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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
🐀𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬🐁
based on what? nothing, just vibes
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( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ᕤ
🐁the degrees you have in your ASC are just as important as the aspects it has, if you're a Taurus rising you have soft features, oval eyes, and probably a small nose, if you have this rising at a 15° degree (Gemini degree) you have a wider mouth and big teeths, a big forehead and your voice is high pitched, you can have both attributes from a Taurus rising and a Gemini rising, if you have enough Gemini placements it's way easier to confuse you with that sign
🐀 it's always important to know even the most basic things about sidereal astrology, knowing your own birth chart will give you a lot of insight on your personality as you get older, and it's even the reason why a lot of zodiac signs don't act like they say they are; a lot of Aries are aloof and very sensitive to other people's energies because they're sidereal Pisces, and a lot of Taurus have trouble with patience and anger issues, they get frustrated quickly, it's because of their sidereal Aries
🐁 I don't know much of sidereal astrology, but I believe it's the best one you can use if you're trying to predict an event or how is something going to turn out, if you get a birth chart for a specific time where you met a person, or something major in your life happened, sidereal astrology can be more accurate than tropical astrology, but that's just my personal opinion
🐀 Mercury square Saturn are always dismissed and never believed when they speak, often ignored or looked down for their opinions
🐁 this is a very personal take, but I feel like when you have sun, moon, neptune or ASC aspecting jupiter it's quite easy to forget bad things that happened to you, your mind will probably block it or forget about it, this is because jupiter is ruled by a sign that's too optimistic, maybe to a fault, this making it much harder to learn the lessons that those situations put you through, because you just don't remember it being that bad
🐀for these people to remember something bad that happened in a period of their life it had to hit them in their ego, be something very strong or prolonged, they have a tendency to genuinely forget things that made them feel a negative way but still carry the insecurities and traumas they left, not knowing why the hell they feel like this
🐁 it's super complicated to get a venusian to do something if they're not comfortable with it, they tend to easily find a place or a job where they can shine and feel part of, but in the rare occasions they don't, they just leave without explanation or apologies, they're conscious of what kind of life they want
🐀 I read on Twitter that if the lord of one of your houses falls on the 8H, 12H, and 6H house, you will be successful outside your country regarding the matter of that house. ex; I have my 3rd lord in the 8H, which means it's possible that I make money regarding writing or speaking/communication in another country! (the tweet)
🐁 it's been talked a lot how usual it is to have your mom's sun sign in your own moon sign, but we should also look into it when it happens with the father, having your dad's sun sign in your own moon sign; it can form a great bond between the father since you understand each other better than other relatives, but it can also cause a lot of misunderstanding, because one person automatically assumes what the other feels and although the ideas are similar, they're never the same, so they have to agree to disagree
🐀 if the 7th house is of open enemies and the 12th house is of hidden enemies, having a Venus in the 12th can have people crushing on them and never knowing, and having their loved ones resenting them. Having Sun in the 12th can have a father figure or men in general having a secret competition with them, Neptune or Jupiter aspecting MC can have workmates or bosses feel threatened by their presence or feel icky
🐁 having Moon in the 7th can have women gossiping about them or disliking them for no reason, or because they don't like their personality, having Mercury in 7th can have people dismissing their words because they don't like what they're saying, or making fun of their voices. Having Venus aspecting Ascendant can have people openly judge the person's appearance or how they present themselves, and pass it as constructive criticism
🐀 I've said this before and I will say it again, men that have prominent Lilith placements or aspects often don't have a good relationship with other men, they feel as if other men are constantly trying to compete with them and it creates a lot of tension, but they have good relationships with women and often get along better with them (this can also be added if you identify as male, obviously)
🐁 women with prominent Lilith placements or aspects have a hard time finding a partner if they're interested in men, because they can feel a very strong energy from these women and run away, it's not uncommon that a lot of them never went as far as the talking stages of a relationship, but the same men that leave can become obsessed with seeing them from afar and stalking them, keeping tabs on what they do on social media (this can also be added if you identify as female, obvi)
🐀 water risings attract the weirdest energies, specially pisces risings, i believe it's because of their openness and friendly vibes they're usually the calm friend and people think that because they're calm they won't say anything,
🐁 it also happens with aquarius risings, and air risings in general, they are friendly and like to talk to people, and they usually have people coming at them with unsolicited advice or asking them for help on things that's none of their business
🐀 i saw a post a very long time ago where it talked about men that have feminine moon signs (earth or water sign/house) are liked by girls a lot, they have more female friends and feel more comfortable with them, a good example of this are timlthee chalamet and dylan o'brien
🐁 meanwhile women who have masculine moon signs (fire or air sign/house) are liked amongst the men and seen as "another man" of the group, they accidentally gravitate towards male dominant groups because of their outgoing or honest personality
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🐁 people with Mars aspecting Pluto (specially conjunctions and squares) have a lot of energy when it comes to getting shit done if it benefits them, even if they have Venus aspects or Taurus/Libra placements, when it comes to a specific thing they have to ability to get it done in a short amount of time and excel on it, but are also prone to anger issues
🐀the idea of Scorpios being resentful and vengeful it's quite not true, people forget Scorpio suns have Libra and Sagittarius placements, although I don't doubt there are Scorpios out there that fit the stereotype, the ones I've met don't like conflict and don't like holding onto anger, they are pretty chill and forgive people easily
🐁 cancer rising women are always approached by older men and looked up to by them, which can be good or really bad, it's not weird that cancer rising women have experienced harassment by men that are supposed to be their mentors, and men their age look at them as if they're their mother (i say ew)
🐀 10H and 1H (but specially 10h) stelliums or placements are really big on the "if I don't do it then who will do it?" They think they are the only ones who can do it, they have a lot of confidence when it comes to that one thing that they're good at
🐁 the 10H is more dooming the "it has to be me because everybody else is useless :/" and the 1H is "it has to be me because no one is doing it like me :/"
🐀 jupiter aspecting saturn is like this as well, people that have ✨the great conjunction✨ in their chart know what is it that they went to do from a very young age and they probably know how they want their life to look like in 5 years
🐁 they are the ones that make manifestation boards, yes, it's easy for them to manifest but is just as easy for them to get lost in their own arrogance or self-indulgence and life kicks their ass so they must start everything again jskjs
🐀 we should also talk about when a parents sun opposites the daughter or son's moon, this synastry placement can be "karmic" per say, the parent feels threatened by them and gets defensive, they see a lot of their children's personality in them, and can resent them because they do everything their parents should've been, this aspect is more common in older children
🐁 12H = orgasms. You should check what sign, placement and aspects you have in the 12H and see if it's correct, ex; a person with a Mercury 12H or Gemini in the 12H are turned on by dirty talking and hands
🐀at the end of the day people have free will no matter what kind of chart they have, but it is true that when you exhibit or go after something more correlated to your birth chart you will have more success, an example of this is Zendaya having an 8H sun, her roles used to be bubbly when she worked at Disney, now that she plays darker, more grey characters you can see that's where she has more repercussion and success (the tweet that talked about this)
( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ᕤ
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
hola quisiera saber cuáles serían las mejores profesiones para alguien q tiene su MC en acuario/ piscis??
A ver, depende de qué aspectos tenga MC con otros planetas por ejemplo yo 😌✨ tengo en Aries y solamente leo sobre deportes o cosas muy específicas a la fuerza física, pero tengo MC aspectando Mercurio así q me dedico a escribir fanfics ah
Peeero, en Acuario creo que podría irle bien algo de computación, que tenga que ver con la tecnología y los artefactos tecnológicos, les interesa mucho lo que es la mecánica o el funcionamiento de las máquinas ? Por qué no sé, igual están destinados a ser populares, ellos son así
En Piscis puede ser algo relacionado al cuidado de otros, enfermería, doctor, psicóloga, algo que tenga que ver con la salud y el cuidado de otra persona
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
¿Qué opinas de una sol libriana y ascendente aries?
q sos re linda
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
¡Hola! Soy nueva seguidora, su blog está muy interesante, me gustaría pedir una descripción, ¿Se puede? Soy: solar tauro, lunar libra, ascendente géminis y MC: en piscis🌼 qué tengan un lindo día/noche! Y graciaas
No hago descripciones linda, perdón :/
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
serena mis huevos
observaciones de los signos
- hay muchas personas que no expresan bien su mercurio, pero todas las personas con mercurio en aries, piensan y hablan rápido, incluso los sol en tauro. 
- entre sol, luna y asc aries, son las lunas en aries las más activas y agresivas. 
- Las lunas en Tauro son buenas en el ejercicio, cuando lo adaptan bien a su rutina. 
- Es muy fácil elegir un regalo para las personas con ASC en Tauro, porque no son ambiguas, y tienen una presencia definida como de personaje de ficción: uno sabe qué le gusta, y qué le disgusta.
- En general, las mujeres Tauro que conozco, son muy seguras de sí mismas, no dependen de nadie, y, al mismo tiempo suelen ser humildes. 
- Por su cercanía en la rueda del Zodiaco, muchos soles en Cáncer suelen tener mercurio y venus en Géminis, lo cual quizá explica que el carácter cambiante de los cangrejos, se deba a una herencia de la energía geminiana. 
- Las lunas en Géminis saben mucho, pero les cuesta filosofar sin “fuentes” . 
- Soles y Lunas en Cáncer suelen ser muy populares, porque conectan muy bien con los pequeños grupos y son muy cautos con sus excentricidades. 
- Sin embargo, suelen ser muy oportunistas, y sólo suelen ser empáticos con quienes consideran sus allegados, con el resto de las personas son algo fríos. 
5. LEO
- Las lunas en LEO difícilmente se avergüenzan de decir la verdad. 
- ASC en Leo debe esforzarse en ser autentico, y no caer en el falso orgullo que inmediatamente se nota. 
- La vanidad de Cáncer es más seria y discreta (pero muy real), en cambio la vanidad de Leo, aunque es más exagerada, es algo juguetona. 
- Los Virgo critican mucho, pero no aceptan muy bien las criticas, aunque digan que sí. 
- Las lunas en Virgo son inteligentes como las lunas en géminis, pero virgo, en general, sabe combinar silencios con palabra. 
- Marte en Virgo puede ser muuuuy odioso. 
- Las lunas en Libra siempre sonríen en las fotos, aunque estén de mal humor. 
- La empatía de Libra, aunque no es muy cálida, es muy justa, porque se preocupa tanto de los conocidos, como de los desconocidos. 
- Mercurio en Libra tiende pensar muy bien las alternativas, por lo que cuando le preguntan algo, suele contestar con un “Mmmmmmm”
- ASC en Escorpio suele dar fortaleza física, aunque la gente sea delgada o gorda. 
- Las Lunas en Escorpio proyectan mucho paranoias inexistentes. En cambio, Mercurio en Escorpio suele ser más acertado.
- Los soles en Escorpio a veces son como los soles en Tauro: fuertes pero tranquilos. 
- Los Sagitarios suelen ser muy soberbios cuando saben algo nuevo. Son de aquellos que en internet a todo le dicen: “pseudo”, como “pseudociencia”, “pseudoartista” “pseudoperiodismo”.
