Poe: How the hell did you crash the car?! Ranpo: So I was just driving today, right? And my navigation told me to go straight. Ranpo: I was like "woah, that's homophobic". Instead, I went gay. And, THAT'S when I got into an accident. Poe: ... Dazai, with a proud smile: And THAT'S who I'm in love with, ladies and gentlemen.
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no one will know which one it is.
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helpful az zhit
List of 150+ skk fics
I’m so sorry this is really disorganized 😭 I haven’t read a majority of these so I have no clue which are multi-chapters or one-shots 🙏🙏
UPDATE: WE NOW HAVE OVER 150+ FICS! please do not let the number intimidate you, all these fics are amazing works of art <3
This is how it feels to take a fall - forest_raccoon
Willful neglect - toucheslikethesun
I’ll always come for chuuya - anon
I was screaming your name through the radio - ElectricSplatter
A lesson in thorns - arkastadt
When i awake - wildflowertea
Because i’m not me without you - millelav
For one day - StarshipDancer
A peer behind the mask - karmicMayhem
Its easy if it’s you - lunarumbra
Lie lie truth - StarshipDancer
i’ll bleed out for you - Starshipdancer
Linger - iskendaris
Six peculiar things about chuuya nakahara according to dazai - BlowingYourMind
Untainted memories - serenathea
Narrow staircases - rutu14
Picking a flower that blooms on the heart for you - burgundytshirt
Home is where the heart is - setosdarkness
360 degrees - setosdarkness
Dearest hatrack- xxalwayssofia
This isn’t giving up no this is letting go - Erica45
Do i get my worthless reward yet? - World_Ender22
Alexithymia - pitouchips (I have a shrine in my head for this fic it’s so scrumptious)
When Humanity leaves - TheBloodySadist
The harder they fall - the_most_happy (This one is really cute)
Firefly - aetta
Everything had changed, yet the moon was still there - fifi_writes
Going home - silaswastaken
Without words - starshipdancer
Hide the truth - writingfromtheshadows
I’ll always come for chuuya - timeisdancing
All my own - halfbloom (diphylleias)
Around we go (and back again) - zombiemarker
Bite your tongue - soupthatistoohot
All the holes we had to breathe - airiena
Deaths offers no absolution - Zairielon
Like a piece of glass - kagshina
Over every extinguished past - tucuxi
Silent sorrows/ loud feelings - foundmywei
STORM - findmywei
Stay - the_most_happy
Clear skies - burgundytshirt
I’ll make a home in your gut because it’s somewhere warm to sleep - arahabakii
Replaceable- timeisdancing
Run away with me - timeisdancing
I was never meant to last - timeisdancing
Lessons in kissing - timeisdancing
The void is loud and wants tuna - mistflowerxuan
The last string to sever - foundmywei
His dark eyes got a little lighter - blowingyourmind (This fic is so cute)
Seeing red - athenaistired
I’ll die in his cold, cold arms - venusdahlia (I LOVE this fic)
Id do it all again (and i will) -noomm9393
Willful neglect - timeisdancing
Teenage nightmares commit atrocities - forever_wandering
Snow white and the huntsman - paranoid_fridge
One more time with feelings - Root (Fyki)
Doll parts - the_most_happy
If you refuse to listen i’ll say it twice, love of my life - olympiansally
Sulfur and vinegar - jjmvge
Rum-flavoured tales - blackoocat (Ilove this fic it’s so cute)
30 kisses - setosdarkness
Partners - setosdarkness
Wet bandages - starshipdancer
Moving pains - cactusnamedbob
Realizations in a shared hotel room - setosdarkness
Only for you - StormDew2
A game of honesty - starshipdancer
For the rest of the hour - photography_tea
Selfish - Root(fyki)
Sleeping habits - purplesan
All these reckless night - feralrookie(ag_sasami)
