Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through.
The Wind Rises (2013)
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The Art of Hiroshi Yoshida
Hiroshi Yoshida was a 20th-century Japanese painter and woodblock print-maker. He is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the shin-hanga style, and is noted especially for his excellent landscape prints. Yoshida travelled widely, and was particularly known for his images of non-Japanese subjects done in traditional Japanese woodblock style.
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Wir alle sind Engel mit einem Flügel. Wir müssen einander umarmen, wenn wir fliegen wollen.
Luciano De Cresenzo
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I’ve always wanted to animate something sheep-related and here it is.
There will be more, but animation is very time consuming.
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Meticulously Arranged Objects by Artist Adam Hillman
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Wenn du etwas Schönes in jemandem siehst, sag es ihm. Es dauert nur Sekunden es auszusprechen, aber der Andere wird sich sein Leben lang daran erinnern.
(via @meinlebennebenmir)
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