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zosanthoughts · 8 months ago
Anastasia AU
Only problem I'm having is deciding which makes a better Anastasia and Dimitri.
Sanji and Zeff could be using their insider knowledge of the royal kitchens to try and get money for their own restaurant.
Maybe Sanji is still Germa royalty so he knows a thing or two about how to act.
Finding an idiot with green hair is better than another con man with a dye job. Especially when said idiot is sword obsessed and wanting to go where they're headed.
Alternatively Zoro and Nami pulling the con because Zoro has some insider knowledge (but mostly a music box) and Nami could con somone into buying their own tie. And her own wealth of knowledge on top. Also Zoro won't tell her how to open the jewellery box. (And hasn't realised he doesn't fuckin know either.)
Both options are great. One has double secret royalty though so I'm a little bias to that one.
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zosanthoughts · 1 year ago
Zoro in this, thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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zosanthoughts · 1 year ago
There's a love song contest for some reason.
Sanji was certain he was going to win. He loved to sing about love. Of course he was going to win the love song contest.
He'd also get to win against Zoro which was always something he enjoyed. Because there was no way Zoro was going to beat the him in a contest about love. (Saying as much had the swordsman entering the contest immediately.)
Sanji pulls out all the stops, gets Franky to rig up some special effects to accompany his incredible love song, with grand gestures and flowers that'd have every woman swooning. He sung his heart out and the crowd reacted exactly as he'd hoped. There was no way he'd lose.
He chuckles to himself when Zoro wanders onto the stage, looking exactly as he always did. No fancy wardrobe, no utilisation of the band. Just one of Brooks old guitars in his hand and a stool.
Sanji expects some stilted awful train wreck. What happens is a soft and gently plucked melody that has the audience going silent so they can hear it through the speakers.
Then eyes closed, Zoro begins to sing. It's not all that different from his speaking voice, just given melody, soft and breathy to fit the song.
But it's immediately intimate, all at once Sanji feels as if he's the only one Zoro is singing for. It doesn't help that Zoro is singing about simple things, silly mundane things, even arguing like they were all full to bursting with so much love it made him breathless.
Especially when Sanji begins to notice a pattern, begins to realise all the moments, everything Zoro is singing about are things they did. Things Sanji didn't think Zoro even noticed, things Sanji hadn't noticed in turn.
Then Zoros voice and the music trailed to a close. The spell he'd cast over everyone lingered for an additional moment before it burst into deafening applause.
Maybe Sanji hadn't known much about love after all.
But as he watched Zoro dash from the stage quickly like marines were on his heels, avoiding everyone in the audience like his life depended on it. Sanji registered how hard his heart was beating in his chest, the emotions filling his lungs making it hard to breath.
Sanji wondered if maybe he was starting too.
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zosanthoughts · 1 year ago
Okay hear me out
Stardust AU
Sanji is Tristan, because let's face it he would absolutely vow to find a fallen star to show his love for someone.
Zoro as Yvaine just minding their own damn business having a perfectly good nap, when a magic necklace beaned them out of the sky.
Sanji has a hard time believing Zoro is a fallen star at first. Him? This muscle headed mossball is a star?
The banter would be incredible.
But I keep coming back to the moment Sanji notices Zoro softly shining for the first time. How joy radiates from him, and how Sanji is overcome with the need to do anything and everything to get him to smile, to laugh again.
He's never felt that before. Not for any of the women in his village.
And Zoro who has watched, always watched from the far off sky. Sees Sanji's kindness, dedication, his fire and finds he'd do anything and everything to see him happy. Even get presented to some woman Sanji wants to marry.
And that's not even getting into the coven of witches that want the heart of a star to keep themselves youthful.
Very fun AU to think about.
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zosanthoughts · 1 year ago
What if Zoro came back from the time skip with an appreciation for corsets. (courtesy of Perona)
Maybe it started as something to supplement his training. Exstra support for his recovering body so he wouldn't overtax himself. Maybe it continued as endurance training or mobility training when he was well enough to tighten them.
Regardless, imagine Sanji's reaction when Zoro walks in for breakfast one morning with a underbust corset, perhaps instead of his Haramaki.
He has to do a double take, because it's the same colour as his Haramaki. But no, the moss is most certainly wearing a fucking corset.
Sanji is saved from Zoro witnessing him picking his brain and jaw up from the floor by the few on the crew who also notice.
But Zoro is incredibly blasé about it. It's useful, he likes wearing them, what does it matter?
Sanji thinks he's gotten his reactions under control. At least until their first proper fight with one in the mix.
Zoro is wearing a full corset this time. If the sight of his pecks in it contributed to Sanji's mounting frustration, it was for only Sanji to know and ignore.
At least until he delivers a kick to Zoros gut.
Sanji has kicked Zoro hundreds of times. He's familiar enough that he immediately notices the difference. This wasn't some whale bone corset, this was properly reinforced. Likely a custom job to withstand the kind of trouble they frequently got into.
Any thought of voicing that revelation however is immediately lost when the blow of his kick to the corset redistributes the force and causes Zoros pecks to jiggle.
Sanji wakes up in the infirmity to a worried Chopper muttering about nose bleeds, and Zoro with the biggest fucking grin on his face.
Sanji is absolutely fucked.
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zosanthoughts · 1 year ago
One piece mmo au
Sanji is the guild/camp mom.
Has everything organised at their base and got so many fucking buffs going because his chaotic mess of a guild needs every leg up they can get to survive their shenanigans. He nearly cries when Franky joined to take over the building.
He's maxed out his cooking skill, but of course still has to remind everyone to actually eat before each fight.
His build is a well thought out combo that allows his kicks to do massive damage without compromising on social skills and his cooking.
Zoros build is just the sword fighter class, straight up. Why mess with a perfectly good class?
He also somehow disabled his mini map and doesn't know how to turn it back on.
Dispite this he's actually very good at completing bounties and quests. His active quest log would likely give a few of the straw hats a headache.
Zoro also has the highest foraging skill behind Chopper and Sanji. To improve the guild/base of course (Totally not because he likes finding materials and food to bring back to Sanji specifically. Totally doesn't camp spawns for ages just for the rare drops for the cook, totally not.)
That's as far as this train of thought has taken me. But I had to share.
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