So if you go too far i’ll be there - Kimisu
Cuddles for a god - gay._and_dying
You’re drunk (but i guess i’ll stay) - StormDew2
Comforts of the floor - smol_biblophile_firefly
This side of you - soukokuparadise
Come lie with my bones - nolongersorrows
Slightly more human - bullshitzarry
The fire under his skin - blowingyourmind
The moments in between - hellcatspangledshalalala
Recovery - rutu14
Stab wound - sp1tl0rd
It starts with bloodshed - parasocialism
All that i can give for you - Bitterbutcute
A place like this - roadtosomewhere
Whispers in the dark - castielwho
Lend me your shoulder (i’ve never had someone to lean on) - scripted_suicide
I have died every night waking for you (all alone i have been waiting for you) - scripted_suicide
An attempt at intimacy - unc4nnycrypt1d
Hey look, the sky’s falling apart - saffroncassis (aww this one’s cute)
For the record - zombiemarker
A mouth to empty into - SERIES osamuchuu
Love is not a victory march - osamuchuu
Believe me darling, the stars were made for falling - communist_sasuke
Trust fall - insi
Even the darkness we’re watching is so beautiful - Nastyaex
Stay - neon_toad
Where are you? - doeinsinct
Run away with me - Anon
Stay the night - Shinkirou
Fool for loyalty, or some other word - osamuchuu
Under wraps - coffeebiscuits
Nothing more important than you - stormdew2
The heat of your orange - etrevil
Mors Vincit Omnia - themadtree
The city where the wind blows - Raven_Rein (MY GOD THIS IS BEAUTIFUL)
ANY likeshining fics please they’re great
Dazai in 2010 - HyperNovva
Heartless - arkastadat
Inseparable - milwritescausewhynot
Turning pages - arkastadat
x - strawberry_wlw (skk as math equations this wa so cute)
When I awake - wildflowertea
So if I survive, then I’ll see you tomorrow - prettysicknasty
Can I help you? - Or the hilariously ironic yet accidentally romantic tale of the bookshop cashier who never read and the literature major who couldn’t stop - EuGrace
Brute - moved (liberateas)
Soul - roadtosomewhere
The (latte) art of seduction - prsnlenvy
Harvester of Sorrow - arkastadt
What is being human anyway? - why_cant_turtles_fly (PLEASE READ THIS GUYS PLEASEPLEASE)
Visiting Hours - the_most_happy (this fic BROKE me)
On Pins & Needles - UnicornPopcorn14
ten tons of silence - katering
There You Are (In My Arms) - calmlb
hold my hand, consign me not to darkness - ekkorukki
Cigarette Sunsets - cainwear
The way I love you (and everything in between) - Aspendoesinfactlive
Pristine Pages of Twisted Fate - Milky_latte
The Night That Belonged To No One - SavvyzKoolr
Instinct to Love series - skylorr
Letters From the Heart - WDAMN2 (go ahead and break my heart will you)
Chuuya the Vampire Slayer - Criticalpancake
Project Cauldron series - yugi_amane_is_dead
Breathe the life back into my bones - BlowingYourMind
Magnetic Pull - BlowingYourMind
daffodils are honest - bipretzels
The Sky is What We Leave Behind - CapriStar (OneDer)
The Sailor Song - fauxtales
you became the devil (just to save me from hell?) - EmeraldEclipse
Tainted Heart, Corrupted Soul - GingerbreadRunsAway
with every battle, we lose a little more - RegHasBeenCorrupted (hunger games au WHEN?????)
See through my scars - chxxrychuu
strange in all aspects - setosdarkness
The (Un)Lucky Ones - songofthesheep
Our Bittersweet Symphony - EmotionalGemini
Instinct to Love - skylorr SERIES
One More Duet (With this Love of Mine) - SandgrassBagel (this fic is beautiful)
Fuck Me Harder - the_most_happy (the silliest little goobers)
MOTORSPORT. - saisblue
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I finally finished this seen page madness!!! Here’s more of my t4t soukoku au

The next day they went their separate ways and never spoke of it again.