- Las mujeres con luna Sagitario tienen un carácter alegre. ES difícil que se ofendan, porque a todo le ven el lado cómico. 
- Los ASC en Sagitario gozan de la bicicleta. 
- Las lunas en capricornio, aunque son de tierra, suelen dar personas algo hiperactivas. 
- Mercurio en Capricornio es buen estudiante, muy escolástico. 
- Capricornio es seco y algo callado, pero suele ser más justo que Cáncer, que a veces piensa desde la sensibilidad. 
- Los Acuario suelen ser tan egocéntricos como los Leo.
- Luna en Acuario es serena. 
- ASC en Acuario suele ser lenta, pero de pensamientos rápidos. 
- Muchos Piscis suelen ser tan criticones como Virgo.
- Las lunas en Piscis son muy sabias y empáticas, pero, curiosamente, cuando agarran confianza, su forma de demostrar cariño es actuando infantilmente, pues piensan que eso relaja a las personas. 
- Marte en Piscis es similar a Marte en Libra, aunque más olvidadizo. 
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
Perfectos en leer a los demás: Escorpio, Piscis.
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
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✾ The stellium's sign can indicate the area (house) of major focus in your life.
ex. A Scorpio Stellium can put extra emphasis on the Scorpio Ruled house, so The 8th.
ex. An Aries Stellium can put extra emphasis on the 1st house of your chart
ex. A Virgo Stellium can put extra emphasis on the 6th house of your chart
✾ This can happen in another way.
Ex. An 8th House stellium puts emphasis on where Scorpio is in your chart and so, the house where Scorpio falls in the chart
Ex. A 1st House stellium puts emphasis on where Aries falls in your chart
Ex. A 6th House stellium puts emphasis on where Virgo falls in your chart
✾ Sun in the 10th House people tend to have rounder and softer physical shapes, not the type of people to be skinny. I've noticed most of them use food as a reward for their accomplishments, like: "I took an A in the class test, now imma eat to celebrate
✾ Neptune in the 9th House travel a lot with their friends in their lifetimes, especially during their youth. This is a great placement for travel bloggers/youtubers
✾ Most people born in wealthy families have Pisces, Sagittarius Suns / Moons or Sun/Moon on Jupiter/Venus/Neptune/Sun Decans. This happens because Pisces & Sagittarius have the rulership of Jupiter (the planet of luck, money and abundance).
✾ Also, royals tend to have Saturn Decans as well, so heavy Capricorn/Aquarius in their charts, since Saturn rules over institutions and so government, Royals are a political institution that represents a nation.
ex. Queen Elizabeth II is a Taurus Sun (on a Venus Decan), Leo Moon (on a Jupiter Decan) with Capricorn Rising.
ex. (2) William, Duke of Cambridge is a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising (on a Sun Decan)
✾ Royals show a big presence of the Moon, which I'm not surprised with, since the moon rule over family, and royalty is traditionally inherited from the family.
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Jupiter Ruled Decans:
20° - 30° Aries
10° - 20° Leo
0° - 10° Sagittarius
Venus Ruled Decans:
0° - 10° Taurus
10° - 20° Gemini
20° - 30° Virgo
0° - 10° Libra
10° - 20° Capricorn
20 - 30° Aquarius
Neptune Ruled Decans:
20° - 30° Cancer
10° - 20° Scorpio
0° - 10° Pisces
Sun Ruled Decans:
10° - 20° Aries
0° - 10° Leo
20° - 29° Sagittarius
Saturn Ruled Decans:
20° - 30° Taurus
10° - 20° Virgo
0° - 10° Capricorn
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✾ Mars in the 1st House people are often described as impulsive primarily in abad way, but i conceive their impulsivity quite as a talent, here's why: The first house represent our immediate reactions to the environment around us, and mars (the planet of action) represents immediate action. So these folks are amazing if you put them in a sitiation of urgency, the do really well under bad circumstances, that's why they make great firefighters, surgeons and emergency works.
✾ I've read somewhere that Scorpio Degrees can darken a chart/ placement. And imo it's absolutely true, especially in the Ascendant. Even the softest rising sign such as Taurus, can become darker and more reserved of on a Scorpio degree.
✾ Also, Scorpio Risings/Asc on a Scorpio degree/ Mars or Pluto in the 1st house tend to have scars on their face, or tend to get small cuts in their face a lot. They're also the type to have a lot of moles/freckles on their face.
✾ Aquarius Mars tend to have recidive hairline since a young age or just getting white hair earlier than others.
✾ Leo Mars people never age. And i say this LOUDLY. Both of my parents and many of their friends have this placement, and they all look younger than their age. Leo Mars are the type of people to look older during their youth but then keeping the same appearance for the rest of their lives.
✾ Aries Mars is often a placement that scares people (i really don't get why) they're actually nice people, very friendly, pranksters as i use to define them, they can be very assertive to the point of seeming aggressive or offensive, but they're not dangerous and walking red flags as people label them.
✾ Aries with Pisces Placements is a current pattern in famous artists, especially painters and geniuses. They're really creative people overall, and have a deep appreciation for mystery and deep subjects.
✾ Capricorn Risings are not worth the "badass" rep, since they're the softest people on earth, they hate to show it publicly but they're the most huggable people in private life. I have a cousin who's a Cap Rising, and she vietare her mum to hug her in public, but when they're alone she hugs her IT'S SO CUTE.
✾ Fixed Signs actually get along really well together, but i found two different dynamics: they love each other at first sight or totally hate at first sight, no way in between.
✾ Inconjunct Signs tend to attract each other as a moth to a flame, their union is often karmic because they have to learn from each other and incorporate lessons in their lives.
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Inconjunct Signs:
Aries is inconjunct with Virgo & Scorpio
Taurus is inconjunct with Libra & Sagittarius
Gemini is inconjunct with Scorpio & Capricorn
Cancer is inconjunct with Sagittarius & Aquarius
Leo is inconjunct with Capricorn & Pisces
Virgo is inconjunct with Aquarius & Aries
Libra is inconjunct with Pisces & Taurus
Scorpio is inconjunct with Aries & Gemini
Sagittarius is inconjunct with Taurus & Cancer
Capricorn is inconjucnt with Gemini & Leo
Aquarius is inconjunct with Cancer & Virgo
Pisces is inconjunct with Leo & Libra
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✾ Aries/Aquarius/Scorpio mix in a chart is often present in those with amazing military skills, sporstmen and highly competitive careers
✾ Gemini, Taurus, Leo & Virgo Suns are common among spies. Along with 8th & 12th House placements, joining with Saturn highly aspected or prominent.
✾ Asteroid Atira is often prominent in wealthy people birth charts
✾ Almost all Billionaires charts I've seen have the following degrees interacting in their charts: 2°, 22°, 26°, 28°, 14°, 18° & 5°. (only one doesn't count on itself, but if you have multiple of them, CHEERS!)
Occasional but Honorable mentions: Scorpio Degrees (8° & 20°), Gemini Degrees (3 & 27 but not 15°) and the 4th Degree (Cancer)
✾ Pluto-Jupiter Conjunction is a Million Dollar aspect to have, many wealthy people have it.
✾ Talking about wealth, the top 5 Sun Signs I've seen repeatedly in over 200 wealthy people charts are (not in order) : Cancer, Leo, Aries, Libra & Scorpio. (Many of them also have Libra & Scorpio mix in their charts)
✾ Sagittarius Stelliums & MC makes natural born politicians and lawyers, these people are highly opinionated and very persuasive, they're not prone to change their mind easily and can be really stubborn given the chance to fight for their ideals.
✾ Aquarius Stelliums by the way are real life pacifists, they just wanna be in good terms with everyone without involving drama, but don't you ever dare to touch a theme which is particularly close to their heart or they'll fight you to death.
✾ Neptune is always prominent in rich & famous actors/models charts, along with social networks celebrities, such as tiktokers, youtubers and influencers
✾ Pisces Risings often find themselves trendsetting, people around them act like them, they often get copied and admired easily.
✾ Cancer Mars/Mars in the 4th/Mars on 4°, 14° & 28°, makes people incredibly misunderstood, they feel comfortable to close-off when problems arise and never actually talk about their emotional turmoil which makes them somehow unaccessible and emotionally unavailable to many people who only want to help.
✾ Capricorn Moons/Moon in the 10th hate to be helped, they love to help but hate to receive help, they often follow the motto: "I'll figure it out alone".
✾ Libra Rising culture is thick eyeliner, curly hair and overlined lips
✾ I've noticed someone feels somehow more attractive when embodying the sign characteristics opposite to their natal venus.
EX: Cancer Venus looks amazing when wearing earthy tones (Capricorn) and flattering dresses. Black, Brown & Beige tend to look good on them. Also they feel more confident behaving like a boss-bit*h, acting all good, mysterious, composed and constructed rather than instantly being affectionate and warm.
EX: Taurus Venus looks amazing with aggressive style such as red lips, black tight dresses and high heels (Scorpio). They love being mysterious and provoke, they also feel more confident behaving like that, attraction is all they care.
EX: Gemini Venus tend to look amazing with formal attire quite lawyer-like, also with colorful clothes and bold makeups (Sagittarius), they feel more confident behaving like the funny ones, maybe somehow in an innocent way, without thinking too much.
EX: Leo Venus tend to look amazing wearing patterns and weird designs, also grey, blue and turquoise look good on them. They love making weird jokes and attract other people's sympathy.
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astro-observations pt. 1
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
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✨PICK-A-CARD READING: blessings coming your way in 2022✨
[4 piles] ✦ [5 decks used] ✦ [13 cards for each pile]
hello loves and welcome to a new pick-a-card reading. you can find instructions and my disclaimer below. please read these before choosing your pile. this reading is about blessings coming your way in 2022. Please keep in mind that blessings are referring to things that either protect us, make us happy, or guide us in the right direction.
disclaimer: this is a tarot reading meant for entertainment purposes only. It is based on my interpretation of the cards. All portrayals are speculative. Whether you choose to trust this reading is up to you and your intuition. Believing in tarot is a choice. This is a general reading and it is only meant for self-reflection purposes. please only take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. this reading is timeless and can be visited and re-visited whenever. Feedback is highly appreciated. enjoy. (✿◠‿◠)
picture credit: unsplash.com
if you like this reading: leave your tip here (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
start off by grounding yourself. you can take 3 deep breaths or listen to some meditative music (i recommend this one). then focus on the mentioned topic. you can also call upon your spirit guides for help. choose a picture or number that you are drawn to the most. trust your intuition to guide you to the right pile. ll messages + information will be under the cut.
decks used: ethereal visions tarot, moonology, the starseed oracle, whispers of nature oracle, self-made oracle
warnings: none
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✨𝑷𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝟎𝟏 ✨
cards: 8 of cups ✦ 9 of swords ✦ the fool ✦ judgement reversed ✦ waxing crescent moon ✦ full moon in cancer ✦ a new earth ✦ the golden children ✦ I’m sorry ✦ ideal course of action ✦ adventure ✦ spirit ✦ courage
Welcome to your reading 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟏. Your first card is the 8 of cups which is linked to the keywords: disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal, and escapism. What I can see here is that in 2022 you will be walking away from something. This is either a situation (career, etc.) or a person. But I feel like this has been coming for you for a while now. You could have experienced some sort of build-up of tension or a feeling of unease in the past which is spirit’s way to prepare you to pack your things and go. An end of a cycle is approaching you and I see you facing your personal truths. You might be exploring yourself more, as in looking for answers and trying to analyze yourself. I see you working towards a deeper understanding of the self and through this discovery, and you finding back to yourself you will see what needs to go and what can stay. Whatever the situation is, it did not serve you anymore, your ego might still be attached but your heart has logged out long ago. This exhaustion that you might experience will lead to you separating from whatever it is that is draining you. The imagery on this card is interesting though, usually, the 8 of cups is depicting a person leaving the scene, however in this deck we see a person sitting down, looking at the moon, and contemplating. So I feel like whatever you have been running from, and whatever you were procrastinating on, you will face It for your own sake.
