zemblanitys · 2 years
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     ❝      code  ?❞     he  questions  with  a  walkie  talkie  in  his  hands  before  looking  around  the  room  that  he  is  in.  he  has  never  been  to  an  escape  room  before,  but  not  being  able  to  know  who  you  are  teaming  up  with  and  only  communicating  through  a  device  is  certainly  an  interesting  concept.     ❝      i  did  find  a  newspaper  here.      ❞     he  looks  at  it  again  and  reads  the  headline  followed  by  the  text  below  it.  it  mentions  a  tragedy  having  occurred  two  days  after  opening  night.  that  means  the  date  would  be  …     ❝      could  you  try  131015?       ❞     could  that  be  the  combination  for  the  suitcase  in  the  other  room  ?  
@zemblanitys​ , did someone say escape room ? 
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           “ code . usually in situations like this you will have the code somewhere in there . it makes it more like teamwork i guess . ”
            one would think with her history she would hate escape rooms . myers corporation was basically one giant escape room that ended with -- well , with things she didn’t want to recall . in actuality , she thought they were pretty fun , a way to use her brain without the risk of death hanging over her head . 
             while the other worked on his end , she continued to look for a code just in case . but she was happy to hear that was indeed not the case .  moving over , she turns the wheel on the lock to the respective numbers and ta-da ! one opened suitcase .            “ it worked . hm ... looks like it’s a playbill inside . i can only guess this has a clue for your room . do you have a word puzzle or a letter lock over there by chance ? ”
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zemblanitys · 2 years
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           “ so explain to me again what you’re doing ? ”
            she didn’t want to ask why exactly why she was helping because she really didn’t think she was going to get an answer she liked . while yes , waking up with no memories a wild was weird , she can’t help but wonder if she would have ever thought holding a fork for a picture of a piece of food would be not weird . that didn’t mean she didn’t find it incredibly fascinating just why he was so enamored by a creme brulee . 
          “ also what was your name ? ” right . she should get that . 
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zemblanitys · 2 years
ok besties lets go. like this for a short starter!!  i'm gonna cap at 3 for my own sanity though for now.
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zemblanitys · 2 years
tag saving. 
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zemblanitys · 2 years
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·˚✎ currently keeping up with the builds of the game.
·˚✎ gatekeep gaslight girlboss
·˚✎ she likes puzzles. take her to an escape room for funsies. 
·˚✎ personality? sense of self? don’t know her. 
·˚✎ she might eat humans but that’s a minor setback. don’t worry about it, she won’t eat you. 
--------------------- PLAYLIST.   BOARD.  
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zemblanitys · 2 years
hello! without a previous reserve, i'd like to app vanora from vincent: the secret of myers. my app can be found /app or the link on my blog. thanks!!
Welcome to lovely Isola Radiale, Vanora!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 412!
You will retain your Retrocognition in order to see a single, minor event that will happen in the next five minutes (with mun permission where applicable) up to five times per day.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ canopus.
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