zerocalsaday · 4 years
i have become vegetarian and i’m so much more happier, i have a public excuse to eat less and deny food now :D there is some “chicken strips” from target that is 90 cal for two strips and they filled me up for 10+ hours i was full they are 7 grain coated and made from soy ,,, SUPER delicious highly recommend now tomorrow i fast :)
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zerocalsaday · 4 years
woke up this morning & gained 0.5kg 🤮 really upset. i’m pretty sure it’s because i ate late (even though all i had was carrot & tomato sauce rip) but still
i’m so done. i NEED to break 51 and every day that i wake up and don’t see it is a disappointment.
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zerocalsaday · 4 years
hi everyone!
recently i discovered a very good app with lots of short workouts, it also counts how many calories you burn (based on your weight, height, etc.).. if you pay for the membership you can also create your own workouts and more stuff! it has really helped me and there’s lots of categories (for example you can focus on a specific part on your body,, inner thighs etc.).. there are also workouts (like fat burn) that make you burn at least 100 kcal in 7 minutes!there are also really easy workouts and stretches.
the app is called Seven
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you can also follow other people and do their workouts!!!!!! i, personally have made some workouts as well (easy ones too) so if you’re interested, you can ask me my user in dm. ♡
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zerocalsaday · 4 years
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Something I made for a reminder to myself. *None of these pictures are mine* Stay strong. Stay safe đź’•
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
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before and after 
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
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🥀 requested Tights/Leggings Thinspo 🥀
I take requests!
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
Ok so i’m going to stop starve because
1. Im in a average weight
2. I dont want slow metabolism
3. I want to enjoy food
4. I want to get fit
5. I can get skinny just by eating healthier and train more often, i don’t need to starve to get skinny
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
having an ed while being cheap is a fucking struggle
like I don’t wanna finish this food but I paid for this shit lmfaooo
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
Its so fucking hard to decide if i want to eat so i can get faster metabolism or i will fast and get slower metabolism but get skinnier
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
breakfast: 2 eggs (151 cals but it will help you eat less in the rest of the day)
lunch: 1 pancake (74 cals), 140 g corn (112 cals)
Total cals: 337
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
A little thing to know...
Per week: Per day: You’ll lose:
3500 kcal. 500 kcal. 2.2 kg
3000 kcal. 455 kcal. 2.5 kg
2500 kcal. 355 kcal. 3.0 kg
2000 kcal. 285 kcal. 3.8 kg
1500 kcal. 210 kcal. 5.1 kg
1000 kcal. 140 kcal. 7.7 kg
500 kcal. 70 kcal. 15.4 kg
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
Tip for fasting longer/safer
So the reason we fast is, because at the 12hr no food mark, our bodies enter ketosis, which is when our bodies start breaking down and burning fat.
So, the entire point of fasting is to stay in ketosis as long as possible, right? Right. So what if I told you you could eat food on your fast and still stay in ketosis?
All you have to do is eat low carb (preferably high “good” fat) food like cheese, spinach, and avocado. Keeping a daily carb limit of 20g (in reality, every person has a different carb threshold, but 20g is a very safe general limit) will keep you in ketosis indefinitely. So when you’re fasting, and in ketosis, it is still okay to eat low carb high fat food.
So if you want to fast for a week, you totally can, if you have a few small snacks during that period. I personally love Babybel cheese wheels. They’re zero carbs, so I can snack on them during a fast without getting kicked out of ketosis.
So it’s technically not a real fast since I am consuming calories, but the point of fasting, ketosis, stays in effect.
Here are some popular things to eat while in ketosis, with carbs content and calories (in 100g servings)
-cheese (70 cal) (0-1.5g carbs, babybel original has 0g)
-avocado (160cal) (9g carbs)
-chicken breast (165cal) (0g carbs)
-eggs (78cal in one egg) (0.6g carb in one egg)
-Nonfat greek yogurt (59cal) (3.6g carb)
-raspberries (53cal) (12g carb)
-blackberries (43cal) (10g carb)
-unsweetened coffee/tea - you can sweeten it with stevia tho (0cal) (0g carb)
So next time you’re really suffering at the 36hr mark, grab a babybel or have a hard boiled egg. You’re technically breaking your fast, but you’re not breaking ketosis. Fat burning continues, your mental state improves. Stay safe y’all!
PS please please please take your fucking vitamins and meds. there are less than 20cal and 2g carbs in gummy vitamins, which will not break your fast or break ketosis. I hate seeing y’all skip out on your desperately needed vitamins and meds on your fast days, please take your goddamn meds and vitamins 🖤
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
Do y’all have metabolism boost days/ days you eat more than usual? How many calories do you usually have then and how many times do u have them?
I usually have them once in 2 weeks and usually around 1200 cals
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
2020 is THAT year. we are gonna be skinny. mark my words. LET’S GO
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zerocalsaday · 5 years
being the fat friend is one thing, being the fat SIBLING h u r t s
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