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nd then me and chuuya get married afterwards
Dazai: Arrange the marriage!
Port Mafia: *cheers and applause*
Chuuya: Wait!
Dazai: What? You’re all I ever wanted. You’re beautiful!
Chuuya: Thank you. But what else?
Dazai: What else?
Chuuya: Is beauty all that matters to you?
Dazai: [Looks to Oda]
Oda: [Shakes his head]
Mori: Dazai… What else?
Dazai: I, uh… What else is there?
Hirotsu: *Buzzer noise*
[LATER - KOUYOU and CHUUYA prepare to leave]
Kouyou: We tried, boss. No one can say we didn’t try.
Mori: [Sobs.]
Kouyou: Say goodbye, Chuuya.
Chuuya: Goodbye.
Kouyou: Goodbye…?
Chuuya: Dazai.
Mori: [Nudges DAZAI]
Dazai: *whines* Boss.
Mori: Dazai!
Dazai: Goodbye, chibi.
Mori: All these years of planning… Wasted!
[KOUYOU and CHUUYA leave]
Oda: What else is there? He says, “Is beauty all that matters?” And you say, “What else is there?!”
Dazai: It was dumb, I know.
Oda: You should write a book. ‘How to Offend Men in Five Syllables or Less’.
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Ozamu Dazai; the original ZZKK zhipper.🎀
Dazai: You're an attractive man.
Atsushi: Who? Uh, me?
Dazai: You and Akutagawa spend a lot of time together, don't you?
Atsushi: We do, yes. Uh, but we're just temporary partners. I mean, we're not, you know ...
Dazai: He's an attractive guy, nice bone structure, hypnotic eyes, etc.
Atsushi: I guess so?
Dazai: Have you noticed how uptight he's been lately?
Atsushi: Uh, l-like I said, we're partners, so ...
Dazai: Partners should help each other out, relieve some of that stress. Maybe extend that partner relationship.
Atsushi: Extend? Um ... I-I don't ...
Dazai: You're two attractive people. Any thoughts on how to alleviate that stress?
Atsushi: We could ... we could go for more walks?
Dazai: Walks are good. Walks are nice. I was thinking, since you're already partners, you could extend that relationship ... become the other kind of partners.
Atsushi: Are you ... are ...
Dazai: I am.
Atsushi: Y ... Dazai-san ...
Dazai: Everybody wins.
Atsushi: Th-this is sexual harassment. You know that, right?
Dazai: I think of it as sexual encouragement.
Atsushi: [runs away]
Dazai: Think about it, Atsushi. Take one for the team.
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zo can thiz man dream or not....


Getting ready to suffer.

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Best Chuuya edit of all time. Am I biased because it’s a Halsey song? Yes absolutely. But what I really love is the independence. Chuuya doesn’t like Dazai and I think he legitimately celebrated when the fucker left. This is why. Dazai plays games with him and he doesn’t like it.
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you "cocked" your gun so you could shoot hot stuff into other men? okay buddy. gay much
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I knovw ive see this artstyle somewhere

wife bday
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piratez... nghh
happy new year
throws them at you
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Chuuya: We need background music for our alzheimer's presentation. Dazai: Don't worry, I've got this. The day of the presentation: Chuuya: Okay, let's do this. *clicks start* *somebody that I used to know starts playing*
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Dropping Chuuya hcz bcz im bored nd watching zquidgamez S2 ^_^
-Extremely good cook zince he waz 16, and had to deal with cooking for Dazai zo he didn't fucking ztarve
- Tranzgender, Bigay, Polyamorouz
- he/it/ne/vy pronounz
- Only got rid of the zheepz blue-bracelet/band after a year and a half of being in the Port Mafia.
- haz an extreme fear of needlez / hozpitalz.
- For zome reazon really fucking good at making jewelry.
