Y’all are just mean. And petty. —————————Mostly fandom discourse. Occasional political reblogs. I am not skilled at debate, explaining, or writing. Mostly, I ramble off whatever pops into my head so take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
And yes I've heard the "reduces penile cancer" nonsense: I live in a country/culture in which MGM is very rare, and I've never heard of even one man getting cancer of the cock. I've known of two men in my extended circle of friends diagnosed with phimosis, who got circumcised as adults, but that's it. There's no reasonable justification to routinely take razorblades to the healthy genitals of babies, ultimately to appease a stone age sky god you likely don't even believe in.
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Lesbian witches made Anakin?
Someone please explain this because WTF??

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Trailer for The War on Children, an important and well-made full-length documentary on the present sexualization and indoctrination of children - how it came about and why - which is now out on X.
There are some unofficial uploads of it available on YouTube but the creators won't get any money from ad revenue there, so please watch on X instead.
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Y’all I’m dying
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I was gonna say, it’s unlikely they realized what he was saying because most of these chumps wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in the same way most can’t tell the difference between Russian and Ukrainian. Plus the dude is brown so because this group is hella racist they probably assume he’s Arabic.
Some looked like they were nodding along while a few seemed to understand what he was singing. Lol
UNITED STATES: Lone Jew sings “Am Yisrael Chai” as a massive crowd of pro-Hamas demonstrators gather in New York.
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Strawberry Period
Sounds like a radfem band name lol
indie band name generator:
your favourite fruit + the last reason you took painkillers
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Texas voters!
Did you sign the TEXIT petition? Not sure if you did? Maybe you signed the old one from a couple years ago, but aren’t sure if you ever signed the current one. Tomorrow is the last day to sign it!
The petition has met the minimum number of signatures, but during the verification process some signatures may be declared invalid if some people filled out the form incorrectly. To make sure this is on the ballot in March, we need some cushion!
Please use the link above to check whether you have signed the current petition, and if you haven’t signed it, please do so today (if you’re a registered Texas voter, that is)!
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Wow, I’m surprised it actually made it onto the ballot!
If you are a Republican voter in Texas, make sure you vote in the primaries! Texas independence will be on the Republican primary ballot!
The measure will read:
“Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?”
If you aren’t familiar with your Texas history, Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836 and was an independent nation until it was annexed by the United States in 1845. For a long time, maybe even since 1845 depending on how you count it, many in Texas have believed that we should have remained independent. Many now believe that it is time for us to be independent again, especially as we see the direction our federal government is dragging us.
Independence means keeping Texans’ money in Texas. It means securing our border, enforcing our laws, and freeing citizens and businesses from the burden of federal regulation. It also means using our natural resources for our benefit, and not being told by the federal government how to do so.
I’ve always said that primaries are more important than general elections. This may be one of the most important primaries in Texas history.
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I saw your RIPDoctorWho post and I’m almost scared to ask, but, what exactly is going on in the show that warrants that post?
You're right to be scared. Here's a good couple of explanations:
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Any time I see people call Israel a settler colonialist state I think about the history of the Mizrahi Jews who remained in Judea.
Mizrahi Jews in the seventh century, whose families had lived as native Israelites for 1,800 years, watching the Rashidun Caliphate move the first major wave of Arab Muslim migration into the imperial conquest they called "Military Palestine".
Mizrahi Jews who, over the course of the next 1,200 years, remained in the Levant. The ones who faced persecution, pogroms, and massacres under the Caliphates and Ottomans. The ones who stood strong and stayed put, as access to holy sites they had prayed at for three thousand years were taken from them. The ones who were faced with a choice between conversion and death, but chose neither.
Mizrahi Jews who watched as the modern State of Israel was established-- perhaps sighing in relief for just a moment. Maybe now, they would not be persecuted minorities in the land they had lived in for over three thousand years. Only to see other Mizrahim forced to flee their homes in Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran... Muslim-ruled countries that, through official law or social persecution, intentionally forced other Middle Eastern Jews to leave their homes and settle in Israel.
And the Mizrahi Jews today, who are the majority of the population of Israel. Most Israelis today are either Mizrahim who had lived in what is now Israeli territory for millennia, or Mizrahim who lived nearby and were forced by Muslim-majority nations to immigrate to Israel. Now, they get called "settler colonists", they get called "Europeans", they get called "fascists" and "Zionists". The world accuses them of occupying and stealing Palestinian land.
What were they supposed to have done differently?
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Come to think of it, are there any examples of a Southerner who is responsibly intelligent or is a genius?
Wait, I got one, Ash from Supernatural. At first he seems like a stereotype but then it turns out he’s a mega genius. The actor is from Louisiana, I think.
I think it should be discussed how in American media, a southern accent is nearly always narrative shorthand for “this character is dumb, belligerent, and racist”.
