Star wants YOU for our weekly feature shining a bit of Star-Light on independent thinkers and their creations– contact us to be our next Star!
Saturday Starlight! – 1/28/2017 Been waiting way "Too Long" for some sick beats? A.M.O got you covered with his latest Hip-Hop track out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that will leave your senses tingling with strawberries.
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
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No matter how queer the case, how dire the straights-- Ace reporter Trip Hunter will be there, in the thick of it, to bring the truth to YOU! In a cramped, musty office on the ground floor of The Daily Star building-- a lone worker steadily taps at the keys of his typewriter, their…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Along Came Dolly
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Ba baa black sheep have you any wool? Brush here, shear there, ne’er a bag full…  That sheep ain’t no Dalai Lama– girl, yoe must be a glutton for for an ass-whoopin’ keepin’ that ewe round here! This was one piece of mutton long past its expiration date, with a comb-over rivaled only by The Donald himself, and a disproportionately sized tongue lolling out its mouth. Dolly was an old ewe, she had…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
In hindsight, the dystopian future of year 2000 feels a bit… tame.
Don’t get me wrong– the annual transcontinental death race is a time honored tradition that speaks to any generation– but compared to the real life Idiocracy of 2017, this risque action packed political satire circa 1975… is a blast from the past we always wished we had.
Full body black vinyl gimp suit? Check.
Bitter rival with a lot to compensate for? Check. Check.
It is worth noting here that the “Jed Perfectus” of modern America, played by the fabulous Burt Grinstead,  speaks volumes about the qualities that we Americans value in an idol… As compared to Sylvester Stallone’s “Machine Gun Joe Viterbo” the macho-man action-star that rivals our Death Race 2000 champion.
Sexy two-timing navigator? Check and mate.
Our taste in women, however, has remained strikingly similar. Affirmative Action be damned, bodacious blonds will always be a sexploitation staple…
Death Race 2050 is like Death Race 2000 super-sized. But while 2000 comes right out and says sex is both a duty and an honor for a navigator, which our 2000 stars enthusiastically partake in… 2050 imagines an anti-hero altogether uninspired by such desires.
Navigator Annie Sullivan– played by Marci Miller (Rebellion: A Star Wars Story, Days of Our Lives)– seductively directs driver Frankenstein to navigate her… but his heart beats more to the mantra of PC quota Minerva’s smash hit “Drive. Drive. Kill. Kill.”
With Death Race 2000 original producer Roger Corman back on board for the transcontinental race of 2050, the two flicks were nearly identical in basic formula, often matching up shot for shot.
Checking out dat-ass while the navigator performs high-speed repairs was a staple in 1975, and today, a beloved classic. Some things will never go out of style.
But I must say, I am partial to the Dino-inspired design that Frankenstein rides in 2050. All in all, the original car designs have withstood the test of time better than the lackluster 2017 models.
Who wants Virgins? Who wants Chicken Wings? Everybody loves chicken wings! Well guess what y’all, the allmighty has got a Hooters in the sky and it is time to Martyr up– this too, withstands the test of time, though the original was much more… intimate.
Euthanasia day happens every year, but so does our hero’s soft spot for lambs (and kittens) led to the slaughter…
Surprisingly, one of the biggest differences between the two flicks, was the scoring system. As always, our racers are scored on time and pedestrian fatalities– from sea to shining sea, more space for you and me!
Teens these days are seemingly indistinguishable from toddlers, and apparently, +10 for women was taking it too far for Roger Corman’s 2017 scoring system.
Fearing backlash from the “PC” majority in 2008, director Paul W.S. Anderson censored his 2008 re-make to tone down the gratuitous violence. Post 9/11 America, wars raging in the middle east, cloned meat deemed safe for consumption, stock markets plunging in a global recession, and the Writer’s Guild of America on strike– society at this time could not handle such nonchalant disregard for the lives of the American citizenry, or for the art of writing… but American prisoners, they were fair game for Death Race 1, 2, and 3.
This reporter is well known as a staunch supporter of prison reform with homage to the great gladiators of ancient Rome. The cult-classic standing of this film franchise only stands to reason that such a spectacle sport would pay for itself… and then some. Prisoners could go in criminals, and come out as national heroes! Profit surpluses could provide funding for law enforcement and the justice department, while the death toll keeps prison crowding– and general overpopulation– to a minimum.
Dystopia, or more like Utopia? We’ll leave you to decide… comments are always open…
In classic Hollywood formula, our hero and heroine drive off into the sunset, and get down to business repopulating the Earth in the wake of all that death and destruction.
The Daily Star is back on track with a spiffy new layout and a special Double Feature kicking off our new weekly movie mania column-- In hindsight, the dystopian future of year 2000 feels a bit... tame. Don't get me wrong-- the annual transcontinental death race is a time honored tradition that speaks to any generation-- but compared to the real life Idiocracy of 2017, this risque action packed political satire circa 1975...
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Movie Night!
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My fellow citizens of this great country of ours: The United Corporations of America– Why did those pilgrims land on Plymouth rock? …because they needed a place to stage the greatest pissing contest known to man! Thaaaat’s right race fans, great American tradition doesn’t get any. better. than. this. This is all about freedom– …the…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Monday Munchies! - 1/23/2017
Monday Munchies! – 1/23/2017
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Life is Yum with this week’s all organic edition of the Monday Munchies– a versatile main course or good for some yummin’ on the side, this simple pasta dish is a recipe for good clean eating that won’t break the bank. This isn’t so much of a recipe as it is a guided suggestion– I concocted this dish as something to tie together a roasted chicken dinner, using mostly staple ingredients, topped…
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zu-zulee-blog · 8 years ago
Sunday Star - 1/22/2017
Sunday Star – 1/22/2017
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Do what you gotta do to get shiny on a Sunday mornin’ Stumped? Check back next Sunday for the answers– All Jumbled Up rearrange letters to decipher key words from this week’s articles circled boxes reveal jumbled letters for challenge phraseAnswers from 1/15/17: ELUSIVE   |   MAJESTIC   |   EMBARK   |   PERCHANCE   |   GIDDY SCROUNGE     |     DELVE     |     PORTMANTEAU     |     ARBITRARY    …
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