Your next card is the 9 of swords which is related to the keywords: anxiety, worry, fear, depression, and nightmares. I feel like this decision of walking away might have been quite hard for you. Like it’s something you were emotionally invested in and tied to and leaving it will lead to a lot of overthinking. And in some cases, this might even relate to some sort of codependency. But whatever the case may be, let’s not forget that we are looking at blessings here. And blessings either bring us a miracle or they provide protection. In this case, we are looking at both. Protection from the situation you have left behind as well as a miracle in terms of a new beginning which is indicated in the upcoming cards. After leaving this situation you might hit a low, where you feel as if you are suffering and you could be plagued with insomnia as well. This situation will have left you mentally exhausted and you might feel powerless in a way. Ultimately you will be displaying a victim mentality. You could also face some sort of guilt or remorse that will disturb your mind? If you have aries placements you could struggle with migraines too.
Next, we have the lovely fool showing up for you. This card is linked to the keywords: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and free spirit. As previously mentioned with the 8 of cups you’ll be leaving a situation behind, ending a cycle. The fool is telling me that you will overcome your grieving period (9 of swords) and start a new chapter in your life. So ultimately you had to leave the old behind to get to the new. Whatever it is that you’ll be starting in 2022 it will bring you a lot of joy and happiness. I feel like this might be related to some sort of childhood dream or fantasy of yours, but either way, you’ll cater to your inner child. I also feel like you will find your way back to yourself, a bit wiser and stronger but also naive enough to leap towards what you want. The period of overthinking that you have faced with the 9 of swords will be left behind and even if you weren’t fully ready, you will be courageous enough to go for what you want so you can figure it out as you go. You will start living in the present and enjoy where you are at instead of being a prisoner to the potential of the future or the sorrows of the past. The fool also talks about finding yourself and following your instincts. This also links back to our 8 of cups period where you are going within to look for answers. I see you being fearless, enthusiastic, and adventurous.
Your bottom deck energy is judgment reversed which is linked to the keywords: self-doubt, inner critic, and ignoring the call. I feel like you have been procrastinating in this situation in the past. This seems to have been an issue for a while now but you were never really ready to face the music. Insecurities, doubts, and your inner critic could have held you back from moving away from this situation or person in the past. But ultimately, you’ll be facing this in 2022 and it will lead to a happy and freeing new beginning for you. ♡♡
Your first two oracles are waxing crescent moon (have faith in your dreams) and full moon in cancer (a personal issue reaches resolution). Please, your reading is so synchronistic it’s unreal lmao. Anyway, spirit is telling you to focus on what you want. Have faith in your dreams and do not give up on yourself and what you are looking forward to in life because of current circumstances. Whatever you are experiencing now, you cannot apply it to the rest of your life. Every situation is fleeting and so is every emotion. So do not worry too much and focus on the big picture. I love that the full moon in cancer is below the 8 of cups and the 9 of swords. You will get out of whatever circumstances were holding you back from reaching your dreams. I truly love this for you. So whatever you might be facing right now or later on in 2022, just know that resolutions are in sight and you won’t take this burden into your next year (2023).
Next, we have a new earth (it’s happening. Keep holding the vision), the golden children (inner child. Tenderness. Innocence. Rare gifts.) and I’m sorry (defenselessness. Righting past wrongs. Uprooting). AH IM TELLING YOU, this is so synchronistic I can’t! Okay, so your new earth is below the 9 of swords and fool card. After your 9 of swords period a new beginning is coming towards you, we have this reaffirmed with the new earth card. This could also relate to a new mindset of yours as the ‚a new earth‘ card is also linked to the 9 of swords. I also love how this card and its message are so similar to the waxing crescent card. You have to hold your vision as spirit is telling you that your dreams are possible for you and that your new chance and your new beginning are coming soon. ♡♡ the golden children card is also reaffirming the fool card. You will tap into your more innocent side, catering to your inner child’s needs and experiencing joy and bliss by following your heart. The children are walking towards a portal and the fool card is about taking a leap and taking a chance. So again, super synchronistic. The "I’m sorry" card is also reminding me of the message of the 9 of swords (guilt) and the judgment Rx. You might feel defenseless because of the loss you’ll experience and there could be a layer of guilt here as well but ultimately you will learn to forgive yourself for holding yourself back, and for letting yourself down. The person is facing themselves in the imagery (it looks mirrored) so you will heal the wounds within yourself that need catering and you will take responsibility for yourself and your feelings too.
Next, we have ideal course of action (37) and adventure (30). You are on the right path for sure. I love how the ‚ideal course of action‘ card is related to the number 37 which amounts to 10. The number 10 is related to the ending of a cycle which again has been reinforced throughout this reading multiple times now. But even if you might feel stuck along the way, know that you are on the path to realizing your dreams and that you have everything you need to get to your castle. The adventure card is also reinforcing the fool message. You will be more spontaneous and I truly feel like 2022 is going to be full of new experiences for you. It’s a big ‚fool‘ energy year. I see you saying ‚yes‘ to a lot of new things solely because you want to and not because it is expected of you. This is such a nice and light energy.
Lastly, we have the oracle cards spirit and courage. You are divinely guided throughout this year. Your spirituality could also play a huge role in 2022. The courage card is again a confirmation for the fool, but also the 8 of cups. You’ll find the courage and bravery you need to leave your current situation to face a new beginning.
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✨𝑷𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝟎𝟐✨
cards: the empress ✦ 2 of pentacles rx ✦ the lovers ✦ 4 of swords ✦ full moon in Aquarius ✦ fixed moon ✦ the courageous peony ✦ lost lands ✦ you got the love ✦ renewal of peace ✦ be spontaneous ✦ no ✦ birth
Welcome to your reading 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟐. Your first card is the empress. This card is such a beautiful one and it is related to the keywords: femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, and abundance. You will step into your divine feminine energy more throughout the year 2022. You might be expressing yourself more creatively or you might simply indulge in the finer things in life. I see you being more authentic in your communication style and whatever you put your energy into, the outcome will be fruitful. The empress in particular is a really potent and fertile energy so 2022 is a great time for you to start something you are passionate about. Whatever you are birthing this year will bring you a lot of abundance and prosperity. I also feel like love could be a big topic for you. Especially self-love. I feel like you will learn to allow yourself to experience love. We usually think that we get love from other people but love is a feeling that cannot be transmuted from one person to another. What usually happens is that we allow ourselves to feel loved based on what the other person does. The good news is, that you do not have to rely on other people to love yourself, it is solely up to you. ♡♡ I feel like understanding this will bring you a lot of emotional security. Generally, I do see you feeling quite good about yourself and your situation throughout the year and with the empress being ruled by Venus and Venus being the biggest benefic in astrology I do see a lot of blessings coming your way in terms of abundance and love.
Next, we have the 2 of pentacles reversed which is related to the keywords: over-committed, disorganization, and reprioritization. I truly feel like you were struggling with prioritizing yourself first in the past. Looking out for yourself might have always come last for you, so in 2022 what I’m seeing here is that you will finally put yourself first and you will finally cater to your needs. I see you realizing that you are in charge of your perspective and of the filter with which you see the world. With pentacles energy, this is definitely a fundamental change for you. Also, you might have had a lot of projects going on for yourself or a lot of balls in the air generally when it comes to your life. It might have been quite chaotic and it might have led to you spreading yourself thin. I genuinely feel like you have had a lot of overwhelming demands coming from different people, situations, and goals. This over-committing tendency is something you will address in 2022. As you are learning to love yourself more and as you are stepping into your empress energy you will also take inventory of what is going on in your life, deciding what can stay and what needs to go and whatever makes you feel bad about yourself (and I’m not talking about fear here, because fear = interest) needs to get tossed out of your life.
Our next card is the lovers which is related to the keywords: love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, and choices. This year definitely feels super significant for you given the two major arcana’s in your spread. Love (no matter what kind) is definitely your main focus here. I feel like you might be getting into a relationship with someone this year. This could be related to yourself as in you getting to know yourself and falling in love with yourself. Take it however it resonates for you. But love is definitely a topic. As well as you stepping into your authentic self and opening up your throat chakra. You will communicate more freely and more efficiently in 2022. I see you coming into union with someone or yourself and this relationship will be quite giving and loving as well. Ultimately this will lead to happiness and harmony for you. Contentment is definitely a state that you will reach within this year. This could also talk about you making new friends and getting to know new people that will play a significant role in your life.
Your bottom deck energy is the 4 of swords which is related to the keywords: rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, and recuperation. This energy of this year for you seems really calm and zen. Whatever has been stressing you out lately will be addressed and sorted out. It’s a year of healing and a year of peace & quiet. You will spend a lot of time with yourself. And I do not mean that you will be lonely or alone. It’s about spending quality time with yourself and getting to know yourself by doing things such as meditating, etc. You will re-group this year and I see you coming to terms with who you are. No more delusions, no more lies that you tell yourself. You will prioritize the self and I also see you embracing your spirituality more. You might seek out some spiritual counseling or support that will help you let go of things, etc. but meditation is definitely something you should consider as it will help you get the answers needed.
Your first two oracle cards are: full moon in Aquarius (show the world the real you), and fixed moon (hold your vision). I love how we have fixed energy show up twice with Aquarius (fixed air) and the fixed moon. You should definitely hold your vision for this year and focus on your goals. Stepping into your authentic self and getting to know yourself is something that will help with your endeavors as you will know which tools you have and what you are working with. I feel like with the fixed moon some manifestations of yours might be coming true as well in the course of 2022. Aquarius season might be significant for you. ♡♡
Next, we have the courageous peony (multifaceted, unique nature, let yourself be seen), lost lands (soul memories and gifts. You’ve done this before), and you got the love (Hadarian energy, codependency, boundaries). Ah, I love how synchronistic your reading is. Okay so first off, we have the message (again) about you stepping into your authentic self. Let others see your true colors and be courageous enough to be yourself. I feel like this is a huge topic in your year. Like your self-love journey seems to be quite big and you will take significant steps in the right direction. You will embrace yourself more, see the good and the bad sides, and acknowledge both. I see you showing your unique self, your unique colors, and sharing your unique thoughts. You might even be more active on social media, etc. I also feel like you will address your wounds throughout 2022, maybe therapy is something you consider doing this year? But either way, a lot of healing is coming towards you and you will address your subconscious. Through doing so I also feel like you will see your strengths more clearly and it will help you with problems and hiccups in the future. The ‚You got the love‘ card is so adorable. As already mentioned you will heal yourself throughout the course of this year and I see you growing out of codependent relationships, etc. you will learn and realize that you are all you need and that everyone else is extra. I also see you setting up well-needed boundaries in your existing connections and keeping those intact with them and others.