- Actively liztenz to MSI
- Haz the arahabaki markingz all along hiz zkin
- Getz hiz nailz done and haz a nail tech he actively talkz zhit about dazai too
- Haz zhitty eyezight but never wearz glazzez (contactz)
- Iz actively zeen with the PM kidz anytime hez free
- Givez frezh flowerz to The Flagz every two weekz
- Actually really good at Poker
- Frecklez zcattered all around hiz body, Heterochromia, Blonde hair that haz a zmall peach/orange fade, tan zkin.
- Belly button, Helix, Traguz, Lobe (2), Conch, tounge, nd noze peircingz.
- Zpent an entire day making braceletz, necklacez, ringz and earringz with Elize .
- Kōyō taught him how to do makeup and actively wearz it in the PM.
- Abzolutely zpoiled the zhit out of Akutugawa one time
- Haz about 17 pozterz related to hiz favorite bandz in hiz room.
#bsd chuuya#bsd fandom#drooling#im gonna kiss him#chuuya nakahara#headcanon#bungou stray dogs#chuuya hcs#design
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Day 3 of the Ranpoe Week 2024 !!
"But the horror... the horror was for love. The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret."
There's actually a small part 2 of this comic
Coming later this week >:3
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Do you take requests 4 art? :3 If so, can you draw pirate Chuuya/sea monster Dazai? I wanna see ur take on the idea hehe
Hello yes I do request occasionally!! if I'm comfortable with the request and have extra free time I'll probably do it 💕
Here's piratechuu x sirenzai <3
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I fear I love them zo much
Make out with m- uhm. Pardon. BUT. May I request Ivan X Fyodor smut hcs pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee thank you bbg 🤭
CW: power dynamic, slightly toxic, slight manipulation, NSFW, savior complex, manipulation where you make someone rely on you and you alone (I forgot the word in english)
A/N: thank you for the request darling and so sorry it took so long for me to get to it. I hope you enjoy~
°~•~○°~•~○ __NSFW BELOW THE CUT__○~•~°○~•~°
• first off, I think that thier relationship would rely on the fact that fyodor performed that lobotomy on him, not even just the sexyal part in this case the entire relationship
• the relationship would be very manipulative, but no one would realize, because it'd be the type of manipulation where fyodor would make ivan rely on him and only him
• ivan relying on him and only him would definitely feed his savior/God complex alot, so he'd be more likely to indulge ivan
• the fact that when ivan feeds his complex it makes him get what he wants more often, he'd keep doing it which makes fyodor keep manipulating, which makes him fall for him even more, it's a vicious cycle
• for the sexual part of thier relationship, it's deifently be a huge power dynamic, with ivan being a service sub and doing anything and everything fyodor asks of him whenever he asks it
• if fyodor wanted him to ride his dick infront of a crowd to analyze human reactions to that, you better bet ivan is bouncing on that dick faster than you can comprehend
• ivan cant really feel embarrassment since his "unhappiness was removed" so he wouldn't think twice about it
• would definitely take anything he's given, whether that be degrading words and smacking, or nice words of praise and soft sex, he's begging for more of it, drooling as fyodor indulges him
• his favorite thing would be blowing fyodor, since he gets to service his master and gets to look at him aswell, and if his master is feeling nice he'll press his boot to his dick while he blows him?
• it's heaven for this man and I just know he'd fall to his knees and drool thinking about it
• that's another thing, ivan is a filthy little slut, he's so shameless all the time he'll start grinding on fyodors thigh or something anytime he has the chance, he's a desperate little whore
• fyodor would probably find him extremely entertaining
• he'd like to analyze people's reactions to what ivan does, and ivans reactions to what he does
• unlike most people I think he actually has a rather high sex drive, from being busy all the time he needs an escape and hus brain processes what ivan suggests as that escape
• so he'll indulge ivan almost every time, but he'll rarely give ivan pleasure back
• but that's okay because ivan is happy just to run against his boot like the slut he is <3
thank you for reading my dears and I hope you enjoyed my writing! Feel free to leave a request anytime or leave some feedback for me to improve! <333
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