Student, Traveler, Pauper
19 posts
There's two goldfish in a tank. One turns to the other and says "You man the guns, Ill drive."
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
Size Matters
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I'm the type of person who likes to feel value in what I do.  I want my work to be valuable and I myself want to feel valued.  I feel like Barkley is the perfect size for this to happen.  It's an agency that is large enough to have all the resources you would ever need and major clients challenging you, but it's also small enough to where you can observe your impact being made on a regular basis.  I love that family feel in a work environment, so this is huge for me. 
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
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I can roll with the punches
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
Cognitive Ability
Another aspect that I pride myself on is my ability to learn on the fly.  I may not always know the most about a particular subject, but I dive into everything head first and hit the ground running.  Sound intuition and reasoning are a hell of a lot better than memorizing theories and definitions.  Sometimes your gut can do what a high IQ can't.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
One thing that I hope to see with advertising in the future is a genuine form of creativity.  Advertising in my eyes should be an art that people enjoy taking in, not something that they're forced to observe.  Guerrilla marketing provides some of the most captivating advertising around.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
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Eternal Rivalries make the competition all the more fun
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
One thing that will never change no matter what time zone is advertising and humor.  People like to laugh and it's as simple as that. 
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
TrueMove H's communication commercial really embodies everything that I believe advertising will be in the future; evoking emotion and striking a chord.  The times of "BIGGER, FASTER, STRONGER" no longer will work.  People don't want to buy products, they want to buy into the memories that products will give them.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
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GM's Acadian ad is really one that for me represents everything that advertising was in the past.  An explanation of what their product is and why people need it.  A straightforward and honest approach, but one that really doesn't work anymore.  
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
I've currently been blessed with the opportunity to study abroad in Barcelona, Spain.  My time so far has been an incredible learning experience, second to none.  While being over here, I have started to compile a little video of what I've done, as inspired by last years intern's video over Kansas City.  It's a teaser no where near complete, but at the very least will serve as a little break from reading.  Hope you enjoy!
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
(via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=mtLLJYBcFYY&u=/watch?v=WLL67CN2hnw&feature=share) This piece is a GI Joe commercial from the 1960's.  50 years ago Hasbro launched GI Joe as the young boys counter to the Barbie doll.  I chose this ad, because like any boy growing up, I was particularly found of action figures.  Additionally I'm a little bit of a history buff and launching the military inspired toy during the Vietnam War interested me.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
Intellectual Humility
I believe that one of the more underrated traits a person can have is the ability to check one's ego at the door.  A person who can recognize when a partner has a better idea can be more valuable than someone who is blindly leading a team.  If wake up everyday thinking you know it all, then you'll never learn a thing.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
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Die hard Royals fan
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
Passion drives success.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
What Makes Me Different
1. I can Salsa dance
2. Mike Sweeney was my idol growing up
3. Took every art class offered in high school
4. Foosball master
5. Owned a pair of baby blue Reebok Pumps in the 4th grade
6. Outkast's "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below" was the first CD I ever             purchased 
7. Saw MJ play as a Washington Wizard, so I've never really seen MJ           play
8. Was rejected by Pat Riley to take a photo last time I was in KC
9. Breaking Bad addict
10. Yo puedo hablar un poco español
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
I Can Mesh
While my drive for success is second to none, I'm still just about as easy going as a Jack Johnson song.  KCCO is my matrau, and I own the cliche "team player." One thing that my time abroad has taught me is the importance of respecting the styles and habits of people around you.  We all click in different ways and run on our own schedule.  I can adapt and relate; whether that means geeking out with the IT guy, holding a professional conversation with a client, or pretending like I enjoy listening to Grizzly Bear while working on a project with a creative.  I can mesh.
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
Against The Grain
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I firmly believe that you never want to be the coolest person in the room and I know that the instant I open the door and step into the Barkley Building I'll be so far down the list of cool people in that work place.  The team at Barkley is hodgepodge of some of the most creative and talented people this world has to offer.  The opportunity to surround myself with those kind of people for an entire summer would be an incredible chance for me to grow and develop both professionally and personally.  
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zdavidson · 11 years ago
Why Barkley?
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                       This past fall I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to come on a tour of Barkley with my professional fraternity Delta Sigma Pi.  Instantly I felt at home.  The superficial elements were easy to become entrapped in.  Who could turn down free ice cream, the awesome patio, or beer kegs?  But after spending the remainder of morning there I realized that it's the people and atmosphere that really make Barkley so great.
The creativity and thought process that went into both the Dairy Queen and Ball ads there were presented to us were second to none.  Upon further digging I realized that these weren't two isolated examples.  It amazed me the care you took with your clients no matter how big or small.  Tons of ad-agencies can generate numbers but Barkley does it the right way.  Barkley stays true to good.  Barkley stays true to its client.  
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