(13) renewal of peace and (31) be spontaneous are our next cards. You have a mirroring number here 13:31. I personally associate twin flame connection with the number 13 so this could literally be indicative of you meeting someone significant in your life this year. This is the meaning of angel number 1331:
„Angel Number 1331 is a message from your angels that they are sending you positive energies and boosting your confidence levels. Be sure to pay particular attention to your thoughts, ideas and insights as these are giving you information about the next steps to take along your spiritual path. Any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in their undertaking. Angel Number 1331 encourages you to stay positive and optimistic about your future and destiny. Trust that you are surrounded, supported, encouraged and loved by the angels spiritual realm and Universal Energies. Your future looks bright and prosperous, so get on with living your life with passion and enthusiasm. Serve your Divine life purpose with confidence and self-belief, safe in the knowledge that you are on the right track. Maintain a light, bright and loving heart and mind. Take bold steps while listening to your angels and the inner-wisdom of your higher-self. Move forward fearlessly.“ – Source
Please this message is so synchronistic with that of the empress card? Holy moly, this year is really huge for you huh? Anyway, moving on with the cards. The ‚renewal in peace‘ card is basically mirroring the lovers and 4 of swords cards. You will find peace and contentment within yourself and your life this year. Like please this is such a huge achievement I can’t. You will be happy with your circumstances and with who you are and who you’ll become. With the ‚be spontaneous’ card I do feel like you Will experience a lot of new things this year. So being open-minded to the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone will bring a lot of blessings to you. ♡♡
Lastly, we have no and birth. The ‚no‘ card is confirming the boundaries aspect of the ‚you got the love‘ card. You will take care of yourself more and you will learn to say no, and yes when you mean it. You won’t agree to things that do not light you up anymore and you won’t refuse things just because they scare you. ‚Birth’ is mirroring the empress card. You will start a new cycle full of blessings and love within this year. The empress is about pregnancy and birth so you will conceive and birth your idea within the same year. This could also talk about literal pregnancy for some of you, but this is definitely not the majority. So if you were trying to get pregnant I have good news for you. ♡♡
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✨𝑷𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝟎𝟑✨
cards: the devil ✦ 6 of cups rx ✦ 2 of swords rx ✦ 5 of swords rx ✦ new moon in taurus ✦ full moon eclipse ✦ earthed ✦ star brothers ✦ earth pulsing ✦ new experiences & possibilities ✦ amplify your positive emotions ✦ rebirth ✦ self care
Welcome to your reading 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟑. Okay, so your first card is the devil lmao. This card is associated with the keywords: shadow self, attachment, addiction, restrictions, and sexuality. Okay, so this is an interesting start. I feel like early on in the year (Capricorn season) you might be confronted with things that do not work for you. I see you reflecting on connections you have, addictions you indulge in, and habits that do not serve you. Any strings that are attached to you are basically under review. This could be either something you wanted to address for a long time or it will be triggered by a situation or a person (a Capricorn in particular). I see you taking a closer look at things that your ego struggled with letting go of. So any strings that need cutting will be addressed this year, whether you like it or not. But let’s not forget that this is a blessing reading, so this is definitely happening to protect you in the future so you have a smooth passage when the time comes.
The 6 of cups reversed is our next card. This card is related to the keywords: living in the past, forgiveness, and lacking playfulness. This Devil situation could be related to someone or something in your past. I feel like for most people this is a person but for others, this could be a situation or habit that has held you back. You will learn to forgive yourself in the process of letting go of this person or situation. Any ties that need cutting will be cut and you will free yourself by doing so. This is a liberating energy that I feel so even if you might initially struggle with this it will lead to you feeling lighter. For some, this could be related to moving out or moving away in general. For others, it’s simply about clearing out the old to make room for the new. But overall there is a lot of growth happening for you and I see you maturing in the process of cleaning house. Whatever you have neglected in the past will come to the surface in 2022 and unless you deal with those things you might drift into a period of stagnation.
The 2 of swords reversed is our next card and it is related to the keywords: indecision, confusion, information overload, and stalemate. Yes, spirit is reminding you with this card that you need to make a decision and that you need to face the fears or doubts related to this devil situation. If you don’t you’ll enter a period of stalemate until you do. There is emotional and mental turmoil associated with this devil situation and I feel like you need to open your eyes to this and really see instead of ignoring it. I feel most of you know what this is talking about and what this is related to as this has been an issue for longer than just 2022. Take the information you get at face value and act accordingly. This decision is necessary for you to free yourself and for you to carry on with your life carrying less.
Your bottom deck energy is the 5 of swords reversed. This card is all about reconciliation, making amends, and past resentment. For those of you who resonate with the devil being a person, this card essentially means that talking to them and being honest with them will bring you peace and it will bring forth the end of a conflict that has been present for quite some time now. Even if it is just you ending this, it is enough to step away and to finalize whatever tension has been present in your life. The stress coming from this situation will be cleared and you will make amends with the past and your past decisions. This is also about forgiveness mostly related to yourself. Moving on from someone or something is a huge part of 2022 and I feel like it’s your main lesson. Not saying it’s the only blessing, this reading is simply too short and small to say that, but it’s an essential one for you. There could be a few things you regret about this person or this situation but you will eventually learn to let it go and to forgive yourself. You have been in conflict with yourself for way too long about this, and in 2022 you are putting a stop to it. This will feel to you like overcoming a major challenge in your life, but stepping in for yourself this way will strengthen your trust in yourself and this is a big step towards loving yourself and feeling safe within your own skin.
Your first two oracle cards are new moon in taurus (prosperity lies ahead), and full moon eclipse (conclusions are within reach). With the new moon in Taurus, I do feel like by letting go of this situation related to the devil card, you will energetically open yourself to attract more abundance and prosperity into your life. This situation held you back for quite a while, even if you were not consciously aware of it, it definitely affected you since it is represented by a major arcana card. So just know that clearing your space will lead to great new things and it will attract the energy of Taurus into your life which is ruled by Venus (the biggest benefic in astrology) and it especially promises material abundance. By closing one chapter you are starting a new one. I love that the full moon eclipse is below the devil card. This is confirmation that your situation related to the devil will be addressed and worked through in the course of 2022. So whatever plagues you right now, just know that you won’t carry that energy into the next year (2023).
Next, we have earthed (learning how to be human. In the world, but not of it), star brothers (Horus energy, protection, loyalty, safety, trust), and earth pulsing (pulse of the mother. Slow down. Time in nature). AH, I really love these messages. Look at the imagery of the first card. We can see a woman being surrounded by a bubble of light in which she is protected and safe. She is slowly coming down to earth and grounding herself. I feel like this is what is going to happen for you this year. There will be a healthy amount of detachment happening for you. You will learn to understand that yes you are part of the world, and yes you are your own main character but no not everything is related to you and not everything is about you. It’s a period in which you will learn to not take things personally. Whatever the devil situation is, you will learn to detach and view this situation from a place of objectivity. You’ll realize that whatever was done to you was not because of you but because of them. You will learn that while you were part of the situation, you weren’t the main target, etc. With star brothers, this could very well be someone who you are friends with or who is or was close to you. Someone in your circle for sure. Also, I feel like, if you have male friends or friends with masculine energy, they will help you out when it comes to this devil situation. Just know that you are always protected and safe. There are people loyal to you whom you can trust at all times, and most importantly: you will learn to trust yourself. Lastly, we have ‚earth pulsing‘. I feel like ultimately you will reconnect to your own center and you will feel at home in your own skin again. Going out in nature could be quite helpful in your grounding process. Just know that Mother Nature is always there to help you heal yourself and whatever struggles you have, release them, and give them to the earth so they can be transmuted into positive and healing energy.
Next, we have (18) new experiences & possibilities and (7) amplify your positive emotions. I feel like after cutting yourself loose from your situation you will open yourself up to a lot of new experiences. A lot of new doors will open for you and I feel like the world will honestly be your oyster. Also, it is okay to share your positive experiences and it is okay to amplify the positive things in your life. You will learn how to cherish what you have and I definitely see you practicing more gratitude in 2022. Your blessing is adapting a carefree nature. I see you embracing life and living in the moment.
Lastly, we have rebirth and self-care. You will find your way back to yourself especially your inner child. I see you reinventing yourself as well, cultivating new identities for yourself (e.g. ‚I am a clean person‘; ‚I am a fit person‘, etc.). Also, the self-care card is showing me that you will pay extra attention to yourself and give yourself extra love.
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✨𝑷𝑰𝑳𝑬 𝟎𝟒✨
cards: 8 of cups ✦ 8 of pentacles ✦ king of swords rx ✦ 10 of wands rx ✦ new moon in gemini ✦ new moon in sagittarius ✦ your life is a canvas ✦ messenger ✦ deep cellular healing ✦ amplify your positive emotions ✦ maintain your childlike spirit ✦ healing ✦ happiness
Welcome to your reading 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟒. Our first card is the 8 of cups which is related to the keywords: disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal, and escapism. I feel like you were emotionally invested in something in your past that has hurt you in a way. Whatever the situation is, I see you moving on and walking away from it. This could be a person or a situation, take it however it resonates, but either way, you will turn your back on the past. This marks the end of a cycle for you and opens up a brand new chapter in your life. I feel like you will invest more time into exploring yourself, your wants, your needs, your dreams and desires. I see you facing your truth and analyzing yourself and what needs to be focused on in your life. You will take inventory of your entire life and I see you also reverting back to yourself when you are in search of answers. Generally, this is giving me exploring vibes. You will contemplate a lot about your life and your future and I see you facing the facts. This is such a nice card, as it indicates you leaving whatever emotional baggage you have, behind. I also see you attaining new emotional strength and courage to start your healing journey. You will stop abandoning yourself and I see you putting yourself first.
Next, we have the 8 of pentacles which is related to the keywords: apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, and skill development. I see you focusing on building up a routine for yourself. Not just in terms of self-care but also in terms of goal realization. Etc. You will invest more time into your future and I see you working on passion projects and things that light you up and bring you happiness. You will improve your skills in whatever area you are focusing your energy on and I see you getting more ambitious with time. You will raise your confidence and I see you learning to trust yourself and realizing how skilled and worthy you are. You are concentrating on yourself and your career and it will be evident not just to yourself but to everyone around you as your results will speak volumes. You will be completing goals and tasks left and right and generally, I do see a lot of forward-movement happening for you. It might take a while, as we are looking at pentacles energy, but you are moving forward at a steady pace and your improvements are measurable. You might also work out more in 2022 improving your physical strength and working on your overall health. Either way, this card definitely screams progress, so whatever you have left behind, it will carve out more time for you to invest in yourself and to refocus.
