zowreyes · 12 days
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The Cosmic Octopus
30ft x 8ft Brick Wall Mural
Painted with Ext. Wall Paint & Spray-paint
This was my 1st wall mural and my biggest project to date. I was inspired by my client and her colorful and wonder-filled personality. Out of respect to the privacy of my client, I will avoid details. But painting this, I was invigorated and animated by generosity, by community, by colorful care turning into connecting! From the chance my client given me, I was able to explore and create something special to represent her, to represent her community. This was beyond an honor.
Find the full work-in-progress on my instagram: @zowr_eyes
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zowreyes · 1 year
Welcome to The Starship~
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This is the full picture of my background.
Name: "Being" Learn more about it on my Instagram <3
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