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Same, I’m conservative and I write fanfic that people really enjoy, I make fanart, I come up with interesting ideas in my fandoms that people like, and I also create my own stories!
I absolutely do not understand how the OP of that X post has his head so far up his ass.
I often see others in fandom shit on conservatives and think “wow, if only you knew someone you associate with online was in fact a conservative and isn’t the Disney villain you imagine them to be!” It’s almost like everyone is an individual and not a monolith, regardless of what they believe.
And that we don’t inject our ideology into everything we create like some people do.
I found this post, which I’ll link to at the end, that flat out says “conservatives can’t make good art because they lack empathy” and I just… How do you break it to someone that they’ve likely engaged with conservative creators and didn’t know it because the creator doesn’t blast their politics like they tend to do? Seriously, they vomit their politics all over what they create and create caricatures of conservatives to be villains and then claim we lack empathy? What a moron!
“Conservatives are incapable of producing good art because they lack empathy, which means they are incapable of creating anything which communicates to a larger audience. When they try to produce art, they only end up producing clumsy in-group signaling.
Conservatives falsely think that art is nothing more than in-group signaling, because they feel alienated by the features that typically constitute good art: exploration of new concepts, boundary breaking, an ability to reveal the inner lives of people who are not ourselves.”
x (dot) com /anarkyoutube/status/1721635415004795167?s=46&t=fABiWWpXbyJadSvu6LkbqQ
So I don't normally talk about this, but in my other online life I'm a fanfic writer. I have multiple fics with 5 digit hit counts, four digit kudos and bookmark counts, and hundreds of reviews. Many of which are from account names like "queeraf_demiboy" or "nonbinary_KarlMarx". If all of those people just happen to come across my fic without ever knowing my beliefs, just imagine how many others are out there. And that's just fanfic. And that's assuming people are being honest about their beliefs. You can't even trust that people who publicly support the Current Leftist Cause actually support it, or are just paying lip service for the sake of their careers. Conservatives are all over creative spaces. They make art. They write novels. They act in movies. They put on plays. They create video games.
And most of them aren't vocal about what they believe. And if that doesn't scare the leftists out there who can't stand the idea of accidentally liking something made by their ideological enemies, then I'll leave you with this.

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Hello, genuine question here: I’ve seen people mention how Hamas is using civilians as meat shields and that it’s a documented fact, but I haven’t seen any proof or documentation to back that up. Would you happen to have anything like that to show others?
I personally believe it because that’s the shit terrorists do, but evidence would help in arguments with pro-terrorist idiots.
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I've heard that the beheaded babies have not been confirmed, that it is just a claim being spread by the Israeli army and that they themselves have admitted that they do not have confirmation that this happened. (I hope it does turn out that this is not true and just misinformation being spread.)
Anti-Israeli lies.
Here is the CNN's Nic Robertson, one of many foreign journalists who yesterday were reporting from kibbutz Kfar Azza, confirming everything that Israeli soldiers, police people, paramedics and survivors of the slaughter had recounted. (no graphic images in the vid, he's just describing what he has seen)
If you want to see some of the more graphic horrific sights (still partly censored), you can, for example, check out this IG reel.
Let me also make something clear.
Israel is a democratic country, with free press, that can and does challenge the state's official institutes (including anti-Zionist Israeli journalists, who have every motivation to go against the government). Which means whatever information is released by official institutes will be subject to scrutiny. The government knows this. It is aware that it can't easily spread false info and propaganda even if it wanted to. Israel is not Gaza under Hamas, where that terrorist, antisemitic organization controls information, tortures Palestinian journalists, and threatens the lives of foreign reporters (something the foreign press association has spoken out against). What official information comes out of Israel is verifiable, because it has to be.
But more than that, I want to clarify why it wouldn't even want to. If you watch the news on Israeli TV, you won't see any horror images. As an Israeli, you can see those on social media, but not on the news. Because decades of suffering terrorism means there's a lot of sensitivity to preserving the dignity of the murdered and protecting the feelings of their families and the general population. That means, again, that the official institutes of the state will not make up horror stories that will emotionally abuse and scar the population. I did not vote for the current government, but I will also not de-humanize it by saying that it would knowingly and maliciously horrify its own people at a time when, as a society, we're all traumatized enough as is.
That's a part of why we're into the fifth day of this war and the government is still counting the dead from the massacre of the first day. Because the Israeli government is aware of how important the credibility and accuracy of its information is.
So just... shame on anyone spreading this lie that the State of Israel is spreading false propaganda about the horrors Hamas committed. I have no doubt that the source for this lie comes from those who want to discredit the accounts about these atrocities in general.
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FINALLY someone actually explained this whole strike thing! And I also can’t believe it never occurred to me before that these actors, and writers, could take this opportunity to create their own studios.
This video was great.
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