Next, we have the king of swords reversed which is related to the keywords: quiet power, inner truth, misuse of power, and manipulation. So looking at this card I feel like it holds two messages. For some, you will leave a person behind with the 8 of cups. Someone who was quite manipulative and cold towards you. This could be someone older than you with masculine energy. This person could have been quite oppressive and bitter. They might have bullied you in a way too? Either way they were treating you unfair and it has taken a toll on you to the point of you walking away (rightfully so). For others, this could be related to your own mindset. I feel like some of you were quite cruel and bitter in the past, projecting your inner emotional and mental turmoil on others and therefore affecting them negatively. You might have been quite argumentative as well, plagued by a lot of worry and stress. You could have been a push-over of some sort too, as you really didn’t speak up for yourself in the past. This could also relate to some sort of mental health issues or to your relationship with an absent father.
Your bottom deck energy is the 10 of wands reversed which is related to the keywords: doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release. I feel like with the king of swords rx energy you were carrying a lot of burden. No matter how this card manifests in your life, it definitely took a toll on you in the past. The good news is though, as previously mentioned, you will walk away from this. And you will learn to say no. Boundaries will be set up and upheld and I see you cutting out the dead wood. You will reflect on yourself and on the circumstances and decisions that put you in this situation and overall I see you learning a lot and gaining a bunch of wisdom. You will learn from your past mistakes and whatever doubts you had about yourself, I see you releasing them together with the person or situation related to the 8 of cups and king of swords rx. You will take responsibility for yourself and your life and honestly this is the biggest mental glow up ever. You won’t be taken advantage of for much longer and I see you stepping in and saving yourself.
Your first two oracle cards are: new moon in Gemini (communication is key), and new moon in Sagittarius (luck is on your side). This is such a wonderful combination of cards especially in the context of your tarot spread. You will learn to speak up for yourself and to communicate your needs. I see you being more open about what you want and using your voice more to protect yourself but also to fulfill your own wishes and dreams. Luck is definitely on your side, and the moment you let go of what was holding you back you will be on a fulfilling path. Jupiter is definitely on your side here with the Sagittarian energy.
Your life is a canvas (artist, manifestation, creative accountability), messenger (Sirius energy, bringing harmony and balance), and deep cellular healing (arcturus energy, physical and emotional healing) are your next cards. Ah I truly love this for you. Following the new moon in Sagittarius and sitting below the 8 of pentacles is the ‚your life is a canvas‘ card. Your manifestations will arrive in your 3D reality in 2022. I see a lot of them coming true and this card is also a reminder for you that you co-create with the universe and that you are in fact a god/goddess of your own. You hold the power to steer your life in the direction you desire and if you have a change of heart you can adjust accordingly. It is all up to you and you have the creative freedom and accountability to paint your life the way you want to. I also feel like good news is definitely coming your way. If you are waiting for any type of communication (especially career-related) you are in for good news for sure. One of your main blessings in 2022 is healing yourself. Your wounds, your trauma, your limiting beliefs, everything will be addressed and dealt with. You will restore balance and harmony within yourself. Do not forget to thank yourself and to acknowledge the great work you’ve been doing at the end of 2022.
Next we have (7) amplify your positive emotions, and (27) maintain your childlike spirit. Ah, I love this. You will experience a lot of blessings in 2022 and spirit is reminding you to make sure to enjoy them. Talk about them, feel the happiness coming your way and focus on the positive things in your life. Be grateful for them and do not let others rain on your parade. You are allowed to be happy, just give yourself the permission to experience positive emotions and see what happens. Also, I see you really working with your inner child which will attract positive experiences in your life. A lot of healing is happening for you here my love and you should be extremely proud of that. Honestly, investing in yourself especially this way is super fruitful and your future self will be so grateful for putting in this hard work. ♡♡
Lastly, we have healing and happiness. AH look at this. These two cards are such a great summary of this entire reading. Your main blessing is you healing yourself and your inner child and by doing so you will attract your manifestations into your reality and you will experience a lot of happiness and joy. 2022 really sounds amazing for you hehe.
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
Cosas oscuras e inusuales sobre las cuales rige cada signo.
Aries: accidentes, lugares estériles y tierra quemada, cortes, puertas, insomnio, hemorragias nasales, cráneos, cirugía, cardos, trances, lobos.
Tauro: monedas, dogmas, estrangulamiento, glotonería, psicometría, lugares sospechosos e inseguros
Geminis: aliento, pupilas, rumores, cofres, cristales, sabuesos, costillas, olvidos, pilares
Cancer: suero sanguíneo, tumbas, ónice, bodegas, cunas, marismas, flores nocturnas, vidrio, pozos
Leo: fortalezas y guaridas, arrogancia, camomila, salones de baile, circos y juegos infantiles, vómitos
Virgo: gatos negros, huesos fracturados, bibliotecas, intestinos, presunción e inferioridad, cuartos enfermos, parásitos
Libra: vides y lirios, mármol, ensayos, alcobas y armarios, vértebras, bosques, manipulación, áticos
Escorpio: pozos negros, bilis, funerales y embalsamadores, magia, malos olores y agua estancada, sangre roja, alimañas y muchedumbre
Sagitario: la columna vertebral, altares, visiones y profecía, incienso, libros sagrados, arterias
Capricornio: decaimiento, lugares abandonados, espinas y solanáceas, huesos, ataúdes y morgues, puertas, ácido y cenizas
Acuario: éter y sangre, radio estática, dientes, rebeliones, perlas negras, armas nucleares
Piscis: abadías, enemigos, hospitales y anestésicos, velos, parias y charlatanes, clarividencia, gasolina, laberintos, falsedad, deshacer
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
Godess of love, beauty and passion
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Godess of the harvest and agriculture
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Godess of the hunt, the wilderness and the moon
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Godess of wisdom and warfare
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Godess of women, family and childbirth
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Godess of retribution, revenge and justice
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Godess of vegetation and queen of the underword
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162 notes · View notes
zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
astro notes #6
1. Sobre el BIG6: Mercurio sería como el segundo Sol, Venus la segunda Luna, y Marte el segundo Ascendente. 
2. Culturalmente, el desapego de los signos de aire está sobrevalorado, y la sensibilidad de los signos de agua está subestimada. Pero hay que evitar los clichés. Escorpio no es un signo malo; cualquier signo puede serlo. Muchos políticos corruptos y psicópatas, por ejemplo, tienen fuertes posiciones de Acuario (desapego emocional y falta de empatía) y nadie dice nada. 
3.Las lunas en Leo son muy explicitas con  su sexualidad: cuando están excitados, lo dicen, y hasta hacen chistes sobre eso, tanto hombres como mujeres. Son muy desinhibidos y no tienen tabús. 
4. Los ascendentes Géminis quieren tranquilidad (casas de agua en signos de tierra) pero a la vez, tienen mucha curiosidad, y se debaten entre una y otra inquietud. 
5. La pauta inconsciente de las lunas en Escorpio es dar mucho a las personas (regalos, dinero, tiempo, etc.) y después esperar de regreso que se les otorgué proporcionalmente lo dado. Deben aprender a ser explícitos. 
6. Saturno regía 2 signos: Capricornio y Acuario. No son tan diferentes como pensamos. Ambos son extravagantes y hacen las cosas al revés. Acuario es extravagante de forma explicita, y Capricornio es extravagante en la cronología de su vida: de jóvenes son serios y de viejos son joviales. 
7. No importa cual sea tu ascendente, si la luna está en conjunción a él, serás una persona susceptible. 
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
Tarot del amor🤗💖
Esta vez he necesitado un poquito de inspiración para traerles este tarot interactivo del amor, al principio pensé en hacerla mas generalizada pero ha terminado siendo una tirada mas dirigida a personas que ya tienen un interés romántico en su vida. Mas delante traeré uno específico para solterxs pero mientras ya tenéis un tarot interactivo sobre el amor de tu vida en mi perfil. Al final os he puesto un mensaje de amor propio del oráculo de las diosas.
Todas las fotos las he sacado de pinterest.
Tómate unos segundos para coger aire y elegir el grupo que te llame mas la atención, lo ideal sería elegir solo un grupo pero si te llama mas de uno siéntete libre de leerlo. Quédate con lo que te resuene y el resto déjalo ir que alguien habrá que necesite recibir ese mensaje.
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Grupo 1:
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Bueno grupo 1, he de decir que la parte mas negativa y que mas vueltas le está dando a la cabeza eres tu, te noto muy pesimista con respecto al amor como pensando en todo lo que podría salir mal con esta persona. Tal vez tengas cierto miedo al abandono o tus relaciones pasadas te han hecho perder la fe en que todo va a ir bien y que no se va a estropear en el mejor momento, siento que de por sí tu vida no ha sido fácil y las relaciones que has tenido no han sido una mejor experiencia, no se determinar cual es el origen de la herida pero si que es profundo e intenso, posiblemente venga de la infancia. No permitas que observar tus heridas no te esté dejando ver la gran oportunidad que tienes delante, en el fondo sabes que las cosas han cambiado y que tu has cambiado también, has derribado muros muy altos que te habías creado pero el recuerdo del dolor te está nublando. Después te daré mas detalles pero te aviso desde ya que esa persona en la que tienes interés tiene todas las papeletas de ser tu pareja definitiva, siempre que tu quieras por supuesto. Déjate llevar un poquito mas y empieza a disfrutar del momento con la esperanza de que todo va a salir bien y que el pasado ya no se va a volver a repetir, tu con tu esfuerzo te has encargado de ello. Te siento muy enfocadx en tus objetivos a largo plazo, tal vez los estudios o alguna meta laboral, independientemente de lo que sea te estás centrando mas en estabilizar otros aspectos de tu vida que has podido dejar de lado, estás cimentando tus bases y construyendo tus pilares en busca de tu mayor bienestar contigo mismx y, te felicito por ello.
Por parte de tu persona especial tiene las ideas bastante claras sobre lo que quiere en su vida, tiene una forma de hacer las cosas un poco tradicional y quiere ir paso a paso. Cuando te conoció algo se despertó en su interior y tiene claro que te quiere en su vida pero no quiere ir con prisas, tu persona especial tiene una mentalidad muy madura y razonable. Siento como que por nada del mundo se esperaba que alguien como tu se fijase en el/ella (no lo tomes como algo de superioridad, es que transmites un aura muy de líder que no regala su tiempo a cualquiera), de alguna forma le has deslumbrado con tu forma de ser y está deseando conocer mucho mas de ti, tiene claro que despacio pero con buen ritmo se llega a la meta. Siento que ha podido sufrir traiciones en el pasado y ese sea el detonante de querer ir a un ritmo prudente pero a pesar de eso contigo lo tiene muy claro, va a hacer todo lo posible por ir conquistándote cada vez mas.
