zingara84 · 5 years
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By WishWishWish
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zingara84 · 5 years
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zingara84 · 5 years
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zingara84 · 5 years
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Montreuil Bellay, France (by Jack-56)
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zingara84 · 5 years
When we remove all emotion, all judgement, and all expectation there is only love left. Love is found in the stillness of the soul. Love is without action, without attachment or need. Love is the subtle energy that flows through all of creation. Love transcends your being into ascension. Love is the harmony and the music of the universe, love is all there is.
LJ Vanier (via alovethathelpsmethrive)
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zingara84 · 5 years
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A congenial task (detail), 1915. oil on canvas John William Godward
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zingara84 · 5 years
Wrote a very personal story recently that I’ve shared on Medium. It’s about the first time I really experienced any sort of blatantly “spiritual” connection to a guy (many many years ago), and how I let the “meant to be” factor carry me away and blind me to the red flags within the relationship itself. I hope that anyone who reads this finds it unrelatable... but I also hope it helps you if you need it. <3 (And fwiw, the relationship referred to here is wholly separate from the twin soul-type connection I have written about on this blog in the past.)
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zingara84 · 6 years
A lot of people don’t realize this, but back when I was maintaining this blog most actively, I was going through a period of being broke and technically homeless in China — for two years. During that era, I was tirelessly waiting/hoping/looking/EAGER to connect with the New Age types around me, convinced that if only I could “find my tribe” of kindred souls, my growth would vastly accelerate, many of the doors I wanted to walk through would magically unlock — because I was basking in the energy of my tribe — and life would be easy, warm, and grand.
That quest — that search for kindred souls among the New Age circles — was amusing in hindsight but disappointing in the moment. Time and time again, I ultimately felt disenchanted, feeling like maybe I hadn’t found my “kindred spirits” amongst the New Age circles after all. This happened over and over until I finally realized what I should have understood all along: that spiritual growth and healing do not require, well, anything. No particular service, retreat, person, object, etc. Those accoutrements can enrich a life, yes... but any life can also be immeasurably enriched even in their absence. It’s all a matter of where we are on our paths at a given time (and I don’t mean that in a “you need to grow more in order to ‘deserve’ more happiness/prosperity” sense — no, that idea’s bullshit), and a matter of what sort of cosmic magic the universe has up its sleeve for us.
In my case, it was important to witness how little I could click with a lot of conventional New Age teachers and healer types, and to see how vastly magical and uplifting life could be even under circumstances where crystals, incense, sage, quiet/private spaces for meditating, money for yoga classes or workshops, and so on, were not even accessible. That learning experience in China was profoundly liberating for me, and I hope that the story at this link is liberating for you too. The story is currently being circulated by curators on Medium under the tags: “Spirituality,” “Relationships,” “Lifestyle,” and “Self.” I guess, in the end, my story is about all those things. ;)
Finally, I’d like to say, to everyone who followed this blog and wrote to me with thoughtful and thought-provoking messages at that point in my journey, thank you. My work on this blog added a deep sense of meaning to my life in an era when I felt so otherwise-adrift and reduced.
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zingara84 · 6 years
Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.
Maya Angelou  (via anditslove)
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zingara84 · 6 years
That’s me! :D
The luminary signs (Cancer and Leo) are like immensely powerful batteries. They require much attention and care to “charge” them up, but in return they can be the greatest source of strength and nurturing for others.
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zingara84 · 6 years
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Cosmos. Fleur phantasmagoria. Photo by Amber Maitrejean
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zingara84 · 6 years
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Plitvice Lakes, Croatia (by Sabine Klein)
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zingara84 · 6 years
I know we could accept the things we can't be for each other, and even turn it into the poetic tragedy of our lives. Or we could act. I want to act. I want this to happen.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (in a book that shall remain nameless, so as not to spoil the plot)
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zingara84 · 6 years
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zingara84 · 6 years
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zingara84 · 6 years
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zingara84 · 6 years
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