Seguramente pronto te proponga alguna salida juntos y tus guías te invitan a que en ese momento abras el corazón y le digas lo que realmente piensas, siento que vas a agradecer que se quiera tomar las cosas con paciencia para tu también poder dedicarte el tiempo que no te has podido permitir tener. Habla desde el corazón y dile como te estás sintiendo, esa persona te va a entender y seguramente te sorprenda lo comprensivx que va a ser contigo, eso le va a ayudar a conocerte mejor. Siento que va a surgir cierto compromiso entre los dos, no me malinterpretes, no te va a sacar un anillo tan rápido pero si que el vínculo entre los dos se va a hacer mas fuerte y estable, los dos vais a empezar a visualizar un futuro juntos aunque no lo digáis en voz alta.
Entre los dos hay amor verdadero, un amor que se va a ir construyendo y reforzando poco a poco como quien construye un castillo, es un camino precioso en el que vais a estar disfrutando de las vistas y no vais a querer prisas. Los dos vais a dejar de lado los miedos e inseguridades a medida que os vayáis conociendo mas en profundidad, veo raíces enterrándose por lo que vuestro vínculo va a ser sólido y duradero. Siento que los dos sois personas de caracter fuerte y determinado y que cuando ambos se deciden a algo vais a a por ello con paso firme, me viene mucho Capricornio y Leo a la cabeza por si te resuena.
En definitiva, esta persona te tiene en su cabeza y en su corazón y no vas a salir de ahí, habéis encajado como piezas de un puzle y los dos lo sentís. Por tu parte, no tengas miedo esta persona es una recompensa que la vida te ha dado por todos los obstáculos que has superado valientemente, confía en que te mereces un amor puro y sincero porque ya lo tienes delante. Por fin tu suerte en el amor empieza a cambiar así que no dejes que la sombra de tu pasado te domine, perdona, aprende y deja ir que con las gafas empañadas no estas viendo lo bonito que se está volviendo tu mundo. Enfócate en lo positivo y escucha tu intuición, tienes una fuerte presencia angelical a tu alrededor así que no temas en hablar con tus guias y pedirles ayuda, presta atención a las señales que te aparezcan pues será su forma de responderte.
- Un mensaje de amor propio: Ixchel, la mujer sanadora. Freyja, la valentía.
La diosa Ixchel te invita a que te dediques el tiempo necesario a sanar tus heridas, si necesitas tiempo de descanso concédetelo, te lo has ganado. Tienes habilidades sanadoras muy fuertes pero debes empezar contigo mismx. Si hay alguna herida del pasado que esté contaminando tu presente es momento de dedicarle los cuidados necesarios para seguir avanzando, ya no eres la misma persona que fuiste, deja el pasado donde debe quedarse y mira al futuro con alegría.
La diosa Freyja, por su parte te pide que no tengas miedo y que cuando lo tengas que acudas a ella, estará para ti cuando la necesites. Se valiente y da ese paso adelante, ten fe en que te mereces todo lo bueno y bonito que este mundo tiene para ti, ábrete a la abundancia que te está esperando. Eres fuerte y eres valiente, da el salto de fe para que veas las bonitas sorpresas que te tiene el destino.
Grupo 2:
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Lo siento grupo 2, a pesar que te tengo bonitas noticias en otros aspectos de tu vida en el amor no son tan agradables. Hay alguien en tu vida que parece o muy inestable o inaccesible, es alguien por quien sentiste muchísimo pero no te dio nada sólido, siento que la energía a su alrededor te resulta difícil de entender y te termina abrumando cuando lo intentas, siento que has puesto mucho empeño y esperanza en esta persona además de haber sido muy paciente en cosas que no hubieses tolerado en otros, tal vez en este aspecto te vuelcas demasiado sobre las necesidades de la otra persona o la pones como prioridad por delante tuyo.
Desde hace un tiempo te vienes dando cuenta de que la balanza entre dar y recibir en la pareja ha estado desequilibrada, tal vez tienes cierta tendencia a desvivirte por los demás, no solo en pareja. Las cartas marcan que te has estado mostrando mas fríx y distante para ver si esta persona realmente va a luchar por lo vuestro, y lo siento pero esta persona no tiene la madurez emocional suficiente para corresponderte y satisfacer tus necesidades, no es porque no quiera, es que no sabe como y tampoco puede. Te siento muy alerta con la persona por la que estás preguntando, tenéis un vinculo muy fuerte y tu lo sabes aunque la otra parte no lo sepa, pero lo siente también en su interior. Si es verdad que hay amor entre los dos y que esta persona valora lo que has hecho por ayudarle pero su forma de amar no es la mas adecuada para alguien como tu y en tu interior a pesar de que sabes que no te hace bien tienes miedo de volver a caer.
Tu persona especial está pasando por un periodo de reflexión bastante profundo y que le llevará unos meses, le será complicado pero es necesario para su mayor evolución como persona. Si ahora mismo no tenéis contacto no tardará mucho en buscar un acercamiento, sabe que cuando está contigo encuentra paz y ahora que no la tiene la echa de menos, eres una luz en su camino pero no se da cuenta que te la ha estado apagando. Hay un bonito vínculo entre ambos, a pesar de que eres consciente del daño que te ha hecho le sigues queriendo aunque sea de una forma mas fraternal, te sigue importando su bienestar porque tienes un corazón muy bello y compasivo. Tu persona especial te va a pedir un encuentro para poder hablar y ahí vas a tener la oportunidad de decir tu verdad y contarle lo que te ha hecho sentir, tal vez previamente te habías callado lo que sentías para no incomodarle pero ahora es el momento de que te arriesgues y le hables con tu verdad. Siento que con esta persona no vas a pasar el resto de tu vida como pareja pero si que va a surgir una gran y bonita amistad entre ambos, sigue con tus límites bien establecidos cuando os encontréis y no te dejes llevar por la esperanza de que puede cambiar, el amor de tu vida todavía está al llegar.
A pesar de que el dos de copas habla de la ilusión de que las cosas cambien y se pueda llegar a algo mas, el 7 de espadas y la carta de la decepción te advierten de que hacerte demasiadas ilusiones solo va a conseguir que te rompas el corazón. Cultiva con esa persona una bonita amistad y empieza a enamorarte de ti mismx, siento que eres muy sensible a las emociones y necesidades ajenas por lo que es posible que tengas alta sensibilidad o habilidades psíquicas. Es momento de que te dediques a ti todo el amor y cariño que entregas a los demás y, no pierdas la esperanza, la persona correcta está en camino de encontrarse contigo. Recuerda que para poder estar bien con los demás y poder establecer relaciones sanas debemos empezar por nosotros mismos, así que dedicate el tiempo para conectar con tus emociones y ayudarte a ti mismx y no pierdas la esperanza, tu alma gemela está a las puertas pero primero tenías que aprender que es lo que no quieres para tu vida romántica.
Durante toda la tirada tenia en la cabeza la canción slow dancing in a burning room de John Mayer, por si la quieres escuchar a ver si te resuena.
- Un mensaje de amor propio: Rhiannon, la hechicera. Freyja, La valentía. Coventina, la purificación.
La diosa Rhiannon te pide que recurras a tu interior para hallar respuestas, eres un alma sabia, mas sabia de lo que eres capaz de imaginar ahora mismo. Tienes muchos talentos escondidos dentro de ti que todavía no has descubierto y que están esperando a que los encuentres. Conoce a esa bruja que vive en tu interior y desarrolla tu intuición, tienes talento para conectar con otros planos de consciencia, tal vez seas médium o canalizador.
La diosa Freyja te invita a ponerte como la primera prioridad de tu vida sin miedo de sentirte egoísta, te pide que no te sientas culpable por pensar en ti y lo que tu quieres por encima de los demás, transformalo en la responsabilidad de comprometerte contigo y tu bienestar. Es tu momento y debes creértelo, si tienes algo guardado que quieres decir pídele a Freyja el coraje para hablar desde el corazón defendiendo tu verdad.
La diosa Coventina te recomienda un tiempo de purificación de cuerpo, mente y espíritu, evita cualquier tipo de elemento que enturbie tu armonía. Los baños con sal marina y quemar palo santo en tu hogar te puede resultar muy útil.
Grupo 3:
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.Vaya, grupo 3 ¿estáis entre dos personas? si no es así, alguien de tu pasado mas reciente vuelve a tu vida. Las cartas hablan de cierta confusión para elegir entre dos opciones, tal vez no eres tu sino que estás en una relación con alguien que tiene pareja, siento una conexión muy fuerte con esta persona pero también mucha angustia y caos. No te lo ha hecho pasar muy bien que digamos, a pesar de que el vínculo que os une es fuerte una parte de ti sigue insatisfecha cuando estás a su lado, se que este tipo de relaciones son difíciles pero las cartas te recomiendan sinceridad hacia ti mismx y tus sentimientos, pon en una balanza los pros y contras de la relación y plantéate si realmente te está valiendo la pena. Ahora vamos a la otra persona.
Por aquí ronda un rey de copas (es una energía, no tiene que ser necesariamente un hombre) que te tiene el ojo puesto desde hace tiempo, si no ha tenido contacto contigo ya no tardará en hacerlo. Este rey de copas se presenta como una persona emocionalmente estable y madura, con las ideas bien claras sobre lo que quiere en una relación. Tiene un espíritu bastante jovial y tiene un magnetismo natural para atraer a la gente, es una persona encantadora y de buen corazón, seguramente por esos buenos sentimientos se haya llevado muchos latigazos de la vida pero se lo ha tomado con filosofía y los ha tomado como aprendizajes. Es posible que os encontréis pronto en alguna celebración, si todavía no lo conoces personalmente lo harás en alguna fiesta y, si ya está en tu vida querrá verte pronto también en alguna celebración (tal vez en navidad o fin de año). De cualquiera de las dos formas las chispas van a saltar entre los dos cuando estéis juntos, además, si surge en algún momento, en el terreno sexual te va encantar y si no me crees ya lo comprobarás por tu propia cuenta.
Las cartas te recomiendan que prestes atención a la primera persona que aparece en tu tirada, vas a empezar a captar ciertas advertencias que te van a poner alerta. Siento que con esta persona parece que la historia siempre se repite, como si prometiese hacer algo y nunca cumpliese su palabra, tal vez la falta de compromiso por su parte ha sido la que te ha ido enfriando poco a poco, tal vez tienes una relación secreta que parece no ver nunca la luz (no se por qué pero tengo en la cabeza que esta persona puede estar casada o tener pareja, tal vez para alguien resuene). Se que la conexión entre los dos es fuerte pero las cartas te piden que hagas el esfuerzo y, aunque te vayas con amor y dolor, te vayas de su lado. Hay alguien mas que se muere por ti y le estás entregando tu atención y energía a quien no la valora, este rey de copas es tu alma gemela que por fin viene a compensar los sacrificios que has tenido que hacer en el amor. Haz el esfuerzo y disfruta de sentirte deseadx, te mereces que te admiren y presuman tal cual eres y el rey de copas lo va a hacer.
Las cartas indican que esa primera persona también debe pagar cierto karma, por eso ha llegado el rey de copas a tu vida a agitarte las ideas. El rey va a captar toda tu atención, va a sorprenderte positivamente cada vez que vayas descubriendo mas sobre el/ella, te va a ir conquistando lentamente hasta el punto que no vas a tener ojos para nadie mas (en serio que es una conexión super especial). Siento hasta como si hablaseis por telepatía o supieseis que está pasando por la cabeza del otro, es un vínculo tan fuerte de almas gemelas que vas a seguir ciegamente el deseo de tu corazón y, por lo que veo va a ser exclusivamente con el rey de copas, la otra persona se va a dar cuenta de que tu atención está dirigiéndose a hacia ti mismx y lo que te hace feliz y le pueden saltar los celos, pero esa persona debe aprender a valorar lo que tiene cuando lo tiene y a ser valiente y luchar por lo que ama. El verte alejarte de su lado le va a ayudar en su camino de alma para que pueda aprender y evolucionar aunque no sea a tu lado, te debe la atención, cariño y cuidados que has invertido tu en la relación, y te debe echarte de menos para darse cuenta de lo maravillosx que eres y toda la luz que sembraste en su camino, la pena es que para el/ella ya es demasiado tarde, tu precioso corazón se lo está ganando otra persona a base de méritos.
- Un mensaje de amor propio: Afrodita, la diosa interior. La Dama Mariposa, transformación. La Madre María, milagros.
Afrodita te invita a que admires lo maravillosx que eres, que aprendas a rendirte el culto y la devoción que sabes que te mereces. Hazte brillar a ti mismx para que no tengas que esperar que nadie mas lo haga por ti. Dentro de ti hay una chispa divina, cuídala y protégela, no la regales a quien no se la ha ganado, eres luz y eres belleza, solo tienes que creértelo. Las actividades que requieran de creatividad, como pintar, bailar, etc. te serán útiles para conectar con tu esencia.
La Dama Mariposa te dice que vas a experimentar muchos cambios tanto en el interior como en el exterior y lo mejor que puedes hacer es aceptarlos. Se abre una nueva vida en tu horizonte y debe atravesarla una nueva versión de ti, abraza el cambio y no le tengas miedo.
La Madre María te dice que tengas fe, ahora solo te esperan cosas buenas, abre el cerrazón para que los milagros empiecen a entrar en tu vida, ya no se van a repetir las mismas circunstancias que has vivido hasta ahora. Has roto un karma importante, ábrete ahora a la milagrosa recompensa que te trae el destino.
Grupo 4:
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Madre mía, grupo 4, que energía tan intensa. De los 4 grupo es del que mas he sentido una conexión espiritual fuerte, tal vez ya llevas un trabajo personal y espiritual intenso y has avanzado mucho. Tienes una energía muy de jefazo/a, fuerte e independiente, con las ideas de lo que quieres para tu vida muy claras (muy como la vibra del grupo 1, por si también te llamó la atención). Veo que estás acostumbradx a hacer las cosas por tu propia cuenta y que no te llevas demasiado bien con pedir ayuda a los demás, te gusta sentir que te vales por ti mismx y no necesitas la ayuda de nadie para conseguir lo que te propones. Siento que no eres una persona demasiado emocional o que tu forma de expresar tus sentimientos es compartiendo tu tiempo o tus recursos con los demás, no tanto de decir lo que estás sintiendo, tal vez tiendes a analizar tus emociones y no vivirlas (te recomiendo averiguar cual es tu signo lunar, te puede ayudar para saber de que forma gestionas tus emociones y como puedes hacerlo de forma mas sana).
Aquí hay una persona que tiene una intención real de llegar a algo mas contigo pero tienes una coraza demasiado fuerte que le cuesta muchísimo atravesar, creo que esta persona puede ser mucho mas emocional que tu. Sabes que esta persona tiene buenas intenciones pero tal vez te asuste un poco el compromiso o que el dedicarle demasiado tiempo a esta persona te quite tiempo a ti de cumplir con tus objetivos. Por su parte ahora mismo está entregándote lo mismo que le estás entregando tu, si te estás mostrando distante esa persona lo hará también, no por que tenga a alguien mas en su mira es que ya no sabe de que otra forma se puede acercar a ti. Tal vez tienes hijos y exiges demasiado de la persona que quieres a tu lado y que va a pasar tanto tiempo con ellos, si no tienes hijos hazte una prueba de embarazo o ten precaución a la hora de las relaciones sexuales si no quieres un bebé ahora mismo.
Esta persona te tiene mucho en mente, eres como un misterio para el/ella que se ha empeñado en conocer en profundidad, siento una gran admiración hacia ti por su parte, siento que ve cualidades en ti que tu todavía no te has dado cuenta de que tienes. Las cartas te recomiendan que te dejes querer, que disfrutes de la bonita energía del amor y que dejes de darle tantas vueltas a la cabeza, suelta el control y permítete fluir, esta persona no va a retrasar ni interponerse en tus metas, todo lo contrario, te va a acompañar en el trayecto y a reforzarte cuando lo necesites. Va a ser el hombro en el que te apoyes cuando necesites un descanso, pero te deber permitir sentir eso y dejar de temer mostrarte vulnerable ante los demás. Eres un luchador/a y tu persona especial lo sabe, es una de las cosas que mas ama de ti, no te va a complicar tu vida, te la va a transformar a mejor.
Hay una amistad, posiblemente de un signo de aire (géminis, libra o acuario) a quien puedes acudir en busca de consejo, es alguien que te quiere muchísimo y que siempre te dice las cosas como son, sabes que puedes acudir a el/ella en busca de consejo y sabiduría y que nunca te falla. Cuéntale lo que estás sintiendo, te ayudará a ver las cosas desde un punto mas frío y neutral y te dará la pista que necesitas para que puedas seguir adelante. Si te niegas esta oportunidad solo estarás yendo en contra de tu destino y tu mayor bien, no rechaces este regalo del universo y abrázalo con todas tus fuerzas. Esa persona especial en tu vida te ama sinceramente, solo está esperando a que le permitas demostrarte todo lo que siente por ti.
No se si el número 3 es importante pero se repitió montón de veces en tu tirada, además del 34 y el 43. Parece que sueles tener señales de tus guías o números repetidos a diario, sigue reforzando tu conexión espiritual, pronto te llega un sorpresa sobre un proyecto personal, algo que llevas esperando mucho tiempo y que por fin llega.
- Un mensaje de amor propio: Kali, los finales y los comienzos. Hathor, la receptividad.
Kali te pide que dejes marchar a la antigua versión de ti que solo valora la autorresolución y el cumplimiento de objetivos y que te abras a esta nueva experiencia que te va a transformar a fondo en maneras que nunca hubieses pensado. Para que lo nuevo pueda entrar primero debes desechar lo que ya no resulta ni útil ni beneficioso, es momento de avanzar sin equipaje a la espalda. Quitate esa mochila y transita este camino mas ligerx, te lo has ganado.
Hathor te invita a conectar con tu divino femenino. Es momento de recibir las bendiciones de la vida y para eso debes frenar un poco, a toda prisa no vas a poder disfrutar de las vistas del camino tan bonito por el que caminas. Te llegan buenas noticias con respecto a la abundancia y la prosperidad, previamente tus guias te avisarán de que está al llegar. Estás en un momento de fertilidad y las semillas que vas a plantar te darán dulces resultados a largo plazo. Como consejo, la diosa Hathor te recomienda que te programes un tiempo en la semana, sobretodo en viernes para poder invertirlo en ti, vete a darte un masaje, date un baño de sales, haz lo que mas te guste pero mima tu cuerpo y tu mente.
Feliz Yule a todos, espero que paséis unas fiestas maravillosas🤗
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
Correspondencias de los signos solares🌞
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Sol en Aries (21/marzo-19/abril):
Planeta: Marte
Elemento: Fuego
Estado: Exaltado
Polaridad: Yang/ Masculina
Tarot: 4. El Emperador
Día: Martes
Símbolo: El carnero
Modalidad: Cardinal
Parte del cuerpo: La cabeza
Color: Rojo
Cristales: Rubí, obsidiana, granate, jaspe, hematita, diamante
Plantas: Rosa salvaje, madreselva, tulipán, geranio, brezo
Sol en Tauro (20/abril-20/mayo):
Planeta: Venus
Elemento: Tierra
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yin/Femenina
Tarot: 5. El Sacerdote
Día: Viernes
Símbolo: El toro
Modalidad: Fijo
Parte del cuerpo: Garganta, cuello, cervicales y tiroides
Colores: Verde y rosa
Cristales: Cuarzo rosa, turmalina, topacio, rhodonita, malaquita, ojo de tigre, esmeralda
Plantas: Amapola, margarita, lirio, manzanilla, cedro, eucalipto
Sol en Géminis (21/mayo-20/junio):
Planeta: Mercurio
Elemento: Aire
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yang/Masculina
Tarot: 6. Los Enamorados
Día: Miércoles
Símbolo: Los gemelos
Modalidad: Mutable
Parte del cuerpo: Sistema nervioso, pulmones, hombros, brazos, manos
Color: Amarillo
Cristales: Aguamarina, citrino, ojo de tigre, ámbar, jade, turquesa, labradorita, perlas
Plantas: Menta, olivo, hierba limón, rosa, margarita, lavanda
Sol en Cáncer (21/junio-22/julio):
Planeta: La Luna
Elemento: Agua
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yin/ Femenina
Tarot: 7. El Carro/ 18. La Luna
Día: Lunes
Símbolo: El cangrejo
Modalidad: Cardinal
Parte del cuerpo: Pechos, estómago, bazo, páncreas
Colores: Plata, blanco
Cristales: Amatista, ópalo, piedra lunar, calcedonia, coral, selenita, turmalina negra, cuarzo cristal
Plantas: Rosa blanca, amapolas, lilas, flor de loto, nogal, laurel
Sol en Leo (23/julio-22/agosto):
Planeta: El Sol
Elemento: Fuego
Estado: En domicilio
Polaridad: Yang/Masculina
Tarot: 8. La Fuerza
Día: Domingo
Símbolo: El león
Modalidad: Fija
Parte del cuerpo: Corazón, columna, parte superior de la espalda
Color: Dorado, blanco
Cristales: Pirita, piedra solar, ojo de tigre, ónix, ámbar, carnelia, hematita, rubí
Plantas: Trigo, caléndula, girasol, prímula, romero, algarrobo, violetas, azafrán
Sol en Virgo (23/agosto-22/septiembre):
Planeta: Mercurio
Elemento: Tierra
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yin/Femenina
Tarot: 9. El Ermitaño
Día: Miércoles
Símbolo: La doncella
Modalidad: Mutable
Parte del cuerpo: Sistema digestivo, intestinos
Colores: Blanco, lila, azul celeste
Cristales: Amatista, jade, lapis lázuli, piedra lunar, calcedonia, topacio, crisocola
Plantas: Sauco, narciso, hinojo, jazmín, crisantemo
Sol en Libra (23/septiembre-22/octubre):
Planeta: Venus
Elemento: Aire
Estado: En caída
Polaridad: Yang/Masculina
Tarot: La Justicia
Día: Viernes
Símbolo: La balanza
Modalidad: Cardinal
Parte del cuerpo: Región lumbar, riñones, piel, parte baja de la espalda
Color: Turquesa, amarillo, lila, rosa
Cristales: Ópalo, aventurina, turmalina rosa, jade, turmalina negra, aguamarina
Plantas: Ylang ylang, ciprés, almendro, rosa salvaje, violetas, tomillo
Sol en Escorpio (23/octubre-21/noviembre):
Planeta: Plutón
Elemento: Agua
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yin/Femenina
Tarot: 13. La Muerte
Día: //
Símbolo: El escorpión
Modalidad: Fija
Parte del cuerpo: Órganos sexuales, genitales, ano, vejiga, uretra
Colores: Rojo, escarlata, negro, púrpura
Cristales: Malaquita, granate, hematita, obsidiana, jaspe rojo, cuarzo rutilado, turmalina negra, amatista
Plantas: Brezo, albahaca, madreselva, crisantemo, lirio, peonía
Sol en Sagitario (22/noviembre-21/diciembre):
Planeta: Júpiter
Elemento: Fuego
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yang/Masculina
Tarot: 14. La Templanza
Día: Jueves
Símbolo: Centauro
Modalidad: Mutable
Parte del cuerpo: Caderas, muslos, nervios ciáticos, hígado, vesícula
Color: Violeta, azul, verde, naranja
Cristales: Lapis lázuli, sodalita, jade, labradorita, peridoto, malaquita, calcedonia, amatista, turquesa
Plantas: Menta, salvia, romero, narciso, clavo, lavanda, diente de león, roble
Sol en Capricornio (22/diciembre-19/enero):
Planeta: Saturno
Elemento: Tierra
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yin/Femenina
Tarot: 15. El Diablo
Día: Sábado
Símbolo: La cabra
Modalidad: Cardinal
Parte del cuerpo: Rodillas y huesos
Color: Marrón, cobre, negro y rojo
Cristales: Granate, ónice, obsidiana, cuarzo ahumado, azabache, hematita, rubí
Plantas: Pino, hiedra, ruda, pachuli, narciso, romero, tomillo, cedro
Sol en Acuario (20/enero-18/febrero):
Planeta: Urano
Elemento: Aire
Estado: En detrimento
Polaridad: Yang/masculina
Tarot: 17. La Estrella
Símbolo: El aguador
Modalidad: Fija
Parte del cuerpo: Pantorrillas y tobillos
Color: Turquesa, azul, celeste, naranja, amarillo
Cristales: Sodalita, amatista, amazonita, labradorita, jade, aguamarina, obsidiana
Plantas: Almendro, aloe, trébol, canela, valeriana, orquidea, dalia
Sol en Piscis (19/febrero-20/marzo):
Planeta: Neptuno
Elemento: Agua
Estado: Peregrino
Polaridad: Yin/Femenina
Tarot: 12. El Colgado
Día: //
Símbolo: Los peces
Modalidad: Mutable
Parte del cuerpo: Pies
Colores: Violeta, lila, celeste, blanco
Cristales: Fluorita, amatista, turquesa, calcita azul, perla, coral
Plantas: Sauce, anís estrellado, albahaca, salvia, diente de león, lobelias, lirio de agua
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 (not really)
☾ people get obsessed with Scorpio placements, there's nothing good really about obsession obviously, but some people hate them and obsess over them, others love them and obsess over them
☾ also Lilith in 8th house and 1st house, they get stalkers or a lot of their friendships/relationships end because people project their issues onto them and think they have to fix them or take care of them
☾ if we're talking about projecting, a lot of people do that to Aquarius, Aries and Cancer placements, put their own problems into these people because they want to control them or change them, this is very common in Aries placements especially
☾ Leo placements go through a lot of rejection growing up, specially from their family, when they get older is when people start paying attention
☾ Water stelliums/dominants usually have prophetic dreams, experience dejá vú a lot and deal with many intrusive thoughts, that's why most of them turn to spirituality or meditation to help themselves
☾ yes, when somebody messes with a Capricorn or does something bad to them, karma is quick to come for these people, since Saturn is the father, it takes care of Capricorn when people are being unfair
☾ Fire dominants/stelliums almost never realize they are in a toxic environment, they have poor judge of character and can get stuck in a bad situation for a very long time
☾ the house you have in Pluto and Uranus can give you an insight on the themes you'll face more inconsistency or transformation, literally. You'll never know what to expect from these planets and whatever they touch can impact you as a person, it's important to pay attention to this
☾ during full moons, the sign opposite to the sign that's transiting the moon has the most exhausting nights, it's physically tiring, while the sign on the moon goes through an epiphany during night
☾ I've read on Twitter having cats it's good to heal traumas from your Rahu, and having dogs is good to heal traumas from your Ketu, i don't know much about vedic astrology but this is a very interesting concept (the tweet)
☾ Cancer placements have a hard time falling asleep in the night, I suppose is because they feel better and more motivated at night, when the moon is in the sky
☾ Pisces, and mutable placements in general, can have sleep paralysis or trouble relaxing when trying to sleep, maybe you guys should try guided meditation to sleep to
☾ a lot of Libras like dark shit, they like their mind to be blown and to be shocked, I'm guessing is the Scorpio placements they have, they also like knowing weird, obscure things to tell to people and see how other people would react, but air signs are like this in general so
☾ still thinking on how most serial killers are mutable signs, specifically Pisces...
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕙 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 (astrology notes)
it's my mars return, i will no longer hide my opinions
Listen to this song while reading this non fact-checked astrological nOtes🎶🎶
Let's get started, bombarulina
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👹 whoever said Pisces placements are liars, you're completely right I'm only a Pisces mercury and I lie unprovoked
👹 actually cardinal placements do have a 5+ year plan they want to accomplish, yes they have no idea how they're going to get it, but THEY WILL!!!!1! annoyingly resilient i hate them (is a cardinal dominant)
👹 Taurus placements, specially suns are so fixed in their ideas and so stubborn they're SO annoying, like i don't have much experience with Taurus people but the few i know are insufferable when they're like "this is this way and this is this way" ugh like shut the fuck up, Taurus with Aries placements? Scare the shit out of me
👹 Doja cat is perfect for Venus/Pluto and, or Venus/Mars people because she makes u feel sexy and I just know that's really hard for us to accept for ourselves
👹 Capricorn and Cancer men are a menace to society, Cancer's obsession to wanna find a mom in a girlfriend is very disturbing and Capricorn's men need to prove they know or are better than their partner is giving small dick energy, ion like it
👹 i don't care if I get cancelled from tumblr astrology i will let air sign men do anything they'd please with me there's something very hot about them being so detached rawr (dating air sign men in theory: 🥰🥰, dating air sign in practice: 😭😭)
👹 Aquarius and Sagittarius moons are attracted to each other like bees to honey it's like.... Very weird their dynamic, like Virgo and Aries moons, there's SOMETHING there
👹 going back to the topic, I always liked people with mutable moons knowing damn well my fixed moon can never understand them or their emotions, imagine liking a mutable moon person, baby you did that to yourself
👹 Lilith dominant men are.... Something, they ALWAYS have some sort of mommy issues, either because the mom doesn't pay attention to them or they rely on them too much! It's kind of like emotional incest? I believe that men feel jealously around them and the women want to be close to them lol, maybe they're the guy that has all female friends because the guys treat him like shit :/
👹 to what placements would you attribute having a voice kink? Because I am highly thinking about Virgo/Taurus/Gemini in the 8H or having Mercury in 8H, also this people have a hand kink i just know, they're like the Quentin Tarantino of hands
👹 I'm a firm believer that if you ask a Virgo placement for help on anything their dick grows three inches
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👹 Scorpio women never look like their sign, they always give off Libra or Pisces vibes, while Capricorn women give off exactly that Scorpionic vibe we all talk about, we should study more people around us and not talk out of our asses, anyways I'm going to CONTINUE talk my ass off
👹 do you really have daddy issues you simply have a 0° in your big three? The thing with, TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️ (mention of parents omg 😳😳) father figure in people who have the 0° is that everything goes back to them, whether you have this degree is what your relationship with your dad is, if it's in the Sun the relationship is always ego based, you boosted his ego or made him question his beliefs, with the Moon you two trigger each other's flight or fight response, when it comes to emotions you are very wary of expressing to the other, while also knowing that ultimately the problems could be fixed if you just talked about it. With ASC in 0° his perception of you and viceversa is very distorted to fit the other's mindset, you never really see each other the way you truly are, this is very difficult because you and your father feel like you barely know each other, the more you try to understand each other the wider the gap
👹 of course Moon in 0° could be problems with the mother too, a suffocating mother who won't let her kids have thoughts and opinions and experiences of their own without her input or consent, she just can't tolerate her kids having anything that she isn't a part of, but ofc this is my opinion
👹 Libra and Taurus mercury people..... Your voice is what sex feels like
👹 the sign in your Venus is what you are attracted to, i REPEAT, it's what you're attracted to, because I've been seeing this Aries sun women and I honestly can't describe how i feel around them I won't go into heavy detail let's not be too lgbtq. I highly recommend you to see where the sign that's on your Venus falls in the houses because that's going to give you an insight of what turns you on or calls your attention the most
👹 a lot of fire sign men are boiling hot incredibly sexy make you go bark bark but once you get to know them.... It's like.... Okay? They're very superficial and i think most men are like this anyways, fire sign men are literal infants, emotional annoying ass little bitches who act so childish, god gave you a beautiful jawline and you're acting like this? Absolutely not
👹 earth stellium people can be telling you the funniest weirdest shit ever with a straight face or the most fucked up thing while laughing, they're effortlessly funny because they are irrevocably traumatized
👹 i rapidly need to know what Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal's synastry is like because those two were something else, the definition of astrotwitter toxic tw**fl**e connection, this isn't even an astrology observation i just need to know immediately what kind of crack were the stars having when these two got together
👹 people with Ceres in 7H, I'm sorry that you will never not feel the caretaker in the relationship, it happens sweetie
👹 whoever said Aries Venus people are promiscuous or don't last long in bed 🤨🤨🤨🤨 I'm going to find you and kill you with my bare hands
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zodiacprognosis · 3 years ago
El medio cielo cuenta para considerar stellium? Porque tipo tengo Urano y Neptuno en acuario y de paso tengo el mediocielo pero no se si cuenta ;-;
Nop, el MC no cuenta
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zodiacprognosis · 4 years ago
En un stellium en una casa , cuentan los puntos ? Tipo el NN o un asteroide
O si o si tienen que ser planetas por más que no sean de un mismo signo?
El NN, sí. Los asteroides no cuentan a la hora de hacer stelliums, ni en casas ni en signos. Cuando hay stellium en una casa no importa el signo del planeta, solamente la casa.
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